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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. scope of transformation and strategic transport routes. matvienko launched the movement along two new branches of the bama river. the objects we open allow. to give a new impetus to the development of
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the eastern regions of our entire large country. to the places of military glory, the great victories of our ancestors, the memory train will start very soon. how has the project changed? eight countries, which is of fundamental importance, all without exception, countries of the commonwealth of independent states, are participating in the project. modernization and adjustment, how changes in tax legislation will affect socio-economic development.
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why and for what areas of industry are diamonds grown? at this stand, diamonds are attached to special holders using glue, which can only be removed under the influence of ultraviolet. the most accessible sports infrastructure, how to attract russians to an active lifestyle and what is the state doing for this? the state development program continues to work, which means that new sports facilities will be built, ready for work and defense. what is the gto complex today and what advantages does it give to those. who passed it successfully. in order to test your strength, you don’t have to wait for the massive gto festivals, just come by appointment to the nearest testing center. a new impetus for the development of the baikal-amur mainline, which turns 50 this year. valentina matvienko, in a teleconference mode, launched traffic on two branches of the eastern range, which will significantly increase the capacity of the bama and transib in the direction of the ports of the far east. freight trains began to run on the new second.
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amur region and 323 km people on the khabarovsk railways on the purikan-murtegit stretches in the region. today's generation of builders, engineers, and railway workers can safely to call the bamovites worthy heirs, those for whom the construction of the highway was their life’s work, for those who, day after day , accomplished incredible feats of labor. so that today we have a strategic transport route that allows us to confidently develop the national economy and interact with partners in the asia-pacific region. you continue, one might say, to create a railway bridge connecting the european part of the country with the east siberian and far eastern industrial centers and ports. in
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in accordance with the decisions of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimovich putin, this year the construction of the second stage of the eastern test site will be completed, and russian railways will begin implementing the third stage. by the end of the twenty -fourth year, as i was told, 114 objects are planned to be put into temporary operation. in total , more than 30,000 people are involved in this work.
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in memory, schoolchildren from the cis countries will travel to memorial sites with only a week left before the train starts. continues the already established traditions, since he is leaving along the route for the third time, there are already several traditions, first, we begin our run on the night of june 22, the day when nazi germany attacked
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the soviet union, we begin it in the city of hero brest, then the route goes further along five belarusian and six russian. ladies, somewhere in the middle is patriot park in kubinka, the route will be different from the places we visited last year and the year before, but it will also be connected with the history of the great patriotic war, just as in in each of those places, from those cities where the project participants will come, they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with... how the history of this war looked like in the places they visited, and, of course, to see with their own eyes how modern cities and towns of belarus live now and russia. and who are these guys who
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are lucky enough to take a large international company through historically significant places? is there some kind of competition, in general, what needs to be done to become a participant in the project next year. our logistics capabilities. no trains allow you to invite more than 200 participants, this year there will be 200 of them, these are guys who have graduated plus or minus the tenth pre-graduation class of a secondary school, that is , they are approximately 15-16 years old, and these are guys who, of course, have gone through very serious selection procedures, in in the case of russia, since these procedures are different everywhere, i can only say... for our country, in the case of russia, these are 55 participants, each of them was ahead of at least 50 competitors, the competition was more than 50 people per place, in the past year we had about 20 people per place,
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the year before last in the first year of the run there were eight people per place, this year there are more than 50, you can imagine how tough the conditions were, this is higher than the most prestigious universities and... guys, who ultimately won, of course, in the highest degree of readiness and, most importantly, motivation to learn new things and make new interesting friends. this year russia presides over the cis. we know that you invited all countries to participate in the memory train. what kind of responses? we received what other joint projects to preserve the memory of the feat of fraternal peoples in the great patriotic war are being implemented in the cis. each of our new projects is different from the previous ones, and not only this is the route, it is also the number of countries that are invited to the project, in the first year there were only two, russia and belarus, the second year it became twice as many, schoolchildren from armenia joined us and kyrgyzstan, this year
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another twofold increase, eight countries, which is fundamentally important, all without exception commonwealth countries are independent. states are participating in the project from russia, from belarus 55 people each, from other countries 15 people each, and we are sincerely glad that this result was achieved precisely in the year of the russian chairmanship in the commonwealth of independent states, well, as regards other events in within the framework of the russian chairmanship, dedicated to the history of the great patriotic war, there are a lot of them, you can’t list them all, i’ll probably highlight the two most significant for me, this is the joint work of historians that has begun on preparation of a common textbook on the history of the great patriotic war for the countries of the commonwealth, i would not like to anticipate the development of events, i hope that it will be possible to bring this work to
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the end, that the textbook will actually turn out to be meaningful, that it will be honest, that it will be informative, that it will be used in further in the educational programs of all countries. who are participating in this project, well, the second, from my point of view , very significant project is the preparation of a single medal in memory of the eightieth anniversary... children were killed. the relevant data is contained in the final report of the parliamentary commission investigating crimes
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against children in kiev. this document, according to commission co-chair inna svitenko, can become the basis for a tribunal over the kiev regime. the report summarizes all crimes of the kiev authorities against minors and gives their international legal assessment. the document will be considered at meetings of the state duma and the federation council in the near future, and then the world’s parliaments and international organizations will familiarize themselves with the materials. un children's fund, the council of europe, the osce, the international committee of the red cross, the international criminal court turned out to be blind and deaf to the crimes against our children. but colleagues, visual evidence of the suffering to which the kiev regime condemns defenseless children should become available to the general public and not only in russia. unfortunately, the fate of hundreds of children is still unknown.
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russia and the world community about kiev’s crimes against children. inna svitenko also noted that one of the results of the commission’s work was an audit of the russian legislation on child safety in the digital space. a package of legislative initiatives has already been prepared and submitted to the lower house, which is aimed at protecting children from information that is harmful to their health and development. in addition, the federation council is developing mechanisms to counter the involvement of minors in terrorist activities. using photos, audio and video materials, including those created with the help of artificial intelligence. short
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with a smile safely and conveniently. select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look into the camera, get cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sbi. this is the senate program, see below. modernization and additional adjustments, how changes in tax legislation will affect the socio-economic development of the regions, and how citizens will feel it, from a rate of 13% minus 7, it turns out 6%, that is, people in such families will pay dfl at a rate of 6%, in fact. new impulses for industrial production, as our country gets rid of
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dependence on imports in the most sensitive areas, manufacturers need the most guaranteed. objects, ready for work and defense, what the gto complex is today and what does it give benefits to those who pass it successfully? in order to test your strength, you don’t have to wait for the massive trp festivals; it’s enough to come by appointment to the nearest testing center. measures to improve the tax system should make it more fair and balanced, said senator
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anatoly artamonov. the head of the relevant committee of the federation council noted that all proposals have comments on its further adjustment.
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this is a very important support measure, which was proposed on behalf of the president, it applies to families that earn no more than one and a half subsistence minimum per person. per year, respectively, such families in which there are two children or three, four, five more than two children, they will be able to take advantage of such a tax deduction,
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the deduction is supposed to be done quite simply, that is, the income per person in the family is considered, income, and it should not exceed per person, exactly one and a half subsistence minimum per month, well, it’s usually clear if you take a family of two adults and... let’s say two children, then if they work two adults, that is, father and mother, then each of them should receive, well, if we proceed from the average cost of living in the country, then about 53,000 rubles per month, to put it in the simplest terms, 53,000 rubles per person, if two parents work, and 106,000 rubles, if one of the parents only works, this is monthly income, when a person works the whole month, in fact, he can... claim a tax deduction, according to which the tax is actually on the income of individuals will not be 13% amount to only six, that is
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, the tax deduction itself is 7%, from the rate of 13% minus 7 it turns out to be 6%, that is, people in such families will pay dfl at a rate of 6%, in fact, very significantly, i think this is an increase for such families, according to the ministry of finance's calculations, the number of families that will be able to benefit. in our country, in fact, such a measure of support in our country is actually more than half of the existing ones, yes, that is, more than half of such families, they will be able to apply for a similar measure of support, this is very important, the amount for such a family that i mentioned, with an income per person of 53,000 rubles, and can be about a little less than 90,000 rubles per year, as some call it, this is actually the thirteenth salary, well , because it will be paid annually at the end of the year and will be paid from... federal budget funds, which is very important for the regions, and well, significantly, i think, will support and help our families, in addition, of course, to all the measures currently available to support families and families with children.
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i would also like to talk about business, like changes in tax legislation will russian companies support? you know, a number of changes are expected, and perhaps one of the most important changes concerns the taxation of small medium-sized businesses. many of our associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs have appealed in defense of small medium-sized businesses to raise the threshold for the profitability of companies at which they can pay under a simplified taxation system. now such a threshold for the income of small or medium-sized enterprises is being proposed. it is proposed to increase the profitability of such enterprises. from 250 million rubles to 400. 50 million rub. to use a simplified taxation system, or - if the property of such an enterprise amounts to 200 million rubles. this threshold has also been raised. this
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is very important in order to involve a simplified payment system and, accordingly, a larger number of entrepreneurs. the second such measure that is proposed is tax deductions, in fact, which is also supported by the absolute majority, the federal investment deduction. supposed for companies that invest money, well, let's say, not in offshore companies that invest money not in business production, excisable goods, that is, tobacco and so on and so forth, but for companies that work in the manufacturing industry, that is, these are industrial companies that invest money in their businesses that invest money in the construction of factories, in the renewal of fixed assets, that invest money in the purchase of high-tech equipment, the amount of income tax that such will pay. companies under certain conditions can be reduced to be credited to the federal budget to zero, in fact, that is, this is not a zero rate, and the rates are 25%,
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what is paid to the federal budget will be reduced to zero, and this is very important, because by doing so we we are actually developing not only the fiscal functions but also the redistributive functions of the budget and tax system, namely the stimulating one. there are a number of other changes that our entrepreneurs will support ... we are also talking about changes in the tax burden, what is known about this and how it is done will it affect the entire area? you know, all the proposed changes now, they are based
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on detailed, rather serious calculations and... over the past few years , profitability in some industries of rental production, let's say, is the extraction of iron ore, in particular, the extraction of relevant substances, minerals that are used for the production of fertilizers, let's say phosphorus and potassium, as well as gas for the production of ammonia, the actual rental yield there is three to four times higher than the national average, that is new markets have opened, conditions, conditions have changed, and so on and so forth, the company’s profitability... reaches, in fact, up to 60%, while the national average is 10-12% in total, that is, sometimes five to six times the profitability above, of course, in this case the redistributive function of the budget should be included so that taxation, strictly speaking, budget revenues are carried out on a more equitable scale, therefore, here it is assumed specifically for the extraction of iron ore, for the extraction of phosphorus and potassium and gas for... production
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ammonia should be taxed at a higher rate, there from 1.15 increase to 2.5 here in this case, too, everything is done mutually in mutual coordination so that companies can first invest in the renewal of fixed assets, that is, for such companies there are certain preferences , and secondly , so that companies do not lose on what they could have lost earlier, that is , the so-called export exchange rates are canceled at the same time. duties so that these companies can remain competitive in world markets, then that is, we mean the exchange rate export duty, which depended primarily not on the financial result of the company’s activities, but simply on the value of the exchange rate in the country, but companies had to pay this duty in any case when exporting their goods, this export duty simultaneously with the introduction new rates will be canceled from january 1, 2025, so
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a certain damping... mechanism will play here and now, of course, there is still a certain share of discussions that are being conducted mostly not even on the rates and mechanisms themselves, and on how competitive it will now be for each specific enterprise to export this product, how much this will affect prices and the like, but in this case, calculations by the ministry of finance show that some companies even benefit because exchange rate export duty, it was more than... the amount they will now pay under the changes. meeting the needs of the economy in personnel is an important task to solve, which requires an integrated government approach. it's not not only about high-quality training of specialists in a variety of professions, but also about their demand. in recent years, senators together with the government have developed and adopted laws on the creation of a unified digital platform for russia. to help people find employment, there are
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employment centers throughout the country, and there are more of them. called labor exchanges. in addition to helping you find a job, they can teach you new professions. how to take advantage of these opportunities? svetlana temerbulatova will talk about this. officially an able-bodied person who does not work anywhere and does not have any means of earning money is considered unemployed. at the same time, he must be registered with the employment service and ready to start working as soon as a suitable place is found. in order to obtain the appropriate status, a citizen needs to contact the employment center in person. next, you need to write an application for unemployed status and provide the necessary documents, such as a passport, inn, work book and others. to receive benefits you will need a resume on the website the work of russia, it must be created after submitting the application. a unified state information system has already been created and is operating in russia. if we enter the site, we will see
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two at once. the most understandable windows are the registration of potential workers who apply for social benefits in unemployment and the registration of those who do not apply. after the application has been reviewed, a specialist from the employment center will call to clarify your wishes for a new job, and then invite you to a personal meeting and offer vacancies taking into account qualifications and qualifications. level of education. if a suitable job cannot be found, then within 11 days the person will be declared unemployed. the size of the payment period depends on the category and length of service of the unemployed, past earnings, reason for dismissal and the regional coefficient. over the course of several months you can receive from one and a half thousand to 13.5. who can receive the maximum benefit? these are persons who have worked for at least 26 weeks during the year before contacting the employment service. who gets the minimum wage? as
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a rule, these are people


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