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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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registration of potential workers who apply for social unemployment benefits, and registration of those who do not apply. after the application has been reviewed, a specialist from the employment center will call you to clarify your wishes for a new job, and then invite you to a personal meeting and offer vacancies taking into account your qualifications and level of education. if a suitable job cannot be found, then within 11 days the person will be declared unemployed. the size of the payment period for...
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who have not worked for a long time, respectively, individual entrepreneurs and taxpayers of professional income tax, if they did not also carry out labor activities at the same time. in order not to lose your unemployment status , you must respond to the offered vacancies and register at the employment center. citizens over 16 years of age who have no... work, no old-age pension, those who are not self-employed or individual entrepreneurs, can register as unemployed and receive benefits. undergo military service, as well as other categories. employment centers today are moving to new work standards, attracting workers from other regions, and holding job fairs. the federation council continues to improve the legal regulation of this area in order to solve the problem of personnel shortages, including in the healthcare system. now in russia there is a shortage of about 30,000. doctors and about 50,000
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mid-level medical specialists, the main directions of personnel policy, i believe, is the attraction of primary medical personnel, training, their retention, increasing the efficiency of their activities. i would also like to note the effectiveness of the zemsky doctor ezimsky felsher program. i believe that these programs definitely need to be developed further. since improving the quality, and most importantly the accessibility, of medical care in small settlements is one of the priority personnel policies in the healthcare sector. you can contact the employment service not only for help in finding a job by assigning unemployment benefits; the centers can offer vocational retraining services, as well as psychological assistance and other support measures. the development of...
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the economy depends on the creation of optimal conditions for entrepreneurs, participants in the international economic forum in st. petersburg spoke about this; we’ll ask senator vladimir kravchenko about what needs to be done to support small medium-sized businesses in russia. vladimir kazimirovich, what measures of state support for small medium-sized businesses until 2030 are we talking about now, what support do they need? such enterprises? this year , the national project to support small medium-sized businesses is ending, and now a proposal is being prepared at the level of ministries, the government as a whole, of course, in the federation council, regional teams are sending their proposals. what are we talking about about those measures that today allow small medium-sized businesses to develop? the president also spoke about this in his message, that during the current year, 1,200 new small medium-sized businesses have appeared. that,
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that young people are going into business, and the figure was stated : more than 240,000 young businessmen under the age of 25 have come, but nevertheless serious problems remain, problems at the level of the number of manufacturing businesses, high-tech ones, that is, this percentage is very small, so far somewhere up to 1 %, and export-oriented companies, so at the round table we just discussed these support measures and those tools, the heads of enterprises are talking about this, therefore, returning once again to the tools that have proven themselves, of course, those loans that are subsidized through the corporation. attention to representatives of both
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the ministry of economic development and the sme corporation. well, we are waiting, accordingly, for a reaction from these departments. at least 100 industrial parks, technology parks and business parks are planned to be created in russia by 2030. what kind of economic boost will the regions receive from the implementation of these plans? and industrial parks, technology parks, in principle, are all preferential regimes for supporting small medium-sized businesses. coming back again. to the first question, we, unfortunately, have a share in gross domestic products of the country over the past years, despite the fact that we have observed an increase in the number of subjects has already reached 6.5 million, the share remains at 20%, so the president
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has set the task of increasing this share to at least forty by the year thirtieth, an industrial park or technology parks - these are preferential regimes that work within the territory of the moving... the most important agreements in the industrial sector are falling apart and this year was no exception, support for the development of the industry, which has embarked on the path of import substitution, was discussed at most sessions. let us note that there is practically no area of ​​industrial production that could do without the use of diamonds. their production will be discussed further, from the report
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by oksana patturkina, you will learn how one of the hardest minerals is grown and where it is used. i put the diamond plate into the fusion reactor after 100 hours. synthesis, an increase of 1.5 mm is expected, this is how electronic quality diamonds are grown, which are then used in microelectronics, the nuclear industry, and manufacturing ultra-precision optics and other high-tech industries, a bright light in the viewing window means that the diamond is now increasing in size, by the way, even the weather affects the process, but this factor is not the main one, these must be pure starting materials, these must be pure gases, from which synthesis is being carried out, the conditions must be met, and of course the recipe must be worked out and absolutely stable equipment that can work for days, weeks in the same mode. here, in the center of diamond technologies, hymology is carried out research of the mineral for further use. so, the crystal has been grown, now, in simple terms, you need to cut off everything that is not needed for further work. in this installation, the diamond is attached to special
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holders using glue, which hardens only under the influence of ultraviolet light. at the same time, for accuracy of fixation, an enlarged image of the process is displayed on the screen. this manipulation is necessary. to then place the artificial crystal in a laser machine to cut it. the resulting diamond plate is polished, this is one of the final important stages of its production, because even the slightest roughness must be eliminated in the manufacture of microelectronics. they are removed by a cast iron disk, which makes about 3,000 revolutions per minute. it is coated with diamond, diamond powder is mixed with certain solutions, everyone does it differently. diamond polishes a diamond. yes, unfortunately, there is no other way to cut a diamond. a polished diamond can become... for the synthesis of a new crystal can be used, for example, in medical technology. i have an ampoule in my hands, inside which contains the diamond plate. as a result of labor-intensive and delicate work, it turns into a detector, which is then placed in a housing. this detector is used in radiation therapy to treat cancer patients. it controls the radiation dose,
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and diamond plates are also used to diagnose the operation of a thermonuclear reactor. the international pilot project is called itr. on the russian side, its implementation is coordinated by the project center of the same name. pant, which includes a diamond detector in the sector where development is underway, manufacturing and testing of this necessary device. there are several countries - europe, japan, the united states, korea and china - participating in the creation of this reactor. this suggests that this problem is not simple; when a thermonuclear reactor is created, then on earth we will receive an inexhaustible source of energy. and the detectors in this reactor are diagnostic elements. measuring thermonuclear power, they must withstand long-term radiation loads, operate reliably in conditions of high temperatures, strong magnetic fields and electromagnetic interference, which is why each detector contains an invulnerable mineral created under special conditions, here we have a laboratory - in which there are cvd installations for diamond epithesia,
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that is, for growth, accordingly , there is a diamond substrate inside, on which , well, epitaxy of the diamond material occurs at a low speed, that is , its thickness gradually increases. the next stage after synthesizing diamond and creating a plate from it is cleaning it from carbon dust. we are cleaning diamonds, currently into chrome peaks. temperature 270°c. after this, we will clean in ultrasound in deionized water, in order to apply the contacts, we need another cleaning of aqua regia, this is a solution of perchloric acid and nitric acid. firing furnaces bring the quality of the diamond to the required parameters. next, contacts are sprayed, for example, platinum or gold, which are 2.0 times thinner than a human hair. then the conductors are welded to them; this is a filigree work that is carried out under repeated increase. how does microwelding work? here is a coil of gold wire, it fits
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here in the case, and this wire here, here it is stretched from here, if you look closely, you will see it. as a result , the partial structure for the detector is a plate with applied contacts, which is placed in a sapphire insulator, where a frame is formed by a laser for each diamond. however, the use of diamond technologies, of course, is not limited to the nuclear industry; they have an important role in production electronics and microelectronics, which are of strategic importance for... the country's economy, the federation council pays great attention not only to their development, but also to stimulating demand for products of the domestic radio-electronic industry. today, about 35% of products are domestically produced, which is already a lot, because just a few years ago the situation was much worse, import substitution in general is of course developing well, but manufacturers need the most guaranteed market. sales, then there is a demand, we are also working on this with the government and within the framework of a special state program for
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the development of electronics, in the context of the current formation of new national projects of technological sovereignty, a package of laws has been adopted for the development of the industry, an initiative is in the works that will expand opportunities for government and municipal purchases from domestic manufacturers. aksana podturkina, mikhail chuprasov, alexander shedevr, irina chumikova and andrey litvin, senate program. in russia sales on marketplaces are growing significantly. in online stores. this year, the total volume of online purchases could reach 7 trillion rubles. however, with the rapid development of this market, a number of issues have emerged that require legislative regulation. let's talk in more detail about what is being done to ensure that consumer rights are fully taken into account with senator viktor zobnev. thanks, probably, to marketing, which is rapidly developing in our country, plus electronic capabilities, digitalization of sales, and just influenced that.
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the question concerns proposals for subscriptions, so that we write off funds only in agreement with those who use these subscriptions, that is, not impersonally and not uncontrolled, the second bill is a question regarding identification using the attached identification certificates. bases of the products that are offered on marketplaces, this is very relevant, because there are precedents
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for the sales of medicines, dietary supplements and the like, where, let’s say, it is quite difficult to even identify the legality of these sales. i want to say again that marketplaces today not only offer goods, they are already services, in principle quite serious goods that require service, and today they even offer to sell. tell us what other proposals are currently being discussed in the upper house to protect the rights of consumers, goods and services, when working in this format, the law on the protection of consumer rights requires constant amendments, but today even the issue is being discussed, perhaps it will be developed, this issue will continue, this is the law on marketplaces in general, i say again: after all, the high concentration of sales through electronic platforms, it forces us
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to pay attention to it, the point is that to this market and, uh, prescribe the rules of the game, which will concern manufacturers of trading platforms and, of course, protect the rights of consumers who use these platforms. centers for early physical development will appear in russia. law on their creation approved by senators, it has already been signed by the president. in these organizations. specialists will determine which sport the child is most predisposed to, as well as conduct physical education activities and prepare children to meet the test standards of the gto complex. this year, by the way, the complex has been revived. ready for work and defense for 10 years, five of them he is an integral part of the federal project sports, standards of living, the national project demography, about what the gto is today in marina pavlova’s report. perhaps the best a way to test your agility, endurance, strength and flexibility is to pass the gto standards. in 10
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years , more than 22 million russians have already joined the revived complex, and festivals have become fashionable throughout the country. for different categories of the population, many people love family ones, this is an opportunity to test their strength and introduce all their relatives to sports, the alekseev family also thinks so, they support each other with the help of sign language, this does not in the least interfere with active participation in sports. in the mornings , we also tell the children that they must well, do exercises, that’s why we always do exercises, i play football, volleyball, and i go skiing, riding, and running. whole teams come to show what they are capable of. this is the final of the all-russian gto festival among labor organizations with the support of the national project demography. this is the sixth time such competitions have been held. in order to test your strength, you don’t have to wait for the massive trp festivals; it’s enough to come by appointment to the nearest testing center.
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you can participate from the age of six. you only need have a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of contraindications to passing the standard in the trp. of course, it is better to practice before the judge records the result. 24 times is for silver. from the outside, this basic complex looks very simple, but when you really start testing it on yourself, it turns out to be a little more complicated. for beginners, the task is to complete their first complex, and for active participants in the gto program, improve their personal best. there are no rivals here, everyone has their own race, in which the main the goal is to overcome yourself. it’s generally interesting what i’m capable of, and it still motivates me later in the future, if for myself. if you are satisfied, for example, with the result you got today, then this motivates you to train even more and, well, try again. gtu testing centers continue to open throughout russia, with more than 300 in the capital alone . there are many muscovites ready to test their strength, especially among the younger generation. i want to become the strongest, healthiest, and never get sick.
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i’ve come here for the fifth time, i’m applying for gold badge, this will help me when entering college. in principle, it’s like testing my body, my capabilities, so let’s say, i’m applying for a gold badge, because it can help with entering the university. in addition to additional points for the unified state examination, there are other preferences for successfully passing the gto. in a number of regions , discounts are provided on visits to sports facilities, city attractions, bookstores and much more, as well as a ceremonial presentation of insignia for the strongest, fastest and most agile.
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the number of russians leading an active lifestyle, now more than half of the country's population goes in for sports, by 2030 the president has set the goal of involving 70% of russian citizens in sports, for this additional support measures are being developed. next year, a tax deduction will be provided to those people who underwent a medical examination, this time and took part in passing the gto, that is, a very good measure that will encourage people to study.
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about 65 billion rubles will be allocated for projects to improve the volga and preserve it over 6 years. marina pavlova, mikhail chuprasov, andrey litvin, senate program. next week , senators will discuss the results of the implementation of federal unique water facilities. they will hold discussions about the problems and prospects for the development of selection and seed production in our country. will consider issues of developing master plans for the integrated development of territories. the topic of innovations in legislation will be touched upon. see you on the air, see you on the senate program.
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welcome to asia, the heart of the continent beats here
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. the withdrawal of ukrainian armed forces from new regions to a nuclear-free region will give the order to begin a ceasefire. negotiation. because of vladimir putin's speech at the foreign ministry building, our correspondent followed.


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