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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the structure of eurasia themselves must determine specific areas of cooperation in the field of joint security, based on the fact that they themselves must build systems of working institutions, mechanisms, mechanisms of agreements that would actually serve the achievement of common goals of stability and development. vladimir putin emphasized that we must proceed from the fact that the system is open to all eurasian countries, including european ones, but due to the fact that geography cannot be changed, europe should improve it. dialogue with moscow, it is open to this work, and here the main thing is that the former hegemon does not interfere. the danger for europe does not come from russia, the main threat for europeans is in the critical , ever-increasing, almost total dependence on the united states, in the military, political, technological, ideological and information spheres; europe is increasingly being pushed to the margins of global economic development. plunged into the chaos
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of migration and other acute problems, deprived of international subjectivity and cultural identity. sometimes one gets the impression that the ruling european politicians and representatives of the european bureaucracy are more afraid of falling out of favor with washington than of losing the trust of their own people, their own citizens. the recent elections to the european parliament also show this. european politicians are swallowing. humiliation and rudeness, scandals with surveillance of european leaders, and the united states simply uses them for its own interests. well, then, president vladimir putin moved on to the part of his speech that will be discussed throughout the world for a long time; he outlined his view on the current state of affairs around ukraine, most importantly, recalled in detail what led the world to the current situation. in the west , the thesis is constantly heard that russia started the war.
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once again, i want to emphasize that russia did not start the war, it was the kiev regime, i repeat, after the inhabitants of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law, declared their independence, began hostilities.
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navtali bennett offered himself as a negotiator; he at that time headed the israeli cabinet. his mediation in the peaceful end of the conflict suggested by many western politicians. one of them was on a working visit to moscow on march 5, 2020 (march 5) and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to the fact that he had secured the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as high-ranking representatives usa. during the conversation , our foreign guest asked whether our russian troops would remain in kherson? to this he replied that, in general, i do not rule out the preservation of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, on the condition that that russia will have a strong land
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connection with crimea, that is, kiev must guarantee the so-called easement, the negotiating partner said that in the future he was going to go to kiev to continue the conversation. now with colleagues in the ukrainian capital, we welcomed this as a general attempt to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, because every day of fighting meant new casualties, but in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted, on the contrary, how do we it became known, he was accused of taking pro-russian positions, now that the term of office has expired... president zelensky is faced with the acute question of who to negotiate with, with whom to sign documents, and vladimir putin, relying on the fact what is written in the constitution of ukraine, today i again recalled that the legitimate leader of this state at the moment is
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the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk. the presidential term of the previously elected head of ukraine has expired, along with his legitimacy, which cannot be restored by any tricks. in fact, the current tragic page in the history of ukraine began with the forceful seizure of power, as i already said, an anti-constitutional coup in 2014. i repeat, the source of the current kiev regime is an armed bunch, and now the circle is closed, the executive power in ukraine is again, as in 2014, usurped , held illegally, in fact .
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initiative to be held in switzerland so as you know, they began to actively promote the so-called high- level international conference on peace in ukraine. what the organizers of the meeting in switzerland are proposing just another ploy to divert everyone’s attention, reverse the cause and effect of the ukrainian crisis, set the discussion on the wrong track, and to some extent indicate the appearance of legitimacy of the current one. despite all attempts to give a more or less decent appearance to the conference agenda. we can already expect that everything will come down to
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general conversations of a demagogic nature and a new set of accusations against russia. and today vladimir putin named the conditions under implementation of which moscow is ready to sit down at the negotiating table tomorrow. the conditions for starting such a conversation are simple and boil down to the following: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry to ukraine. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal to... from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, from our side immediately, literally at the same minute, an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, at the same time
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we guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. today we are making another concrete, real peace proposal. if. will continue to change, not in favor of the kiev regime, and the conditions for starting on the ground on the line of combat contact the negotiations will be different, it is not about freezing the conflict, but about its final end, about what steps moscow will take along the diplomatic line, foreign minister sergei lavrov said today. as for the role of the foreign ministry, we are not going to run after anyone, our ambassadors are in detail in the respective capitals...
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kiev and the west will refuse to fulfill these conditions, this will be their responsibility. khramtsova, yuri gonchar, valery glushakov. news. the west needs to continue the confrontation until the last ukrainian, so peaceful putin's initiative was predictably met with hostility. however, kiev had a chance to stop the war. thus, the press secretary of the russian president commented on the violent reaction to putin’s proposals in ukraine in the nato leadership. and this is what dmitry peskov said in an interview with the author and presenter.
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completely, then all, so to speak, military means come into force, so
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a special military operation is being carried out, now it’s real, real, with the kiev regime, with the illegitimate zelensky, and it’s very important understand that the president today has finally drawn a line under the thesis of zelensky’s illegitimacy, they have a chance, they have a chance to consider putin’s peace initiative, taking into account the current realities on the fronts, to stop the war and move on to peaceful regulation. the number of victims in the collapse of an entrance in belgorod shebekin has increased to seven. governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. four victims were sent to hospitals, three were treated on the spot. six more people were rescued. some of them were removed from upper floors using a fire escape. let me remind you that today, during the shelling of shibekin
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, the entrance to a high-rise building collapsed. debris clearing continues now. the ministry of emergency situations has increased the search and rescue group to 330 people. and alexander korobov has all the details. debris clearance continues at the site, rescuers from the territorial self-defense force and construction workers are working. arrived at the site, the analysis continues . operational services quickly cleared up all the rubble, the builders are working very carefully, somewhere a crane is helping them remove large debris, then they work manually, silence is periodically announced, it was known that, in principle, the house is relatively empty, that is, the majority.
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the governor of the belgorod region , vyacheslav glotkov, visited the site, with his deputies he discussed the progress of clearing the rubble, as well as the placement of residents from neighboring houses, they were also seriously damaged, windows were broken in many apartments, it is not possible to stay there yet, so if necessary they will be resettled, but the governor met with some residents. smoke straight stops of dust and on that side and this then i’m already watching a man from the neighboring house looking at me, he’s throwing it off and i left, then i left.
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a week, 19 group strikes were carried out on the territory of ukraine. and my colleague denis alekseev will tell you more about how the special military operation took place this week. an example of another ukrainian armed forces fiasco. the reason: the carelessness of ukrainian commanders, who allegedly continue to consider themselves invisible on the monitors of our aerial reconnaissance. the russian military noticed the movements of ukrainian armored vehicles with personal composition, the armed forces of ukraine tried to carry out rotation. and these are the shots that are russian. military groups observe the dnieper very often, ukrainian troops are trying to cross the river on a boat, the desire to gain a foothold on the islands in the dnieper waters remains a desire, nothing more. units of the vos dnepr group defeated the formation of three brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, a brigade of the marine infantry and the union of the national guards of ukraine. enemy losses in
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a week in this direction amounted to 555 military personnel (37). sanitary zone continues and is very successful, our north group is making every effort to do this quickly and efficiently. over the past week, 45 enemy counterattacks have been repelled, and his losses are more than 1,700 people. a unit of the vostok group liberated the village of staromaiskaya this week; at the beginning of last summer , the ukrainian counter-offensive hit this point; the ukrainian armed forces
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lost a huge amount of forces and resources in attempts to advance further or at least hold this line. but it didn’t work out, only within a week the ukrainian formations in the area thousands of fighters lost. on the kupinsky front , the western group continues to carry out its assigned tasks. this week , they chalked up the liberation of two settlements, artyomovka and timkovka, at once, causing serious damage to at least three brigades of the national guard of ukraine, five mechanized brigades. and the vdeevsky direction is the center group and their anti-aircraft gunners. only this combat crew has more to its credit. intercepted air targets. over the past week, our air defense systems intercepted 13 missiles from akms, and another eight guided american bombs, 465 drones, the mig-29 fighter was shot down. two more ukrainian air force aircraft were destroyed right at the airfields, based on long-range weapons. from june 8 to june 14, in response to
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attempts by the kiev regime. cause damage to russian energy facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 19 group strikes with high-precision ground-based airborne weapons, as well as attack unmanned aerial vehicles, during which energy facilities supporting the operation of enterprises of the military-industrial complex were hit ukraine. our military continues to strike at the locations of foreign mercenaries, at gathering places and meetings of high command. the morale of the armed forces of ukraine , against the backdrop of permanent mobilization throughout ukraine, is noticeably decreasing during the week , another fifty ukrainian military personnel surrendered on the line of combat contact. denis alekseev, news!
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the electricity shortage in ukraine will grow. in the coming days, energoatom will begin repairing a unit of one of the nuclear power plants. its power is 1.00
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mw. a week later, five more from the available ones nine blocks will be taken out for repairs. last year, the temporary loss of this capacity was partially compensated by solar generation, but now it has fallen by 20% due to cloudy weather. connection at nuclear power plants, which are planned, as i... understand, will not occur simultaneously, but will occur sequentially, well, simply as part of some preventive work, if the ukrainian side has to simply stop nuclear power plants, then in fact ukraine will lose, well about half of the total produced electrical energy, which means that it will be physically impossible to reliably supply, despite all the opportunities to ensure exports and so on, due to damage to generation facilities and shortages. own production, ukraine in june increased purchases of electricity from european countries by more than a third. the day before it broke another daily import record.
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the total volume in one day exceeded 30,000 megawatt-hours. supplies came from romania, slovakia, poland, hungary and moldova. according to the national bank of ukraine, until by the end of the year, the country will spend approximately $800 million on electricity imports. in romania, for example, there is a lot of renewable electricity. they can pump when the weather is windy and sunny, so they supply then from poland, hungary, they pump primarily from thermal power plants, so their supplies are stable, except for cases when individual power plants go for repairs. more than 80% of ukraine's energy infrastructure was damaged, and the country lost 9 gw or 50% of its generation capacity.
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in fact, the outages started at 14:00; power supply to critical infrastructure facilities and enterprises that import 80% of electricity for their needs is not limited. at the beginning of may, the ukrainian authorities began to ask citizens not to turn on energy-intensive appliances during peak load hours, and introduced limits for industrial facilities, but these measures were not enough, since then shutdown schedules have become the norm, as stated in...
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4 hours a day, in peak load times , power generation shortfalls may reach 35%, and the first winter without shutdowns is possible no earlier than 2027.
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welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the author’s program besagon tv, it’s called today children, tomorrow people, i hope it will be interesting, i’m looking forward to seeing you. literally in a matter of days, the godrons have radically changed the picture of the battle, they fly in, destroy everything they see, and in parallel with the means of attack, means of defense against them are being developed. began, small disturbances began, critical, critical signal, yes, a bird is on the ground, these drones have already drunk a lot of blood, so
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fighting them is... the priority now, the alarm writes, that is, to be honest, i would hide somewhere now, there is a chance, that something could fly to us, today there are about a thousand devices operating along the entire length of the contact line, we will have unique information.
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we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries. movies, watch, watch, in the application or on the website, a bright future is getting closer, according to
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westerners. climatologist and ecologist, then yes, the share of renewable energy sources in the global energy balance in 2023 reached 30%, data published by the independent think tank amber, and then, like magpies , large media began to be taken away. indeed, the numbers are impressive, the dream of all green people is coming true before our eyes, renewable energy is proving its worth, here is another news in the usa, an entire state, california ... for almost 2 months completely provides ourselves with energy from renewable sources. the world is moving by leaps and bounds towards carbon neutrality. the renewable energy revolution is in full swing, and the transition away from hydrocarbons in the energy sector is inevitable. our task is to make the green transition as quickly as possible to keep global temperature rise within limits.


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