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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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the future is getting closer, if you believe western climatologists and environmentalists, then yes, the share of renewable energy sources in the global energy balance in 2023 reached 30%, data published by the independent analytical center amber, and then, like magpies , large media began to be taken away. indeed, the numbers are impressive, the dream of all green people is coming true before our eyes, renewable energy is proving its worth. here's another one. news in the usa: the entire state of california is completely self-sufficient for almost 2 months energy from renewable sources. the world is moving by leaps and bounds towards carbon neutrality. the renewable energy revolution is in full swing, and the transition away from hydrocarbons in the energy sector is inevitable. our task is to make the green transition as quickly as possible to curb the rise in global temperatures.
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but there’s not a lot of hype, one strange thing caught my eye as a climatologist, returning to amber’s report, most of the media that reprinted their data are amazing thus shifted focus. everyone talks about the triumph of relatively new technologies, wind turbines , solar panels, as if not noticing the fact that most of the energy from this thirty percent is generated not by the sun or wind, but by water. hydropower has already served humanity.
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using the green agenda: the development and sale of clean technologies, all these are huge profits, but on the other hand, of course, no one has canceled the relevance of the problem of decarbonization, primarily by reducing the carbon component in electricity production. well, today we’ll talk about green energy, how actively is it developing now, and will it be able to do so in the future? to create worthy competition with the traditional method of producing electricity, this is a question of science, i am pavel toropov, our guest is evgenia gosho, associate professor of the department of industrial thermal power systems of the national research university mii and doctor of technical sciences. evgeniy gennadievich, good afternoon, good afternoon, well, first of all, let’s get to the point about this informational bomb, even, probably, in some sense, 30%, which means the contribution of renewable
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sources, well, somehow it still feels like this is a purely journalistic story, i somehow hardly believe in it, or is it really so and there is, or they really shifted the emphasis, forgot about hydropower and gave out some kind of this , it seems to me that they forgot about something else, because in reality, if we take, as you said, the complete fuel and energy balance, that is, cars, transport, and air conditioning, and electricians, the heat that is used for heating a significant part of the world, but then share.
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yes , this is benin or gobon, but because the muscular strength of horses, camels and so on is not taken into account, but all these things, so any of this stuff is always, well, it’s always like an informational occasion, of course it’s great to present it in one way or another thus, well, for every country the energy balance is not an easy thing, now even when analyzing comparing, say, moscow with other cities, we have now spent several months and still have discovered gaps that we cannot figure out, but what, how much is it in tokyo? firstly, that moscow
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actually consumes energy, despite the fact that it is cold. less electricity consumes less and accordingly, for example, we consume moscow about 50 billion kv, and the emirates consumes 130 billion kv, for example, it’s hot, water and so on, the rest is there and these numbers are all very complex, since balance is such a difficult thing, but nevertheless, it turns out that somewhere around 2/3 of energy, if i understand correctly , electricity production is still based on burning hydrocarbons, whatever one may say, right? in this regard, it turns out that russia is no better, no worse than others, that is, we roughly fit into the average planetary picture, if i were to correct me now, of course, but nevertheless 2/3 is burning coal, with coal in first place in the planet and then gas, oil and so on, that is, these
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are indeed emissions of greenhouse gases due to this, they are again very high, energy production gives the first place here, and as for our country, then its... carbon intensity its carbon intensity is quite low in this indicator we find by this indicator we are almost on a par with denmark, on a par with denmark, yes denmark is cao plus yuva for a second and not even moscow, due to why, due to the fact that 40% of our electricity supply is carbon-free, if we use this term, this is the state 43%, plus the remaining 60, there is most of the gas there, most of all there is a giant method of energy efficiency invented by our... grandfathers, relatives, ancestors - this is heating, generation of heat and electricity in a joint cycle with a gigantic efficiency of 67, 75 to 80%. all this saves fuel very much, so our electricity, its energy intensity, its
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carbon intensity is the best in the world, heat is a little more complicated, but we just need a lot of heat, for example, the thermal power of moscow is equal to the power of four...
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oslo, stockholm , helsinki and copenhagen combined, that is, moscow saves such a gigantic amount of fuel in just this way, just think, 3.5 billion cubic meters, wow, yes, then, listen, maybe then we can say that if we have renewable sources there in moscow, of course. there are a little minigs working there, biotes is working, there’s a little something about the sun, there’s something else, of course, too, but they’re about a percent, so then increase them, but they’ll give another 2-3-4, and district heating, which, on large projects from moscow, is a saving due to the fact that
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heat and electricity are generated together, gives 24-28% of the effect, that’s the difference 4 24 yes how how to work, how how to be for for this big city?
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state to another, earlier energy transitions were associated with something, energy density increased, muscular strength, uh-huh, mills,
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water, wind, yes, the same thing, these were here, then we move on, which means that accordingly steam, coal, coal and steam, then the next active oil, gas and nuclear power plants, finally, here they are, the energy density increases, each time very decently, now we are talking, listen, let's see, well, well , the energy density is 100 times less, it drops and the efficiency drops , yes we say, well, we have lithuania has a lot, california has a lot. in germany there is a lot during the day, during the day, and then at night, and at night we will do all this, so we say that there is an energy transition, energy transformation, this is his criterion , the comprehensive development of available energy resources, there is a large nuclear power plant near voronezh, the new voronezh chic, new, good, twinned with the finnish has, but its efficiency is 30%, the remaining 30 is in the heat, it cannot give voronezh far, it gives 6% to new voronezh. and the rest is poured out to the delight of carps and other fish that get fat and end up on
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table of nuclear scientists, they take it home, this is such a gorgeous fish, in all, at all large fisheries, we have warm cooler ponds and produce fish, it works so warmly, and accordingly, here we have a tech and the efficiency sharply doubles in a two-two pose, this is an energy transition, yes this is an energy transition, so we say, listen, well, there are three stages of the energy transition that our country has gone through,
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the second transition is energy production cycles and tpk and the third transition is industrial and communal heating, we are in this too saved millions of tons of standard fuel, millions, tens of millions, these are the three stages of the energy transition that transferred our energy sector to a different state, which allowed us to build 1.5 billion housing in 20 years, one and a half billion housing in 20 years, and develop the east to develop everything, so the energy industry has given a leap to growth, and this is the energy transition.
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and those areas that were traditionally windy, for example, stop, well, let’s say, they certainly don’t stop, they don’t become windy, but they stop being windy with from the point of view of efficient energy production and vice versa, and let’s say there, they forced a field of wind turbines, and peter is already different in 10-15 years, the same solar panels, some area may become more cloudy, or vice versa, here is this aspect there is also, he is quite important, after all, what do you think, evgeniy gennadievich, where is he from? then this is, i would even say, not pumping, but media hysteria towards this green agenda, towards
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the fact that no, yes, indeed all our energy will be renewable, this the future, this is what we all need to achieve in this bright future, we all must definitely go, your opinion, expert, there are many different reasons here, and as it were, it’s probably not our purely energetic view, but here, as it were, things, which are more related to the components of promoting their equipment there, yes. a proposal that solves three problems for the european union, three tasks, the first, accordingly , the use of surplus via, which is now available, but if we now go to the german websites, we will see that today
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at about 8 am, the power of solar systems, it can be seen, it rises online, reaches a gigantic... the numbers are 40-45 gw, 40-45 gw. yes, it’s crazy, they push it to belgium, to poland, there’s something else there, but at 7:00 in the evening it becomes zero, yes, that is, accordingly it is gigantic, okay, that is, there is a surplus that exists, accordingly , i’m no longer asking the question, but how will the bon metro work, if there ’s a hospital there, if it’s zero, that’s the question, yes, but how, it’ll be cloudy not about that now, there is a surplus, here is the first hydrogen, using the surplus to get hydrogen, good,
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evil tongues say that large wind farms also change the climate picture from the point of wind flows, this underlying surface, here is mixing, respectively, at the bottom layer and so on and so on, but at the local level, of course, that is, here we still think about the fact that somehow these wind turbines are the same ones, which are probably from these renewable sources, if i’m correct. i understand that the most efficient at the moment, that in terms of their economic efficiency they will reach these traditional ones, to the level of traditional energy production, yes classical, this is probably, well, it’s difficult for yourself in energy science there is a term installed capacity utilization factor, well, roughly speaking, you they built a factory for the production of sausage, how long will it work for you within a year, and so
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there are now 12-13, 24 windmills - this is the best windmill, for which the percentage of use coefficients is praying. you will build a factory according to production of sausages that will work sausages, i love sausages very much, production that will work one month a year, yes, this is somehow not very good, well , somehow yes, well, it’s clear that you will build it, but somehow your business, it will somehow progress in this regard, yes in this sense , of course yes, but deeply respected pavel, i would like to say this, we are here a little when we talk about vie, about zelenukha as such, yes, we are mixing three different types here... sources, the first source is large, it is a powerful station, hundreds of megawatts, exceeding a gigawatt, by the way, the emirates are building, they have built, yes, they are building, that means saudi arabia, qatar have built, but i want to ask, do you know that the emirates are also building, building coal beds, i didn’t know, to be honest, they even redeemed all the fuel oil, which means we had extra lying around,
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now there’s an extra one too, that’s right, the coal company is building a gorgeous coal plant there, i’m not even talking about china, which has 2/3 of it. not only does the sun work with the grapes, we get a drink, but
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the sun also turns out to be working here, a great thing, yes, well, there are many such cases, they are not only in the south, they are in very different places, these are approximately kilowatt and megawatt class systems, they solve problems for this purpose , there are dozens of such devices in our country. i think that there are tens of thousands of heat pumps, solar collectors, hybrid systems, and finally, very small ones at the dacha, we install a socket that shines, illuminates us at night through these same batteries, this is actually the third picture, so if we talk about large-scale equipment, it’s like a related game with what you say, yes promotion equipment, some interests of something, then here in the second in the third part, then this is just a rare case of disaster, here are 150 examples, all calculated with the meaning
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of updating at least once every 5 years, then somehow it already looks and is not very pleasant with this plastic and with this whole story, we will see, but there is an example that a very long time ago, 15 years ago we were told that you will see how the city of mazda will be built, you will be russian engineers , a retarded russian engineer goes there by excursions and study, but 15 years have passed and i ended up in mazda, which means that the expo 2020 was in the emirates, and in dubai, well, i think i’ll get to mazda here. this is not a city, somewhere far away, but this is a suburb of abu dhabi, uh-huh, uh-huh, 30,000 people were supposed to live there, that means, yes, and 25-30 thousand people, 15 years
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have passed, two or three universities, office complexes , that means 3x3 km everything is built up with pitchforks there, zero zero consumption, so no, not quite, not quite, that means it’s just a kilometer. per kilometer, but not a square, but a triangle, built up with buildings, that means, a five-megawatt station on the side, plus panels on all the solar panels, on all the buildings, barely, pavel, barely cover 46% of energy needs, well, the sun of abu dhabi, 46%, 16-17 billion dollars, that is every year a billion dollars were built in, and let’s now extrapolate this situation to the thirtieth, fiftieth year, that’s exactly it. what you asked me about in advance, yes, so this is the step or the world, well, we’ll wait and see, this is the mazdar in which it was invested, this is how it turned out, yes, there is also the city of sangdo in
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incheon, there next to siul, which is the same, but it’s not nivea, there would just be a new city from scratch, a smart city, so if you start to look carefully every time, how where it was said that we will do this, every time it’s clear that 7-8 percent done, any distortion, any extremism, nothing good. this is not, and there is no need, in general, to really idolize this green energy, renewable energy, this is a useful thing, but an add-on to the traditional, probably to the traditional method of energy production. on questions of science doctor of technical sciences, evgeniy gosho, evgeniy gennadievich responded today, thank you very much again. and thank you, thank you.
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intelligence service.
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we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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robbery, gazui, you fled from the orphanage five times, six, those who got away from the hands have found hope, completely wild guys, they need repelled mentors, god forgive me, what? they wanted me, miracle, it's yours obedience, i only save others, i saved myself, i didn’t have contact with you either, but what did you do, you stopped lying, you disobedient people.
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4:00 am
hello, this is the senate program, my colleague vera krasova and i, vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. scope of transformation and strategic transport routes. valentina matvienko launched the movement on two new branches of bama. the facilities that we open allow us to give a new impetus to the development of the eastern regions.


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