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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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hello, this is the program. my colleague vera krasova and i vladimir nesterov. we will talk about new laws and legislative initiatives and how they become part of our lives. strengthening the development of the regions' potential and defending the interests of the residents of our country. about key events right now. scope of transformation and strategic transport routes. valentina matvienko launched the movement along two new branches of bama. the facilities that we open allow us to give a new impetus to the development of the eastern regions. all our
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big country. to the places of military glory, the great victories of our ancestors, the memory train will start very soon. how has the project changed? eight countries, which is of fundamental importance, all without exception, countries of the commonwealth of independent states, are participating in the project. modernization and additional adjustments, how will changes in tax legislation affect the socio-economic development of the regions and how will citizens feel it? from the rate 13% minus. it turns out 6%, that is, people in such families will pay dfl at a rate of 6%, in fact. new impulses for industrial production, how does our country get rid of dependence on imports in the most sensitive areas? manufacturers need the most guaranteed sales market, that is, they need demand, we are also working on this now with the government and the treasures created by people, why and for what areas of industry are diamonds grown. in this stand, diamonds
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are attached to special holders using glue, which is cured only under the influence of ultraviolet light. the most accessible sports infrastructure, how to attract active lifestyle of russians and what is the state doing for this? the state development program continues to work, which means that new sports facilities will be built, ready for work and defense, what the gto complex is today and what advantages it gives to those who have completed it successfully. it’s not even necessary to test your strength. trp is enough to come by appointment to the nearest testing center. a new impetus for the development of the baikal-amur mainline, which in this this year marks 50 years. valentina matvienko , in a teleconference mode, launched traffic on two branches of the eastern training ground, which will significantly increase the capacity of bama and transib in the direction of the ports of the far east. freight trains began running on new second tracks on the purikan-murtegit stretch in the amur region. and 323 km to people in the khabarovsk territory.
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today's generation of builders, engineers, and railway workers can safely be called worthy heirs of the bamovites, those for whom the construction of the highway was a business life, for those who, day after day, performed incredible feats of labor, so that today we have strategic transport. a route that allows you to confidently develop the national economy and interact with partners in the asia-pacific region. you continue, one might say, to create a railway bridge connecting the european part of the country with the east siberian and far eastern industrial centers and ports. in accordance with the decisions of the president of the russian federation. this year
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the construction of the second stage of the eastern testing area, and russian railways is starting to implement the third stage. by the end of the twenty -fourth year, as i was told, 114 objects are planned to be put into temporary operation. in total , more than 30,000 people, almost 8,00 units, are involved in this work. technology, and i want to say a huge thank you to each of you for your work, for the work that you do in difficult conditions in a very short time. valentina matvienko emphasized that the president has set a very ambitious task for the development of the eastern test site. before by 2032, the capacity of this transport artery should increase significantly to 270 million tons of transported goods.
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in year. there is only a week left until the start of the memory train. schoolchildren from the cis countries will walk through memorial sites of the great patriotic war. let me remind you that this project was initiated at the end of twenty-one. goes along the route, there are already several traditions: first, we start our run on the night of june 22, the day when nazi germany attacked the soviet union, we start it in the city of heroes of brest, then the route goes
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through five more belarusian and six russian cities, somewhere in the middle is patriot park - in kubinka, the route will differ from the places we visited last year and the year before, but it will also be connected with the history of the great patriotic war, in the same way in each of those places, from those cities where the project participants will come, they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with what the history of this war looked like. in the places you visit, and, of course, see with your own eyes what modern cities and weight of belarus and russia. and who are these guys who are lucky enough to take a large international company through historically
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significant places? is there some kind of competition, in general, what needs to be done to become a participant in the project next year. the logistics of our train do not allow us to invite more than 200 participants. this year there will be 200 of them, these are guys who have graduated plus or minus the tenth pre-graduation class of a secondary school, that is , they are approximately 15-16 years old, and these are guys who, of course, have gone through very serious selection procedures in the case of russia, since these procedures are different everywhere, i can only talk about our country, in the case of russia, there are 55 participants. each of them was ahead of at least 50 rivals, the competition had more than 50 people per place, but last year there were about 20 people per place, the year before last in the first year of the run there were eight people per place, this year there are more than
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50, you can imagine how tough the conditions were, this is higher than the most prestigious universities, and those guys who ultimately in the end won, of course, in the most... and not only this route, this is also the number of countries that are invited to the project, in the first year there were only two of them: russia and belarus, the second year it became twice as many, schoolchildren from armenia and kyrgyzstan, another twofold
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increase this year, eight countries, which is fundamentally important, all countries of the commonwealth of independent states, without exception, are participating in the project from russia. belarus has 55 people each, other countries have 15 people each, and we are sincerely glad that this result was achieved to achieve precisely in the year of the russian chairmanship in the commonwealth of independent states, well, as for other events within the framework of the russian chairmanship dedicated to the history of the great patriotic war, there are a lot of them, you can’t list them all, i’ll probably single out the two most significant for me, these. .. the joint work of historians has begun to prepare a textbook on the history of the great patriotic war, common for the countries of the commonwealth, i would not like to anticipate the development of events, i hope that it will be possible to bring this work to the end, that the textbook will really turn out
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to be informative, that it will be honest, that it will be informative and that it will be used in the future in the educational programs of all countries that participate in this project, well, secondly, we hope that this medal will be equally in demand in all countries that belong to the commonwealth of independent states, and which, with their peoples and their ancestors, together won victory in that truly great patriotic war. victims of kievsky’s criminal actions more than 2,400 children were recognized by the regime, and 300 children were killed. the relevant data is contained in the final report. commission for the investigation of crimes against children in kiev. this document, according to commission co-chair
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inna svitenko, could become the basis for a tribunal over the kiev regime. the report summarizes all crimes of the kiev authorities against minors and gives their international legal assessment. the document will be considered at meetings of the state duma and the federation council in the near future, and then the parliament and the world will familiarize themselves with the materials and international organization. un children's fund, council of europe. the osce, the international committee of the red cross, and the international criminal court have turned out to be blind and deaf to the crimes against our children. but, colleagues, clear evidence of the suffering to which the kiev regime condemns defenseless children should become available to the general public and not only in russia. unfortunately, the fate of hundreds of children who were forcibly taken from donbass, the territory temporarily controlled by kiev, is still unknown, whether the children remained in ukraine, whether they were taken to other countries,
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whether their rights and interests are respected and whether they are even alive, unfortunately there are no answers to these questions yet, but they must be found, a lot of work has been done and i believe that the report fully corresponds to what we set goals: to create a document to inform citizens of russia and the world community about crimes... against children. inna svitenko also noted that one of the results of the commission’s work was the revision of russian legislation on the safety of children in the digital space. already a package of legislative initiatives has been prepared and submitted to the lower house, which is aimed at protecting children from information that is harmful to their health and development. in addition, the federation council is developing mechanisms to counter the involvement of minors in terrorist activities using photos, audio and video materials, including those created with the help of artificial intelligence, now there is a short advertisement, we will be back soon,
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stay tuned!
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literally for godrons they radically changed picture of the battle, they fly in, everything they see, they destroy everything. in parallel, along with means of attack, means of defense against them are being developed. it started, a little interference began, ethical, yes, the bird is on the ground, these drones have already drunk a lot of blood, that’s why. competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, it tensed inside
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america outside its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now do you need to watch and follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations. what digital solutions bring it to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, what exactly does the number help with? compared to the original in its questions and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product?
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. dear friends, i invite you to our next episode of the besagon author’s program. tv, it will be called today children, tomorrow people, i hope it will be interesting, i’m looking forward to seeing you,
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with us, if it’s sports, then with records, if it's a national holiday, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there is more to come.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. this is the senate program, see below. modernization and additional adjustments, how will changes in tax legislation affect the socio-economic development of the regions, and how will citizens feel this? from a rate of 13% minus 7, it turns out 6%, that is, people in such families will pay dfl according to... new impulses for industrial production, as our country gets rid of dependence on imports in the most sensitive areas, for manufacturers we need the most
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guaranteed sales market, that is, we need demand, this is also what we are working on now with the government and the treasures created by people, why and for what areas of industry diamonds are grown, at this stand the diamonds are attached to special holders using glue, which hardens only under the action. the most accessible sports infrastructure: how to attract russians to active lifestyle and what is the state doing for this? the state development program continues to work, this means that new sports facilities will be built, ready for work and defense, what is the gto complex today and what advantages does it give to those who have completed it successfully? in order to test your strength, it is not necessary to wait for mass gto festivals; it is enough to come by appointment to the nearest test center.
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experts, representatives of business circles, regions, everyone got the opportunity to ask questions, received comprehensive answers, already at the stage of preliminary discussion, and the discussion that took place in the duma, now in st. petersburg at the economic forum and at other venues with the participation of business circles, some of the questions have already been removed and... those additional the impulses that we received today will also somehow be taken into account when making the final decision. for more details on how
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improving the tax system will affect the socio-economic development of the regions, let's talk to senator nikolai lyubimov, he is a guest on our broadcast today. nikolai viktorovich, hello, our citizens, of course, would like to first of all learn about the social effect of the upcoming changes, in particular about any changes in terms of reducing the tax burden. five more than two children, they will be able to take advantage of such a tax deduction, the deduction is supposed
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to be done quite simply, that is, the income for... if two adults work, that is, dad and mom, then each of them should receive, well if we proceed from the average cost of living in the country, then about 53 thousand rubles per month, speaking, well, on my own. in simple terms: 53,000 rub. per person, if two parents work, and 106,000 rubles, if one of the parents only works, this is monthly income, when a person works the whole month, in fact, he can claim a tax deduction, according to which the tax will actually be on personal income not 13%, just six, that is , the tax deduction itself is 7%, from the rate of 13% minus
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7, it turns out 6%, that is. people in such families will pay dfl at a rate of 6%, in fact it is very significant, i think this is an increase for such families, according to calculations by the ministry of finance, the number of families that will be able to take advantage of such a measure of support in our country is actually more than half of the existing ones, yes, that is, more than half of the families are like that, they will be able to apply for a similar measure of support, this is very important, the amount is for such a family as i mentioned, with an income per person of 53 rubles. may be about a little less than 90,000 rubles. v year, as some call it, this is actually the thirteenth salary, well, because it will be paid yearly, at the end of the year it will be paid from the federal budget, which is very important for the regions, and well, significantly, i think, it will support and help our families, in an addition, of course, to all the measures currently available to support families and families with children. i would also like to talk about business as
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changes. will russian companies be supported in tax legislation? you know, a number of changes are expected, and some of them are probably the most important changes relate to the taxation of small medium-sized businesses; many of our associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs have appealed to protect small medium-sized businesses in order to increase the threshold of profitability of companies at which they can pay. according to the simplified taxation system, now such a threshold is proposed for the income of a small or medium-sized enterprise; it is proposed to increase the profitability of such enterprises from 250 million rubles to 450 million rubles in order to use the simplified taxation system, or if the property of such an enterprise is 200 million rubles, this threshold has also been increased, this is very important in order to involve the system of payments according to
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a simplified system. accordingly, a larger number of entrepreneurs, the second such measure that is proposed is tax deductions, in fact, which is also supported by the absolute majority, the federal investment deduction is proposed for companies that invest money, well , let’s say, not in offshore companies, that invest money not in business production excisable goods, that is, this is tobacco and so on and the like, but for companies that operate in the manufacturing industry, that is... the conditions can be reduced to credit the federal budget to zero, in fact, that is, this is not a zero rate, and the rate is 25%, which is what is paid to the federal budget part will be reduced to zero, this is very important, because
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by doing so... we are actually developing not only the fiscal and redistributive functions of the budget of the tax system, but the stimulating one. there are a number of other changes that our entrepreneurs will support, already supported, for example, an increased depreciation rate for purchased high-tech equipment, and for companies that carry out research and development work, they will also pay now. taxes are lower, since for them the corresponding coefficient increases from one and a half to two for such work, that is , most of these, respectively , scientific research works are included in the cost, and as for the mining industry, we are also talking about changes in the tax burden, which is known about this and how will it affect the entire sphere? you know, all the proposed changes are now based on detailed, quite serious calculations, over the past few years
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, profitability in some... sectors of the rental.


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