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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, the legal program is being broadcast live by the duty department, in the studio of alexander ostakhov. luxury life for rent. police from st. petersburg detained a false crypto-investor in the stavropol territory, who, thanks to his acting talent , could defraud almost fifty people out of millions of rubles. how, well, answer me, i was an actor, i shot a video, make my own video. operatives, the swindler is in charge and probably the last role before a long break. investigators believe that the fraudster rented a luxury apartment and a premium foreign car in the northern capital, but passed them off as his own and showed gullible clients charts of successful trading in simulators, as if it were a real exchange. intoxicated by other people's pseudo-success, people transferred all their savings to the alleged swindler so that he would increase them. the defendant paid small amounts to some clients who approached him. as
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income on their deposits, but did this only so that deluded people would transfer him even more money, which he stole. now the police are looking for other injured investors; it is possible that the number of victims will increase significantly. after a terrible accident in blagoveshchensk , mass and entertainment events were canceled in the amur region. the accident happened a few hours ago. the driver of the minivan accelerated and flew into a crowd of pedestrians. on the sidewalk, there were many children there, three people died immediately, doctors are fighting for the lives of six more. already it is known that the culprit of the accident was very drunk. this criminal case is already under the control of the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin. olga mazurok has details. there are the parents, that’s where the white one drove by, there are the children, they are lying right on top of them, all sealed in plastic. eerie footage of the aftermath of a massive fatal accident in blagoveshchensk was captured by eyewitnesses. for poetic reasons , these shots are without strong computer retouching.
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we can’t show it, the mutilated bodies lie in unnatural positions, it’s simple, the moment of the accident was captured by a cctv camera, here a dark minivan flies through an intersection at great speed and, without slowing down , flies into the sidewalk with people, from the powerful impact pedestrians fly several meters in different directions, according to preliminary data , three people died, two of whom were children, six more were taken from the scene of the emergency by doctors, they are now in extremely serious condition, the driver of the vehicle at high speed was unable to cope with the pain of... according to some reports, the driver of the minivan was a certain evgeny bakaryukin, a native of the krasnoyarsk territory, who previously worked as a security guard, now, apparently, he is a fan of drunk driving. medical evidence confirmed that bokaryukin was very drunk; more than two ppm of alcohol was found in his blood. he himself, according to some sources, admitted that he drank a bottle of vodka an hour before the accident. and based on the fact of the accident, an investigation was organized.
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eyewitnesses could hardly restrain themselves while being next to this citizen. what i ’m seeing now is generally just horror, just a nightmare, the culprit of this accident should be 100% punished, he’s some kind of moron, just a fool, i don’t know how it was possible to drive here like that in order to run over so many people, i don’t know, the man was promptly taken away from the place by police officers, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the investigative authorities of the russian federation, pomur region, have opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime. criminal code, violation by a person driving a car while under the influence of alcohol while operating a vehicle, resulting in the death of two or more persons through negligence. at the scene of a fatal accident local residents opened a spontaneous memorial, people bring flowers, toys and light
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candles here in memory of the victims. in regional centers, all entertainment and public events have been canceled for the coming days. the drunk driver will be detained in the near future; a preventive measure will be chosen for him. evgeny bokaryukin. special forces of the russian guard visited this salon in the middle of a working day, or rather at night, because the establishment was open 24 hours a day and the most popular time for visitors was in the evening, apparently they were relaxing with a massage after a hard day of work, just
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back massage, why does a typical girl massage accordingly erotic correctly, i don’t know the matter. so good that two branches operated in the center of omsk on the left bank. one of the branches of the salon operated here, on konev street, the entrance was inconspicuous, the sign was not striking, despite the bright name of the salon, but it did not need advertising, all lovers of a special massage knew this place well. now the salon, of course, is not working, the doors are closed, there are no messages about the reasons for this, but this is not surprising: after the visit of the security forces, it is unlikely that the salon will reopen; the police detained him on the spot. the employees had their own work schedule, a system of incentives and penalties, everything was prescribed according to the contract, material support did not suffer, all the necessary gadgets, as well as access to the internet, the operatives caught
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the girls by surprise, you don’t have to film, please, don’t, please, it worked the salon in omsk for several years, judging by the data from the online map application, was used very well. popular, in their reviews clients did not hide what services they received, they even happened there fateful meetings. and special thanks to asya, you gave me such motivation to change my lifestyle that no other person could give me. it is known that the scandalous criminal case against the former chief of the omsk police, evgeniy bykov, is connected with this salon. according to the investigation, for a long time he provided patronage to illegal businesses, naturally, for a good fee. over the entire period , he received bribes worth 7 million rubles. investigative bodies accused bykov of having received from a friend of an entrepreneur, through an intermediary , funds in the form of bribes for the general patronage of the illegal activities of this entrepreneur, since under the guise of massage stalons they actually provided sexual services. last year, bykov was given 10 years of strict regime, he also
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had to pay 20 million rubles as a fine, he was deprived of his officer rank and two cars were confiscated from his apartment at the expense of the state, and the massage parlor continued to operate, but not for long, the businessman faces another crime under according to the same article, the organization of prostitution will be decided by the court, the investigation is ongoing. irina lotsa, nikita zmaga, conductor, duty department, omsk. at the ministry.
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the largest team in the penal system of the russian federation. more than 800 objects are under the protection of uis employees, including objects of the russian ministry of justice and the russian ministry of health. services were improved, approaches to organizing the protection of cynological organizations, kemological services and units were improved, one thing remained unchanged, this is the main task, the task of ensuring reliable isolation of convicts. models of firearms, uniforms, ammunition, all of this was also presented at the exhibition. this could also be discussed here. clearly showed how four-legged animals serve as
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guards. this saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. the deputy head of the highway department was detained for cutting a road in novosibirsk. the official is suspected of receiving huge sums. bribes, we'll tell you who's behind that for years he provided illegal rewards to an influential patron. we will show rare footage of a special operation of the security forces. federal. what role did the road boss’s relative play in this scheme, and what were the illegal millions used for? and why novosibirsk roads are considered one of the worst in russia. ksenia's report about how siberian road officials are burning with corruption. a big ramming of small violators scandal in the serdlovsk region,
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traffic police officers went down in pursuit of schoolchildren on a pit bike and caused an accident. u the children were injured and nervously shaken, the police were suppressing crime, but to what extent were such harsh measures justified, did the traffic police really mistake the children for severe repeat offenders? the only thing that makes me happy is that they didn’t put on vests with helmets and didn’t take out their kalash guns in order to detain the worst criminals aged 8 and 13 years, what now awaits the big and small participants in this high-profile story and what the father of the injured boys fears in an ambiguous road conflict andrey ivlev sorted it out. tourist pyramid, more than 300 deceived people across the country and tens of millions of lost rubles. in vladivostok , investigators solved the case of a possible fraudulent travel agent. only we managed to communicate with the alleged swindler. i was in the tourism business. criminal?
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not criminal at all. well, it happens. she promised an inexpensive but high-quality vacation, but according to investigators, she left people with nothing. even children's sports teams are among the victims. we bought more than fifty tickets for a trip to the asian championship. we didn’t return the money because our parents gave the money, students. i had to re-borrow money from my friends, from my acquaintances. how did an enterprising lady show off and hide the stolen money? lived in a rented townhouse in a suburban area of ​​the city of vladivostok, and owned a rented expensive car. details, large-scale scams and advice for travelers on how to avoid falling into the web of tourist scammers? in the material of olga zhurenkova. 100 years of the legendary russian guard division. named after dzerzhinsky in the special forces detachment of this particular unit appeared maroon berets are a special insignia
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that selected fighters receive after the most difficult trials. the employees of the zerzhinsky division have been on the front line for a century, they are defending the country in the hottest spots, about people who know exactly what real military brotherhood is, fyodor eliseev. over the 100 years of its history, the legendary dzerzhinsky division has participated in, perhaps, all the significant events of our country, and today... the fighters of this division continue the glorious chronicle, on the eve of the celebration of the centenary anniversary of the battle flag the formation was decorated with the order of suvorov. the director of the federal service of national guard troops, viktor zolotov, considers this award to be the highest achievement. and today’s presentation of the high state award of the order of suvorov is another confirmation of the special appreciation of the country’s leadership, the courage and bravery of the division’s military personnel, their perseverance and readiness for self-sacrifice. i thank all the personnel of the most titled unit of the russian guard for their impeccable
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service and loyalty to military duty. order of suvorov - on the banner of the division, other insignia differences - on the chest of military personnel. personal merits in the russian guard are not forgotten: the medal of the order for services to the fatherland of various degrees, the suvorov medal and the zhukov medal for exploits, about which the heroes of the occasion speak modestly, fulfilled their duty. connection service is the one for me. the most significant event in my life, i have been working towards this for a long time, i am grateful to all those who provided the opportunity for me to serve here. provided an opportunity to express oneself. in addition to the ceremonial part, an exhibition of small arms was organized for the guests. weapons, equipment that expands the capabilities of the military, allowing them to see more, better and further. drones, various ammunition and, of course, cars were presented. the dzerzhinsky division is equipped with the most modern equipment, which has proven itself in special military
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operations. some of its samples are presented here at the exhibition, but guests and journalists are of particular interest. they call captured vehicles, by the way, it’s important that they came here under their own power, four armored vehicles of various types, our the fighters wanted to use this equipment against those whom it served, but the practice turned out to be short-lived, in terms of performing combat missions it is inferior to its domestic counterparts, all the vehicles were captured during battles when the enemy simply fled, a tire was punctured and there was no fuel, well, several small ones our guys carried out the repairs, after all, russia is famous for its craftsmen, so we restored it, sat down, and drove off. on the eve of the centennial anniversary of the separate orders of suvorov, zhukov, lenin and the october revolution of the red banner division operational purpose, the opening of a monument to the founder of the formation, felix edmundovich dzerzhinsky, took place. as soon as the canvas flew off the bronze statue,
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viktor zolotov’s guests of honor laid flowers on it. in the front row are veterans of the division, representing several at once. generations of those who laid down the traditions of brotherhood, one of these is now observed in all units of the russian guard. a glorious tradition was formed of passing collection tests to the right of wearing the korapov beret. the maroon beret is a symbol. on the one hand, this is a headdress, on the other hand, it is a great responsibility and duty. from the moment of its creation to the present day, dzerzhinsky warriors were the first to find themselves in hot spots and left a bright mark. in the military chronicle of the fatherland in the thirties, this was the fight against banditry, they also carried the banner of victory until the restag, during the great patriotic war, in the nineties, respectively, the restoration of the constitutional system of the chechen people's republic, the chechen republic, the fight against banditry, with terrorism and to this day the task of a special military operation, i am convinced that the five decorated formations will henceforth
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worthily solve all assigned tasks and reliably and flawlessly ensure security. state and society, i count on your professionalism, competence and dedication to service. over the 100 years of existence of dzerzhinsky’s division, generations, equipment, tasks and even state borders have changed, but the main thing remains unchanged - the protection of the rights and freedom of people. fyodor eliseev, sergey ukhvaryonok, ivan knyazev, lead, duty part. murder with a crossbow, the kidnapping of a famous lawyer, a daring escape and not only a dangerous criminal, but also an amateur in the world of crime, judge for yourself, when he bought a weapon, he appeared on all the video cameras, and also took his passport for the case, so is there any logic in his actions or it’s all due to fatal love, don’t miss this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, the investigation of eduard petrov, the escape from the
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istra temporary detention center, the mavridi case, from this crossbow mavridi made. four burglars from moldova and a murder accused moscow region businessman vladimir marugov alexander mavridi twisted all the locks and freely left the building of the ministry of internal affairs department. the key was tried on the bolts, the door opened freely, there was a roar, but the police officers were asleep at the moment, the right time, you had an alarm button at hand, no, the alarm buttons did not work, mavridi could would give me fatal blows. in which country did the killer want to hide , how did a wrench end up in the isolation cell of the sausage king alexander mavridin. we
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took up this matter and carried out our investigation. free with a clear conscience, the ex-governor of the kirov region nikita belykh , convicted of a large bribe , can soon leave the colony and possibly immediately return. now another criminal case is being considered in court against the former leader. however, even in such harsh conditions, belykh, as it turned out, knows how to organize his life. the ex-governor of the kirov region nikita belykh is due by the end of the month. leave the colony, the media, with reference to his lawyer andrei grokhotov , report that his term of stay is approaching end, in the near future he will be free, according to some sources this will happen on june 21, according to others on 24. the term under the 2018 sentence ends before the 24th, since the 23rd is a day off, so according to the rules
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the exit is considered to be 21, which is why there is such confusion, but the rules stipulate that if it is a day off, then it must be on a working day. bilykh has been in charge of the kirov region since 2009, he was caught red-handed while receiving a bribe in june 2016.
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for bribes, the ex-governor works in a team, collects red hearts, and is serving nearby the drug lord stuffs them with cotton wool. nikita belykh walked in formation, had breakfast in the common dining room. you went to work voluntarily, can you tell? of course, yes, no, well, in general, after staying there for two years in the fortov season, i really wanted to work, you know , i was lucky with the toys? yes, in fact, the work in this case is understandable, there i may have preferred to analyze the budget of the ryazan region there and even the efficiency there. implementation of federal mudflow programs, that is, but any work there, yes, when you you are distracted, that is, yes, in general it is always positive, positive, yes, well, that is, you are now more or less accustomed
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psychologically to being here, calmly, absolutely, well, not comfortable, but already calm, calm, yes, yes, that is, you they decided to quietly serve their sentence, of course, but now the kirov court is considering appeals against the ex-governor’s sentence in another case, about abuse of power in the allocation of hundreds of millions of rubles to the kirov regional mortgage corporation. prosecutor previously asked for 12 years in prison for the whites. the court sentenced him to 2 and a half years and released him from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. belykh attended the meeting via videoconference on thursday. the review was postponed to june 28. it is possible that nikita belykh will attend this meeting in person. olga zhurenkova, vitaly kormazin, andrey ivlev, eduard petrov, dmitry stepanov. news duty department. maintain the entire operational news feed of legal news in telegram channels. duty unit and an honest detective, subscribe, our episode is now complete, alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you later,
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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness. with the help of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, there’s nothing new in technology, i naturally had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, they compete not intelligence among themselves, the state competes, fights with each other with intelligence, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy. for us, if it’s a sport, then it’s with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one. we
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love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships. and we admire how the country is blossoming. there are even more achievements ahead of us. fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, what else,
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tense inside america, outside its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch, follow, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand, shoplifting, robbery, gas, you ran away from an orphanage five times, six, to those who got out of hand. all hope is in you, completely wild guys, we need repelled mentors, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, this is your obedience, i only save others, i saved myself, i didn’t have contact with you either, what are you did, lie stopped, naughty people, it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights,
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there is a prospect, yes. more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you have incomparably original questions, what is happening in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like? well, now let’s talk about the oddities in the sensational story with the killer alexander mavridi. he is also responsible for the kidnapping of a lawyer and the sovereign's escape, but at the same time, when planning to commit a crime, he took a passport, and
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when buying a weapon i got into all the videos. camera, is there any logic in such carelessness or is it all because of love, watch the investigation of eduard petrov. escape in 60 minutes, which is exactly how long it took a seasoned criminal to get out of a temporary detention center in istra, moscow region. among the criminals was alexander mavridi, the alleged killer of the sausage king vladimir marukov. hello to the studio eduard petrov.
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bridie alexander used me in the dark on this occasion, without explaining to me the details, if i knew all these details, i would n't do it. from this crossbow , marugov fired a shot at mavredi, yeah, the shot was from about one meter away. of course, all this time i lived in a state of fear, in a state of not being confident in the future , police officers of the fsb of russia.


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