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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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why was he detained? i don’t know, raise your head, why are you lowering it? where did you live in moscow? didn't live, did you come? where did you come from? i guess he had a plan, if he was detained, accordingly, he began to introduce himself with a different surname, later he was taken to the bkc in the moscow region, where fingerprints were taken and 100%.
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say, he will accompany him to ukraine, and having arrived in ukraine, accordingly, he will make documents for him, documents, that is, he still had a plan, mavridi was not going to give up, he was not going to, mavridi had it with him accordingly, funds were discovered about half a million rubles in dollars, in rubles in euros, and several mobile phones that he had photographs were examined, indeed, as you say, photographs of your programs, he was tracking his fate, of course he was not indifferent , he was the one watching himself.
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muta sent. here, too , they closed everything and let it go for the night. bed. i found everything in the trash, even these white ones were just clean, my friend, you see, little texan, i also found it in mice, like that. i
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lived here, this footage is being shown on television for the first time, as it turned out, mavridi settled down quite well in his refuge, dined by candlelight, loved dairy products, cream, condensed milk, bought canned food, judging by this glass, he frequented fast food restaurants, for a person, who was on the federal wanted list, mavridi settled down well. everything was fine with his money. mavridi had many friends ; once he was free, he called an acquaintance in germany who helped him with money. a hiding place was organized through intermediaries in moscow, where was the required amount hidden? vridi himself does not betray his accomplices, we cannot now establish information about who it was, because the sim card that the mobile phone from which the call was purchased is no longer there at the moment, we still have it. photos of the place
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where the money was stowed, it was just money in a bag, hidden in one of the outbuildings, let’s say, an abandoned house in the annex, these frames show how mavridi is being taken for interrogation, he is limping badly, it turned out that he was seriously he received a leg injury on the night of his escape, in the dark he fell into an open sewer hatch and miraculously survived, it turned out that mavridi did not notice one of these collectors in the dark, he fell here, there was water in this collector... he injured butnar's leg when he fell he helped him, he got him out of this collector and soon died there himself , even later he said that if it weren’t for butnar, he most likely would have died in this collector.
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we first met the accused mavridi in january 2021. all in the same evs istra, drew attention to the fact that the person involved in the criminal case was well prepared for the meeting with journalists. the detention center staff gave alexander a jacket that was clearly not his size, a winter hat, a medical mask and gloves. even then it seemed to us that some police officers were too caring about mavridi and equipped him with warm clothes. the arrested man managed to hide his face from the video camera, that day mavridi played a game of silence, for half an hour our film crew tried to convince mr. mavridi that he needed to voice his position and answer our questions. well, mavriti has taken this position, sitting like an inflated turkey,
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and he’s been sitting in this position for a long time, and they don’t react to our questions in any way, and they don’t comment on what we voiced, they don’t give any. statements, he believes that his position is to sit down and sulk in silence and not say anything to anyone, he believes that this is correct. in general, we fulfilled our duty as journalists, gave this person the opportunity to voice his position, answer questions on a high-profile criminal case, but to unfortunately, there was only silence here.
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but let’s return to the events of autumn 2021; after long negotiations with law enforcement agencies, our film crew still succeeded. once again meet with alexander mavriti himself, whom he accuses of the murder of the sausage king vladimir marugov. now the former fugitive is in one of the pre-trial detention centers near moscow in sin russia, the arrested person receives special attention from the administration, because you can expect anything from mavridi. nothing, i don’t need, how are you feeling, why do you need my feeling? to you why do i feel bad, tell me. during a meeting with journalists, alexander mavridi complained about the conditions of detention during the season. there is no favorite dairy products, canned goods and little plush friend,
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texas bear. go ahead, come in and eat. if something is bad, then share it. go ahead and eat, what am i going to share with you? go, take, eat everything that is here.
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ska employees carefully studied the route of movement of the istra fugitives. having got out of the detention center, they caught a taxi and went towards lobnya near moscow. respectively the accused caught a taxi in the city of istro, after which they headed to the city of lobnya to visit one of the accused’s acquaintances, where he provided them with clothes, food and, accordingly, lodging for the night. after resting in lobnya, the fugitives decided to scatter in different directions, each went their own way, mavridi went to krasnogorsk. in the future, it turns out that mavridi headed to the mitino radio market. where i bought this phone and sim card, and accordingly, after that
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i headed to krasnogorsk, where i subsequently lived for 2 weeks in an abandoned gas station, after 2 weeks, mavridi had already returned back, to the mettina area, yes, where it turns out he lived for 2 weeks in an abandoned place... alexander mavridi remained at large for 39 days, and if it were not for the professional work of police investigators and the vigilance of citizens, perhaps a particularly dangerous criminal escaped would be abroad. let us remind you that the investigation believes that mavridi was the leader of the criminal group.
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spain, alexey zavgorodniy. perhaps mavridi had plans for the first wife of businessman vladimir marugov, tatyana. however, they developed a warm relationship. why at all to learn, well, even from many men, and how a person knows how to behave, how he came into the house, how he helped, he was very gallant, he is just as charismatic, he has no bad habits, he does not drink, does not smoke , well, it was all visible, but the investigators are sure that mavridi had not only a romantic relationship with tatyana, but a plan to seize her property and objects from...
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he would later set to work directly on tatyana, respectively, on her real estate, now, having gotten rid of her herself, if before escaping alexander mavridi categorically refused to take part in any investigative actions, now the situation has changed dramatically, the accused remembered how you...
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it turns out that after akhmedov, akhmedov grabbed the gas, took him to that room, when you entered this room, what were your actions , well, i was here, just like that, and this man jumped off, uh-huh, at first he tried to attack akhmedov, something, something, then he grabbed this poker and started attacking me, and what do i say, i told him i say stop, i say
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i spent a lot of time choosing the murder weapon and settled on a crossbow. and also bought a knife, before breaking into the bathhouse of the sausage king, mavridi trained for a long time in shooting from a crossbow, several targets were practiced, confessed to the murder of businessman
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marugov in... theft turns out to be zavgorodniy’s lawyer in extorting real estate from him, and he also admitted to carrying and transporting firearms, and he also admitted to legalizing property that was stolen by a criminal way from ovgorodny. the twisted lock from the cell door of the istrinsky temporary detention facility is still being studied by criminologists from the main investigative directorate of the investigative committee for the moscow region. questions remain about how the most secure unit of the moscow region police illegally smuggled in a wrench that was used by
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criminals. and this is what the investigation knows.
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the remaining gang members denis grazava, ivan turcanu, nikolai teterya and fedor kozyr were sentenced to long terms. the investigation continues: persons involved in the case, the varishek group from moldova, alexander mavridi, as well as employees of the istra temporary detention center, andrei starshinov, sergei lavrentyev, elizaveta burdakovskaya, are awaiting trial. after the escape, the department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the
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istra urban district was left without its previous leadership. the chief and his deputies were fired. and the temporary detention centers have finally begun to be put in order. the alarm cameras started working. we hope that it will no longer be possible to twist the locks on the cameras with a wrench.
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alexander mavridi continues to remind about himself while in the special conditions of the naginsky pre-trial detention center in sin russia. in the end of november 2021, accused of high-profile crimes made another escape attempt. at least, that’s what social activist and member of the moscow region public monitoring committee, alexander maltsev, claims. the administration was allowed to become suicidal , he regularly asks for medical assistance, and asks for a medical examination. attracts all sorts of attention, well, which evokes thoughts or suggests that he wants to leave the cell under any pretext, he
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is under heavy security, under round-the-clock surveillance, in special blocks, with preventative measures are being carried out on him as if he is prone to escape, it is still unknown exactly how mavridi tried to make another escape, or whether he pretended to be dead. either he really wanted to kill himself, but he failed to deceive the guards. meanwhile, the moscow region vsin department stated that the information about the impending escape is the subjective opinion of observers. accused - quote. he is kept in a pre-trial detention center in accordance with the requirements of the law under the control of the institution’s staff.
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this is how we saw the criminal case of the probable killer of the sausage king, alexander mavridi. this was our investigation from the capital region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia 24 tv channel. in june
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2023, the moscow regional court sent the killer of the sausage king alexander mavridi to a maximum security colony . for 20 years, his accomplices received from 6.5 to 13 years in prison.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. the death toll from the house collapse was staggering. in the belgorod region increased to 5 people, according to regional authorities, a civilian died in the hospital from her injuries . doctors brought her back to life several times, but in the end they were powerless. at the scene of the tragedy, search and rescue work was completed, the bodies of four people were pulled out from under the rubble, six more were injured, the same number of residents were rescued by emergency situations ministry employees from the upper floors, where people were trapped, the entrance collapsed on the...


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