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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the death toll from the collapse of a house in shebekina , belgorod region, has risen to five people, as regional authorities reported . a civilian died in the hospital from her injuries , doctors brought her back to life several times, but... in the end they were still powerless. at the scene of the tragedy, search and rescue work was completed, the bodies of four people were found from the distance from under the rubble, and six more were injured. emergency situations ministry employees rescued the same number of residents from the upper floors, where people were trapped. today they will conduct an examination of the damaged parts of the house, in order to understand whether it can be restored, they are already drawing up lists for payments to residents. the entrance collapsed the day before after being hit by the ukrainian armed forces. according to preliminary information, 20 were damaged. ukraine may
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consider the $50 billion loan from the g7 as a grant that will not need to be repaid, the american administration reported. british prime minister richa sunok called the allocation of money a historic breakthrough and a triumph of justice. the russian ambassador to washington, anatoly antonov, commented on the situation. according to him, the proposal to transfer profits from russian assets to kiev is illegitimately politicized. antonov said: this will lead to a decline in prestige.
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a portrait of the future russian basketball championship has been drawn up in moscow. the vtb united league council approved the composition of participants , the format and regulations of the season. details from danila mokhalin. the annual meeting of the league summing up the results of the last season and looking ahead to the next season. at the table are the tournament management, members of the federation of playing countries and representatives of clubs that the future draw will be smaller. now there will be not 14, but 12 teams. the previous teams
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remain with the exception of two representatives from moscow and belarus, this is the capital rune and also minsk. this club will continue to play in the youth league. in your opinion, is this a plus, a minus, or is it just reality and a statement of fact? this, this is the reality of life, this is not a plus, not a minus, this is the reality of life. over the 15 years of the league’s existence, 29 different teams have already played in it. and, as i already said, from 59 countries of the world. players played, some clubs disappear from the basketball map, some appear, for example, like zenit, samara, ural-mash, a new team that plays quite successfully, this is life, someone leaves, someone is born again, it will continue to be so, i have no doubt, well, that is their main reasons - this is finance, of course, mainly finance and the arena, i never tire of repeating, in a bad arena. you are not interested
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in showing the match on television and you will not do it, but in order to maintain the number of matches and not reduce it due to the departure of two teams, the league management decided. we save up to three first round up to four and the final is up to four wins for the final, for third place we leave up to three wins in this design, the number of matches is left almost the same at 4-5, well, depending on the genders there will be a little more matches. in
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the last season of the united league, 2 years later , cska moscow won again, beating kazan unics 4:1 in the final series. each. victory has its own peculiarity, but it seems to me that the cska championship this season was so long-awaited for our fans, for ourselves, and for everyone who supported us, because after two seasons when we didn’t win, there was this feeling that something, well , the work that wasn’t completed, didn’t leave, everyone was waiting for this title and... we have it the start of the next vtb united basketball league is scheduled for september of this year, although there is no exact date yet, first the winner of the super cup in the mini-tournament will be determined, and only then the new season will begin. daniil makhalin, dmitry malyshev, alexey podstrelnov, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. rainy
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marathon in the central regions of russia it’s over, what change will come: heat or coolness, and what weather surprises to expect in the second half of june, about this and more. the rainy marathon is over, why did the june jealousies become so extreme? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes, and here are some other topics we'll touch on. central russia turned into the tropics, it rained so much that the cities did not have time to dry out during the short respites between rains, when can we expect a repeat of the cataclysm in which regions? precipitation would be like never before, by the way, even had to be called in artificially to put out natural fires. we walked only 30 km from florida. russian sailors alarmed american hawks about how quickly
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a hypersonic zircon would fly from cuba to the kinksbay nuclear submarine base. europe is being occupied by african giant ticks, to moscow. spanish slugs have crawled into st. petersburg, driving invasive species to new territories. you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello. mega-showers in the center of the country have subsided. moscow was flooded for 3 days in a row, many other cities also suffered. what is the cause of the cataclysm? we'll tell you right after our review of the most striking episodes of the capital's flood. leaving, the cyclone loudly slammed the door, mega-showers fully justified their name, a colossal volume of rainwater fell on the capital region, it is not surprising that after such a rampant
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of the elements it was possible to swim along some moscow streets, the most difficult situation arose on klyazminskaya street, first here in a bus with passengers drowned in a giant puddle, all operational... traffic along the rublevskoye highway was also difficult due to the sea on the roadway, extreme rains stopped even the metro, and the rails between the bagretionovskoye and kuntsevskoye stations were under water. some muscovites found themselves trapped in water while visiting the white track in krylatskoye. i don’t
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know how to get out of here yet. everything here is flooded. unfortunately, there were some fatalities. on wednesday , a top collapsed on a man and a nine-year-old child in the shchelkovo city park. both died on the spot from their injuries, well, in these footage there is a passer-by from the north of moscow miraculously missed a large branch, which also could not withstand the pressure of the wind and broke. june, well, the potatoes seem to be standing, the wave cyclone ruined the weather throughout the entire central region, the storm zone stretched from kursk to kostroma, it blew heavily everywhere, thundered, sparkled, in obnensk from a lightning strike, even a private house caught fire, at the end of the work week it started to rain pause. extreme rains flooded the russian plain throughout the middle of the week, but
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the storm reached its maximum extent last thursday. in the strip from the western borders of the country to the sources of the northern dvina, in many areas more than half the monthly volume of moisture fell in just 24 hours. as a result, a whole series of records for daily precipitation took place here, and in some places they were previous ones. the fact is that just by thursday, overheating in the east of the russian plain and the urals reached its apogee, for example, in northern kirov, for the first time in the 20th century , the thermometers at this time of year rose above +30, and in some places in the sverdlovsk and tyumen regions, unprecedented temperatures reigned. heat for the whole period instrumental. observations, as a result of a sharp increase in temperature contrasts in the zone of the atmospheric front,
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for example, in kirov and vologda, located in the same latitudinal zone, the differences were about 14°, therefore, in the frontal zone , cloud formation processes intensified, as if in the tropics, the tops of a heap of rain clouds broke through even to 13 km, these are the kind of clouds that happen regularly. brings extreme thunderstorms, hail and squally winds. now the bad weather has paused, the fact is that a anticyclone, on the weekend in most areas the probability of precipitation will be small, but while nature does not think of abandoning the super-humid nature of the first summer month, by the beginning of the new week a new... cloud whirlwind will break out from the area of ​​​​the black sea depression, and it will go further north, carrying with another batch of strong
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thunderstorm rains. central russia will again be in the path of thunderclouds, so in moscow on the weekend significant precipitation is unlikely and during the day the air will be able to warm up to +24-27, this a few degrees above normal, starting monday the weather will deteriorate again, by the middle of next week the metropolis will be hit with... about another third of the june amount of moisture. to other topics. russian warships in cuba are an asymmetrical response from russia, for which, apparently, the united states was completely unprepared. of course, the pentagon said that they had the situation under control, but even the states themselves did not believe them. what does it really mean? our unofficial visit to freedom island will be told by evgeniy tishkavets.
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evgeny, the russian thing has reached the americans message? vadim apparently realized that they were clearly not ready for him. let's briefly restore the chronology. on june 11, it became known that ships of the russian northern fleet were conducting an exercise in the atlantic ocean on the use of high-precision weapons at a distance of over 600 km. after they are completed. on june 12 , military vessels arrived at the port of havana in cuba, including the frigate admiral of the fleet of the soviet union gorshkov, the nuclear submarine missile cruiser kazan, the medium sea tanker akademik pashin and the rescue tugboat nikolai chikker. the emergence of russian warships in the caribbean sea alarmed american society, because it is known that admiral gorshkov and kazan are capable of carrying very serious weapons, primarily cruise missiles, onyx calibers, as well as hypersonic zircon, which cannot be intercepted by pro systems.
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our sailors sailed under the russian flag just 30 km from florida. the us navy alerted its warships and aircraft. two destroyers traxtun and donald cook, as well as a coast guard vessel, were sent to track the russian ships. at the same time, at some point our nuclear submarine disappeared from american radars. thus, the crew clearly demonstrated. the submarine's ability to move covertly. two more destroyers and patrol planes set out to search for kazan, but they were never found until she surfaced. meanwhile, the pentagon tried to do this.
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escalates the situation around ukraine, when the main question, for the sake of which the white house , remains many unresolved problems within the united states itself. wait a minute, russia is not afghanistan, russia is not iraq. you can't just play militaristic cheers patriotic games. russia is a nuclear superpower, shouldn't we be extremely careful when dealing with vladimir putin? right now , the entire southeastern coast of the united states is in the affected area of ​​russian weapons, and these are dozens of different military installations, among them, for example, the famous myskana, from which american spy satellites take off. eglin air force base is the largest in the world, by the way,
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and also the nuclear submarine base king bay. the armament of our fleet is mainly anti-car. is in the underbelly, the soft underbelly of the united states of america, and if necessary, they can launch a strike that will be very, very difficult for the americans to intercept. of course, in washington now they want to pretend that everything is in order, but many of the current american leadership are older people, they probably remember 1962 well , they remember the panic in the streets, the mass
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flight of americans to mexico, then the unthinkable happened, the anglo-saxon empire. challenge, in response to the deployment of us nuclear weapons in turkey, the soviet union deployed its missiles in cuba. moscow managed to knock down the west, forcing washington to stop its unilateral escalation. paradoxically, the large-scale negotiation process between the soviet union and the united states just began after the caribbean crisis. and it is clear that today we see a similar picture. it is obvious that russia is withdrawing. the united states out of its comfort zone creates such a window of vulnerability for the united states, because otherwise, the ardor of hotheads in washington cannot be cooled in brussels. the unexpected arrival of a detachment of warships in cuba as this is a way of influencing the enemy when, without the use of force, we cause him anxiety and clearly indicate our capabilities and
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readiness to take decisive steps. forest fires are flaring up in yakutia and transbaikalia, a state of emergency is in effect in the regions , but in the country as a whole, when compared with the long-term norm, forests are burning less this year, which cannot but rejoice. here are the trends in the development of natural fires observed throughout planet, we will tell you in our material, but are you safe? as a result of a cord being blown a mineralized strip is formed from which a controlled recovery is carried out towards the fire front, everything takes place under the strictest control, escaping tongues,
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flames are extinguished from backpack forest fire extinguishers, the fight against the fiery element is hard work, you have to work in difficult conditions. areas in the wild, after extinguishing you have to stand guard for 5-4-3 days, depending on the situation and the complexity of the forest fire. midges, ticks, we are looking for water, the work, of course, is not easy, but a man’s work, as it were, is worthy. the situation has been difficult in recent days and in yakutia additional airborne security units have been deployed to the region. the fires are located at a gigantic distance from each other, more than 2.0 km. this is approximately the same as from moscow to omsk, which, of course, greatly complicates the transfer of forces and assets. besides that, the weather doesn't help at all. dry thunderstorms rumble, a gusty wind blows, fanning the flames. here. mega showers would be appropriate, but there is almost no precipitation, they have to be artificially induced. even 2 years ago, in february 2020, experts from the un
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environment program have declared forest fires one of the main threats to humanity. according to the organization's forecasts, by the end of the century the area of ​​fires in the world will increase by 50%. another concern is that, due to global warming , the duration of summer fire periods is increasing. all this increases the rate of climate change. accelerates the secret world of zlotys, in turn, this emits a lot of methane, to this are added the actual porn emissions from the fires themselves, the climate becomes hotter, more unpredictable weather phenomena, heat waves, hurricanes, in these conditions fires arise more easily, they still arise mainly from people, but it is much easier and much harder to extinguish them, they cause much more damage. the most serious damage to forests is caused by slash-and-burn agriculture, this method involves cutting down and burning trees to create ... fields, cropping , so more than half of the forest fires on the planet occur in areas of tropical savannas in africa and south america, where this method
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of farming is still common. the first thing is that i would urge you to stop burning, stop burning grass - this is one thing, stop using fire in forestry, including for clearing logging areas, that is, these are outdated practices there from the 19th century, they need to get rid of them like fire farming , well, deal with cannibalism. it is necessary to cope with arson on such a massive scale, and even more so in a changing climate, the norm is completely different, burning is completely different. regular burning form fire-hazardous ecosystems. in this regard, the practice of creating controlled fires used in the usa and australia has not justified itself. stopping the spread of fire is becoming more and more difficult every year, and fires are becoming more and more catastrophic. as a result, experts come to the conclusion that in order to reduce the damage to people from... there is only one effective way: putting out the fire. the earlier the better.
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weather anomalies, heat, rain, pushed insect pests to migrate. dangerous giant ticks began to explore new territories in europe, and spanish slugs crawled into moscow and st. petersburg. is it time for us to get used to new neighbors? tatiana belova will tell you. tanya, who else can visit us? vadim, ticks and slugs are just a small part of a large list of invasive species that, due to climate change, are moving into atypical habitats. the british itsan board came out with loud headlines: there is an epidemic of blood-sucking monster ticks in europe. aggressive parasites are four times larger than their relatives. they suffer fatal diseases. in particular, tick-borne typhus, mediterranean, spotted and congo-crimean. hemoragic fever. this is what this tick looks like. the scientific name of the species of geoloma lusitanicus. habitual range: regions with a tropical climate. they live mainly in africa and southeast asia. the body length
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of these parasites reaches 5 mm compared to ordinary ticks - real giants. in the era of global warming, geoloms moved to conquer the northern territories. they are already common in spain, on the baliarian islands in southern italy. however, this spring they were discovered. great britain, portugal, sardinia, malta, and most recently they have been spotted in the northern regions of italy, germany and even sweden. the danger of the spread of this species lies in the fact that geolomas are extremely tenacious, they have learned to survive in extreme desert conditions, so they are not afraid of prolonged hunger or extreme heat. as for us, today’s concern is naturally appropriate, the season is coming, people go to their dachas, there are more than enough ticks there.
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popov's supervision. the reasons again lie in climate change. according to the department, since the beginning of the season , about 180 thousand people have suffered from tick bites. at the same time, thanks to the measures taken, the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis over the past 20 years has decreased by more than 2 and a half times. it’s not just the giant’s pincers who are now busy developing new lands. in the european part of russia , spanish slugs have appeared and feel quite comfortable. large and unpleasant-looking gastropods. spanish slugs are voracious and actively reproduce, so they can easily displace population of local species, these pests have settled in the moscow region, invasive
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for the capital. was started about 10 years ago, presumably together with planting material from european nurseries. they have no natural enemies, even birds disdain to eat them. moreover, there were cases when slugs themselves attacked chicks, climbed into nests and tried to chew the cubs. for humans, these mollusks are generally not dangerous; the main thing is not to touch them with your hands, as they carry dangerous diseases. themselves are stronger - they are not poisonous, and not bite.
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our traditional column: space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research. one flare of the highest x-class - about ten flares of the middle class m. and all this over the past week. however, in the year of maximum solar activity, such a sun is considered calm. in fact, the earth is just lucky. large plasma emissions.
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for a couple of days, 90% of all solar flares are recorded in this new area. the dynamics are very impressive. it looks like in the near future, we will encounter a new supercenter of activity similar to the one that plunged the earth into a geomagnetic storm in mid-may. based on current data, the forecast for next week is mainly in the green zone, but the situation may
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change. any day if the active region unexpectedly produces record flares. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. the best contribution in sberbank up to 18% of the year.
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special conditions, especially relationships. get prizes in the new game mega tower from megamarket. explore the floors of the mega tower to find out what awaits you at the top. look for the game in the app and on the megamarket website. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always.


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