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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:29pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. let's return to the news review, the number of deaths after the collapse of the entrance. residential
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building in belgorod shibekino increased to five, but one of the seriously wounded died in the hospital. governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. search and rescue work at the scene of the tragedy has been completed. today an examination was carried out, as a result of which it became clear that the damaged entrance cannot be restored. with details alexey kornev. in shibekin , search and rescue work was completed at the site of the destroyed entrance to a five-story building. the remains of four people were recovered from the rubble. another victim died in the hospital. the doctors fought for her life, but the wounds turned out to be very serious. her heart stopped several times, six were injured, and six more were rescued from the upper floors using a crane. from the moment of the tragedy until the morning , emergency services, volunteers and territorial self-defense fighters worked on the site. in the analysis of the rubble there was about 50 units of heavy equipment, bulldozers, excavators, cranes, and manipulators are involved. it is currently known that after the destruction of the entrance, 20 apartments were damaged. specialists conducted a complete visual inspection.
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to restore the damaged house , a detailed examination will be carried out. at the moment, the threat of collapse of the structure remains. alexey kornev, conduct the belgorod region.
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weapons can end conflict, but they will not bring lasting peace. china calls on the parties to demonstrate political will, meet each other halfway and begin peace negotiations as quickly as possible in order to achieve a ceasefire and end the fighting. but the western press is having difficulty digesting the ceasefire announcement, although they are unanimous in their opinion that the conditions named by the russian president for resolving the conflict are extremely clear. the demands of the russian president are presented. represent the most specific conditions during the entire conflict that he put forward for a possible cessation of hostilities . he made it clear that he would take a maximalist position in any peace negotiations and defend it indefinitely if these demands are not met. now there is an attempt in the foreign media to reflect kiev’s reaction. the british newspaper telegraph writes that zelensky has already rejected the peace proposal, calling it meaningless. and the german magazine spiegel claims that the kremlin specifically started talking about peace right now, supposedly. in an attempt to disrupt
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the swiss summit, however, almost half of the invited countries already refused to participate, and moscow was not invited at all. in during the meeting of the un security council, our postpret vasily nebenzya said that the situation around ukraine is developing according to an increasingly dangerous scenario, if russia’s peace proposal is rejected, the new conditions for negotiations will be completely different. we are aware of our responsibility for stability in the world and confirm our readiness for dialogue with all countries. there should not be an imitation of the peace process for the purpose of serving someone’s selfish interests, like the bürgenstocks, but a serious, detailed conversation on the entire range of global security issues. if the west and kiev refuse this peace proposal, then the political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed will be on them. while european leaders are planning a brainstorming session, american president joe biden did not plan to appear at the conference. he has more important things to do - raising funds for the election
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campaign in california, but the issue on the global agenda for him was limited to the signing of a security agreement with zelensky following the meeting of the group of seven. however, as already noted by the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. the document signed by the illegitimate leader of ukraine obviously has no legal force. in addition, it turned out that each party can denounce the agreement unilaterally at any time. either party may terminate this agreement by giving the other party written notice through diplomatic channels of its intention. termination will take effect 6 months after the date of such notice. american journalists also drew attention to this fact. notes the new york times in kiev are concerned with the upcoming us elections, if donald trump wins under the new administration, the ten-year agreement risks not lasting even a day. victoria koroleva, boris ivanin, lead. since the beginning of summer, the ukrainian authorities have doubled plans to mobilize
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residents of zaporozhye, odessa, sumy and kharkov regions. this was stated by the chairman of the public chamber’s commission on sovereignty issues, vladimir rogov. in his opinion, the implementation of these new plans is in question, since even the previous one has been completed. with difficulties. meanwhile, at the ukrainian border service stated that the number of evaders who illegally cross the border is steadily growing, and the organizers of such escapes are acting more and more boldly. russia, by order of vladimir putin, helped restore armenia’s railway communication with the outside world. train traffic is now open on the arumsan section, which was interrupted on may 25 as a result of flooding. thanks to the advanced pace of work, which was carried out around the clock , railway traffic was launched a week earlier than planned. in difficult times, russia came to the aid of the people armenia, russian specialists selflessly worked around the clock together with their armenian colleagues to restore the section of the railway damaged as a result of the natural disaster. financing of emergency restoration
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work was carried out by the russian federation by decision of the country's leadership. the first test train set off on the restored track on june 14, one week earlier than expected; the railway connection with georgia, which is important for the people of armenia , was unblocked. sailors in the mediterranean sea russia and egypt conducted a joint exercise, which included the missile cruiser, frigate marshal shapochnikov and frigate al-qadir. the crews formed a squad, after which they practiced coordinated movements in different formations and conducted communication sessions. and the pilots performed flights on deck helicopters. at the end, the moriki held a forgiveness ceremony and the meetings dispersed. russia and egypt. before the exercises, a detachment of ships of the pacific fleet made a business call to the port of alexandria. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president kyrgyzstan by sadyr japarov. as reported in
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the kremlin, the leaders discussed current issues of further development of bilateral cooperation, as well as some aspects of interaction within the framework of the eurasian economic union. re-elected president. for the next 5 years, this happened according to the results of the vote of the national assembly. ramaphosa was supported by 283 deputies and his main rival by only 44. the south african leader was congratulated by vladimir putin on his re-election. in his telegram , the russian president noted that he expects the continuation constructive dialogue between countries. he will also be glad to see ramophosa at the brix summit, which will be held in kazan from october 22 to 24. let me remind you that at the end of may parliamentary elections were held in yur, and the african national party took part in them. the congress, led by romaphosa, won but failed to obtain an absolute majority. and to create a government, a coalition had to be formed. on saturday night, rain and thunderstorms hit the western coast of crimea and the central part of the peninsula. there is a storm warning in effect until the end of the weekend.
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associated with the passage of a southern cyclone. at night, winds reaching 20 m/s knocked down trees and advertising structures. lightning flashed in the sky for several hours in a row. heavy rain led to flooding. in the courtyards, the water level rose to the roofs of cars; emergency power outages occurred in some areas of feodossia and sevastopol. the bad weather will continue today. forecasters warn of a possible rise in water levels in the rivers of the northern pridgorye and the southern coast of crimea. current topics on the international agenda: conflicts in ukraine in palestine, expenses of the us military-industrial complex, reduction of payments in dollars. tucker carlson discussed with republican congressman thomas massey. according to the politician introduction. several proxy wars weaken america at once. we will find out what arguments the opposition makes against the current actions of the democrats after advertising in our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. order a free
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synchronized with the treasury, it ’s updated once a day with precision and penalties, then it looks at what the debt was a year ago, and in the end it gives an average increase in debt per second, weekends and holidays, when the treasury does not track the data, it produces average data on the debt, for me you are the only one who is interested in this, yes, but i want my colleagues to be aware too, quite interesting stand in an elevator with someone. grow at such a speed that they simply smear, then you begin to understand that this is
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a very serious problem. average growth of $100,000 per second. imagine that we have a catapult that shoots a tesla cybertruck into the ocean every second. that's how much debt we continue to accumulate. but the good news is that last month i noticed that my debt had gone down. and i thought that my counter had broken for a long time, but then i realized that it was the fifteenth. april, tax day, for sure, and yes, it’s good that the whole month there was no growth, but it’s bad that it was only because of april 15, and now the debt has started to grow again, maybe when the debt. reaches such a size, then you have to ignore it, it’s like, if you lose your temper during the beginning, then you go on a binge, if you break your diet, then you order pizza from benjerry, that is, burn it all with fire and we are in this state along the way , i'm trying to make people feel uncomfortable, i wear a cap when i go into the ward, yeah, and there people literally
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press the button for or against, although i believe that we should rename the buttons to...
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so they agreed to this 3%, but recently in congress we passed the turnip act, where we said we were going to seize all russian sovereign assets in the united states, but it turned out that basically it was the treasury bonds they bought, giving them dollar debt, but here's the problem, when others saw that we took their money, which they gave us in exchange for government bonds, then other countries no longer wanted to buy ours. this is already happening and the rate being set treasury on long government bonds, it is already above 4%, it is already at 4.5%, no one wants to buy them anymore, because we probably won’t seize uk assets, but we can seize chinese assets, but this all looks like theft , well, that is, to seize the assets of a country that belong to the people of this country,
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it’s true, this is not putin’s money, this is theft, this is immoral, but if you don’t even care about morality. popular, with whom? among voters, they are like: yes, take the money from russia, it will be so cool, let’s take their money and we use them in the war against them. the feeling is probably pleasant, but the problem is that it is immoral, in the long run, it will not work, even if you like it now. why are we even fighting with russia? why with russia, as if they accidentally poked at the map,
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why the war with russia? and you know what ’s interesting is that when we were in afghanistan and i was tracking. i spoke with special inspector general john sobka twice a year about money allocated to afghanistan. it was about $50 billion a year. and i was i'm glad when we left afghanistan, but it was as if we moved the gear stick to the next gear, went from second gear to third, because as soon as we stopped spending 50 billion dollars on afghanistan, we began to spend more than 50 billion dollars on ukraine. this is the military-industrial complex, they call it now. defense industrial base of the united states, they say that we must continue to feed it, and since we have no wars of our own , we have nowhere to spend our stockpiles of weapons and bombs that we have already created, then we must to participate in anything, we must support our producers. and by the way, the biden administration talked about exactly this in their letter to congress, where they explained why we should help arm israel,
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ukraine, taiwan, they wrote that the defense industrial base must be strong, so we must spend. for this money, they have attached a list of states in the usa that will receive a share of these sums spent, which is why in their opinion we should do this, but if you, look, everyone who lives here wants to be proud of their country, i always been proud, and i'm still proud of our people, but if your main export is death, then, well, that is, it won't work at a distance, after that it just can't be done, we generate a lot of self-hatred, listen, 10 years ago and even later, the only way to fly to the space station was on a russian rocket, that's right, we collaborated with them, we flew into space like that, and now we have stopped and the problem is... creates tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people
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who will hate the united states. is that, as in the middle east, israel yes, they will also hate israel, but because we give israel weapons to do what they do, we create a lot of people who hate us, but we were told that this is all necessary for the security of our country , do you believe this? no, i do not think so.
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no, because i am against sending our money abroad, i am against starting another proxy war, i am against sanctions because they weaken the dollar. i am for free speech, all these
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resolutions concern these issues, so i cannot vote yes. tell us what is it about freedom of speech? recently a law was introduced into congress, and it is a law, not just a resolution. it will be mandatory, and there will be people. to investigate if they are on campus engaging in anti-semitism, and the problem is that some international definition of anti-semitism is being used on some website. my first question was, why didn’t you provide a definition in the law itself, why do you provide some kind of internet link in the law? you're congress, right, right, we write the laws? should they? instead we link to a website, it's not even an american site. and i. went to this website and it gave a pretty short definition, but it also gave examples of what is considered antisemitism, and
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some of the examples are verses from the new testament that would be prohibited, according to this international definition of antisemitism, such as saying that the jews killed jesus, which is actually written in the bible, his own people did not treat him very well and... this is considered anti-semitism, and if you talk about it in campus, or if you talk about it in class, then you will be anti-semitic, and you will have to deal with the department of education and federal law, and there are other examples that are hard to believe, for example, comparing israeli policies with the nazi regime will be considered anti-semitism, but the question is, what if their policy becomes that way? oh, this definition is unchanged, or what if we have different opinions, is your opinion now criminal? yes, even if an opinion is terrible, even if it is stupid and
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wrong, it still has to be allowed. what do you think is the reason that in the last months of his government career, mccon publicly stated that ukraine is the most important thing. what was it? i have no idea, i howl so much in the ward that i try to avoid. any conflict in the senate, and you are trying to drag me into this, of course i love you and will answer your questions, but for 12 years now my strategy has been to fight only in the house, smart, let, let rant paul, mike lee, ted cruz and jady vance , rick scott, let these guys deal with the senate, i have the house doesn’t work out very well, so it’s unlikely that i’ll be able to get it out of the senate, but i’m just curious, okay, we forgot about mcconnow and the senate. but even, for example, some chairmen of the committee in the house say that ukraine is the most important thing for them. and yes, of course, there is what you talked about, money from lockhit and
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others. immoral, but i heard that this is a great idea, we are just spending money, but with this i have heard such an argument, i think it reduces russia’s ability to go to war, it is especially important that russians die, they they think this is very good. from the very beginning of the cold war, we were told that the weakening of russia is good, that it is
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simply wonderful, that we need it. that they don’t know, but this is an outright lie, they said that they would contact me later, but they never did, that is, they fed not only the americans with propaganda about this war, but also the congress fed this propaganda coming from our state department , the ministry of defense of our intelligence services, you just need to ask a couple of questions at these secret meetings, so that at least my colleagues are guilty of lack of curiosity, they sit there and believe
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what they are told: for freedom of speech. as for russia and you , i don’t know, many of them have now asked about this no longer, there is one point that i did not mention.
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and i filmed this, which seems like it’s not allowed, but waving the flags of another country in the ward is also not allowed, so i was like, well, i ’ll show it to everyone, i filmed it and posted it on twitter to show the humiliation that he brought us to. mike johnson introducing a democratic bill, because it's an object.


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