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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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but the truth is, the word quality is perhaps not entirely appropriate here, there are huge holes on the road, literally every meter, this is what the roadway looks like in the leninsky district of novosibirsk, not far from the southwestern station, hundreds of cars diligently avoid the holes every day, and this is collapsed asphalt at the thirty-fourth hospital, there are hundreds of such examples in novosibirsk, cunning road workers and corrupt officials continue to roll up.
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in general, with the onset of the summer season, the number of accidents involving private aircraft increases. many amateur pilots homelessly use rotorcraft as air taxis. today, provide commercial transportation of passengers.
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crazy aerobatics near houses and power lines could lead to tragedy, police investigators are checking to determine the identity of the pilot, for some reason this is sometimes not easy to do. in kamchatka, for example, the police have been trying to find out for the second month who took part in the scandalous air safari, an unknown person until the people of varvarsk shot the bears, and then hung him by the ropes of a helicopter and lifted him up. air. footage of this terrible poaching raid was leaked onto the internet, apparently, under public pressure, the police had to quickly initiate a criminal case, although the incident occurred back in april, initially the ministry of internal affairs did not find any grounds for this, but despite the investigation, there is still nothing official about the persons involved in the case it is known that they apparently disappeared into thin air. we went for a big ram to stop the little trespassers. one of the most discussed news of the past week was in the spotlight of journalists and the head.
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just a column of dust rushes by, the sound of an impact and just a wild cry of our youngest child, i run up too, i look, god, there’s a motorcycle under the car, there’s almost half under a patrol, and then the inspector drove off, the scene of the accident, it’s like, the location of the vehicles is impossible change, look, you ran into him, and what, why did you drive off, and what, the pit bike the boys were riding on is a model of a mini-motorcycle designed for teaching children. teenagers, not officially considered a vehicle, for sale as sports equipment, you don’t need rights to it. the pit bike has a small engine capacity, from 50 to 190 cum, wheel diameter from 25 to 43 cm with wide tires for traction on the ground. you can't ride a pit bike on public roads, and the boys' parents admit that. children could have broken the rules, and
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after a collision with a patrol car , the schoolchildren’s pit bike was taken to a special parking garage. a few days later, the father was allowed to pick up the damaged property. this is how i transport motorcycles on a trailer. history received there was a great public outcry, we decided to look into it and turned to experts for clarification, a comment from the head of the legal department of the moscow police union. in exceptional cases, employees can block a car there and ram something else, but this is clearly not the case here, that is, if it happened. patrol car and should be asked specifically to the traffic police inspectors, in this motorcycle, respectively, here the questions of the performance of their duties, official ones, they were obliged to respond to prevent, but not to prevent it turned out that experienced inspectors for some reason went
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for the ram, the lawyers are not sure whether they did it on purpose or were simply overzealous in the pursuit of little violators; the attempt to detain raises questions. a boy driving a pit bike, look how an employee, in the presence of parents, grabs a child and drags him into his car. the only thing that makes me happy is that they didn’t put on bulletproof vests with helmets and didn’t take out their kalash rifles in order to detain malicious criminals aged 8 and 13 years old, that’s what they could do that was so illegal, it's clear? that now everyone will say that the police officers acted within the framework of the police law, blah blah blah and so on, yes, only the police law provides for such police actions that prevent illegal acts, that is, the actions of the police must be adequate
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to counteract what these unfortunate children did, investigators immediately responded to the ambiguous story, they are checking how legally and competently the inspectors acted, an internal audit is taking place in... on the fact of an accident in the city the novouralskorodsk region state traffic inspectorate is conducting an inspection, the results of which will assess the actions of all participants in the accident and take the necessary measures. i remind you that driving transport by minors who do not have a special right to do so is unacceptable. we hope that the police and investigators will competently understand this story. the boys' father admitted that a report was allegedly written against the participants in the conflict about opposition to traffic police officers and said that he was afraid. the appearance of a new paper on non-fulfillment of family obligations responsibilities. we will follow the development of this story. this week the whole country saw the conditions in which the average corrupt officials live. spectacular
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footage from the houses of possible participants in a high- profile scam with budget money was distributed by fsb officers. they visited the estates of influential officials and security forces in karachay-cherkessia. investigators believe that members of the criminal group carried out fraud with subsidies, the money was allocated for the development of agriculture, this is what they spent on, my colleague will tell you, chief editor of the final release of our program, tatyana shazo. a beautiful fairy tale, tanya, it turns out that it has become a criminal case? yes, andrei, the fairy tale that surrounded the palaces and its inhabitants was destroyed by fsb officers with one blow of a crowbar, but so far the carriage has not yet turned into a pumpkin, in our case. while the property of the detainees has not yet been seized, let’s see in what conditions the alleged participants in the high-profile scam, high-ranking officials and security officials of karachay cherkessia whiled away their everyday lives. so, a mini-tour from the fsb officers around the castle of probable corrupt officials. the footage shows the storming of an expensive
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mansion in cherkessk. the house belongs to one of the defendants in the high-profile case of fraud with budget money. damage - 60 million rubles. but judging by the interior decoration, it is only old. amount, it is still unknown exactly who lived in the building, where the security forces visited, but according to the designers, the owners of these palaces have good taste, judge for yourself, for example, the interior decoration of a three-story house, professionals clearly worked on the interior, expensive decorations are visible materials, natural stone, wood, exquisite interior items, in the spacious courtyard there is a swimming pool, a fountain and a gazebo, either for romantic evenings, or for discussing fraudulent schemes, in the garage there are luxury cars sparkling in the sun, the word... as journalists summed up, an exemplary family estate of a modern corrupt official . all this is very different from the black luxury and peculiar russian kitsch that the corrupt officials of the early 2000s loved so much. let’s compare this to the decoration of the house of a former high-ranking security official from
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the stavropol territory. several shots were taken years ago. interior, leader of the bad taste anti-rating. gold on gold. chandeliers, candelabra, stucco moldings, paintings on... and frescoes on the ceilings, furniture, clocks, vases, even the curtains on the windows are blinding from the shine, and this video is from the mansion of another corrupt official, the former prime minister of dagestan. of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but in fresh footage from korochaev cherkessia, the progress of design thought is obvious. designers appeared, other corrupt officials appeared from whom they could take an example, and criminals began to skillfully invest money. of course they don't it helped, but in any case, the tastes of corrupt officials have changed. they had wives who became designers, so to speak, they helped invest
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the stolen money, so to speak. otherwise , there are few changes; in rich houses, security forces still find a lot of wealth, mountains of bundles of cash in different currencies, collections of expensive watches, fashionable gadgets, classic gifts for corrupt officials in power, and golden pistols. apparently, no matter how hard designers try, the love for gold is still stronger. but the main thing, of course, is different. both ex and the present and, unfortunately, probably future defendants in such cases steal budget money, millions, which should be used to build hospitals, kindergartens, schools, cultural centers, and much more, but instead, in individual regions, individual people have personal palaces, gold, skins, car park. perhaps such permissiveness dulls the mind, and corrupt officials forget that sooner or later
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they will all be surrounded by one ascetic interior designed by the federal penitentiary service. well, life is not beautiful prohibit, although modesty adorns, of course, thanks to tatyana shazo. today , the crab king oleg kan tried to sink into oblivion again; according to the information agency, his lawyer brought to the vladivostok court a death certificate of the businessman, allegedly issued by a british hospital. the defense of either dead or alive kahn has been trying with all their might for several months to kill their client. it all started in april after the court sentenced him in absentia to 17 years in a maximum security colony for organizing a murder for hire. and the prosecutor general's office turned it into income kan's state property is worth almost 360 billion rubles. the lawyers, apparently trying to preserve their wealth, announced the death of the client, but all the messages were oral , and finally the defenders.
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the main accused. the former head of the anti-drug department of the kirov department of internal affairs of the sverdlovsk region, vladislav sobol, now looks like a shabby animal that was driven into a cage. gray hair, marching face, dull eyes. in the courtroom of the yekaterinburg district court, a man found himself because of the sins of twenty years ago. only ours the film crew managed to ask sobol how he could be connected with a gang of former police officers. i won't make any comments. you have the opportunity to express your point of view, but so much time has passed, i
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don’t even remember anything, that is, you do not deny the fact that you led a group, a gang, some kind of nonsense, sixty-one-year-old sobol was suddenly overcome by amnesia, but investigators have enough evidence that it was sobol who, at the beginning of 2000, put together a gang of former police officers, they killed, they robbed, sold drugs, and seemed to feel like the absolute masters of yekaterinburg, but almost a quarter of a century later , employees of i...
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he was allegedly shot dead in this house on osbestovsky lane. the bandits allegedly showed up at sergeev's home to force him to pay interest on illegal activities. but the conversation didn’t work out then. opened fire, and his beloved mother was killed along with him. almost a quarter of a century has passed, but we have found eyewitnesses to the crime. this elderly woman was a neighbor of the deceased. everyone there is dead, there nobody here. they have no relatives. have they lived in this house for a long time? for a long time. especially for our program, icr employees revealed previously unknown details of the high-profile case.
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these are unique shots. investigative experiment with a possible gang member konstantin kosik. he talks in detail. the bandits dealt with those they disliked. among the detainees was another person, a former police captain and now a businessman, oleg girfanov. he is the only one whom the court left free. we met gerfanov when he and his wife were returning from work. at the mention of the surname sobol, the couple sharply quickened their pace. what connects you with vladislav sobol? can you comment somehow? i want to say that the investigators were great, they sorted everything out. together with my wife. oleg gerfanov simply ran away from us, did not even enter the entrance. in 2006, vladislav sobol was already convicted of organizing a group that was involved in heroin trafficking. then he was sent to a colony for 15 years, but he was released on parole and even managed to get married. we met my wife elena in the court corridor, where sobol’s preventive measure was extended. do you
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believe this? no. was sable really a wolf? kuri, who diligently erased traces of his criminal past. it was possible to solve a crime that happened twenty years ago thanks to the competent work of police investigators and criminologists. the initiative belonged to the main directorate of criminalistics of the investigative committee of russia. investigation of a particularly important case of the fourth department, specializing in the investigation of crimes so-called committed in past years, forensic department investigative department, these are our colleagues who directly identify and reveal.
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on the wire, well, here’s the footage that investigators distributed, it’s clear that the flames are still blazing. this week it became known what punishment one of the leaders of the russian underworld, oleg medvedev, better known as shishkan, will suffer. according to the court's decision, he will spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony; there is no stricter punishment. 17 of medvedev’s accomplices also received substantial sentences; the bandits killed, set fires and extorted money for their own benefit. it is remarkable to see the defendants in this high-profile case. journalists managed only during the announcement of the verdict, previous sessions were closed to the press, with video from television cameras, several gang members hid their faces behind newspaper bags, medvedev himself sat through the entire session with a t-shirt pulled over his head. another participant in the high-profile crime also faces life imprisonment, and although it happened more than 30 years ago,
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it still causes great resonance. we are talking about the murder of a famous person in the nineties. considered sole culprit for murder popular singer. the court has already chosen a preventive measure for shlyafman in absentia; the arrest process will soon begin in russia, in which the main
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defendant will not be present. in any case, until, many years ago, shortly after the death of igor tolkova, his... stage director valery shlyafman, then he was involved in the case only as a witness, repatriated to israel and changed his last name. today he is valery vysotsky, a realtor and quiet man in the street. if just a few years ago he was ready to give us interviews, justifying his actions, calling himself an innocent victim, then 2 years ago he responded only by sms, refusing to meet, now he has completely gone to the bottom, somewhere according to... preliminary data in the area of ​​​​the coastal israeli city of batyam: august 6, 1991 behind the scenes. at the jubilee sports palace in st. petersburg , a quarrel broke out, which instantly escalated into a fight. according to the investigation, shlyafman did not like the fact that tolkov was offered to change the order of performances with the singer
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aziza; the star’s director got into a fight with aziza’s security guard and friend igor malakhov. italkov took part in the absurd and cruel brawl. while he fought with aziza's guard, shlyafman snatched malakhov's pistol and fired, but hit igor tolkova. the wound was fatal. stop, music! behind the scenes there was a shot at igor tolkova. having left on time and remaining in israel all this time, the master vysotsky felt almost invulnerable. the israeli district court initially rejected the request of the russian prosecutor's office. the local ministry of justice felt that there was not enough material to charge shlyafman at that time. and to our questions, the singer’s former director answered stupidly at times almost boldly and completely unambiguously. as such, evidence on... my involvement or there caution is not caution, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, real nonsense, that’s why i don’t consider myself, i didn’t consider it, i won’t consider it, because i am
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. now all this no longer seems nonsense. investigators in st. petersburg, who reopened the case in 2017, gradually asked everyone who was 33 years ago near the scene of the tragedy in the anniversary, singers, administrators, artists, security for stage workers, in the opinion of investigators, doubts. can’t stay, only shlyafman killed him, maybe not wanting it. israeli prosecutors look at this case and say: we would go to court with this or not, and if the evidence is enough to try a person here, we hand him over to be tried there, and sit him here, so we guarantee him rights. the extradition procedure, in compliance with all procedural requirements, usually takes 3 years in israel. this time, having received the relevant documents from russia. the jerusalem district court must will consider the case of shlyafman’s extradition again, especially since new data and evidence have appeared in the case.
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a new turn in the case of the murder of igor tolkova became possible after russian prosecutors reclassified the charge against shlyafman as more serious, without statute of limitations. there are opinions that only he killed by negligence, the cause of death was negligence. this is when... in the early nineties, former paratrooper alexander ageikin, suspected of involvement in the murder of ort general director vladislav listiv. in august 1995
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, ageikin was found dead with signs of a drug overdose in the telyaviv slums. valery shlyafman, vysotsky is alive, however, it is unlikely that, following the great bard, he will be able to repeat the words “thank you for being alive.” the near future does not bode well for him. unfortunately for valery shlyafman, russian and... israeli legislation in this regard is similar, only in contrast to russia, to serve a prison sentence for a crime thirty years ago in israel for these reasons articles will take much longer. the biblical principle - a life for a life, that is, life imprisonment for killing a person - is the basic principle of israeli justice. the fact that i wanted to kill another person, wanted to kill pesya, but ended up with vasya, is still a premeditated murder. also, if i was just shooting at a group of people, great.
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duty happiness and an honest detective, we will see each other, happily.
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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. escape in 60 minutes, that’s exactly how long
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it took the moter. a criminal to get out of the temporary detention center in istra near moscow. among the criminals was alexander mavridi, the alleged killer of the sausage king vladimir marukov. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. seeing that the feeder is already open. previously, they tried this wrench on the bolts, if they realized that it didn’t fit.
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i wouldn’t do that, from this crossbow mavridi fired a shot at marugovo, yeah, the shot was from about one meter, of course, all this time i lived in a state of fear, in a state of uncertainty about tomorrow, police officers and the fsb of russia, with the force support of the national guard , detained alexander mavridi, i don’t need anything, how are you feeling, why do you need it? four professional burglars from moldova and alexander mavridi, accused of murdering moscow region businessman vladimir marugov, armed with a wrench, twisted all the locks in the temporary detention center and freely left the guarded building of the ministry of internal affairs


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