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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 15, 2024 7:30pm-7:57pm MSK

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announced a reward of 1 million rubles. law enforcement agencies had serious concerns that the alleged killer of the sausage king had long fled abroad . according to one version, the criminal lay low in the republic of kazakhstan, and there were good reasons for this; he saw a man very similar to alexander mavridi. investigators reviewed cctv footage. he... went to stores, bought food for himself, so i bought things for myself, in the water, so as not to look like some homeless person, he accepted there following certain procedures to be clean, criminal investigation officers tracked the movement of a particularly dangerous criminal around moscow; he spent most of his time in the mitina microdistrict.
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a decision was made to take mavridi when leaving the supermarket, these footage shows how the criminal is detained, pick him up, what are you letting in? where in moscow did you live? didn’t live, came where he came from, from rostov when, 3 days ago, i guess, he had a plan, yeah. if he was detained, accordingly, he began to introduce himself by a different name, in later he was delivered to the all-russian cultural center in the moscow region, where fingerprints were taken and it was 100% established that it was mavrid. accordingly, mavrid had on him cash of about half a million rubles in dollars, in rubles in euros, and several mobile phones, he had photographs, indeed, as you say, photographs of your programs, he was already tracking his destiny, of course he didn’t care... it was different that he
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watched himself, including on the internet, so he took screenshots, well, let’s say, as a souvenir for himself, he shared them, let’s say, with people he kept in touch with, he wanted to sit out, he wanted to leave the church, he found everything in the trash, even these white ones are simply clean.
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does not betray his accomplices, information fell into an open sewer manhole in the dark and miraculously survived, it turned out that mavridi did not notice one of the collectors in the dark and fell through there, there was water in this collector, he injured his leg in the fall, and he helped, he got out of it collector, he didn’t let me die there, mavrit himself, even later, he said that if it weren’t for butnar, he most likely would have died in this collector. some police officers were too caring about mavrita and equipped her with warm clothes. the arrested man managed to hide his face from the video camera. that day mavridi played a game of silence. for half an hour our film crew tried to convince mr. mavride that he needed to voice his position and answer our questions. took such a position, sits here like
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an inflated turkey, that’s what it has to do with it, well, that is, you still haven’t changed your mind, but you ’re silent, well, okay. koro vladimir marugov. now the former fugitive is in one of the pre-trial detention centers near moscow in steen, russia, the arrested person receives special attention from the administration, because you can expect anything from mavride. i don't need anything. how do you feel? why do you care about my well-being? why do you care about my well-being? tell me. go, eat what i will
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share with you, go, take, eat everything that is here, and look at these cameras, look at the content, well, unfortunately, we don’t can. well, come in, you came here, go there, take permission, go into the cell, look at the conditions, dog conditions, why don’t you set such conditions here, or something, that you are recording me, filming, are you sticking me in the camera, discuss details of the criminal case, the murder of the owner of the meat empire company, vladimir marukov, however, as for the story of the escape from istra, he outright refused.
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isk employees carefully studied the route of movement of the istra fugitives, getting out of izol. after which we headed to the city lobnya to one of the accused’s acquaintances, where , accordingly, he supplied them with clothes, food and, accordingly , a night’s rest. after resting in lobnya, the fugitives decided to scatter in different directions. everyone went their own way, mavridi went to krasnogorsk. it turns out that mavridi went to the rally radio market, where he bought himself a phone and a sim card, and accordingly, after that he headed to krasnogorsk, where he subsequently lived for 2 weeks in an abandoned gas station, after 2 weeks mavridi
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was already back in the area. alexander mavredi remained at large for 39 days, and if it were not for the professional work of police investigators and the diligence of citizens, perhaps a particularly dangerous criminal would have disappeared abroad. let us recall that the investigation believes that mavridi was the leader of a criminal group that was involved in kidnapping people and seizing other people’s real estate, in particular, the victim of his gang was the famous metropolitan lawyer, owner of elite apartments in
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moscow, lithuania and spain, alexey zavgorodniy. perhaps mavride had plans for his first wife businessman vladimir marugov, tatyana. however, they have.
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so i assume that having saved marogov from problems, he would have subsequently set to work directly on tatyana, respectively, on her real estate, having gotten rid of her herself, if before his escape alexander mavridi categorically refused to take part in any investigative actions, then now the situation.
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no, there was nothing, there was nothing, okay, so you ran in, it turns out, after akhmedov, akhmedov grabbed it, took the goziva into that room, when you entered this room, your actions. what were they, well, i was here like this, and this man jumped off, uh-huh, at first he tried to attack akhmedov, something, something somehow, then he grabbed this poker and began to attack me, i’m going to say , i tell him, stop, i say, stop, wait, further, further, further, he advances, advances further than me, and at that moment,
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mavridi admitted that he was thoroughly preparing for this crime. i spent a long time choosing a murder weapon, settled on a crossbow, and also bought a knife. before breaking into the sausage king’s bathhouse, mavridi trained for a long time in crossbow shooting, and practiced several targets. mavredi admitted to the murder of businessman marugov, to the kidnapping of lawyer zavgorodniy,
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extortion of real estate from him, he also admitted to carrying, storing and transporting firearms, and he also admitted to legalizing property that was stolen by criminal means from zavgorodniy. the twisted lock from the cell door of the istrinsky temporary detention center is still for now, they have been studied by forensic experts from the state investigative directorate of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the moscow region. questions remain: how a wrench was illegally smuggled into the most guarded unit of the moscow region police and used by criminals. and this is what the investigation knows: the wrench was brought by these citizens of moldova
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, in their own words, they found this wrench in the pre-trial detention center, quite by accident, supposedly repair work was taking place there and they simply picked it up, later they hid it and took advantage of the fact that the air force provided it were not overlooked, they carried him into the cell, they studied the structure of the locks, they studied the shifts, they understood who took over which shifts when, they understood how it was possible. while the investigation into a high-profile criminal case was underway, and escapes from the istra air force, the moscow region , a trial of a gang of burglars from moldova took place, they were convicted of stealing from country cottages, and received the longest sentence. alexander butnar 11 years in a maximum security colony, the rest of the gang members
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denis grozava, ivan tsurkana, nikolai teteryu and fedor kozyr were sentenced to long terms deadlines the investigation continues, the defendants in the case, the varishek group from moldova, alexander mavridi, as well as employees of the istra temporary detention center, andrei starshinov, sergei lavrentyev, elizaveta bordakovskaya, are awaiting trial. after the escape, the department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the city district of istra remained. without the previous management, the chief, his deputies were fired, and the temporary detention centers
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finally began to be put in order, the video cameras and alarms started working, we hope that it will no longer be possible to twist the locks on the cells with a wrench.
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he needs medical help, asks for medical help inspection, attracts all sorts of attention, well, what evokes thoughts or leads to thoughts that he wants to leave the cell under any pretext, he is under heavy security, under round-the-clock surveillance, in a special block, preventive
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measures are being taken with him, as if he is prone to escape , it is still unknown exactly how mavrida. tried to make another escape, either pretended to be dead, or really wanted to commit suicide, but he failed to deceive the guards. in the management of vsin of the moscow region meanwhile, they stated that the information about the impending escape was the subjective opinion of observers. the accused, quote: is being held in a pre-trial detention center in accordance with the requirements of the law, under the control of an employee. institutions.
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criminal case of the probable killer of the sausage king alexander mavridi, this was our investigation from the capital region, only you can draw conclusions, see you on the russia-24 tv channel, in june 2023
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, the moscow regional court sent... the killer of the sausage king alexander mavridi to a strict penal colony regime for 20 years, his accomplices received from 6 and a half to 13 years in prison. this is sasha, it is important for him that his friends are nearby,
7:50 pm
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7:54 pm
pray, black, it’s also a sin to cheat on the lads, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here, alone, so
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quickly sleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, you did it badly, there’s someone else who ’ll do it to whom, naughty people, i imprisoned you.
7:56 pm
this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. residents of a house in shebekina that was found to have been shelled will receive compensation, the governor of belgorod promised region vyacheslav glodkov, restore the collapsed section. if this fails, residents are promised to find new apartments. let me remind you that the entrance
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to a residential building was damaged. the day before , five people were killed in the shelling, six were injured, and six more were rescued from the upper floors. alexey kornev has all the details. in shibekina , search and rescue work has been completed at the site of a destroyed entrance to a five-story building. the remains of four people were recovered from the rubble. another victim died in the hospital. doctors fought for her life, but her wounds ended up at...


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