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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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on june 16 in russia, medical workers celebrate their professional holiday. vladimir putin sent congratulations. the president emphasized that the russian healthcare system has high prestige in the world and is actively developing every year. in addition, the head of state noted the resilience and courage of the doctors who work in the special operation zone. today, in the context of a special military operation, medical workers show their best qualities and save the wounded on the battlefield. treat,
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nurse, perform complex operations, they are mastering new rehabilitation methods and doing everything possible to support the fortitude of our heroes. i thank all military doctors for the highest professionalism, courage, perseverance and constant responsiveness. of course, medicine is the most humane profession. at all times, the personality of the doctor, his sensitive attitude towards patients and his readiness to immediately come to the rescue, have always been highly valued by people, as people say, apply a kind soul even to a wound, in the medical community itself on a par with skill, knowledge and responsibility the doctor is valued for his decency, mercy and compassion; in shubekino they completed the analysis of the rubble of a house that was damaged. as
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a result of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, an entire entrance collapsed there, 20 apartments from the first to the fifth floor, five people were killed, six more were injured, rescue work continued all night. the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, arrived at the scene of the tragedy. he promised that the residents of the damaged house would receive compensation. details in the report by alexey kornev. as a result of the barbaric shelling from a section of an apartment building collapsed on the part of ukrainian militants. houses from the first to the fifth floor, the removal of the rubble has been completed, specialists carried out a visual inspection of the structure from the first to the third entrance, about 20 apartments were damaged, the preliminary conclusion of the examination is that the damaged part of the house cannot be restored, residents of the damaged part of the house are being helped to remove the surviving property, the scene of the emergency unhooked by the tape, only residents of emergency services are allowed in; territorial self-defense fighters and volunteers help residents to remove things from emergency apartments.
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emergency services and territorial self-defense fighters worked at the scene of the tragedy all night. volunteers organized a feeding station for rescuers and residents of the house, and declared silence several times to hear the voices of survivors under the rubble. a minute of silence everyone. knock for some reason. the remains of four people were recovered from the rubble. one seriously injured woman died in hospital. six more were injured. they were rescued from the upper floors using a crane, people remember with horror what happened, a strong blow, she calls and cries, the window blew out for our grandmothers, and my daughter called before that and said: get down, she says: i’m going down, the doors are next door in the entrance, and below it went down, in general she says there’s a big hole, everything is visible, no actually approaching the entrance, but of course we are shocked by this, we evacuate the remaining things, and you just see it from the window? you can do, yes, well, for now it’s like
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what we can do, the documents, that is, nothing major, that is, the most simple things, because we were left without things in the morning the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glotkov, arrived at the scene of the tragedy ; lists of residents of the affected house are being compiled for a one-time payment for each registered family member in the amount of 10,000 rubles. those whose property was partially or completely damaged will be paid compensation, diplomas will be destroyed, yes, yes, we will pay one by one. people left homeless are transported to temporary accommodation centers and given food packages. the regional government is forming a procedure for providing new housing in replacement destroyed. alexey kornev, vyacheslav podzolkov. news belgorod region. two people, a married couple, were killed under fire from the armed forces of ukraine and donetsk in the petrovsky district. about this in your body. june 18 at
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the ostankino television center. this was reported by the press service of the tv channel. the funeral will take place on the same day in valery’s homeland, in the city of kolyadin, tver region, in the circle of relatives, in a closed environment. let me remind you that two days ago, an ntv film crew came under fire while preparing a report in gorlovka. severely injured received correspondent alexey ivliev, cameraman valery kozhin escort officer. doctors cannot save the skin. succeeded, alexey ivliev squeezed, but lost his hand. meanwhile, the russian military from the south -west groupings of troops killed more than a thousand militants in one day, the ministry of defense announced this. the department also reported that our fighters managed to improve their tactical position and reach
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more advantageous positions. the kiev regime lost dozens of pieces of equipment, including western-made ones. in addition, the ministry of defense spoke about the promotion russian military. deep into enemy defenses in the kharkov region. units of the north group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. the 71st jaeger brigade of the ukrainian armed forces and the 125th teroborona brigade were defeated by manpower in the areas of settlements in volchansk ternovaya, kharkov region. seven counterattacks by assault groups of the thirty-sixth marine brigade and the thirteenth national guard brigade were repelled. enemy losses per day amounted to up to 350 military personnel, two tanks, three vehicles, and a 122-mm howube.
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who were shot down in the immediate vicinity of the museum, employees of various services who perform their duty in the north military district zone regularly come under attack from ukrainian militants. the day before , a memorial was opened in genichesky in memory of the employees of the 126th military investigation department who died as a result of a missile attack by the kiev regime.
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the board was opened not only here, where they served directly, but also throughout russia, where they previously served, in our administration. and in these frames of destruction by our artillery from... a warehouse from missile weapons of the armed forces of ukraine, which the militants equipped on one of the farms near the village of ingulets, were used for attacks on the left bank and crimea. the secondary detonation was so strong that the column of smoke from the explosion became visible hundreds of kilometers from the point of impact. the artillery of the dnepr group of forces, which does not allow the enemy to feel at ease in the dnieper region, the enemy is constantly trying to reach, including with the help of unmanned aerial vehicles, but here they are already accustomed to this. moving, aerial observation point. machine guns, machine guns with thermal imaging sights, drone detectors, and we are working successfully. yes, mobile crews of kamica drones are now in each of our units; they perfectly complement the work of artillerymen. each projectile is suited to its own task,
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a task has been received, equipment is prepared directly for it and we are leaving to work, personnel, which means firing elements from equipment, which means accumulative, if some - in houses where the enemy has taken refuge or branding, which means thermobaric. combat operations in all areas of special military operations have escalated significantly in recent days, despite the terrible losses, the kiev regime, with the support of nato countries, is not abandoning attempts to defeat our troops. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayan, vesti kherson region. china's non-participation in the ukraine conference, as well as the country's sending of low- level brix diplomats, has overshadowed the west's efforts to win over the global south. this is how bloomberg described it.
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about the conditions for ending the ukrainian conflict, and also persistently emphasizes the intransigence of kiev, despite the deplorable situation for it at the front, although the fact that peace is possible only on moscow’s terms is not agreed... the american and european press writes, here is a quote from the leading hungarian daily , china also made a call to stop hostilities, appealing primarily to ukraine. weapons can end conflict, but they will not bring lasting peace. china calls on the parties to demonstrate political will, meet each other halfway and begin peace negotiations as quickly as possible, but this the so-called peace summit in switzerland was prepared precisely according to wartime resort patterns.
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it is no coincidence that many, like colombian president gustav petra, refused to participate in the summit. the swiss forum is not a free forum for discussing travel. between russia and ukraine, your conclusions are already predetermined, most of latin america and the colombian government do not agree
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with the extension of the war. moscow, which is not represented at the summit in switzerland, has nothing to convey to its participants, the kremlin noted. in addition to what he himself addressed to kiev to the west the president of russia from the rostrum of our foreign policy department. we are ready to sit down at the negotiating table tomorrow. our conditions for starting such a conversation are simple : there must be ukrainian troops. completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative borders, which existed at the time of their entry into ukraine, as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision will begin a real conclusion troops from these regions, and will also officially notify the abandonment of plans to join nato. on our part, immediately, literally at the same minute, there will be an order to cease fire to begin negotiations, i repeat,
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we will do this immediately, of course, at the same time we guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations, today we are making another concrete, real peace proposal, if kiev and the western capitals will also refuse it, as before, then in the end it will their business. their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. as a result of this speech, the german press issued a verdict. vladimir putin, having put forward peace proposals, a priori outplayed the participants of the summit in switzerland, even before it began, and gave this meeting a new impetus, the russian foreign ministry is talking about the same thing. if you want to save the world, discuss vladimir putin's proposal. the president of russia said everything and showed the real path to peace. only those who are in peace can not see, cannot understand. doesn't want to though
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the west reacted unconstructively to the initiatives of the russian leader to resolve the conflict in ukraine on a new security architecture in eurasia, but at the summit in switzerland the east spoke in favor of the presence of moscow, without which any discussions are pointless. we encourage peaceful negotiations rather than escalation. we also provide solutions that can lead to peace so that there is no loss. both sides are needed here. the world community must. the statements of european politicians in bürgenstock were not much different from the results
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meetings of a family group whose leaders are only intent on further escalation. politics is as confusing and contradictory as the behavior of the head of the white house, joe biden, who had to be directed all the time at the summit in the italian apuli. perhaps he simply couldn’t find his way to switzerland and sent kamla kharis to zelensky. she, in turn, stated that the united states wants peace on kiev’s terms, that is, on those that they themselves dictate. but what they are remains shrouded in swiss fog, like a smoke screen. boris ivanin, evgenia zimtsova, artemy bondar, lead. president of finland.
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mobile traffic jams, when you are driving with children and are stuck in a traffic jam, they start to whine, whine that they are tired, they are hot when we arrive, and now how much is left, now how much, like shrek’s donkey from the cartoon, now, of course, it’s much better, the road leading to the whole country on vacation has become more comfortable and safer, almost 150 km of the m4 don highway from kamensko-shakhtinskoye to the border with the voronezh region was put in complete order by the beginning of the tourist season, reconstruction made the south of russia closer to the road.
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the signs, of course, are all installed, and a chain-link fence has been installed to prevent wild animals from crossing the road, which increases the level of safety. after the closure of airports due to the rush around train tickets, the m4 don became perhaps the only route from central russia to the southern regions of the country. avtodor plans to offer season tickets for local residents, which will allow them to save on travel costs; trips
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within the section without crossing toll points will not be charged. interest in russia, olympic figure skating champion alina zagitova stated this, but so far this is only an assumption, the brix summer games in kazan are in full swing on the third day of the competition, russian karatekas won three gold medals, the success of our athletes, reporting by stas ridekultsev, already champion, but winged. success and views of the kazan kremlin, polina knoros orders a height of 4 m 80 cm. polina come on - shouts the stadium knoros soars into the air, but after two attempts she fails to take the height. with the decisive third.
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oh, how long ago there were no such shots on the athletics tracks, for the sake of these moments it was already worth holding games. this is my first run with a flag, well, of course i would like to run with a lag at the world championships, european championships, well, let’s start small, so to speak, it’s still cool. one of the most iconic venues of the brix games is certainly the central stadium in the very heart of kazan, opposite the kremlin. athletes here compete for 42 sets of awards specifically for the games at the stadium.
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drives the arena and the olympic champion forward nikita nagorny's favorite vault, the last opportunity for the best gymnast in the world to win gold, igor brix, sheer concentration, the most difficult jumps available in the world to only a few... performs perfectly, pure victory. i had to gather all my strength into a fist. in fact, of course, it is very important for me to leave the brix games with a gold medal. i went through a large number of international competitions, and it was very important to score this gold so that the anthem would sound in honor of my victory. even if, as we are told, the competition here is not super big, although we can look at certain types of all-around events; yesterday and today we didn’t manage to win everywhere. therefore, i am very happy, i was concentrated for... it was very important, emotions run high on the tatami of karate competitions, in kazan, a tournament in this sport brought together more than 200 participants from 19 countries, both world ranking leaders and
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world champions came, our athletes proudly kiss the flag on kim, but after the victories they missed big tournaments, also due to the situation in the world, we can’t go there somewhere, well now, thank god we were allowed, anyway it’s this atmosphere that we miss, in russia we’ve already beaten everyone else, when you come home to competitions of this level, that’s of course in general. different emotions, different sensations, for us it’s like a second mini-olympiad, let’s say the brix games spark new names in big-time sports and introduce the general public to bright, but sometimes neglected sports. another feature of the tournament is the maximum closeness and unity of the stars of the russian national team and the fans. stas ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and umar tuskaev, news from kazan. the unique trip to the north pole on the nuclear icebreaker 50 years of victory
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has been completed. on russia day , participants of the presidential program time for heroes returned to murmansk. 83 military personnel who distinguished themselves in the special military operation zone. these are the first to be selected for the presidential educational program, among them are more than twenty heroes of russia. with almost 2 weeks of hard, intense study behind us, a special educational module was designed specifically to prepare for work in the civil service, in departments in state-owned companies. every day from 7:00 morning and until 1:31 pm, classes, seminars, master classes and trainings. alexey bondarev learned that he had been selected for the presidential educational program at the hospital.
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move, you need training. many were tested immediately after returning from combat missions. some found out that they had become participants in the program right during the battle. i was on the front line, leading the battle, and my mediocre connections simply conveyed to me that i had been selected and i needed to move to moscow. i made a decision for a long, long time until the person who replaced me arrived, well a difficult path, everything worked out, we were all gathered at a certain point. participants, we sat down for an hour, filled out the tests, and after which i returned back to the front line to complete the assigned tasks. a whole series, the opening lecture of this module was given by
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the general director of ros , this is a very large energy, this is natural, this is the formula, in general, the entire nuclear energy formula, this is vts2, delta mass generates energy equivalent to the lost mass at the speed of light. through the barintse sea to the arctic ocean along the straits of the land of joseph of france, past the island of george and the land of alexandra. during the 12 days of the hike , using the techniques used by rosatom as an example, they taught how to work in a team. i'll guess.
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it means that already under the rules you have written, in 15 minutes we must accept the conditional concrete or 18 , taking into account the shaking, it will still be 15 today , so i’m baiting, then another third, third, give a third, it’s already screwed up.
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that is, which can be used in principle in everyday activities when performing service and combat missions, you look at certain issues from a different angle from the point of view, this knowledge that is acquired here will already be transferred in the process of managing their units, that is , they will be used, i have questions that i on earth, as they say in my unit, already want to try. before going to the front, alexandra radionova worked for a healthcare organization, tells how the state corporation’s lean manufacturing techniques helped doctors in new territories, we
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worked with... the guys for a week in each of the new regions, we did not increase resources increased the figure by 2 and a half times, no more doctors were added, the workload on them did not increase, it seems to me, on the contrary, it decreased a little, they created some kind of unique technology that the doctors took with them, and taught to the locals, and now this applies throughout our entire country, that is, it was not only for the benefit of new regions. participants in the time of heroes are trained using the same methods as mayors and governors in courses at the higher school of public administration. previously , senior executives have given lectures managerial level of the country, first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenko, deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin, minister of foreign affairs sergei lavrov, head of the state corporation and departments. and right now the best military men, our heroes, are being prepared for a civilian profession, preparing to rule
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the country. we don’t just believe them, we trust them, we speak clearly, just using our voice with all our own charisma, public speaking, how can we as military personnel still communicate with civilian personnel, with civilians, and lean manufacturing courses are about establishing more efficient work processes to save resources, time and achieve the greatest results. speech techniques and courses in public speaking and oratory skills were given in blocks along with lectures on the chosen system of domestic and international politics. we tried to make the most of the combat experience of our listeners, their management, skill and maturity, at the same time giving them maximum information about how civil power works, how it works public power in our country, what the legislative, executive, judicial
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power is, what it is...


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