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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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today, muslims around the world celebrate one of the main holidays of islam - kurban bayram. vladimir putin congratulated the believers of russia. the president noted the contribution of muslim organizations to the unity of the people and the development of interethnic and interreligious dialogue. eid al-fitr is a festival of sacrifice. marks the end of the hajj, the annual pilgrimage to the shrines in mekah. on the holiday, believers visit mosques, gather guests in the house, and sacrifice a ram. in all russian regions , people came to festive services in the morning. namaz, thousands of believers gathered in the mosques of kazania. in moscow, chief.
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happy holiday, i congratulate everyone who has devoted themselves to medicine, serving people, who work in dear friends, i cordially congratulate you in hospitals, ambulance services and air ambulances, federal medical organizations in rural obstetrics and paramedics. performs his duty in
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army hospitals on the front line. russian medical workers day is much more than a professional holiday; it is relevant to every citizen of our country, because the protection of people's health is entrusted primarily to medical workers. they are with a person from the moment of his birth, they prevent and treat diseases. save and prolong lives. today's holiday is celebrated by scientists and representatives of famous medical schools, as well as other scientific fields in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. all of them make a great contribution to the creation of progressive methods of treating diseases, new vaccines and drugs . let me emphasize that the russian system.
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the importance of medicine cannot be overestimated. we all deeply realized this during the coronavirus infection, when russian doctors courageously and selflessly fulfilled their medical duty. we fought for the life of each patient, regardless of the time and extreme fatigue and risks to our own health. this period will remain in history. national healthcare,
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as a real feat of thousands and thousands of doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, and junior staff of all our hospitals and clinics. and today, in the context of a special military operation, medical workers show their best qualities, save the wounded on the battlefield, treat, nurse, carry out complex operations, master and introduce new methods. i thank all military doctors for the highest professionalism, courage, perseverance and constant responsiveness. of course, medicine is the most humane profession. at all times, the personality of the doctor, his sensitive attitude towards patients, his readiness to immediately come to the rescue, have always been highly valued by people. as they say. apply a kind soul even to the wound
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in the medical community itself, on a par with skill, knowledge and responsibility... are placed on his integrity, mercy and compassion. the vast majority of russian medical workers have these qualities. they are passed on from generation to generation. and it is very important that medical universities and colleges pay attention to instilling devotion to their chosen profession, so that graduates are prepared for the fact that their work, as anton pavlovich chekhov wrote, is a daily test. for humanity, once again i congratulate you on the holiday, success to you, all the best to your health. in honor of the day of the medical worker in the special operation zone , doctors of the southern group of troops were awarded right on the front line. the medical staff were awarded
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departmental awards for the courage, bravery and heroism they showed during the hostilities . the unit commander thanked the doctors for their persistence and personal contribution to the common cause. the peace proposals put forward by vladimir putin are a glimmer of hope. this statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of turkey at the summit on ukraine in switzerland. the conference attracted almost half as many participants as the organizers had planned. alika komarova will tell you why. vladimir putin's proposals undermined the legitimacy of the swiss conference. these are the headlines the western media are making following the results of the first day of the summit in bürgenstock. the publication khil emphasizes that moscow has every right to put forward its own conditions.
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over the settlement of the ukrainian crisis, in my opinion, there is a serious risk of escalation of the conflict, therefore the announced conditions of russia, it seems to me, are an important step and a glimpse hopes, the so-called peace summit does not look peaceful, military equipment has been brought to the hotel where the meetings are taking place,
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a wall of barbed wire has been erected around it, participants are being transported by military helicopters, as they are already joking on social networks, apparently they are afraid of russian spies, from the 160 invited countries to the summit in the end... success, there are people in ukraine who understand this. the delegates themselves do not have too much hope; most of them did not wait for the end of the summit and left switzerland after the first day. among those who escaped is kamala haris, who will not be at the signing. final communication. experts say
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such actions only indicate that washington is about to make concessions. the united states has already recognized the interests of russia, now it is necessary for zelensky to stop resisting. washington finally understood. the futility of continuing hostilities in the ssu, which, in the best case, can hold territory, but not recapture something already occupied by russia. moreover, american and ukrainian interests have been diverging for some time, and the united states, unlike europe, is trying to stop zelensky. the final communication will contain a call towards dialogue with russia, the media write about this with reference to the draft document. they have planned a second round of negotiations, and they want to invite moscow there as well. alek komarova, boris ivanin. news. donald trump has promised to end multibillion-dollar payments to ukraine if he wins the presidential election. the politician made this statement during a speech to voters. zelensky is perhaps the greatest salesman of any
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politician who has ever lived. whenever he comes to our country, he leaves it with 60 million dollars, and then returns to his homeland and declares what he needs. so, without end, i 'll deal with this. ivanovsky paratroopers destroyed an enemy drone in the chasoy yar area. it was discovered from an aerial observation point. the enemy drone, after receiving a combat mission, the air defense unit moved to the starting position and launched missiles from the verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile system. as a result, the enemy copter was eliminated. the general mobilization in ukraine left agriculture without workers. local tv channel with a link to the relevant ministry reported that in some specialties only a fifth of the employees remained. first of all , representatives of professions that are in demand in the army are taken.
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leave the ship. according to the department, the distress signal was picked up by another cargo ship. he discovered the sverben sailors and helped them. meanwhile, as the houthis stated, the greek bulk carrier tuter may also begin to suffer in the coming hours. let me remind you that earlier fighters of the yemen movement attacked several ships in the arabian sea. now footage from israel, there an anti-government demonstration of many thousands in tel aviv, protesters demanded the release of hostages from the gaza strip. if you want a conflict, the march turned into riots, now these images of the riots are on your screens, they are published on social networks
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by eyewitnesses, here is also a fragment of the confrontation, fires are burning, mounted police managed to disperse the demonstrators, look at what happened directly at the rally, but also to understand the scale, here is another video, 12 people are reported to have been detained, there is a large cleanup in the waters of the sea of ​​okhotsk off the coast sakhalin, where sunken and stranded ships are disposed of. this year they plan to remove 18 ships, many of them have stood in the ship graveyard for more than half a century, lifting from the bottom and moving multi-ton structures damaged by time is not so easy, divers and special equipment are needed, elvira mosyagina observed the most complex operation. a diver with twenty years of experience, konstantin zaitsev, has repeatedly dived to the seabed buried in the salmon bay. first, i examined it, looked for strong hooks, and with time salt. metal, this time his task is to attach a sling to it, a device for pulling the load. we hook the cable
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to a synthetic cable and we will pull out the elements of the metal structures. in the so -called ship cemetery in korsakov, ships have been buried for 30 to 70 years. for the third year now , rusted remains have been disposed of using different technologies. in 2023, metal was even cut with a long-range laser; the plan for this year is to lift seven ships. two are already on shore, another vessel has been prepared for disposal. on the surface of the water surface only food is visible, the main part of the sunken ship is 36 m, located under water. the divers have already sharpened it and brought the systems to the shore, from where they use special devices to pull it out in a zigzag manner. the metal is eaten away by salt over time, and to prevent the ship from falling apart during the drawing process, the installation will pull up the edges of the ship one by one. to do this, the diver must move it.
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elvira masyagi, igor nikolaev, leading the sakhalin kuril islands. artek celebrates a beautiful date today. the legendary camp turns 99 years old. the history of artek began with four-cent. and with over the years it has become one of the largest children's recreation complexes in the world. today
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, more than 3.0 children from russia and other countries will take part in the festive events. the day will begin with a ceremonial line-up of creative, educational, sporting events and master classes. and the culmination of the show will be a sea parade, which will take place off the shores of the children's center. now we will tell you how 35 years ago in uzbekistan we managed to end the conflict between the uzbeks and the displaced. by the turks, which escalated into pogroms. the official version of those days, that's all happened because of a quarrel in the market, but now this story has received a new explanation. watch the film from the series "the world in the palm of your hand". in may june 1989
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, a conflict suddenly broke out between the uzbeks in the fergana valley. the fact is that if you consider a specific point, specifically the point of the fergana events, this is one story, but if we consider geopolitics as a set of events that subsequently led to the collapse of the soviet union and became a serious link in the collapse of the soviet union, then
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a completely different point you and i have vision is growing, because in parallel with this historical point it is necessary... to see what was happening in the world at that time, in the world it was very necessary, including in the information space, to show that the soviet union shows a picture of the terrible, difficult soviet union, that the soviet union is a prison of peoples, that peoples want to actively develop, so they are being hindered, this picture, it actually did not reflect reality in any way, because the peoples of the soviet union really had a lot of opportunities, but it was necessary to information space to paint a different picture. and this picture was the result of the gigantic work of special services, which essentially helped organize serious contradictions against the background of the internal situation in almost all soviet republics.
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you and i remember that all these interethnic conflicts, they were born precisely at the dawn of the collapse of the soviet union, when the baltic countries were the first to begin to move, secede from the union, all this, by inertia, this whole chain was transferred to all the other republics and.. . naturally border republics, namely border ones, back in the ninety-first year, i remember very well the ossetian-ingush conflict, just the period when dudayev came to power, everything was born there, you remember, the ninety- second was transferred to abkhazia, with georgia, then more, the first the chechen conflict, and naturally, it was beneficial for someone
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to undermine russia, to undermine the situation within, naturally arose immediately.
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there is a peaceful situation, a situation of interaction, these three issues are regulated: territory, nations, religions, these are the three issues, as soon as an escalation occurs, it is these three issues that become a vulnerable point, this happened in many territories of the soviet union, the situation in fergana in uzbekistan was torn apart for the third issue, which really led to very serious consequences, for the same reason. karabakh also flared up, for the same reason transnistria will flare up, for the same reason the situation in georgia and ossetia will flare up. these three reasons will allow. promote the peoples who lived together for many centuries on each other one territory, or at least many years, if we are talking directly about
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the situation in fergana. today it is known that there were more dead and wounded, 103 people died, more than a thousand people were injured of varying degrees of severity, and almost a thousand houses were burned. let's name the methods that the rebels used. pogromists, they entered houses, set fire, strangled, burned mikkhit turks, wrapped them in carpets, i personally witnessed a burial, a general burial of mikkhit turks in the amount of 3-8 people, there was a large cesspool where they were placed in white shrouds and buried, because pogroms were going on throughout fergana, the rioters used kamaz trucks,
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it was at this moment that we say that the soviet union is finally withdrawing in march of 1989, we are withdrawing our troops from afghanistan, that is
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, there are practically no soviet troops left there who can come to the rescue if something happens in uzbekistan, at this moment tajikistan, the caucasus, transnistria and the actual events in fergana begin to burn and all this practically flares up at the same time... the end of the seventies, the beginning of the eighties, they admit that the funds they spent on driving a wedge and dividing the soviet people along ethnic lines
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did not bring success, they began to reduce these expenses, but in rygan’s team found people, techies, technocrats, economists who showed the dependencies. under the conditions of détente, we were allowed to purchase western equipment, on credit, of course.
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management asked gorbachev how much he could take so as not to be dependent, he was told that if 1/3 of the alp goes to interest, this is acceptable and so on, we purchased equipment that was not the best, in the west to update our modernization of light industry, because mechanical engineering was more or less difficult, and so on, but we did not teach this fact , that here is a sharp transition.
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it was impossible to live like this any longer, everything had to be changed radically, here historical arguments are born immediately on this basis, well , karabakh too, well, what difference does it make whose karabakh, azerbaijan or armenia, if everything that karabakh received was given to the center, and then distributed, taking into account aliyev’s authority, azerbaijan received more from that common treasury, right? but when the center grew in size, there were no financial resources, it turned out, whose karabakh will have income, this or that nationalist, religious, structural and so on is immediately fueled, which inflames this conflict, but this was clearly monitored by the west, here they are they were already adding oil and giving us these matches. to say that
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in all these flaring situations the political leadership of the country acted competently we cannot have a soviet union at that time. gorbachev’s own statements, his political activities at this moment, well , raise a lot of questions among historians, because his first and foremost political gaze was, of course, drawn to the foreign policy level. we opened up to the world, opened up, and refused to interfere in other people's affairs. from the use of troops outside the country, society gained freedom, became liberated politically and spiritually, the totalitarian system was eliminated, which had deprived the country of the opportunity to become prosperous for a long time and prosperous. at this moment , very serious , in the literal sense, as we now understand, essentially acts of sabotage took place inside the soviet union, which promoted
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internal unrest. especially in those territories where there were serious problems with the military contingent, with security, mikhail sergeevich paid minimal attention to this issue, of course, which once again allowed our opponents, our opposing camp, to declare that yes, the soviet union does not control the situation, there are a lot of people inside the soviet union contradictions, that's why the soviet union really is like that. will be more convenient in its other format, the process of renewal of the country and fundamental changes in the world community turned out to be much more complex than one might have expected, that is, in the conditions of the crisis, which manifested itself thanks to the mistakes of the park nomenclature of the soviet union, then the united states and countries from ... who
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received this information immediately took advantage of the moment, they did not help gorbachev, as they assured him, they drowned his entire state structure, exposing doubt, to destroy state power, that’s all. ship production volumes in russia over the past year increased by 4% and the goals are grandiose until the thirty-seventh year - to build more than one and a half thousand civil ships. how do industry enterprises cope under sanctions? we will tell you in the release of the program made in russia, shipbuilding. shipbuilding. according to the government.


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