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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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those countries that were invited by macron to the eightieth anniversary of the landings, it is interesting to trace, look, germany - 13%, with germany, which started the war, poland - 11.2%, france - 1.3%, italy - 1%, and fought in hitler's country, usa 0.8%, great britain. approximately 0.8%. netherlands - 0.4%. canada - 0.8%, denmark - 0.8%. and 53% of all losses fell on the shoulders of our country, on the shoulders of the soviet union. soviet people. and it was this country, its successor, russia, that was not invited. to
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celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the landing landing in normandy, i’m not talking about justice now, we see that there is no justice, this justice, when the game goes wrong, the rules of the game change, that’s all, when your impunity corrupts you, and you can completely calmly, without a decision from the un security council, you just bomb another country, kill. civilians, as was done in belgrade, such sweaty sticky fear does not come at night to mr. olav scholz, sending german leopards to fight in ukraine against the russians, that his grandfather, group and furer ss, fris von scholz, who did the same thing 80 years ago, will curse him because he knows how it ends for germany, i don’t believe that... gennady
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andrev zyuganov consciously, specifically takes part in this anti-eleene campaign, but this process is underway, which is why our president at this very time says the following words, i don’t want to force anything, but i ask you to pay attention, this is what we all understand, in any case, everyone should understand.
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they can’t stop paying en masse utilities or delays in payment, even a transport collapse in large cities, drivers absenteeism from work, a failure of the traffic light system, will become a very noticeable event for people and will create a feeling of mass rejection of the war. does anyone know who mr. khodorkovsky really is, for everyone he is a successful businessman. he is the owner of yukos, an investor,
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a person with enormous opportunities, abilities, who he really is, to whom he gave management of a stake in the largest oil company of our country in the nineties, listen, we made a decision that there is a protector on the highway, that is, this is a person who... performs the functions of a person monitoring what is happening, yeah, he must be completely independent and absolutely trusted, because he has only one function: at the moment when he sees that the person holding a controlling stake in the company is not acting under pressure, let’s say, under pressure, then he must open the envelope and hand over this very one.
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yuri dud for so famously revealing the eyes of russian society on who our famous oppositionists really are, and why? but according to dostoevsky, where there is no god, everything is permitted; when everything is permitted, then what?
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then, quite frankly, with a naive smile , the world perceives him riding around the world. drug addict khlestakov, who no longer has any reason to travel around this world as the president of a big country, begging for money, squeezing hands, speaking, forcing himself to listen, and no one has the same question, who are you, mr. zelensky, who are you, zero, zero, nobody, a person who has lost all rights and especially... the right to send people to death, the right to resolve state issues, take part in the discussion of international issues, propose some kind of schemes for peace, war, what whatever, he’s nobody, but
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the question arises, naive, why is he needed, and i’ll say, he’s needed as a mechanism for an unprecedented, worldwide... cosmic rollback, if you imagine a meat grinder that is thrown into the unfortunate ukrainian citizens, and from the meat grinder instead minced meat climb money, bloody money, which then creeps into the pockets of those who are absolutely indifferent to the life of the entire ukrainian people, like ukrainian leaflets...
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if he doesn’t know the constitution, and he probably doesn’t know the constitution, if you believe the representative of this people either, mr. aristovich, who speaks like this about education in his country, this is a squalor that does not even deserve contempt, and the fact that millions of people believe them shows what kind of squalor is in the heads of these people, i say, the narrow neck of civilization is education. in ukraine they have been killing people’s brains for 33 years in a row, because what is happening now, what assessments people are giving, how they evaluate it all, who they are raising to replace it, shows that we are holding on only by a miracle of god, so we have to the president of another country to explain
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to the ukrainian people, and to the rest of the world, what the basic law of ukraine says. regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian government is this: the constitution of ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but they are only welcome. about extension of powers president in the constitution of ukraine nothing is said. there is article 111 of the constitution of ukraine, which says that - in this case, the powers of the supreme power, in fact, presidential powers are transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since under the conditions of the law on martial law,
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the powers of parliament are extended. here it turns out again, according to dostoevsky, if there is no god, everything is permitted, stand in canada together with the president of canada and give a standing ovation to the ss man, and then in another country, in france , with the same thing. and through their singing, one people serves creatively and blossoms spiritually, while the other is uncreative, both
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spiritually and reliably. there are peoples that stop serving and become the slag of history. today we see that it is not the people, not the peoples, that become the slag of history, but a huge part of the world, most of all.
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and it is unknown whether he will come or not, why do you have to wait 2 weeks for the master and why does he and the dog cost so much? no, but you appreciate the level, amazing, my producer michel sidou, with whom i worked, who is absolutely a product, so to speak, of the same civilized world, to the question where is your homeland, he answered very simply and honestly, my homeland is where taxes are lower, and for... where delivery is faster, it’s very simple, the main thing is how clear it is, but how, for example, can one
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treat the fact that in russia , the distance education platform for children spherum is advertised by such a character as an instasamka, just admire it. but there is no such thought that as a result of this education we will get exactly that. what we see in this advertisement, but what are the claims to the spherum when the same instagram woman is invited to perform at petersburg international economic forum with such a very symbolic song. here’s how to feel about such children’s coloring books, tasks that are sold for 4
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euros in retail chains in spain, in that same catholic spain, the spain of donquixote, cervantes, velazquez’s spain, how to feel about this? one of these simple, understandable tasks is the following: children are asked to untangle their members. to find a way to the butt, well , like in spain, here’s a wonderful action in ukraine, if you want to get a reward from the military registration and enlistment office, hand your husband over to the front, this is not a joke, look, turn in your husband and get a reward. in the kharkov region, wives surrendered their husbands to the shopping center and were awarded certificates of honor. in general, according to information from the local retail center, the spouses could no longer shelter. to cover up for their draft dodger husbands, they asked them to go defend their homeland, but when they refused,
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they called the military commissar and the tsk did their job, in return for this, the head of the military registration and enlistment office awarded the women with certificates of honor, these are citizens of the very civilized world that wants to exterminate us, for example, they can't show on the map more than one country, this is south africa, no, this is the country of asia, no, this is a continent, but specifically this is russia, oh damn, i'm stupid. greenland or iceland, is this something alaskan? this is our character, look what novels tchaikovsky wrote? i don't know such a thing. i really like his poem.
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pharmacy, lantern, well, there’s such a poem about love, it’s great, of course, you know how pushkin died, he got hit by a car, yes, yes, yes, right here not far on patrikas, by the way, what, did you see, didn’t , i was not there that day, they said simply, friends, no, i didn’t read the news, i think he died a long time ago, in fact, i was so sick of him, yes, i can tell you that this is a joke, rose, you say, ah, bought it, mihal, no, i’m just wondering, but many people’s eyes widen when they
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read the story of taras bulba alexander sergeevich, what is the name dzhugashvili famous for? no idea, stalin, and this is stalin, listen, well , i may not know this, that’s normal, it doesn’t stop me from living to earn money, i don’t want to read morals, i don’t want to meddle in someone else’s life, well remember the wonderful ending of a wonderful american film in jazz, only girls, no ozgu, let’s be honest, i can’t become yours at all.
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but everyone has their own shortcomings, ugliness becomes a sign of today, the most important thing is that the enjoyment of this ugliness is pharisaism, covered with the words tolerance, multiculturalism, all flowers bloom, in fact, latently, this is a humiliating mockery. over someone who is not like you, over his imperfections, for example, this is a participant in a brazilian show talents, a transgender woman who considers herself a singer, there is only one nuance, so to speak, she is deaf and mute. listen,
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do you believe that what they are hearing now gives them pleasure? i don’t believe it, but we need to live up to this lie, this hypocrisy, this is multiculturalism, this is tolerance, here’s another transgender who competes at the european figure skating championships, do you think she herself understands that this is terrible, let’s say no, but those around you understand that this is terrible. i'm convinced that yes, they let her do it, they they mock her, covering it up with humanism, here you go, miss alabama, who is preparing to compete in the miss america competition, and can win, and why not, why not, well, if there is no god, then everything is permitted,
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right, just imagine, here the jury people are sitting and looking smart. listen, evaluate, and how should those who can sing, who have a wonderful voice, whose singing is admired by millions, feel like those little girls who practice at the skating rink from morning to night, spin, fall, stuff themselves bumps, are injured in order to achieve the perfection that delights the world that they must experience. looking at this, how should women who train all their lives in order to win olympic medals, in swimming, in discus throwing, feel? when there is no doubt in their ranks, a man who calls himself women competes with them, how they should feel, but the worst thing is, they
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cannot open their mouths, because this violates the world order that is being built today and against which we have risen, again the great fedor mikhailovich. again we return to the same thing: if there is no god, everything is permitted, but where, how can we get at least some approximate ideas about god? i’m not talking about the church now, no, well, in the world, in life, please watch this short video, dear friends, there is such a wonderful textbook on the history of the ancient world for the fifth grade, where i tell. details about how man arose from the most ancient times, that’s what struck me most in this essay, that on more than 300 pages
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stories in our world about how it arose were found only once, twice, three, well, i think four pages dedicated to christianity, which are shown here, a touch, a fragment in the history of ancient rome, but the fact that this religion became fundamental. the fact that she turned the whole world upside down, well, somehow there’s no emphasis on that here. we really found this book, yes, this is history, general history, history of the ancient world for the fifth grade. and indeed, there are 324 pages, and indeed, 4.5 are devoted to christianity, then eat this. 1.2% of the entire textbook, i have a question about how a student can
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get at least some more no less intelligible, and albeit not very, but still at least some depth of knowledge of what christianity is, what this is the religion in the country in which he lives, and it is written... with such, how to say, such an atheistically intellectual assumption, such streamlined formulations, for example, many believed there, or there is such an opinion, and so on and so on, but this christianity has accomplished a fantastic a revolution in the consciousness of humanity, if we mean it.
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catholic, refused, preferring to pay tribute, thereby creating the very country in which we live, but is it really not worthy of telling about it, of making it clear, of letting it be felt, this is the basis of education in a person, understanding where he lives. today children, tomorrow people, not without reason a great propagandist of his kind, and joseph goebels said: “take away their
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history from the people, and in 100 years they will turn into a herd, and in another 100 years it will be possible manage, despite the fact that in our country there is a system called the russian classical school, who does not know, this school was created in the urals, yekaterinburg with the works of enthusiasts, people who are interested in children growing up who can read books, who know how to think, who ask the right questions. this system contains everything: pre-revolutionary education, post-revolutionary education, soviet education. here we collect all the best that happened in our country and that was appreciated throughout the world. we're great we know about this, for example, this is the first book to read on russian history, up to the first grade, from ancient times to the reign.
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these books are enough to go through the entire course of practically the history of your country, there are many of them, from ancient times, look, to vladimir putin, look, this is a wonderful manual, why does no one know about it, and... i repeat, it has already been published, it already exists, this is auxiliary material that is written in simple, clear language, taking into account age from first grade to the last, isn’t this necessary, is four pages about christianity enough to understand what country you live in, as the french historian emmanuel thoth said, not only faith in god has disappeared, there has also been a disappearance.
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values ​​associated with it, both individual and social, which means the ability for collective action is being lost, just think about it, this is very, this is very important, the ability to collective action is the security of the nation of the people, the ability to understand, consolidate, act, especially in such situations, in which we are today, i want to...
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which you can’t go beyond, who, if not the lord, placed them, i wonder if this is in mathematics, but in mathematics there is a lot of this, in fact, in mathematics, god’s ears are from all corners, there is information that the famous danish physicist, nobel prize winner, niel collection, one of the developers of the atomic bomb, once said, science needs several decades to prove the existence of god, how many copies are broken around today's education? and eg, and distance education, and digitalization. we they talked about this a lot, but still we can’t get out of the circle that seems to have bewitched us. this is the mysterious and magical word of the unified state exam. now i don’t want to talk about the latest scandals with
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strip searches, almost... down to underwear in search of crib sheets, isn’t it about the crib sheet, it’s about knowledge, the point is how this knowledge is obtained, but politicians are already talking about it , listen to what he says, the head of the fair russia party for the truth, sergei mironov, listen, in anticipation of assignments on physics, computer science, literature, spent 7 hours in a stuffy room. without water, without food, without anything, and you ask the doctors how many patients with diabetes mellitus we have, how many of our girls will never give birth, because stress, everything, they immediately go through hormonal, hormonal failure, everything from - because of this idiocy, it’s time to stop mocking our children, how could you imagine 20 years ago such a picture: 97.
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