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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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was it possible to imagine such a picture 20 years ago: 97, when a girl finds out that she received not 100 points, but 97. could we imagine such a picture? and if we go further, this is the crazy digitalization of schools, and this also becomes a reason for conversation in the state duma, listen to what the chairman of the state duma says about this. let’s ask the candidate for the position of minister what problems people are conveying to us today regarding issues related to education, schools, what worries them, education, digitalization of schools, this is the position of the candidate for the position of minister of education, will digitalization continue, or will we still... find
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the strength, stop, admit mistakes, we will do everything to ensure that there is a constant dialogue , an opportunity for this a teacher with a parent, a teacher with a child was created, so, colleagues or not, they come to you with these questions, they ask you, well, let’s ask these questions, and when our committee approves with 100%, we voted, but at the same time is everything seething?
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now in the whole group no one knows the equation of a circle and this is a technical university, the question of how they even passed the unified state exam remains behind the scenes, no, i have the answer, they passed it perfectly, they learned it, passed it and completely forgot because they memorized it, yes, this, this is, as it were, the result of sharpening, the sharpening has become dull, that is, they did not deceive the system, they came to take the unified state exam, but the unified state exam does not reflect knowledge, what does it reflect knowledge?
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in order to know a subject, and not imitate its knowledge through tests, for this it is necessary that oral examinations were held, for this it is necessary that the teacher return to the old system, and now multiply what we talked about today, with four pages in a history book about christianity, with this subtle work of de-christianization of our country, which we talked about, as if imperceptible . as if for good, how crosses disappear from the models of the most famous churches, remember, we talked about this? recently, a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace images of orthodox crosses with balloons. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the most holy the virgin mary in vladimir, here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great. they created the same thing,
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uglich, many of us tried to explain it with something like safety for the weak of vision, so as not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university, this is how the logo used to be, this is how it was made now, in general, it’s not all because of the blind, it’s because of the sighted, and you can imagine that they would depict some famous mosque in the model and remove the crescent from the minored, also from good intentions and for the safety of the visually impaired, especially since the crescent is a more cutting object than the cross, how would people who go to the mosque, people who profess islam, react to this, and look, well , this is how we can... connect everything
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that i just talked about, with the wonderful event that we had on may 26-27 in ingushetia, an international reading competition. sacred words for anyone who professes islam, for any muslim, including children, look at what a holiday, i am delighted with it, but imagine give me a sec. that somewhere we will announce or someone will announce a competition for reading the lives of saints or the gospel, as will be accepted by those people who support the removal of crosses for
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the safety of the visually impaired, you understand what i just said to myself, believe me, you will agree with me , i am absolutely convinced that... look at how to fight indifference, there are a lot of indifferent people now, so we need to put this problem in first place and talk about it in the program, i wonder what attitude should be to be with a person who for some reason you don’t like, who is such a cheerful
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person, really, it seems to me, the program should talk about architectural monuments, when in literature classes there is an extra person, you can’t argue with that, but i would like more. argues, let them tell you in the program what truth is, and if the truth is indisputable, is it possible to argue with it? it would be nice if the program touched on the problem of the conscience of a real person, i wanted to ask, for example, why guys at our age are afraid of love, in my opinion, now at our age it’s the most beautiful thing, then maybe everyone’s life will be in service, everything will be there, does it even exist now? it’s love, they’re afraid to admit it, and in general ... in general, what is love? well, in the program you showed real friendship, which is based on mutual understanding of two people, here the friendship is already sincere, how to make the friendship really, real, but sometimes it happens, well, it seems in words, he is
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a friend, in reality, no, well, here’s an interesting, modern person, it’s interesting to know what a modern, real person can be, a man of our time. these children ask questions, they are interested in questions that absolutely fit into the paradigm of christian morality and education, although they live in a communist country with a permitted state ideology and developed atheism, why now, with a forbidden ideology, with freedom of religion, with freedom of speech, why explain today i...
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remind you of the words of the great chinese thinker and philosopher confucius. if your plan is for one year, plant rice. if your plan is for 10 years, plant trees. if your plan is for 100 years, teach children. and this is absolutely accurate. teach
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children, because today they are children, and tomorrow they are people. well, that's all. what i wanted to talk to you about today, and without breaking tradition, i want to offer you, as usual: raise a glass to victory, to our victory, who do you think came? that's right, the crooked swordsman said, we're leaving one by one. if anything, we are biologists with impatience and
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hope, god willing, i look forward to our next meeting, all the best. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito the trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. dedicated to our older loved ones. convenient loans. great contributions. in the branch and online. special conditions, especially relationships. my back gets tired on my feet all day. because of work, i lead a sedentary lifestyle and exercise on a daily basis, but
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mvideo eldorado, the main expert in white technology. still thinking about the perfect home? at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. a news photojournalist was killed in the donetsk people's republic. nikita tsitsagi. according to the information portal, everything happened near the nikolsky monastery in the village of nikolsko, in the ugledar region. our colleague went there to prepare new material. victim of a drone attack in the ssu. in an emergency in a pre-trial detention center in the rostov region, prisoners took two employees hostage. negotiations are currently underway for their release. the head of the main department of the ministry of defense arrived at the scene, as well as representatives of law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor's office. as the department clarified, the institution is functioning normally, the situation is under control,
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the peace proposals put forward by vladimir putin are a glimmer of hope, this was the statement made by the turkish foreign minister at the peace summit ukraine in switzerland. the diplomat emphasized that the conference could have been more effective if russia had taken part in it. the head of the saudi arabian foreign ministry also spoke about this. in his opinion, peace in ukraine cannot be achieved without. both sides are needed here, the world community must encourage any peaceful steps, even if compromises need to be made, so russia’s participation is necessary. representatives of europe and the united states predictably attacked russia with criticism; the vice-president of the states, kamala haris, said that the peace proposal vladimir putin is a direct path to the capitulation of ukraine, and german chancellor olaf scholz
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called for an immediate ceasefire, but exclusively on kiev’s terms. the entire summit at... most of the delegates had already left switzerland, not staying for the second final day of the event. medicine is the most humane profession. the vast majority of russian doctors have mercy, compassion and decency. vladimir putin stated this in his congratulations to health workers on their professional holiday. the president noted that doctors show their best quality in military conditions. vladimir is mastering new methods of rehabilitation, doing everything possible to support the fortitude of our heroes. putin thanked the doctors for their courage and constant responsiveness. today, in the context of a special military operation, medical workers show their best qualities,
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save the wounded on the battlefield, treat, nurse, carry out complex operations. i thank all military doctors for the highest professionalism, courage, perseverance and constant responsiveness. of course, medicine - this is the most humane profession. at all times, the doctor’s personality, his sensitive attitude towards patients, his readiness to immediately come to the rescue, have always been highly valued by people, as people say, a kind soul is no matter what. in the medical community, his integrity, mercy and compassion are placed on a par with the skill, knowledge and responsibility of a doctor. muslims all over the world celebrate the holiday of sacrifice, kurban bayram, one of the most important in muslim culture, vladimir putin congratulated believers on the holiday, the president noted the contribution of muslims to the unity
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of our people, recalling that muslim organizations pay great attention to strengthening the institution of family, patriotic... liberation and satanic mockery of the symbols of faith. our country, our russian people, reject these idols, remain faithful to the lord and his establishment, our state is today subjected to unprecedented
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pressure from western countries. by the shore. a red-listed humpback whale that became entangled in fishing nets was rescued. after a two-hour chase, several unsuccessful attempts, the specialists managed to throw a hook and cut the rope that was in the way of the animal. a rare whale entangled in fishing gear was discovered by tourists during a boat trip in the barents sea earlier this week. he was wounded, the nets prevented him from moving and eating. all this threatened the death of the animal. tourists contacted the coast guard, a rescue operation was organized, it was carried out from... sakhalin, who have experience working with whales. now there is a short advertisement, then watch the program of the week in the city. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby.
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rubles every month, you can! a credit card is beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period begins every month, service notifications are free forever! apply for a loan! card, withdraw cash without commission. magnet - the price is what you need. shirdets slavina 499. good morning, we are back to the main stories that happened nearby. my name is yaroslav krasienko, this is a week in the city and this is how our correspondents saw it, damn it, an oncoming plane takes off, goes into a tailspin, why are
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light planes crashing in the moscow region, in case of engine failure, we have nowhere to sit, and how not to get caught in a forced landing, alexander karpov dodges the propeller, sooner or later you will sit down, forgetting to lower the landing gear, we have it. parents who are worried, under stress, the very first aid, why the morozov hospital needed reconstruction, with such a volume, of course, a modern emergency department is needed, and how the best children's clinic in moscow now works, everything will be at the highest level when it falls to the ground , such bright women, fire on their own, where so far fireworks season is not over. “i woke up from this terrible bang, and how to deal with pyrotechnicians, amateurs, denis voskovsky returns silence. firecrackers were launched from
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apartment number 200 on the twenty-first floor, 280 km/h. 280, rockets on wheels, who accelerates them to exorbitant speeds for what? i don’t know how i’ll survive all this. and how do country parties end in tragedies, this blue scum, lie down, get up, creature, they hammered in the pegs and told me to move the fence, now there’s construction here, how to privatize the water protection zone? a helipad, there will be restaurants, cafes, who is taking away the beaches from the residents of the moscow region, anna balan's investigation, soon all this will be built up with cottages, we are children of those lithuanians, at all times, how to travel around... and where the most unusual street festival in moscow takes place ? oksana maksimova goes back in time. maybe a hat will help.
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immediately lasso a bull, so the largest children's hospital not only in moscow, but in all of russia, morozovskaya, will now be able to accept even more small patients, and help them will provide even faster and more efficiently in the clinic, after a radical restructuring and reconstruction, a new emergency department was opened, absolutely everything has changed there and... it now works in accordance with the new moscow standard of emergency care, when a minimum amount of time passes from the patient’s admission to the start of the operation, a matter of minutes, or even seconds. how we managed to achieve this and what else has changed in the work of the hospital, we assessed the scale of medical changes. from the old soviet, and even more so to the revolutionary morozov hospital, there is almost nothing left here, only the reputation of the best children's
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clinic. and, of course, tradition, for several years now construction work has not stopped on the territory, new buildings are being erected and old ones are being reconstructed. the reception department was also modern, but it should have been brought to a different standard. previously, all patients entered through one entrance, it was possible to lose the time necessary for diagnosis and treatment of patients, there was a long wait for medical assistance, now all this will be accelerated... at the highest level, all unnecessary walls have been demolished here, the wards have been expanded, the latest equipment has been added, a new standard of emergency care is when from the vestibules where ambulances arrive to the operating room, treatment room or intensive care unit there are only a few meters, and the patient is just being transported, the doctors already know his diagnosis and are preparing the necessary devices; if the patient enters a state of clinical death, this device allows us to a...
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perform indirect cardiac massage for quite a long time and at the same time apply some other therapeutic options, such as, for example, artificial ventilation of the lungs, placement of a central catheter, mandatory separation of flows by color, severe patients in one direction, those who are easier in the other, everything is nearby, the necessary equipment, medications and any most qualified the specialist himself will come to the patient, this gives a different speed, and by adopting medical technologies, accordingly, making a decision on the need to treat the patient directly in the hospital or the possibility to let him go home, other diagnostic options and, of course, a different comfort of stay. currently, similar reconstruction of emergency departments is underway in three more hospitals and even more where the work has been completed. by next year, according to the new standard , emergency care will be provided to 20 adult
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hospitals, all of them children's. this year alone we completed the reconstruction of nine large clinics, one of these emergency departments is here at the morozov clinic, which serves almost a quarter of all children admitted to treatment in moscow. with such a volume, of course, we need a modern reception department, already made according to new standards, according to new logistics, with new equipment. a major transformation of the morozov hospital continues. there is a major overhaul of four buildings at once. unfortunately, there are cases when even the best doctors in the best hospitals are powerless. and the components of such tragedies are often the same. youth, alcohol and a powerful car. in mazhaisk near moscow, a drunken reckless driver flew into a bus stop at high speed and hit him children standing there. one died, the second is now in intensive care. the child's condition is extremely serious. and it all started out fun for the racer.
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a dacha for... a deal with friends and an insatiable desire for thrills, what now awaits the killer driver, will it be possible to save the teenager who fell under the wheels. the entire chronology of this drama was restored by irina baranova. i saw sashka’s children lying there, half of him was there. a twenty-seven-year-old muscovite turned a quiet summer near moscow in the villages of kiselyov into a real nightmare. he took the life of thirteen-year-old sasha and deprived the leg of his nine-year-old friend. only the third boy managed to jump away from the car. which ran over the children at breakneck speed, everything’s fine, that’s it, you’ll go to war, this maserati, wrecked in poly, became a weapon in the hands of the company, which found the village holiday too boring, and decided to have fun with the high speed of a racing car. 280 km/h. 280. children were in the way of the deadly entertainment, mazarate demolished the bus stop where the guys rode their bicycles for...


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