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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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shoes, helmets saved us from serious consequences, hush, hush, hush, a patrol car was damaged, in this photo there is a dented bumper of a police car, confirmation that the collision with a motorcycle was indeed not a minor one, this is what the father of the injured boys told us on the phone: the patrol just rushes by like a pillar, the sound of a blow and just a wild scream of our youngest child, i... i run back too, i look, god, there’s a motorcycle under the car, there’s almost half under the patrol, and then the inspector drove off, the scene of the accident, it’s like, it’s impossible same change the location of vehicles, look, you ran into him, so what, why did you drive away, so what? the pitbike the boys were riding on is a model of a mini-motorcycle designed for training children and teenagers; it is not officially considered a vehicle; it is sold as sports equipment; a license is not required for it.
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the pit bike is distinguished by a small engine capacity from 50 to 190 cum, wheel diameter from 25 to 43 cm with wide tires for traction on the ground. a pit bike cannot be ridden on public roads, and the boys' parents admit that the children could have broken the rules; after a collision with a patrol car , the schoolchildren’s pit bike was taken to a special parking garage. a few days later my father was allowed to pick up the damaged property, and this is how i transport motorcycles on a trailer. the story received a great public response, we decided to look into it and turned to experts for clarification, comments from the head of the legal department of the moscow police union. in exceptional cases, employees may block it with a car. something else,
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but this is clearly not the case here, that is, if there was a collision between a patrol car and this motorcycle, accordingly, here the questions should be asked specifically to the traffic police inspectors in the performance of their official duties, they were obliged to react to prevent, but it was not possible to prevent, for some reason the experienced inspectors went to ram the ram, the lawyers don’t know whether it was on purpose or just...
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8 and 13 years old, that’s what they could have done so illegally, it’s clear that now everyone will say that the employees the police acted within the framework of the police law, blah blah blah and so on, yes, only the police law provides for such police actions that prevent illegal acts, that is , the police action must be adequate to counter what these unfortunate children did, ambiguous investigators immediately responded to the story. they check how legally and competently the inspectors acted. an internal audit takes place at the police headquarters. based on the fact of an accident in the city of novaura region, the state traffic inspectorate is conducting an inspection, according to the results of which will evaluate the actions of all participants in the accident and take the necessary measures. we remind you that driving transport by minors who do not have a special right to do so is unacceptable. we hope that police investigators will competently understand this story. the boys' father admitted that a report was allegedly written against the participants in the conflict about
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opposition to traffic police officers and said that he feared the appearance of a new document about failure to fulfill parental responsibilities. we will follow the development of this story. on this week the whole country saw the conditions in which the average corrupt officials live. spectacular footage from the houses of potential participants in a high-profile scam involving budget money was distributed by employees. investigators believe that the members of the criminal groups carried out fraud with subsidies, the money was allocated for the development of agriculture, that’s what it was spent on, my colleague, editor-in-chief of the final issue of our program tatyana shazo, will tell you. a beautiful fairy tale, tanya, it turns out, became a criminal case, yes, andrey, a fairy tale that surrounded the palaces and her inhabitants, with one blow of a crowbar. was destroyed
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by fsb officers, but while the carriage has not yet turned into a pumpkin, in our case, while the property of the detainees has not yet been seized, let’s see in what conditions the supposed participants whiled away their everyday lives. high-profile scam, high-ranking officials and security forces of the karachaev-circassians. so, a mini-tour from fsb officers to the castles of potential corrupt officials. the footage shows an assault on an expensive mansion in cherkessk. the house belongs to one of the defendants in a high-profile case of fraud with budget money. damage - 60 million rubles. but judging by the interior decoration, this is only the starting amount. it is still unknown exactly who exactly lived in the area where the security forces visited. but according to the designers, the owners of these. natural stone, wood, exquisite interior items, a spacious courtyard with a swimming pool, a fountain and a gazebo, either for romantic evenings or for discussing
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fraudulent schemes. in the garage is an elite car, sparkling in the sun, in a word, as the journalists summed it up, an exemplary family estate of a modern corrupt official. all this is very different from... let's compare: this is the decoration of the house of a former high-ranking security official from the stavropol territory. the footage was taken several years ago. interior, leader of the bad taste anti-rating. gold on gold. chandeliers, candelabra, stucco moldings, paintings on the walls and frescoes on the ceilings, furniture, clocks, vases, even the curtains on the windows are blinding from the shine. this is a video from the mansion of another corrupt official, the former prime minister of dagestan. a snow-white two-story hall, dozens of animal skins on the railings, portraits of horsemen, living room crystal chandeliers, heavy velvet and carved furniture. of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but in fresh footage from korochaev cherkessia,
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the progress of design thought is obvious. designers appeared, other corrupt officials appeared, from whom they could take an example, and criminals began to skillfully invest money, of course, this... did not help them, but in any case, the tastes of the corrupt officials changed, they had people who became designers, so to say, they helped - so to speak, to invest the stolen money. otherwise, there are few changes; security forces still find a lot of wealth in rich houses, mountains of bundles of cash in different currencies, collections of expensive watches, fashionable gadgets , classic gifts for corrupt officials, golden pistols. apparently, no matter how hard the designers try. but the love for gold is still stronger. but the main thing, of course, is different. both past and present and, unfortunately, probably future defendants in such cases steal budget
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money, millions, which should be used to build hospitals, kindergartens, schools, cultural centers, and much more. but instead, in individual regions, in individual ones. that sooner or later they will all be surrounded by dulling the mind and corrupt officials forget, one ascetic interior with a design from the federal penitentiary service, well , you can’t forbid living beautifully, although modesty adorns, of course, thanks to tatyana shazo. this week , the crab king oleg kan tried to sink into oblivion again, according to the news agency.
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murders for hire, and the prosecutor general's office turned kan's property worth almost 360 billion rubles into state income. the lawyer, apparently trying to preserve his acquired wealth.
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that is, you do not deny the fact that you headed a group, a gang? some kind of nonsense? sixty-one-year-old sobol was suddenly overcome by amnesia, but investigators have enough evidence that it was soboi who put together a gang of former police officers at the beginning of the 2000s, they killed, robbed, sold drugs, they seemed to feel like the absolute masters of yekaterinburg, and almost a quarter of a century later, members of the investigative committee and police the trail of bandits has been traced, who will now have to answer for their bloody past. the detainees... were dumbfounded by the unexpected visit of detectives, because they hoped that they would never be traced, but they miscalculated,
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the proceedings in three criminal cases were resumed, all about the murders of several persons, they were all committed with the use of firearms, there are four accused so far, the probable leader vladislav sobol and his colleagues, former employees of the city police department, konstantin kotik and vladimir semenyuk, and also a certain oleg anuchin, who allegedly acted as a driver. investigators believe that instead of fighting the spread of drugs, sobol, on the contrary, distributed them. at the beginning of 2000, drug trafficking flourished in yekaterinburg. according to local publications, gang members took control of this illegal business and killed competitors because of the division of spheres of influence. one of the episodes was the reprisal of oleg sergeev, who in yekaterinburg was considered a major drug dealer. he was allegedly shot dead in this house on azbestovsky lane. the bandits supposedly showed up. sergeev home to force him to pay interest on illegal business, but the conversation did not work out,
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then they opened fire on sergeev, along with him his beloved mother was killed. almost a quarter of a century has passed, but we have found eyewitnesses to the crime. this elderly woman was a neighbor of the deceased. everyone there is dead, there is no one there, they have relatives, there is no one. have they lived in this house for a long time? for a long time. especially for our program, icr employees revealed previously unknown details of the high-profile case. this. unique footage, an investigative experiment with a possible gang member konstantin kosik, he tells in detail how the bandits dealt with the unwanted. among those detained was another man, former police captain, and now businessman, oleg girfanov. he is the only one whom the court left free. we met gerfanov when he and his wife were returning from work. at the mention of the surname sobol, the couple sharply quickened their pace. what connects you with vladislav sobol? can you comment somehow? i want to say that the investigators are great.
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well, do you believe it? no. was sobol really a wolf in sheep's clothing, who diligently erased traces of his criminal past? solve a crime twenty years ago succeeded thanks to the competent work of police officers, investigators, and criminologists. the initiative belonged to the main directorate of criminalistics of the investigative committee of russia. investigation of particularly important cases of the fourth department, specializing in the investigation of crimes, so-called, committed in previous years of finishing. criminology of the investigative department, these are our colleagues who directly identify, disclose,
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specialize in this work and a number of investigators of territorial investigative departments, now they will have to pay for past sins to answer, by decision of the sobol court, three of his probable accomplices were sent to a pre-trial detention center, they face up to life imprisonment . alexander mostovay, dmitry stepanov, anastasia ivanova, denis bezlakovsky and ruslan abubekerov, vesti, duty unit from the sverdlovsk region. this week it became known what punishment one of them will suffer. one of the leaders of the russian underworld is oleg medvedev, better known as shishkan. according to the court's decision, he will spend the rest of his life in a special regime colony. there is no stricter punishment. 17 accomplices of medvedev also received substantial sentences, the bandits killed, set fires and extorted money for their own benefit. it is noteworthy that journalists were able to see the defendants in this high-profile case during the announcement of the verdict. previous meetings were closed to the press, while television cameras showed several gang members hiding their faces behind a newspaper.
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afman is now hiding in israel, it is according to the laws of this country that the killer faces such a serious punishment, with details from the head of the middle east news bureau sergei pashkov. stand up. the trial is underway, these words the accused is still won't hear. after 33 years, valery shlyafman, the former director of the pop star of the eighties, singer and composer igor tolkova, after long, painstaking work, after a thorough investigation, is considered the only one guilty of the murder of the popular singer. the court
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has already chosen a preventive measure for shlyafman in absentia: arrest ; a trial will soon begin in russia in which... the main defendant will not be, at least until, many years ago, shortly after the death of igor tolkova, his stage director valery shlyafman, then he went through the case only as witness, immigrated to israel and changed his last name. today he is valery vysotsky, a realtor and a quiet man in the street. if a few years ago he was ready to give us an interview, justifying his actions, calling himself an innocent victim, then 2 years ago he... responded only by sms, refusing to meet, now he has completely gone to the bottom, somewhere according to preliminary data near the israeli coastal city of batyam. on august 6 , 1991, behind the scenes of the jubilee sports palace in st. petersburg, a quarrel broke out and instantly
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escalated into a fight. according to the investigation shlyafman didn’t like the fact that tolkova was offered a change. the district court at first rejected the request of the russian prosecutor's office, the local ministry of justice seemed that there was not enough material to charge shlyafman at that time, to our questions, the singer's former director answered at that time almost impudently and completely unequivocally, as such evidence of my involvement or caution there or
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being careful is nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, real nonsense, that’s why i don’t consider myself and i don’t consider myself and you won’t. now all this is no longer seems nonsense. investigators in st. petersburg, who resumed the case in 2017, gradually asked everyone who was 33 years ago near the scene of the tragedy in the anniversary, singers, administrators, artists, security, stage workers. according to investigators , there can be no doubt. shlyafman killed tolkova, perhaps without meaning to. israeli prosecutors look at this case and say: would we go to court with this or not? and if the evidence is sufficient to try a person here, we hand him over to be tried there, and sit, so that he is here, so we guarantee his rights. the extradition procedure, in compliance with all procedural requirements, usually takes 3 years in israel. this time, having received the relevant documents from russia, the jerusalem district court
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will have to consider the case of shlyafman’s extradition again, especially since new data and evidence have appeared in the case. a new turn in the case of the murder of igor talkov became possible after the charge against shlyafman was reclassified as more serious, without statute of limitations. there are opinions that he killed talkov through negligence, and therefore the death was due to negligence. careless is when a person shoots somewhere up there, just into the sky, i know that there is absolutely no one there, and some paratrooper was flying there, but he got this bullet, and here he is shooting into a crowd of people.
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the principle of life for a life, that is, life imprisonment for killing a person - this is the basic principle of israeli justice, that i wanted to kill another person, i wanted to kill a dog, but hit vasya, it’s still a deliberate... murder, besides, if i just shot at a group of people, knowing full well that they could die from this, but showing indifference
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to the result, this is also considered a deliberate murder, over an invisible man , the punishing sword of justice hangs over valery shlyafman, and dramatic changes in the fate of a quiet israeli realtor with a loud past may begin soon after the israeli... receives new colleagues and finally considers them sufficient. evidence of his guilt from the russians sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, news: israel duty unit. well, soon after us, don’t miss the film escape from avs istria, the case of mavridiy. he committed a murder with a crossbow, kidnapped a famous lawyer, organized a daring escape and ended up in prison for 20 years. is there any logic in his actions or is it all due to fatal love? this is being investigated. we will see each other, happily,
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forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you will be saved yourself, just save from others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, ahlay-makhlay, i wouldn’t know how this can be assembled in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration. pray, black, it’s also a sin to abandon the lads, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here if i go alone, sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, it’s not bad with children did it, someone else will do it to someone else, if you don’t listen, it’s evening with you.
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now we will tell you about the strange things in the sensational story of the murderer alexander mavridi, he is also responsible for the kidnapping of a lawyer and a daring escape, but at the same time, when planning to commit a crime, he took a passport, and when buying a weapon he was caught on all the video cameras. is there any logic to such carelessness? it's all because of love, see eduard petrov's investigation.
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run away. in 60 minutes, that’s exactly how long it took seasoned criminals to get out of the temporary detention center in istra near moscow. among the criminals was alexander mavridi, the alleged killer of sausage king vladimir marukov. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. seeing that the feeder was open, earlier they...
12:00 pm
how are you feeling? why do you need my well-being? four professional burglars from moldova and alexandra mavridi, accused of murdering moscow region businessman vladimir marugov, armed with a wrench, twisted all the locks in the temporary detention center and left without hindrance.


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