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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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used me in this case in the dark, without explaining the details to me, if i knew all these details, i would not have done it, the issued crossbow in mavredi was fired by marugovo, yeah, the shot was approximately somewhere from 1 m, of course , all this time i lived in a state of fear, in a state of uncertainty about the future, police officers and the fsb of russia, with the forceful support of the national guard, detained alexander mavri. “i don’t need anything, how are you feeling? why do you need my well-being? four professional burglars from moldova and accused of the murder of moscow region businessman vladimir marugov, alexander mavridi, armed with a wrench, twisted all the locks in the temporary detention center, freely left..." the guarded building of the ministry of internal affairs.
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the visiting varsiki did not long rejoice in freedom, himself. most of the forces of law enforcement agencies were sent to search some of the especially dangerous ones were caught right away, while others surrendered a little later , recidivist alexander mavridi. it was he who was suspected of organizing the daring escape from the istra temporary detention center. how the wrench ended up in. camera. there were accomplices among the escaped criminals. in which country did the killer of the sausage king, alexander mavridi, want to hide, we took up this case and conducted our own investigation.
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several attackers managed to unscrew it with one wrench. on the lock
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of the cell of the istra temporary detention center . then the criminals freely left the subdivision of the moscow region police department and disappeared into the darkness of the night. the alarm was raised only in the morning. i'll rush into place. pass-through, used on specialized ones , stands for chamber lock facilities, for example, in pre-trial detention centers or psychiatric...
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it was established that on the night of august 6, 2021 , denis grazavu and ivan turcanu escaped from the temporary detention center.
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the temporary detention center employees who escaped were soon arrested; investigators had every reason to believe that the police officers, sergei lavrentyev and elizaveta burdakovskaya, were so irresponsible in their performance of official duties. that all conditions were created for a group escape, the alarm system in the special block did not work, the cameras were turned off
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video surveillance. in addition, the so-called feeding trough, this is a window in the cell door for transferring food, was open. having convinced that the whole feeder was open, they had previously tried the key on the bolts, accordingly they realized that it did not fit, they bored it to the required dimensions, they unscrewed the lock that locked the front door, and then it fell, the door. opened freely, went out into the corridor, made sure that as a result of the fur coat, the fall of the castle, no one came running to them, no one paid attention to it, they calmly proceeded to the door, which led out to the internal corridor, there was a loud noise, but the police officers, as has now been established, were asleep at that moment, plus their
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rest room is, let’s say, relatively far from the location of this camera, they simply simply did not hear, the air force was responsible for the order on august 6 duty officer sergei lavrentyev and... it was he who decided which of the arrested would be in which cell when the hot meals were distributed, our film crew managed...
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4 hours were allocated for rest, that is, you have nothing to hide, no, no bribe money it wasn’t, it wasn’t, that’s for sure, that’s for sure, your employee is also not involved in this case, not involved, along with lavrenty , his subordinate, an employee of the istinsky temporary detention center, elizaveta burdakovskaya, ended up in the pre-trial detention center. the girl has served in the police not long ago, considers herself innocent, still cannot believe what turned out to be the investigation, almost every night this scene stands before my eyes, there is a choice, what would have been better for me to have acted at that moment, but i know that i
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would have gone to stop them anyway, you had the panic button at hand, no, the panic buttons didn’t work, the buttons near the cameras didn’t work either. it has been working for a very long time, which was known to the superiors, and more than once reports were written about what needed to be repaired, not only the ventilation, because of which they were open. of this feeder, the so-called feeding windows, or had to be subordinated, respectively, panic buttons, just for such cases. what is your fault? and my only fault is that they didn’t wake me up in time, there were no movements around the cell, i didn’t carry out the conclusion, i didn’t carry out the withdrawal, i the organization of this event in the form of an escape was in no way involved, yes. that night i didn’t hear anything at all, i didn’t hear any roar, that is, neither voices, nor my
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duty officer, who was there even from 10:00 in the evening when i left, i didn’t even hear the duty officer walking around in the duty room. during a meeting with our film crew, both accused in a high-profile criminal case, police officers elizaveta burdakovskaya and sergei lavrentyev, said that the fugitives may have had criminals. i've already been told, so to speak, that they read it in news or on the internet from independent
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experts that supposedly this was mavridi’s last, last chance, let’s say, to escape, yes, if i woke up and found these people at the stage of only escaping, accordingly, my officials oblige me to stop this escape in any way possible a signal to the leadership, and if i... roughly speaking, went to stop them, it is possible that mavridi could deal fatal blows to me. while one investigative team was interrogating temporary detention center employees, duty officer sergei lavrentyev, his subordinate elizaveta burdakovskaya in the custody of the head of the detention center andrei starshinov, the other was actively searching for escaped criminals.
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thirty-five-year-old denis grozavu and thirty -four-year-old ivan surcanu were hiding in a rented apartment in podolsk, where they were discovered by operatives. together with them were the tenants of the apartment, a man and a woman. soon the third participant in the escape, nikolai teterya, surrendered. he himself came to the police and confessed. another member of the group, alexander butnar, managed to get to the novgorod region. fighters special forces of the ministry of internal affairs found the house where he was hiding.
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after the arrest, the four fugitives told the operatives how...
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he came to us in the cell, he himself , well, spontaneously, in the evenings after the debate of the parties, asked to come to come to you in the cell, i don’t know, that’s the moment i was in the bathhouse , was swimming, when, well, let's do this, the door opens, mavridi comes in, hello, hello, what happens next, but nothing happened there, they played backgammon, they played backgammon, who opened the door first? grozavut was the first, how did he discover it? well those are bolts were secured with a lock, visible and unscrewed by hand, as i already know, that is, the bolts. someone unscrewed it in advance, yes, so you think that the escape was prepared? yes, i was prepared, because they take money, these are operatives, not like the guys who work in the temporary detention center, but operatives, they know this mavride, that he has a lot of money, because they cannot calm down, this is how much money he has him, how much wealth, that’s right, well, mavridi, a rich man, unlike you
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, said that yes, he has a lot of money there money, a lot of money, there was a villa somewhere in greece, there was an apartment in lat. that again, let’s just say that mavridi told you in the cell how much money i have, you didn’t dream it, during the investigation it turned out that not all the inmates of the istra temporary detention center cell left the guarded premises, the escape was witnessed by someone accused of a series of burglaries fyodor kozyk, he was part of a group of burglars from moldova, and while already under arrest he managed to meet alexander. we had homemade food, we distributed it to the rooms then there i say guys i say eighth, let’s pull him to us, all mavrygin pulled him to us, mavryg boasted of big money and big money, the guys
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fell for this, so they ran away, and after the escape, where he was going to go, i don’t know , that’s what i’m saying. they were just hesitating about the money, so they ran with them, i thought that mavridi would give them money, of course, that’s it, maybe it’s their mistake, i was also interrogated for 8 years, behind one bulgarian woman, indeed, the accused alexander mavridi is not by chance found himself in a crowded cell, where the members of the group of burglars from moldova were located, this is what the icr employees found out, in this detention center during a walk, when he ended up there, he accidentally... a conversation between these citizens of moldova that they were planning an escape, subsequently he decided to move to the cell, why did he ask temporary workers to be transferred to this cell under the pretext of playing backgammon? in everyday language, they committed criminal negligence, the police officers agreed to transfer them to this cell, and there already, being together with their future
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counterfeiters, he persuaded them, including by promising a monetary reward , definitely, saying that he was a person who...
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was in a state of uncertainty about the future, because i understood that the person, well, firstly, when he was under as a result, i understood that the case had not been solved for quite a long time, then this person , on top of everything else, ran away, and naturally i was afraid for my life, that is, i think that this is a terrible person who should be punished for his actions , intimidated the woman knows what alexander mavridi is capable of, because she has become.
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let us recall that, according to investigators, on november 1 , 2020, alexander mavridi and his accomplice pasha akhmedov, armed with a crossbow and a knife, broke into the bathhouse where the owner of the meat empire company, morugov, was resting, together with his common-law wife sabina, the raiders tied up the woman, and shot marugov. marugovo fired a shot from this crossbow in mavred, the shot was from about one meter, when the arrow pierced
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him through, he still continued to render active actions, yes, that is, he tried to brush it off with a poker, but at that moment it turns out that mavridi snatched the poker from marugov and hit him. four blows to the head area after that with a poker, with a poker, yes, that is, he finished off some more, yes, yes, after which marugov fell to the ground and showed no more signs of life. mavridi's accomplice, pasha akhmedov , told our film crew that he was surprised with the cruelty with which his friend alexander dealt with the sausage king marugov. i believe that in mavredi alexander used me on this occasion in the dark, without explaining the details to me, if i
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knew all these details, i would not have gone for it, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes, extinguishes goo extinguishes, the ideal solution for any tile, for the best result use cerizite grout glue together, we present a new, perfect taste of baltika 7 without alcohol.
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let's return to the events related to the escape from the temporary detention facility, the department of internal affairs in the istra urban district. time passed, it was impossible to leave the trace of alexander mavridi succeeded. he was put on a federal wanted list. the security forces offered a reward for any information about the whereabouts of the dangerous criminal. 1 million rub. law enforcement agencies had serious concerns that the alleged killer of the sausage king had long fled abroad . according to one version, the criminal went to bed in the republic of kazakhstan. and there were good reasons for this: mavridi, a native of almaty, maintained close criminal ties in the central asian region. the investigative committee of russia sent a request to its kazakh colleagues.
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it turned out that alexander mavridi managed to change several surnames; it is known for sure that he was prutnikov and avilov. on the thirty -ninth day of the search for a particularly dangerous criminal , an unknown citizen called the investigative committee of the moscow region and reported that in the capital's kolomenskaya microdistrict he had seen a man very similar to alexander mavridi. investigators reviewed cctv footage. went to stores, bought food for himself, so i bought things for myself, and water, so as not to look like for some homeless person, he took certain procedures there in order to be clean, and so that his clothes did not smell, so that no suspicion arose among passers-by, after that he shaved his head like a moose, then grew a beard. and
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accordingly wore a cap and mask, so as not to be detected by any other citizens, and so as not to be recognized. criminal investigation officers tracked the movement of a particularly dangerous criminal around moscow. he spent most of his time in the mitino microdistrict. it was decided to take mavridi when leaving the supermarket. these images show how the criminal is detained. on september 13, police officers and the russian fsb, with force support from the russian national guard, detained alexander mavridi. as a result of the complex measures carried out, operatives discovered the person involved in the moskovsky district
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of mitino. on dubravnaya street, he tried to offer active resistance, but was neutralized and taken to the territorial division of the investigative committee of russia. in the first minutes after his arrest, a particularly dangerous fugitive introduced himself as ivanov vladimir ivanovich, a resident of the rostov region, but the operatives did not believe him, patronymic name ivanov, ivanovich, why was he detained? i don’t know, raise your head, why are you lowering it? where did you live in moscow?
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this was not discussed and, accordingly, he does not explain it, there he simply wanted to find a person who would come exactly and, one might say, accompany him to ukraine, and upon arriving in ukraine, do it to him accordingly. documents, documents, that is, he still had a plan, mavridi was not going to give up, he was not going to, mavridi had it with him accordingly, funds were discovered about half a million rubles in dollars, in rubles in euros, and several mobile phones that he had photographs of, indeed, as you say, photographs of your programs, he was already tracking his fate, of course he was not indifferent, he's the one behind him...


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