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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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prisoners took hostage employees of the rostovano detention center.
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six people who are being held in a pre-trial detention center in rostov-on-don took two employees of the institution hostage, law enforcement agencies restricted traffic along a number of central streets of the city in close proximity to the pre-trial detention center, at 11:30 moscow time the sounds of shots were heard on the territory of the institution, later within 10 minutes , at least five ambulances arrived at the pre-trial detention center building, and by now ... the traffic restriction had already been lifted transport along kirovsky avenue, krasnoarmeyskaya street are the central streets of the city, the restriction continues to apply only in the immediate vicinity of the sezo building on maxim gorky street. behind me you can see state traffic police cars that have restricted traffic, as well as a crowd of law enforcement officers. irina, thank you for the release of hostages from the pre-trial detention center in rostovina.
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vladimir putin does not reject the possibility of negotiations with ukraine, noting that there are legitimate authorities there. this statement was made today, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov in an interview with the author and host of the moscow, kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. at one time, zelensky came to power under the flag of peace, with the intention of establishing peace and saving ukraine. he always spoke. that he does not hold on to the chair, he always said that he is ready to do anything for the sake of his homeland, so let’s see if he is ready to do anything so as not to further worsen the situation. every time putin voices peace initiatives, whenever attempts are made to enter the political and diplomatic channel, there are certain conditions on earth, each time they get worse for ukraine. the current dynamics of the state of affairs on the fronts clearly demonstrates to us that it will continue to be so for ukrainians... but, probably, a politician who
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puts the interests of his homeland above his own and even above his masters, he would think about such a proposal, let’s see what happens , i repeat once again, this is not an ultimatum, this is precisely a peaceful initiative, which was made taking into account the reality on earth. the president, as you said, drew a line regarding zelensky, which means is it that zelensky is not considered at all in any form for us as someone who can participate in these negotiations. that's not it. a person with whom you can record an agreement in writing, because before yura, this recording will be illegitimate, but nevertheless putin does not reject anything, he does not reject the possibility of negotiations, he says that there are legitimate bodies there in accordance with the constitution of the country, so who authorities will be authorized to negotiate and so on. negotiations are usually conducted by experts people, but record the results of the negotiations as legitimate, have they presented what to expect?
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one of the main holidays of muslims all over
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the world, therefore the attitude towards it is special, in fact, as well as the preparations that are carried out in advance, this time they gathered for the holiday prayer at 5:30 in the morning. some of the population is rushing to collective prayer; in a matter of minutes , the central mosque of the formidable heart of chechnya was filled. believers take their seats and read takbir, a special holiday formula for the exaltation of allah almighty, behind the imam. finally, the time of prayer comes, all muslims of the republic are immersed in a single worship service. after the prayer, the imam of the mosque reads a short sermon. the theologian reminds believers of the history of its origin. the holiday of idaladha, when allah commanded the prophet ibrahim to sacrifice his son ismail, but at the last moment stopped him, he already confirmed, was already ready to do all this, allah told him, enough, cut the wound, and this check has already been accepted,
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alhamdulilah , we remember his stories, what he did, what great faith he had in allah subhana wa taala, and we update this every year, alhamdulilah, a ritual... for a festive dinner with the family, the head of the republic, according to tradition, personally takes part in all the rituals of eid al-adha. i want to wish these sacred ones peace, prosperity, that there will always be mutual understanding, the mercy of the almighty, that there will never be
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wars again, that we always treat each other with love, with respect. he held large-scale charity events on the eve of the holiday. regional public fund named after akhmat khadzhi kadyrov, orphans, those in dire need, as well as the families of soldiers killed during the northern military district, were provided with food and material assistance, tens of thousands of sheep were purchased for poor muslims not only in the chechen republic, but also in dagestan and ingushetia and even saudi arabia; on the occasion of the onset of eid al-adha , a holiday weekend was declared in the republic . arthur mustaev, zelimkhan buntoshev and aslan laluev, lead the terrible. rescue operation. red book whale. the fact that a young whale cut the net in which the calf was entangled, got into trouble and could die, became known in june recently, he was under surveillance, he was even given the name
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stanislav. to carry out a unique rescue operation , a special group was formed, in which both volunteer specialists and representatives combined efforts.
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next on air is the parliamentary hour program. the program "parliamentary hour" is on air. hello, we’ll tell you about the main decisions of the state duma this week. an important decision in a difficult time. this is putin’s law on indexing pensions for working pensioners.
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in the work of deputies, socially significant initiatives. this is a reduction in poverty, a reduction in inequality, an increase in the income of russian families, and an improvement in the overall quality of life of russian families. the state duma has begun to provide legislative support for the president’s instructions. what has changed in the field of human rights protection over the year? we have rebuilt the entire operation of the device. created a 24-hour working winery, what attracted the attention of the deputies? there are areas where the number of requests to authorized representatives has dropped very significantly, let’s ask ourselves: have people’s problems ended or do we need to change tempo direction of work? the commissioner for human rights in russia reported to the state duma. how to spot a swindler over the phone? she writes to me there, daughter hello, that an emergency situation has occurred, in what cases is the bank obliged to return it? money and how to avoid losses? we need to talk, explain, and of course punish more harshly for this. how laws
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protect russians from financial scammers. 50 billion rubles in alimony debt in russia. nations, unfortunately, do not strive to fulfill their parental responsibilities. the state duma adopted law on an open register of persistent defaulters. will the debtor or money changer be notified within 24 hours about being blacklisted? who will be included in the register and how will they work? the law, and also where the money was spent to improve the volga, why russia is building a nuclear power plant for turak, will the unified state exam procedure be changed? these and other topics are further in our program. legislative support for the president's instructions is a priority of the state duma. deputies, together with the government, will focus on solving the problems set by vladimir putin in time of speech at the st. petersburg international economic forum. citizens are waiting for the adoption of these laws, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. we are talking primarily about
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socially significant initiatives, including the indexation of pensions of working pensioners. when it comes to indexing pensions for working pensioners, this decision was made at a very difficult time. a special military operation is underway, more than 21. sanctions have been introduced.
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and these are the people we rely on, whom we are proud of and who really
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do a lot to save russia. deputies will also have to consider a number of bills to support the economy and regions, the development of creative industries, and public-private partnerships in industry and space. the head of the communist party faction, gennady zyuganov, especially noted the president’s instructions in the scientific field. i consider the main content of his report. this is an increase to 2% of gdp for the latest technologies, science, innovation, the most fundamental issue, we will solve it, everything else will be much better. work on initiatives has already begun, proposals for implementing the plan legislative support for the president's decisions will be provided by specialized committees. this process has been entrusted to oversee the first vice speaker of the state duma, alexander zhukov. a very important topic about unlocking the potential of russian regions, a new geography of development, creating growth points in cities and towns throughout
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the country. and of course, social issues include poverty reduction and reduction. deputies appoint and it is no coincidence that the speaker of the state duma, announcing the obbudsman, said our commissioner. the floor is given to tatiana nikolaevna maskalkova, our commissioner for human rights in the russian federation. last year , the obbudsman’s office received about 93.00 requests from citizens, one and a half times more than in the pre-pandemic period. confidence in the commissioner’s office is growing, but so is
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the volume of tasks, noted tatyana moskalkova. every third request today concerns a participant. in a special military operation , protecting the rights of soldiers and their families is the priority of the ombudsman’s work. we have rebuilt the entire operation of the device. we have created a 24-hour working line that takes calls day and night, a special unit that, according to a special procedure , receives and considers these requests in the shortest possible time. separately, tatyana moskalkova noted the effectiveness of the dialogue with the state duma, confirmation of her words by 27 adopted ones.
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the problem of staff shortages in local ombudsman offices and proposed to unify the requirements for them so that in each region human rights ombudsmen work equally, effectively and independently of the authorities. today, in a third of regions 23 there are no independent devices, o what kind of independence can we talk about? there is another important question: there are territories where the number of requests to the authorized representatives has dropped very significantly, let’s ask ourselves: have people’s problems ended or do we need to change the pace of work? deputy chairman of the committee on state construction legislation anatoly liseytsin noted that the report of the commissioner for human rights demonstrates a vivid example of an effective personnel strategy of our state. for many years now, she and her apparatus have been making every effort to restoration of the violated rights of citizens and the development of a national strategy for ensuring
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guarantees of human and civil rights and freedoms in russia. without a doubt, the institution of human rights ombudsman has become today. nina ostanina invited the obbudsman to support the proposal for social rent of housing for orphans who are waiting to receive the apartments they are entitled to by law and highly appreciated the work done over the year. the main thing for you is the person, your report testifies to this. we thank you for not bypassing us year after year side on the topic of providing housing for orphans. 280,000 orphans in... have already received the right to be allocated this housing. each faction asked its questions to tatyana moskalkova. the deputies touched upon the topics of protecting teachers, residents of rural areas and indigenous peoples. solving the problem of domestic violence. we, in this case , the ldpr faction are interested in the rights of women, less often of men, whose rights are violated, they are
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potential victims of domestic violence and do not understand where they can find help and support. please voice your opinion. this according to tatyana moskalkova, about 25 citizens’ appeals were devoted to the topic last year; crisis centers are being opened in the regions specifically to help victims of domestic violence, but, as the obbudsman noted, there are not enough of them yet. we were very surprised that today even in moscow centers, there are two of them, there are no free places. only 16 constituent entities of the russian federation have state crisis centers for victims of violence.
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i proceed from the appeals that we receive: defenders of the donetsk and lugansk republics who were injured in as part of volunteer detachments or armed forces of these.
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to present to deputies in january 2025. alexander shavirin, sergey vergunov, alexey chuburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. cooperation between russia and indonesia will reach a new level. development of bilateral relations, chairman of the state duma vyacheslav. volodin discussed with the minister, coordinator for economic issues of the republic of indonesia. airlanga hartart, at the head of a delegation from southeast asia, visited okhotny ryad last week. russia attaches great importance the importance of developing relations with indonesia, vyacheslav volodin noted during the meeting. it is necessary to look for new forms of interaction. the chairman of the state duma took the initiative to create a high-level commission between parliaments. this will allow us to enter a new stage of cooperation between states. our relationship. from the indonesian parliament must
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do everything in our power to provide legislative support for decisions taken at the level of heads of state, then we will create a good legislative basis and we will be able to solve many problems more effectively, we need to look for new forms of interaction so that we work towards... towards the end result. russia and indonesia are long-time economic partners. last year, the volume of trade between the countries exceeded $4 billion. almost half of russian exports to indonesia are food products and agricultural raw materials. last year, supplies of our grain to the republic increased significantly. according to the results of the first quarter of this year, the growth in trade turnover between the countries amounted to 17%. developing partnership in the oil and gas and space energy sectors.
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maintain our relations and build further effective cooperation between i absolutely agree that we owe russia and indonesia, and this cooperation, of course, should reflect the interests of both countries. the anchor, which united russia and turkey at the economic, scientific and personnel levels, characterized the nuclear power plant project. akyu chairman of the energy committee pavel zavalny. under his leadership , a state duma delegation this week visited nuclear power plant construction site. the working visit began with a meeting with the governor of mersin province. the project to construct turkey's first nuclear power plant is being implemented on the basis of an intergovernmental agreement signed by the russian federation and the turkish republic in may 2010. aku is selling it on a build, own, operate basis. today this is a unique offer for the global market. nuclear projects, where competition is growing. in the future, under this scheme, rosatom will be able to fulfill similar orders for third parties. countries that want to have nuclear power plants, but do not have the opportunity
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to build and operate them. the head of the duma committee on energy studied how work is going on at a grandiose industrial facility. we, as deputies of the state duma of control, are obliged to monitor how public budget money is used. and the first impression is that it is used very correctly, it is used very well. i mean objectively that despite the problems that were created during the construction process, this is primarily the covid pandemic, this is an earthquake, and investment restrictions, construction is proceeding according to schedule, in accordance with the contract, there are no such examples in the world, the project will give a lot to the economies of both countries, bilateral and international cooperation, so for turkey the construction of the nuclear power plant will play an important role in achieving its goals. national energy strategy adopted in 2023. when the station operates at full capacity, it will cover up to 10% of turkey's electricity needs. for
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the russian side, it is significant that... our specialists work in construction and are offered decent and competitive working and living conditions in the region, including the remuneration system and social package. russian equipment produced at our factories will be supplied to the construction site; domestic fuel will be used in the reactors. the same applies to the management of spent nuclear fuel. hundreds of companies involved in the site pay taxes to the russian budget. a moratorium has been introduced on the collection of debts from state municipal enterprises of new regions for obligations arising before september 30, 2022, and it will remain in effect until 2026 and will not apply to compensation obligations, as well as obligations to pay wages and pay severance pay. more on other laws adopted this week in our review. the state duma approved the introduction of a free economic zone regime in
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the area bordering the new regions. we are talking about the belgorod, kursk, and bryansk regions. the specific list of territories will be determined by the government. now investors and businessmen working in the free economic zones of the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. investors will receive benefits on income tax, property tax, land tax, and benefits on the payment of insurance premiums. deputies continue to fight modern pirates. the state duma has simplified the procedure for blocking mirrors, sites, and duplicates with illegal content. according to the old rules, the ministry of digital development must recognize the site of a copy of a resource as blocked for copyright infringement, then notify the owner of the mirror and roskomnadzor, and the latter must transfer the information to providers and search engine operators, who must block the site. the entire procedure takes several days. according to the new law , roskomnadzor itself will recognize the site as a mirror of a blocked pirate portal and notify the owner, provider and search engines about this. another law has been passed. this
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week will allow you to submit documents for registration at your place of stay and place of residence on the basis of a power of attorney. this decision is aimed, among other things, at supporting svo participants who, for objective reasons, cannot fulfill the previous requirements and be personally present during registration or deregistration. from him. all religious property, from cathedrals to temple decorations to hotels for pilgrims , will belong to the church and be used exclusively for their intended purpose. the state duma adopted a law on the ban. privatization of religious property, while the corresponding transactions made since 2010 can be declared invalid by a court decision for each specific object. separately , situations are stipulated when a former religious building or apartments in it were privatized ; citizens now live in them, whose rights should not be be disrupted by innovations. in such cases, the ban on privatization will only apply to contracts that were concluded after the new rules came into force.
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another law that...
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that is, the first thing i encountered when all law enforcement agencies left our apartment was that i wanted to go to the toilet, shower, go to the store, the children began to fear, that is, they were shaking, they they cried that i might leave and not come back, we underwent psychotherapy for several months, and the psychotherapist simply said to exclude the topic of my father in general, it was completely out of life, it was possible, and thanks to the father, for 3 years the ex -husband never appeared, anna did not see alimony, the debt to... in the media the man has more than half a million rubles, the ex-husband is an ideal candidate for getting into the black list. the state duma adopted the law on creating an open register of persistent alimony defaulters. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin explained, it is necessary to create conditions so that fathers, no matter how they treat their ex-wives, do not run away from their children. creating such a registry debtors evading payment of alimony obligations from one.


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