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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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for them it was just a shock and it was just scary, that is, the first thing i encountered when all law enforcement agencies left our apartment was that i wanted to go to the toilet, shower, go to the store, the children began to fear, that is, their i was shaking, they cried that i could leave and not come back, they underwent psychotherapy for several months, and the psychotherapist simply said to exclude the topic of my father completely from life, this was possible, and thanks to my father, for 3 years the ex-husband never appeared. list. law establishing an open registry the state duma has adopted the ideal candidate for blacklisting malicious alimony defaulters. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin explained , it is necessary to create conditions so that fathers, no matter how they treat their ex-wives, do not run away from their children. creation of such a register of debtors evading payment of alimony obligations.
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soups to agree to the conditions that are announced, they specifically blackmail with alimony, they show that there is supposedly no official income, but of course there is real income, or there is official income, it is there, but it is small, compared to the real money he earns, so they come up with various kinds of schemes, get rid of property, receive salaries in envelopes, and the new law will also give bailiffs the right to receive up-to-date information about the employment of debtors from the social fund, authorities and organizations with help. ..topics of interdepartmental electronic interaction. the law will come into force 360 ​​days after official publication. and this is due to the fact that in addition to the fact that a database needs to be created, it is necessary to win back competitive procedures. we need to connect this database with other databases, this is the time. now the most effective methods of influencing debtors are restrictions on traveling abroad and seizure of property. the new law will also help speed up the process of collecting alimony. on the one hand , this is not a criminal offense, but in essence it is. a huge crime against our
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future, as a rule, malicious defaulters enter into second marriages, third, even fourth marriages, and women, well, as if we have kind, trusting people, go to meet them, it is important that this register is accessible, so that women do not end up on one side, but it is also called, on the other side , there is also a board of shame, the total amount of debt on elements in russia is about 50 billion rubles, and this is only official data, the debtor or name holder will be notified within 24 hours of inclusion on the blacklist . citizen to the register, information about him will be stored until he completely repays the debt to the last penny. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, maxim kol, vladislav alekseev, anna melikyan, duma tv parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. changes in the unified state examination procedure, what will deputies say? defense of sovereignty, why did they expand the list of undesirable organizations in russia? and also, how does the state duma help protect us from financial scammers? we historically
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defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we always bravely resisted in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first.
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a competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation at that, tense within america and beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue? why do you need to watch now? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. in just a year, the affividrons radically changed the landscape of the battle. they fly in, everything they see is everything destroy. in parallel, along with means of attack, means of defense against them are being developed. there started to be some minor disturbances. yes, the length of the line of contact, we will have a unique level of information. a bird on the ground, these drones have already drunk a lot of blood, so fighting them is the priority now, the alarm writes, that is, to be honest, i would
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hide somewhere now, there is a chance that something might fly to us, today , about a thousand devices work throughout the whole you are watching the parliamentary hour, we continue. deputies are working on draft changes to the unified state examination procedure. the issue was discussed at a meeting of the education committee. earlier , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin instructed to monitor the situation at the eg venues around the clock after a number of incidents in the regions where eleventh-graders complained about excess.
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deputies are monitoring the implementation of the federal project for the improvement of the volga within the framework of the national project ecology. in some regions the situation is deplorable. we continue to work within the framework of parliamentary control on the implementation federal project for the improvement of the volga. according to the russian ministry of construction, 106
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wastewater disposal facilities have been built. at the same time , the federal project’s indicator for reducing polluted wastewater by three times by the end of the twenty-fourth year. namely, we have a federal project until the twenty-fourth year. will not be achieved. an on-site parliamentary inspection showed that the new treatment facilities, on which hundreds of millions of rubles were spent, do not work. or they are not built where they are really needed. and the installed equipment is not copes with actual volumes. the power of the updated systems is not enough. what is the reason for such a failure using the example of treatment facilities in the ulyanovsk, nizhny novgorod, and samara regions? zhanna ryavtseva, deputy chairman of the committee, said. she presented her report to the state duma at a meeting of the relevant committee. it happened to us. systemic failure, someone yesterday said a systemic failure within the framework of a national project, and of course, we are now talking in one direction - wastewater treatment plants, the idea was correct, the president set the task of improving the health of the volga river 60 million people live on the shores, and we
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saw the pain of these people, this is lyskovo, nizhny novgorod region, where 250 million spent money, by the way, tariffs are taken from them. 43 rubles per person, and people say that when there were old treatment plants, it was easier to breathe. deputies will continue to monitor the implementation of the project to improve the volga and will monitor the situation in a number of regions of the country. transfer funds between your accounts for free. banks are now prohibited from charging a commission for this manipulation. measure removes the problem of wage slavery, when employees receive remuneration in a certain bank and in further transactions they are limited. in addition, a law will come into force this summer that will put a barrier to cyber fraud. it provides for a two-day cooling off period for transfers of doubtful accounts. my colleague alexander shavirin will tell you how the state duma is working on our financial protection. in 2023, according
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to the central bank, fraudsters stole almost 16 billion rubles from the accounts of russians. a tenth more than in the twenty-second. one of the possible reasons, according to the regulator, is that it is more targeted and prepared. some fake channels, letters from friends,
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these are questions for us, we need to talk, explain, and of course, punish more harshly for this. muscovite alina darofeeva often saw news online about how scammers operate. it seemed that forewarned was forearmed, but the scammers took her by surprise. when the girl’s mother was vacationing in crimea last summer, an alarming but... very plausible message arrived on her phone: on the day she flies by, there were no messages, the next day - she writes to me, hello to my daughter, that there was an emergency situation, there was such a text, then i need to transfer 50,000 rubles to this number, because something happened here, i tried to call the number from which the message came from mom, uh, they didn’t answer the phone, or the subscriber was unavailable, the very next day it turned out that everything was fine with mom, but she fell into the hands of... scammers 50,000 rubles. it was not possible to return it. the worst thing here is that protecting the rights of a person
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who has become a victim of attackers is extremely it’s hard, says lawyer konstantin yashchuk. the transfer of funds is formally voluntary, and they often go to foreign accounts. it is extremely difficult, well, almost impossible to protect and help in this. that is, this is due to the fact that money, as a rule, goes abroad, that is, no one will look for it on the right bank of the dnieper, well, let’s put it this way. the state duma has put a barrier to scammers; a law will come into force in july, according to which banks will have to freeze transfers from dubious accounts for 2 days, so a person will have time to think, is it worth sending funds? if the bank sees that this operation corresponds to the sign of an operation performed by the client involuntarily, then it can suspend the execution of this operation for 2 days, that is, allow the client to come to his senses and think whether... he is really
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ready for loans. often, attackers deceive victims into applying for a loan and immediately transferring funds to their accounts. starting from march next year, russians will be able to establish a ban on entering into loans, which can be lifted through government services or by personally contacting the mfc. parliamentarians are confident that such a financial protection instrument will be in demand. we believe that it is possible and necessary, without complicating the procedure too much, to introduce such a self-prohibition through the government services website. the credit history bureau must also be notified about this
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, so that more than one financial institution, having contacted the credit history bureau for a check, is not left without the relevant information. a law has come into force that allows russians to transfer money between their accounts for free. different banks. vyacheslav volodin noted that when opening an account or deposit, a citizen already pays for banking services; it is important that he has the opportunity without any financial costs. each bank established some kind of commission, many of the commissions were quite large for the transfer, respectively, if a citizen had obstacles to take or transfer this money, let’s say, he received his salary into one account, but it was more convenient for him to spend it from some other bank, well let's say a regional payment, then he transferred from there from one another bank paid a commission for this, citizens simply lost their money. this law is the last step towards the abolition of wage slavery. previously, the state duma established the responsibility of the employer for imposing any. a specific bank for salary transfers. the labor code states that an employee can
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independently choose which credit institution it is more convenient for him to receive money. this right is now protected by law. accordingly, banks fight for clients’ money, and thus offer the most favorable conditions, and employees of certain enterprises, and those who use financial services, ordinary citizens, benefit from this. in total. last year, parliamentarians adopted more than a dozen laws in the field of financial protection of citizens, and a new bill according to which russians will be given the opportunity to appoint proxies to confirm transfers from their accounts for... will strengthen, it is assumed that the proxy will have to confirm or reject the transaction in within 12 hours from the receipt of notification from the bank. we are talking about transactions using remote channels, excluding the service of fast payments (payment cards). deputies supported the initiative in the first reading. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharaskin, sergey gordeev, sergey vergunov.
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duma tv. parliamentary hour. it is necessary to exclude the possibility for foreign organizations to interfere in the internal affairs of our country, said state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. in the first reading, deputies supported a package of bills aimed at protecting sovereignty. in case of their final acceptance as undesirable in russia will be able to recognize organizations that were established by government agencies of foreign countries, and responsibility will be introduced for participation in their activities. the chairman of the committee spoke in more detail about the initiative in an interview with our program.
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to conduct similar, even more, one might say, harsh, activities against our country, they are here in the country, in our country, they function, the fact that they have the opportunity to escape such, say, control over their work, since they are considered outside our law, and what are the names of the organizations, their activities, well, i head the commission,
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the duma commission to investigate the facts of foreign interference in our internal affairs, and we are already working first - and according to the documents, what are their tasks there, this is in the field of developing cooperation, in the field of culture, art, education, you know , such good goals, good tasks, but in fact this is just a cover, we will react within the framework of the law, guilty, go to prison, okay, not guilty, that’s it, keep working, we
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have organizations, foreign non-government organizations, that lead the public healthy. projects, so we only welcome, more than 24,000 children suffered from crimes in kiev, horrifying figures were named by state duma vice speaker anna kuznetsova at the final meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate crimes of the kiev regime against minors, the result of a year-long work. this is a report with official data and 64 generated proposals. among them are legislative initiatives that are devoted, including social rehabilitation and support for child victims. here, dear colleagues, some of the measures have already is implemented, including with the participation of our initiative. together with the doctors, we saw how help was needed for injured children, how complex rehabilitation, medical, psychological assistance was needed, we tried to provide all possible assistance and launched
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a psychological support program in the belgorod region, but this work needs to be developed as much as possible, as well as to build legislative barriers that protect our children. the investigative committee also opened 15 criminal cases on the facts of mining of peaceful neighborhoods. due to explosion 11 children were killed and injured by mines. according to the parliamentary commission, since the beginning of 2022 , several cases of child abduction have been recorded in lugansk, donetsk, artyomovsk, melitopol, kherson, berdyansk and other cities and villages. the commission also received information about cases of forced evacuation of children from cities controlled by the kiev regime. non-governmental organizations from several foreign countries are involved in the removal of children from ukraine abroad, anna kuznetsova clarified. according to the parliamentarian, these children...
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historical footage, which is already 10 years old, the moment of signing the agreement on the return of crimea and sevastopol to russia, the stands of the exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the reunification , the key stages of regional development, the chronology of events of the russian spring. deputies of crimea and sevastopol are an example
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. at the opening ceremony of the exposition, they spoke about what people can do to live better, noted the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev. he said, just recently, that crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only our history, into a single legal space of the country. over 10 years, about 120 federal laws have been adopted. the economic growth rate of crimea and sevastopol is three times faster than the national rate; the population of these regions
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grew by 5%. this work has actually become the matrix on which work with the reunified regions is strung today, because it is precisely on the model of the legislation of crimea and sevastopol, the work that was carried out many years ago. here, within the walls of the state duma, it is being developed legislation. and laws on integration are adopted one after another in the united regions of donbass and novorussia. in his speech, the head of the communist party of the russian federation faction gennady zyuganov emphasized the importance of the decision of the crimeans and sevastopol residents, who clearly voted in the referendum to return to their native harbor. this is a historic step. the feat of sevastopol and crimea is connected primarily by the will of citizens and the political will of the president, our soldiers and warriors. here crimea and sevastopol showed theirs. history, what is true statehood, if the great one cut through the window north to europe, then catherine and potemkin laid the foundations of a powerful state,
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which everyone in this world began to reckon with. the governor of sevastopol, mikhail razvazhaev , expressed gratitude for the opportunity to hold this exhibition within the walls of the state duma. the main goal, of course, is to say thank you to all those people who participated. determined the success of the entire event, it was fast, all the actions were very fast, we changed crimea beyond recognition,
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what we managed to do. crimea together with throughout the whole country in 10 years this will definitely go down in the history of crimea, in the history of russia, the russian federation is possible. yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, alexey chabburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. and that’s all for me, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you in a week.
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the intelligence services of the united states of america are on the verge of
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using technology. artificial intelligence for manipulating public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course , ukraine is very active, nothing new come up with something new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state, intelligence and counterintelligence that compete fights among themselves, but in the end the result of everything is determined. the quality of the state policy, in our country, if it’s sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our
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history, we value family, strong relationships , we admire how the country is flourishing, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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the prisoners who took hostage the employees of the rostov-on-don pre-trial detention center were liquidated. this was reported by the vsin press service. the hostages were released and were not injured. we will learn more from ruslan bigbulatov. he is in direct contact with the studio. ruslan. hello. how did events develop today? vera, hello. there’s this bright building behind me, with a high fence and barbed wire around the perimeter. this is the building of the detention center number one of the city of rostov-on-don, which today got into all the news reports around which
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it revolved around today.


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