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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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a clearing specially equipped for such people , and a little earlier everyone was preparing burgers together, the meetings were fun and a little noisy, they got to know each other, joked and exchanged recipes, there are two options for chicken beef, at the moment it’s beef. for this informal reception , graduating students were invited to a single center for assistance to svo participants and members of their families; teenagers whose parents are in the zone of a special military operation are supported at the highest level. for these guys, special separate programs that give them the right to...
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individual support and support for all families, parents who participate in the svo, especially families who have children, this support includes not only some payments, benefits and support measures, but and we try to accompany everyone so that they can get their children back on their feet, choose the right track in terms of education and choose the necessary profession. this is just one of many areas in which we are working together. single support center for defenders.
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fatherland, state fund created a year ago on the initiative of the russian president. we receive a large number of requests, probably 70% at the moment, these are questions related to obtaining a combat veteran’s certificate, certificates confirming that the disability was received as a result of a combat injury, that is, this is a military medical commission, well, in the future this will be issues that directly relate to our functionality, this is... referral for rehabilitation, treatment, this is prosthetics for children who did not receive prosthetics, this is training, retraining, employment, that’s all that is stated directly in the presidential decree in the charter of our foundation. good afternoon, hello, mutually. anna tsovileva, who has headed the organization since its opening, said that at the beginning of the summer of twenty-three, that is , a little over a month after vladimir putin’s order, the defender. the fatherland has already received
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its first visitors; today the fund is represented by its branches in all 89 regions of the country, including new ones: dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions. what is how the structure and work of the defenders of the fatherland state fund is built. after demobilization, returning precisely to peaceful life, our task is to provide comprehensive social support so that as much as possible...
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the formation of the fund was suggested to me when i initially asked what would be done there, they said that it would help dismissed veterans, it would help members families of the victims. vitaly kanovalov went to donbass in the fall of twenty-two as part of partial mobilization. behind him is urgent military service and experience in participating in counter-terrorism operations in the north caucasus. therefore, he says, the summons from the military registration and enlistment office was not unexpected.” to somehow deny or, well, in russian they say, to make excuses, yes, ah, i didn’t want and didn’t want to, because, well, our grandfathers and grandmothers fought, my grandmother fought during the great patriotic war, he served for about six months, he was a deputy platoon commander, he was on the front line, in the thick of it,
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he received a combat injury, hello, he was sent to the rear for treatment, and then demobilized state of health. okay, shall we eat? yes, i have a metal structure in my spine, i had surgery several times, additional diseases appeared that prevent me from serving in the army, combat lower crabatic, first, we do it in the hand through obstacles simply without anything, second, we will pick up knives, let’s go. well, almost immediately after his return home, vitaly was offered a job in the stavropol branch of defenders of the fatherland, which at that time was just being created, he remembers that he was thinking about it not for long. i agreed, because well, if
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i’m already useful, then be useful to the end, in principle, i wrote an application to hire me as a social worker, i ask... at the events on the occasion of the first birthday of the foundation, the official results of the past work were announced period, for example, 9,000 people applied to the regional office in the stavropol region alone, 14 thousand requests were received, of which almost...
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let’s say that she made the right choice, her skills turned out to be in great demand, but also she herself, as she says, learned a lot during this time. i completely reconsidered my views
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on life, i realized that how well and normally we live happily and we have no right ... to succumb to despondency. in the stavropol region, as in other branches of the fund, in the head office, it is located in moscow, everything has been thought out to provide the most efficient and effective assistance to those who come here. the first place you come to visit. social coordinator service, great, can i use your document, i’ll register you and take you to specialist. next, if necessary, you can go to the medical and social examination room, where
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a specialist from the main bureau of the ms is on permanent duty. veterans and participants in a special military operation are explained how to correctly register disability due to injury, specify which clinics to go to for... illnesses, and are also advised on other issues related to health status. please give me your telephone number and your last name. the entire space of the fund is divided into functional areas, employment service, legal consultation. well, what is the bank’s explanation for this, and this is the so-called adaptive zone, where it is clearly shown how to equip an apartment for more comfortable living for combat veterans. with limited mobility, there is a table here that allows you to drive up in a wheelchair, for convenience you can adjust the height level, there is also a bed with a lifting mechanism, it allows
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the person who is lying on this bed to rise independently, that is, you can will lift up also. lower. they won’t just tell you about all this, but they will teach you how to use it and help you, if necessary, with the purchase. next to the demonstration room there is a medical psychologist's office. i don’t even ask about memory for one simple reason, your memory sags, and so there is such a thing, yes there is such a thing, well, for starters, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, i’ll say it again, it’s such a reaction of the psyche, it’s all restored. svetlana rashkova advises visitors as long as they need required, no one is rushed, there are a lot of questions for her as a specialist, she says, most often they ask: how to recover from injuries and injuries? veterans of the northern military district or
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military personnel, they often come in with manifestations of, let’s say, well, probably a well -known term, psychosomatic complaints, yes, that is, this is a decrease in cognitive abilities, i hope this is also a well-known term, that is, thinking, memory, attention, and also insomnia. the psychologist is also visited by relatives of svo participants, and families who lost during special military operations of their loved ones in the lobby, on the walls there are photographs of women with portraits of sons who did not return home, the mothers of the heroes. perpetuating the memory of fallen soldiers is one of the key areas of work of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. when there was a project, well, let’s say, self-action.
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we wanted ours, ours to come to russia, so we came, went to the front together with my work colleagues, we were all assigned to one company, military friends, they carried oleg in their arms from the battlefield after he was blown up by a mine, ok, great, minor injury, shrapnel wounds, well, this is a petal, tears off limbs,
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there was no, because of this uncertainty, she did not find a place for herself, did not sleep at night, i received an unfamiliar call, i, of course, answered, i even at first, i didn’t even i recognized his voice, because i was worried to such an extent that i simply no longer expected and did not recognize his voice, i am who who, he is me, oleg, and the first thing i said out loud so loudly, i say, thank god, you are alive, this... when the worst was over, and the fighter’s life was no longer in danger, a long process began
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recovery. he was treated in a military hospital in moscow and returned home a few months later. i was walking home in uniform on crutches, well , my wife flew at me like a butterfly, that’s it, my wife, well, it was such a moment, of course, there was, i was walking, her friends from work also met her right away, they hugged, kissed, that’s it, thank god. that he returned alive, but there is a lot of support, there is support from the rear, there is support from the rear, yes, without the rear we simply cannot win. on new year's eve, then still twenty-third, oleg was given a prosthesis, and he could already walk independently without crutches and support, but that was not the end. stopped, started actively playing sports, going to the gym regularly, why did you put in so little? for starters, the protest is excellent,
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it justifies itself like a second leg. yes, i was wounded when i was young, 10 years old, we had football in kirilovsk, i ran and practiced, then i also had volleyball, well, as an adult, now i also practice sitting volleyball on a prosthesis, and a member of the lpr volleyball team is sitting, he already has serious success, they recently played commander in belgorod, closer to autumn they are going to competitions in stavropol, the guys also come with wounds, i say, i i also took part in everything on a prosthesis , i say, i start giving examples until you let it pass through yourself, so i tell them, a person will not understand how to get out of this, i show by my example, some time ago he turned to the defenders foundation fatherland, he needed help with paperwork, they not only helped him with this, but also offered him a job, so he became the social coordinator of the branch in
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kirovsk, we also have a rehabilitation center in lugansk, which is also located there. alexey yaroslavtsev, chairman of the association veterans of the northern military district in the leningrad region, and before that, starting in 2014, he was in the donbass, where he went of his own free will to protect civilians. from the very beginning of the so-called russian spring, i watched on tv, everything that was happening,
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here in odessa, lugansk, donbass. at some point i realized that i couldn’t stay on the sidelines, having the necessary skills and knowledge regarding combat operations, i decided to go help, he remained there even after the start of a special military operation in the status of its participant, he was repeatedly awarded, his entire chest was decorated with orders and medals, for loyalty to the homeland, for military merits.
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for more than 8 years given to donbass, he was seriously wounded more than once, he finally returned home to civilian life due to his health, he made such a decision, his relatives, of course, waited and worried endlessly, he always treated with understanding what i was doing, what i was doing, so i think we felt a great relief, after so many years, all the relatives did not stop worrying.
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since then, the northern military district veterans association the leningrad region and the regional branch of defenders of the fatherland cooperate, in particular through volunteer work and patriotic education. also, alexey, in the direction of the foundation, completed a course of study at the university of dubna, receiving a profession in the field of unmanned aircraft systems. since this is now a promising direction that is emerging in russia, this knowledge will be useful, of course, it will be possible to realize oneself. it's clear. without interruption from social activities, to realize oneself in this direction. hello hello! u our guest is andrey rebinin, a participant in a special military operation. andrei rebinin at a meeting with young army members at the branch of the fatherland defenders foundation. it’s may 2005, i
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turned 18 years old, and i ended up in the second special forces brigade. every war, as they say, is different, this was also different. he talks about his participation in... jim, start, jim, he went to donbass in the winter of twenty-two with a friend, both from petrozavodsk, at first they went
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as physical training instructors, but in as a result, they became svo volunteers. as if we had already had the experience of the second chechen company, well, all the servicemen acted like instructors, and in the end we also went there ourselves.
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but after the injury it was generally such a situation that - probably at some point my hands let go, as if i didn’t understand what to do next and what to do in general, the fatherland defenders foundation, so they called and invited me to accept participation in competitions, that’s when i met my coach, and that’s when i came across this sport for the first time. porulifting. andrey has a dream to compete and win. for this purpose, he
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visits the gym every day, and sometimes twice a day, and also leads an active social life, gives lessons in courage to schoolchildren , and interacts with the republican foundation defenders of the fatherland. we actively involve our students in sports. and we have. very good results in participation in the defenders of the fatherland cup of our respected veterans, we actively involve in cultural life, joint events, joint hikes, organization of various creative events, we solve all these issues, discuss them together with our wards, he runs the branch of defenders of the fatherland in karelia,
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we went for her, but we hope that the state also loves us and will show its concern, now this is just such an act of justice, it seems to me , which turns out to be in relation to these heroes. medical, social psychological assistance, legal support, training, employment, these and many other issues can be successfully resolved, but the main thing, as the defenders of the fatherland say in the fund, is, of course, not statistics, but an individual approach. and support for every participant in a special military operation who contacts them. heroes must not be forgotten.
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