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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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a worldwide, cosmic rollback, if you imagine a meat grinder into which unfortunate ukrainian citizens are thrown, and from the meat grinder instead of minced meat comes money, blood money, which then creeps into the pockets of those who are absolutely indifferent to the life of the entire ukrainian people, that’s how...
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the authorities, in fact, presidential powers that in this case the powers of the supreme are transferred to the speaker of parliament, especially since under the conditions of the law on martial law, the powers of parliament are extended, so it turns out according to dostoevsky again, if there is no god, that’s it.
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there is no god, i want to give one more quote from ivan ilyan: every nation serves god as best it can, with its entire history, with its entire culture. with all their labor and singing, one people serves creatively and blossoms spiritually, while the other is uncreative and spiritually languishing. there are peoples that stop serving and become the slag of history. today we see that it is not the people, not the peoples, but a huge part of the world that becomes the slag of history.
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4 days and it is unknown whether he will arrive or not, why do we have to wait 2 weeks for the master and why does he is a dog that expensive? no, but you appreciate the level, amazing, my producer, michel sedu, with whom i worked, who is absolutely a product, so to speak,
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of that very civilized world, when asked where is your homeland, he answered very simply and honestly, my homeland is there, where there is less tax. we will get exactly what we see in this advertisement, but what are the complaints about the spherum when the same instagram woman is invited to perform at the st. petersburg international economic forum with such a very symbolic song,
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this is our goal, we do not count money, coloring books, tasks that are sold for 4 but how to treat such children's euros in retail chains in spain, in that very catholic spain, the spain of don quixote, cervantes, the spain of velazquez, how to treat this , one of these simple, understandable tasks is the following: children are offered. untangle the members to find a way into the ass, like in spain? here's a wonderful action in ukraine, if you want to get a reward from the military registration and enlistment office, hand over your husband to the front, this is not a joke, look, hand over your husband and get a reward, in
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in the kharkov region, the wives turned their husbands over to the tcc, they were awarded certificates of honor, in general , according to the information from the local tcc, the spouses...
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their eyes will widen when they see this, can’t we
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see this at almost every step? pushkin, what is his name? vladimir, what is a one followed by five zeros? 10.000? what two parts do the central bank's gold and foreign exchange reserves consist of? i don’t know, from gold and currency, square √100, i’m at a loss, i don’t remember now. which writer does the story taras bulba belong to? alexander sergeevich? why is the name dzhugashvili famous? no idea? stalin, and this is stalin, listen, well, i may not know this, that’s normal, it doesn’t stop me from living and earning money. i don’t want to read morals, i don’t want to meddle in someone else’s life. remember the wonderful finale of a wonderful american picture in jazz, only girls. no, let's get this straight. then i can’t become your wife at all, why? well, at least
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because i have dyed hair, it doesn’t matter, but why am i smoking like a steam locomotive? it doesn’t matter, what’s my past, i’ll break through men, including one saxophonist, i’ll tell you i forgive, oh god, i will never give birth to a child for you, someone else’s son, well, if that’s not enough for you, uh, “i’m a man, but everyone has their own shortcomings, ugliness is becoming a sign of today’s times, the most important thing is that there’s still pleasure in it ugliness, this is pharisaism, covered with the words tolerance, multiculturalism, all flowers bloom, but in fact, hidden, it is a humiliating and..." mockery of someone who is not like you,
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of his imperfection. for example, this is a participant in a brazilian talent show, a transgender woman who considers herself singer, there is only one nuance, so to speak, she is deaf and mute. look at how they listen to it, do you believe that what they are hearing now gives them pleasure? i don’t believe it, but we need to live up to this lie, this pharisaism, this multiculturalism, this is tolerance, here’s another transgender who competes at the european figure skating championships, do you think she herself understands that this is terrible, let’s say no, but those.
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from morning to night they work out at the skating rink, spin, fall, get bumps, get injured, to achieve that perfection that delights the world, what? they should feel, looking at this, and how should
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women feel who train all their lives in order to win olympic medals in swimming, discus throwing, when no doubt about to join their ranks, a man who calls himself a woman competes with them how they should feel, the worst thing is that they cannot open their mouths... because this violates the world order that is being built today and against which we have risen again. great fedor mikhailovich, again, we return to the same thing: if there is no god, everything is permitted, but where, how can we get at least some approximate ideas about god? i’m not talking about the church now, no, well, in the world, in life, please watch this short video, dear
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friends, there is such a wonderful textbook on the history of the ancient world for... this class where it tells in detail about how the a person from the most ancient times, that’s what struck me most in this textbook is that in more than 300 pages of stories about our in the world about how it arose, there were only one, two, three, well, i think four pages dedicated to christianity, which are shown here, but just note, a touch, a fragment in the history of ancient rome, and the fact that religion became fundamental the fact that she turned the whole world upside down, well, somehow there’s no emphasis on that here. we really found this book, yes, this is history, all general history, history of the ancient world for the fifth grade. indeed, there are 324 pages here, and
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indeed, they are dedicated to christianity. that there is this 1.2% of the entire textbook, i have a question about how a student can get at least some, more or less intelligible and albeit not very, but still at least some depth of knowledge of what christianity is , what is the religion in the country in which he lives? moreover, this was written with such, how to say, such an uh, atheistically intellectual assumption, such streamlined formulations, for example, many people believed or have such an opinion, and so on and so forth, but this christianity has accomplished a fantastic
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a revolution in the consciousness of mankind. from orthodox to catholic, refused, preferring to pay tribute, thereby creating the very country in which we live, but is this really unworthy of telling about it, to make it understand, to let it be felt, this is the basis of education in
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a person , understanding... of where he lives, today children, tomorrow people, not without reason a great propagandist of his kind, and joseph goebbels said: “take away his history from the people, and in 100 years they will turn into a herd, and in another 100 years it can be controlled by that in our country there is a system called the russian classical school, who doesn’t know, this is a school. created in the urals, in yekaterinburg, by the works of enthusiastic people who are interested in children growing up, who know how to read books, who know how to think, who ask the right questions, everything is collected in this system, both pre-revolutionary education, and post-revolutionary education, soviet
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education , here is collected all the best that was in our country and that would be appreciated throughout the world, we know very well about it, for example, this one book one for reading on russian history, for first grades, from ancient times to the reign of john ii, part one, this is not a textbook, this is a book to help the textbook, and these books are enough to complete the entire course in practice and the history of your country, there are many of them, this... and from ancient times, look, to vladimir putin, look, this is a wonderful guide, why about it? no one knows, and i repeat, it has already been published, it already exists, this is auxiliary material that is written in simple and clear language with
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taking into account age from the first grade to the last, isn’t this necessary, is four pages about christianity enough to understand what country you live in, as the french historian emmanuel thoth said, not only has faith in god disappeared, about... i want, so that you listen not to me and not even to a priest or theologian, but to a mathematician, professor, corresponding member of
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the russian academy of sciences, listen to him, alexey samoteev. the lord left us laws. science studies these laws, that is, it studies what is left for us, what we can use, but any normal scientist of this level knows perfectly well what is in every science. there are red flags placed that you can’t go beyond, who, if not the lord , placed them, i wonder if this is in mathematics, but there is a lot of this in mathematicians, in fact, in mathematics, god’s ears stick out from all corners, tart, there is information that the famous danish physicist , nobel prize winner, niels bohr, one of the developers of the atomic bomb, once said that science needs several decades to prove the existence of god, how many copies are broken in... the structure of today's education, we have talked about this many times, about education 20-30, and the unified state exam, and distance education, and digitalization, we
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have talked about this a lot, but still we cannot get out of the circle , which seems to have bewitched us, this mysterious and magical word of the unified state examination, i don’t want to talk now about the latest scandals with searches, with... stripping, almost down to underwear, in search of cheat sheets, isn’t it about the cheat sheet, it’s about knowledge , the point is how this knowledge is obtained, but politicians are already talking about it, listen to what he says, the head of the fair russia party for truth, sergei mironov, listen, while waiting for assignments in physics, computer science, literature, we spent 7 hours...
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go further, this is the crazy digitalization of schools, imagine this picture , and if this also becomes a reason for conversation in the state duma, listen to what the chairman of the state duma, vyacheslav ikrovich volodin, says about this, ask them a question to the candidate: for the position of minister, what problems do people have for us today? broadcast on an issue related to education, with schools, what worries them,
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training, digitalization of schools, this is the position of the candidate for the post of minister of education, will our digitalization continue, or will we still find strength, stop, admit we will make mistakes ... vision reflects, well, okay, this is what politicians say to some extent, ordinary people, right, well, let's listen to a professional again, what does the same
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corresponding member think about this? academy of sciences, mathematician alexey savateev, listen, i he receives several letters a week there, alexey vladimirovich, i’m from such and such a university, every year it’s getting worse and worse, now in the whole group no one knows the equation of a circle and this is a technical university, the question of how they even passed the unified state exam remains behind the scenes, no, i have the answer, they passed it perfectly, they learned it, passed it and completely forgot because they memorized it, yes it happened. there is, as it were , the result of sharpening, the sharpening became dull, that is, they did not deceive the system, they came to take the unified state exam, but the unified state exam does not reflect knowledge, what reflects knowledge, oral conversation, exam, you came to me, i’m examining you, write a straight equation like this, yes, and now find all the whole points on it, and now explain to me why
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there are no other whole points on it, prove it, you... in the history textbook about christianity, with this subtle work of de-christianization of our country, which we talked about, as if imperceptibly, as if even for good, how crosses disappear from the models of the most famous churches, remember, we talked about this? recently, a strange fashion has arisen in russia to replace images
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orthodox crosses with balls. here, for example, is a tactile model of the cathedral of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in vladimir, here is a model of the assumption cathedral and the cathedral belfry in rostov the great, the same in suzdal, in uglich. many of us tried to explain this as something like safety for the visually impaired, so as not to get scratched, but who could get scratched, and the sign of st. petersburg university. this is what the logo used to look like. they made him this way now, in general, not because of the blind, that’s all, it’s because of the sighted, and you can imagine that they would depict some famous mosque in the model and remove the crescent from the minor, also out of good intentions and for the safety of the visually impaired, especially since the crescent is
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more cutting... than a cross, how would people who go to the mosque react to this , people professing islam, and look, well, this is how we can combine everything that i just talked about with the wonderful event that we had on may 26-27 in ingushetia, the international competition of reciters of the holy koran, in the way it sounds , sacred words for anyone who professes islam, for any muslim, including children, look at what holiday i have, it causes delight, but imagine for a second that somewhere we will announce or someone will announce a...
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in a competition for reading the lives of saints or gospel, how will this be received by those people who support the removal of crosses for the safety of the visually impaired? you understand what i just said to myself, believe me, you will agree with me, i am absolutely convinced that this is impossible in such a multi-religious country as russia. hold the inside balance, calmness, if any of the religions suppresses the other, it is impossible. i want to show you a small video filmed in 1989, in an atheistic, socialist country in which state ideology was not prohibited. look.


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