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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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profitable frontiers. areas, units of troop groups improved their tactical position and occupied more positions from the avdeevsky direction, reporting by pavel prokopenko. there is a breakthrough in the case, the crew itself. the modern russian t-90 tank operates at direct fire, the firing machine does not stop, it is constantly in motion, but this does not affect the accuracy at all. the t-90 raises a cloud of dust with its tracks, dives into the lowlands and climbs the hills. our equipment maneuvers everywhere, unlike enemy counterparts. they have the same ones the leopards that went there, they can only ride on asphalt if they are there in the fields. if they go, then they won’t be able to go everywhere,
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our tanks are just all-terrain vehicles, the fighters of the center group of troops hone their interaction on the training grounds, an experienced eye will immediately determine: all the figures on the site are placed so as to simulate a certain situation, the capture of an enemy trench or a street battle in a populated area point, fighters work for time, speed, even the amount spent on...
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the aircraft is taken into account, conclusions are drawn, results, flight routes, altitude, all enemy equipment that will fly through our zones will be shot down and also destroyed into rubbish, in the liberated cities life is now in full swing, vdevka, for example, is no longer... you call it a front, generators are noisy here, they are installed in houses new windows, to the local gummies, the center for the distribution of humanitarian aid, they bring things, products: apples, shampoo, bread, bread - this is the main thing, the main food, people bring volunteers, clothes, shoes, what you need, food, there is a post office bank, this is the queue for pension benefits, specialists from the pension fund and other
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social services periodically come here to vdeevka, and most importantly, people are not afraid to go out, people at least climbed out of the basement, began to take a deep breath, what else can i tell you, everything is fine, thank you for coming, the guys freed us, they were just waiting for liberation, my sister sat in the basement for 2 years without leaving, and now she’s at least walking, now she’s walking on water, cars are appearing on the roads along with bicycles, the main transport in avdeevka. people come, return to their homes, here, of course, there is a lot to be put in order, the main thing is that this work has already begun. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. the peace initiatives of vladimir putin will be carefully considered abroad, the kremlin believes. this was stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. in his opinion, even in kiev there will be those who will listen to putin’s proposals. but at a conference in switzerland , the search for a peaceful settlement. will not be
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confident in moscow. details from elizabeth khramtsova. while at a conference in switzerland, people with expired powers are trying to attract more attention to themselves, moscow is offering concrete solutions to stop the conflict. and although, according to the constitution of ukraine , only the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk now has the authority to negotiate and sign documents, the russian president does not reject the opportunity to negotiate with those who are the legitimate authorities of the country.
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on all other issues, a very complex system, to develop this system of guarantees, with in order to ensure the implementation of the agreement, but nevertheless, if the kiev regime somehow shows sobriety, then this will have to be done, the bubble that the ukrainian authorities tried to inflate from the swiss event burst, without even approaching the expected volume, on sunday morning a few hours before the end of the conference , us vice president haris and german chancellor scholz left bürgenstock ; such a representative campaign remained at the swiss resort that it was impossible to do without embarrassment. chairman of the delegation bosnia and herzegovina denis becirovic, please share your thoughts.
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it seems she is not in the hall. i didn’t even know the moderator of the second day’s meeting; the head of the bosnian delegation, who never came to the hall for his speech, was actually a man. not a woman. the representatives of the collective west who remained at the forum continued to pour out aximarons. dutch prime minister ryuty called russia's absence from the forum an absolutely correct decision. the head of the italian government, miloni, speaking about the peace proposals of the russian president, showed complete reluctance to acknowledge the real state of affairs in kiev. dear colleagues, peace does not mean surrender, as president putin suggested in his last declaration, peace should not be confused with the concept of taking control. however, there is still some meaningfulness at the forum and it is entirely due to countries friendly to russia, who at the last moment decided to give at least some chance to the event in bürgenstock. today , a representative of the united arab emirates said that russia should also have participated in such a summit. the president he called on ecuador to adequately assess
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the importance of the dialogue between moscow and kiev. the day before, the head of turkish diplomacy spoke about the same thing. ankara is actively working to resolve the ukrainian crisis, in my opinion. there is a serious risk of escalation of the conflict, so the conditions announced by russia, it seems to me, are an important step and a glimmer of hope. the theme was continued by another influential player. saudi arabia insists: negotiations are impossible without russia and must take into account its proposals. we encourage peaceful negotiations rather than escalation. we also we offer a solution that can lead to peace so that there are no losses. both sides are needed here. the international community should encourage any peaceful steps. even if compromises need to be made, that is why russia's participation is necessary. and analysts, who rely on facts and not on political slogans, note that the decision of the russian president to seize the initiative and voice peace proposals before the start of the swiss conference deprived
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the event of at least some meaning. i don’t know what they hope to achieve without russia. russia does not want to negotiate with zelensky, since he is not the legitimate president of ukraine and does not have any legal status at all. i think president putin spoke clearly, concisely, and did it convincingly at the right time. from the conference, kiev expected the signing of a document that could become an important argument in its policy, but it was not possible to reach an agreement even with those who came to switzerland. media reports that key countries in the global south refused to sign the final declaration, out of 92 countries with the stated in the draft document, only 80 agreed.
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with a light fence and barbed wire , pre-trial detention center number one of the city of rostov-on-don. all roads and the perimeter around are blocked by vehicles, both municipal vehicles and law enforcement vehicles. we see here the traffic police, the police, and vsin, and over there in the distance you can see about five ambulances. it all started at night, the criminals staged an escape, knocked out the window bars, and climbed down a rope from the third and fourth floors. already in the morning two hostages were taken employees, including alexander bogma, head of the operational department.
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and tamerlan gereev. here is footage of their arrest. they planned to carry out a terrorist attack in the building of the supreme court of kračava cherkessie. they were sentenced to 18 to 18 and a half years in prison. and in the coming days. from the isolation ward to the colony. a group of employees from the central office in sin russia has left for rostov-on-danu; the regional department is awaiting an inspection. the terrorists had knives, telephones and even flags of the islamic state banned in russia. there are too many questions. how it could have turned out that three people convicted of attempting a terrorist attack in the supreme court of karachayev, circassia, were put in the same cell. is it surprising that accomplices of the same crime and what, being in the same room and building, committed what they did? unfortunately no. obviously. that the action was planned carefully in advance, just think about it, terrorists in pre-trial detention centers have mobile phones, is
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it really necessary that people die at their hands in order for terrorists to be protected as especially dangerous criminals? employees at ufsin now they are literally giving terrorists who failed last time a second chance. the bodies of the hostage takers in the rostov pre-trial detention center will not be handed over to their relatives, and their burial place will remain a secret. ruslan bikbulatov, daniil yakimov, alexander kireev, irina zaborskaya. news: rostov-on-don. in kazan. the brix games feature a big day of competition, with athletes competing for 51 medals in six different sports. my colleague stas radikultsev is following the tournament; he is currently at an athletics competition and joins the live broadcast. stas, greetings, what is happening at these moments? yes, yuri, greetings, but right now the competition for girls high jumpers is ongoing, maria lositskeny is not performing here, but there is still someone to look at, but... and, probably, the main athletics event of this evening is the sensational non-victory
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of sergei shubinkov , our best sprinter in history in the 110 m hurdles, he turned out to be slower than artyom makarenko, of course, this is an absolutely sensational result. congratulations makarenko, we are surprised for shubenkov, and of course, we’ll ask him a little later how it happened, it was quite an exciting fight in the men’s. pole, mikhail shmykov and alexander solovyov cleared the bar in 2:80 and even both flew over 5 m 82 cm, of course, for shmykov this is a personal record, and he won gold igor brix, well, the competition in the badminton center has already ended, seven countries participated in a badminton tournament, badminton game. which is played even in space, let me remind you, in 2018 on the iss a badminton match was played, but the speeds
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there due to weightlessness are, of course, not the same as the shuttlecock, for example, a rather interesting fact: 565 km/h, the speed of the shuttlecock is officially recorded, and of course the stands were full today for this magnificent sport , taking into account the fact what else are the representatives of kazan in the women's and men's finals and this makes us so proud that badminton is developing in our country and
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it’s exciting, probably not, it’s more a pleasant atmosphere, that everyone is rooting for the beautiful draws, such a huge number fans in the stands, and this is great, just to dispel this stereotype that badminton is a beach country game, but you can come here to the hall to look at the professional speeds there, and i think that gradually this will only develop and make our sport only better and better. let me remind you that at the brix games today, 51 sets of awards are being played out in six sports and the competition is only gaining momentum. yuri. yes, stas, thank you, my colleague stas is watching the mrik games ridekultsev. now we have an advertisement on air, and then the next episode of our joint project with the carlson tv youtube channel. when you live at the speed of x2, not sparing your stomach, it can let you down. open bespatalin
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an accuracy of pene, then it looks at what the debt is was a year ago, as a result it gives an average increase in debt per second. holidays, when the treasury does not track data, it gives out average data on debt, for me you are the only one who is interested in this, yes, but i want my colleagues to be aware too, it is quite interesting to stand in an elevator with some adam chief , who can't turn away from my die, once a congresswoman was staring at me here and i had to say that my eyes are here, she asked why don't i put it on my belt buckle, can you tell who it was, i was i wish, no, i can’t, it’s really... quite interesting, what is the message of this? the message is that this is not a joke. it's hard to wrap your head around 14-figure debt, but when you see the last five figures growing so fast that they're just a blur, you start to realize that this is a pretty serious problem. average growth of 100 thousand dollars per second. imagine that we have
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a catapult that shoots a tesla cybertruck into the ocean every second. that's how much. we continue to accumulate debt, but there is good news: last month i noticed that the debt went down, and i thought that my meter had been broken for a long time, but then i realized that it was april 15, tax day, for sure, and yes, it’s good that there was no increase for a whole month, but it’s bad that it was only because april 15, and now the debt has started to grow again, maybe when the debt reaches such a size, then you already have to ignore it, it’s like... if you lose control during the beginning, then you go on a binge, if you break your diet, then you order pizza in ben jerry, that is, burn it all with fire and we’ll be in this state. i'm trying make people feel uncomfortable, i wear a sign when i go to the ward, yeah, and there people literally press the button for or against, although i think we should
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rename the spend and don't spend buttons, yeah, red and green for those who don't can read stop signs and i've seen people press the spend button and then turn around and look at my meter for a long time, asking, has it gone up? i want them to realize that their actions have consequences, since people are just their... money, which is what the federal reserve does all the time, then we we actually tax the planet, everyone who trades in dollars gets a 3% commission, we're like a gas station credit card that
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charges you 3% for using it, that's right, we get 3% from the rise in inflation since the world uses our currency, as long as they use it, we can do this, but at some point this will all stop, they will stop using our dollar as a reserve currency. “i watched your interview with putin, and whether you like him or not, one thing he said was very true, he said that when we imposed sanctions, before we imposed sanctions, 70% of their settlements were in us dollars, and after the sanctions, the level of settlements in us dollars became less than 20%, so all these sanctions we impose are shooting ourselves in the foot, each time we impose sanctions and say that you can’t do it anymore use our currency when making payments. we lose the opportunity to take 3% from these calculations, because when we print 3% more dollars, then we take that money away from them, and we also send a very clear signal that the dollar is no longer safe for
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you, it is the reserve currency, so like us safe harbor, this is the most stable country in the world, and we are not going to use the dollar against you, because it will hurt ourselves, suddenly we start doing this, they agreed to this 3%, because if we don’t even have a dollar behind us, then we have our aircraft carriers, so they agreed to this 3%, but recently in congress we passed the turnip act, where we said that we were going to seize all russian sovereign assets in the united states, but it turned out that these were mostly treasury assets that they bought bonds giving them dollar debt, but here's what is the problem, when others saw that we took away their money, which they gave us in exchange for government bonds, then other countries no longer wanted to buy our debt, this is already happening. and the rate set by the treasury on long government bonds is already above 4%, it is already at the level of 4.5%, no one wants to buy them anymore, because we
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probably won’t confiscate uk assets, but we can confiscate chinese assets, but this everything looks like theft, well, that is, to seize the assets of a country that belong to the people of this country, that’s right, it’s not putin’s money, that’s what it is stealing is immoral, but if you don't even care about the immorality of it, then it's... a short-sighted decision, because in the end it will hurt us? do any of these idiots of your colleagues understand this? did you say that if we do this, first of all, it is wrong, so if we are going to be a beacon of light, of the order of justice, then we better not do this, but even if you don’t give a damn about it, even if you are immoral, then this it harms us ourselves, do they understand this? some of them understand, but it doesn't matter, they all will equally vote for this law on turnips, since it is popular and...
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and i was glad when we left afghanistan, but it was as if we had moved the gear stick to the next gear, went from second gear to third, because as soon as we stopped spend 50 billion dollars on afghanistan, we began to spend more than 50 billion dollars on ukraine, this is the military-industrial complex, they now call it the defense-industrial base. manufacturers.
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and, by the way, the biden administration talked about exactly this in its letter to congress, where she explained why we should help weapons, israel, ukraine, taiwan. they wrote that the defense industrial base must be strong, so we must spend money on it. and they have attached a list of states in the us that will receive a share of these amounts spent. that's why they think we should do this. but if you look, everyone who lives here wants to be proud of their country. i've always been proud. and i'm still... proud of our people, but if your main export is death, then, well, that is, it won't work at a distance, so it's just not possible, we're creating a lot of self-hatred, listen, 10 years ago, and even later, the only way to get to the space station was on a russian rocket, that's right, we collaborated with them, we flew into space like that, and now we've stopped, and the problem
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is... like in the middle east, israel is creating tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people who will hate the united states. yes, they will hate israel too, but because we give israel the weapons to do what they do, we create a lot people who hate us, but we were told that all this is necessary for the security of our country, do you believe this? no, i don't think so, as i mentioned earlier, one of the reasons... was said to be that we need to support our defense industry, so let's build all these weapons and send them to them, but i don't see how that does our country is stronger, because on the contrary we are becoming weaker because of this. you, in my opinion, are the only republican voting against these issues, how many have passed on these issues votes, and how did you vote on them? i even tried to count before, there were about 18 votes on ukraine, and i voted
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against all of them. since 1914, when we had already begun to rattle weapons, we adopted all these resolutions where we called russia evil, where we are for supporting democracy, but even then we knew that ukraine was thoroughly corrupt, and i am the most corrupt country in europe, yes, and i started, there were about 16-18 votes on ukraine, and i voted against all of them, for the last ones. maybe four, maybe four votes for show, well, on which we know that the senate will not vote, but in the last month we voted 15 or 16 times on israel, and it hit me, because i voted against all of them, but why do you hate israel or there is another
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reason, no, because i am against it. campuses will engage in anti-semitism, and the problem is that some international definition of anti-semitism is being used on some website. my first question was, why didn't you define it in the first place? law, why do you give some kind of internet link in the law, you are congress, right, right, we are congress, you write the law, it seems like you should, instead we link to a website, this is not even an american site, and i
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went to this website. and it gave a pretty short definition, but it also gave examples of what is considered anti-semitism, and some of the examples are verses from the new testament that would be prohibited, according to this international definition of anti-semitism, for example, saying that the jews killed jesus, what actually it's written in the bible, his own people didn't treat him very well, and it considers...


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