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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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took control of another settlement in zagornoye in the zaporozhye region, the ministry of defense reported this. the enemy suffered losses in manpower and equipment and was forced to retreat. a subdivision of the vostok grouping of troops liberated the village of zagornoye, zaporozhye region, and occupied more advantageous positions. the manpower and equipment of the fifty-eighth motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, the 123rd taroborone brigade and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard were defeated in the areas of the settlements of novoselovka, zaporozhye region, urozhaynaya and vladimirovka, donetsk region people's republic. the ssu lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, a 155 mm ac-90 bravehart self-propelled artillery mount and a 155 mm fh-70 howitzer made in great britain, as well as two bukovel ad electronic warfare stations. the ministry of defense stated that within 24 hours , concentrations of enemy manpower and equipment were hit in 115 districts, and units of troop groups improved their tactical position and took up positions. profitable frontiers. from
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the avdeevsky direction, reporting by pavel prokapenko. in the case of breakthrough. the crew of the most modern russian t-90 tank operates with direct fire. the shooting machine does not stop. she is constantly moving, but this does not affect the accuracy at all. the t-90 raises a cloud of dust with its tracks, dives into the lowlands and climbs the hills. our technology. maneuvers everywhere, unlike enemy counterparts, they have the same leopards that went there, they can only drive on asphalt, if they go through fields somewhere, they won’t be able to get through everywhere, our tanks are just all-terrain vehicles , the fighters of the center group of troops hone their interaction on the training grounds, an experienced eye will immediately determine that all the figures on the site are placed so as to simulate
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a certain situation: the capture of an enemy trench or a street battle in a populated area. fighters work against time, speed, and even the number of shells spent is taken into account. soldiers of the nevsky volunteer detachment show downed enemy drones; there are especially many of them under the solidarity. this is a babyaga or distant leka, which many ukrainians are proud of.
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equipment that will fly through our zones will be shot down and also destroyed into rubbish, in the liberated cities life is now in full swing, the village, for example, can no longer be called a front, generators are noisy here, new windows are being installed in houses, in the local gum, a distribution center humanitarian aid, they bring things and food, apples, shampoo, bread, bread - this is the main thing, the main food, people bring volunteers, clothes, shoes. what you need, food, a post office bank, this line for pensions and benefits, specialists periodically come here to vdeevka pension fund and other social services, and most importantly, people are not afraid to go out, people at least climbed out of the basement, began to breathe deeply, what else can i tell you, everything is fine, thank you guys for coming, freeing us, just waiting for liberation , my sister has been in the basement for 2 years. things are going on without going out, but now at least
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she’s walking, now she’s on the water, cars are appearing on the roads along with bicycles, the main transport in avdeevka, people are coming, returning to their homes, here, of course, there’s a lot to be put in order, the main thing is that this work has already begun. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, donetsk people's republic. a photojournalist died in the donetsk people's republic. as the information portal reports, everything happened near the monastery in the village of nikolskoye, in the ugledar region. our colleague went there to prepare new material and became a victim of an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones. instead of a scene to the front, this is another episode of ukrainian mobilization; near uzhgorod, actors were captured on the way to the theater military commissars, they were on duty on the road to the city. the administration announced this on social networks. this week there were reports that many businesses are already facing shutdowns. lack
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of workers. in agriculture, the number of workers in some cases has dropped to 20%, ukrainian journalists say. and there are already calls to lower the mobilization age, so that at least somehow we.
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soldier, here is a meeting of employees of one of the ukrainian military commissars, there are so many potential ones
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. well, how can you not attend such events in kiev, the boss sets the task of working at the gay pride parade, to catch at least someone, everyone heard, i think, another miracle. migrants from pakistan, nepal, india and african countries, so,
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are there still combine harvesters in ukraine, or will visitors also harvest the harvest? here, the acting minister of agrarian policy of ukraine taras vysotsky says that in the agricultural sector of ukraine there are problems with... what if farms were raided by the tsk battalions? well, if, guys, if the state doesn’t need a victory, then the people need one, just go die, just die so that zelensky can steal more a billion or something, this is why a person should go and give his life, just like that, there are no ideas, these are yours.
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povetyeva. news. vladimir putin’s peace initiative was drawn up taking into account the realities on earth, and it will be carefully considered in the west. this was stated by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. while the participants in the conference in switzerland were unable to agree on any peace plan in the absence of russia. elizaveta khramtsova with details. if the swiss conference has more or less a clear result is a change in the rhetoric of a person with an expired shelf life, who forbade himself to enter into dialogue with. in russia, zelensky did not rule out that moscow will be represented at the next similar event, and although, according to the ukrainian constitution , only the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk now has the authority to negotiate and sign documents, the russian president does not reject the opportunity to negotiate with those whom the legitimate
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authorities countries will be designated as responsible for the dialogue. about this to the author and presenter of the program moscow kremlin putin told pavel zarubin peskov. the president's press secretary emphasized: this is what has to be done, the bubble that the ukrainian authorities tried to inflate from the swiss event burst, without even
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approaching the expected volume, on sunday morning, a few hours before the end of the conference, us vice president harris left bürgenstock and chancellor färge scholz. the representatives of the collective west who remained at the forum continued to shower axumarons. thus, dutch prime minister ruete called russia’s absence at the forum absolutely the right decision. the head of the italian government, miloni, speaking of peace. proposals from the russian president, she said that peace is not capitulation and thereby refused to recognize the sad situation in the ssu at the front. however, there was still some meaningfulness at the forum and it came entirely from countries friendly to russia at the last moment, who decided to give at least some chance to the event. on sunday, a representative of the united arab emirates said that russia should also have participated in such a summit. the president of ecuador called adequately assess the importance of the dialogue between moscow and kiev. the day before the head spoke about the same thing.
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does not have any legal status. i think president putin spoke clearly, concisely, convincingly, and did it at the right
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time. yes, in kiev they doubt the legitimacy of those who represent the country at the international level. thus, one of the deputies of the verkhovna rada was indignant that in addition to zelensky, the head of the president’s office, iermak, who has long been called the true ruler of ukraine, also took part in the general photographing ceremony in bergenstock. from the conference, kiev expected the signing of a document that could become an important argument in its policy, but an agreement was reached. it failed even with those who came to switzerland. only 80 of 92 countries signed the final communication. among them were not saudi arabia, india, brazil, south africa and the united arab emirates. countries in which about 15% of the world's population live agreed with the points set out in the document, but western media are juggling numbers in an attempt to prove that a step towards peace has been taken. the number of countries represented is quite impressive, that's just under half the world. if we take the countries that are members of the un. they were really looking forward to china's participation, but china decided not to participate, according to the ukrainians,
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and dissuaded other countries. in front of china, to which zelensky insulted on the eve of the forum, the ukrainian president once tried to justify himself at the final press conference, saying that we respect beijing very much, but he still could not restrain himself and demanded respect in return. kamenike, which has nothing to do with the previous demands of kiev, turned out to be a phrase that may imply the involvement russia to negotiations at a new peace conference. but who would want to waste time on another round of meaningless gatherings is unclear, and moscow, despite the rapid refusal of kiev and its puppet masters to discuss russia’s peace initiatives, nevertheless does not rule out that people with the banking sector still realize the importance of dialogue, as the press secretary noted president dmitry peskov, a politician who values ​​his homeland, would think about vladimir putin’s peace initiative. izeta khramtsova, ekaterina shamaeva, lead. in the pre-trial detention center of rostov-ndon today the operation was completed. upon the release of the hostages early in the morning, it became known that six prisoners managed to get out of the cell
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and captured two employees, including the head of the operational department of the rostov main department. and telegram channels published video footage, judging by which the criminals had mobile phones, knives, sharpening symbols of gil, which is prohibited in russia. they demanded to be provided with weapons, transport and the opportunity to leave. it was reported that among the invaders there were those convicted under the article on terrorism. shortly before noon, security forces went on an assault, including operations. the national guard took part, and as a result , ovsin stated that the criminals were eliminated, the hostages were freed and were not harmed. in the barints sea, environmental activists saved a red book species from fishing nets.
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moves gently on the surface of the barin sea, it gives out fountains, performs songs without fetters, activists on whalers went out into the open sea every day for a week, so on a rubber boat they first tried to catch up with the whale, and then reach a small fragment of a fishing net, which pulled the mammal's dorsal fin together, when rescuers approached stanislav within arm's length, he dived and then appeared on the surface... hundreds of meters or a kilometer away, as if playing cat and mouse. i only managed to take it out when i was delighted to see a few hairs of the remaining rope on it, that is, this was a signal that the rope was completely cut, because only when it reaches the end can it leave three or four hairs there at the very end. i realized that it had happened. i haven't i experienced nothing like it, because it
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was such a delight. the sea giant was found in the north of the kola peninsula on june 3; wounds were visible on the skin of the mammal. ropes, and the mouth is tied with a piece of fishing net, we see fountains in the distance , we decided to look, humpback whales walk beautifully, we came closer, as if we were walking next to the whales, and as if we saw that one had a rope on, everything was spinning, salvation was spinning, in in the vicinity of teriberka , a headquarters was formed; at the beginning of the week , sakhalin troops arrived in the murmansk region specialists, they have extensive experience in rescuing marine mammals.
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people, their fishing gear breaks, and people throw plastic into the sea, and the humpback whale is only one of many thousands of inhabitants of the deep sea for whom this garbage has turned into a mortal risk. the whale was saved thanks to the help of the state and entrepreneurs who supported the activists . next to the volunteers were specialists from the ministry of emergency situations and employees of rosprirodnadzor. today, together with you, we performed a unique operation, which was brought to russia for the first time and freed a whale from networks. obviously, the invaluable experience will be used to help other whale-eaters; as for stanislav himself, according to forecasts, in the next month he will remain in the north of the peninsula, fattening up fat, then this whale, together with his relatives, will go to the southern countries. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. the military sports festival
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of the russian guard in the capital's luzhniki today brought together more than 20 thousand muscovites and tourists. it was dedicated to the centenary of the division. and derzhinsky troops of the national guard. the festival opened with a parade, in which military personnel and employees of the russian guard took part, including special forces soldiers, participants in a special operation, as well as champions and medalists of the olympic games, representatives of various sports federations, young army members, students of the guards shift and the samba 70 sports and education center. after the ceremony during the march, demonstration performances by military personnel began, and master classes in boxing, judo, sambo, rugby and hand-to-hand combat were organized for guests. an exhibition of military equipment took place. and a concert. already 100 for years, zderzhina soldiers have stood guard over our capital, protecting law and order during major public events, ensuring the safety of muscovites and guests of the capital. let me once again congratulate you on the centenary anniversary of the separate order of suvorov, zhukov,
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lenin and the october revolution of the red banner operational division . named after felix edmundovich dzerzhinsky. the icon, which since the 15th century had been in the temple on the volutov field in the vicinity of veliky novgorod, returned to novgorod soil. along with many others relics it disappeared during the nazi occupation. zinaida kurbatova will tell you how it was discovered and thanks to whom it was necessary to return the shrine. this story can only be called a miracle. and there is no pathos here. the icon of the crucifixion is a masterpiece of novgorod painting of the 15th century, the central part. the festive rite of the assumption church on volotovo field was considered lost during the great patriotic war. art historians knew her only by description, there were no photographs, so she returned. it just seems to me that these are the brackets.
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the last hours were already passing before this icon went up for auction, if not for these actions, the crucifix could have gone into the hands of a western collector, the museum began to prove that the masterpiece comes from
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volotov and was in the novgorod museum in 1930 for restoration along with other icons of the volotov festive rite , there is plenty of evidence for this. the condition is practically no different from those icons that are on display, that is, this is an old pre-war restoration by our... famous restorer, nikita egorovich davidov, who revealed these icons, and, by the way, these control areas, disclosures, that is, those layers that he removed from the surface of the author’s painting were left in the form of control areas, the same control areas are on those icons that are in our exposition, version of the auction, icon from the volta church, german priest ludwig. i allegedly bought it legally in 1930, and here the novgorodians were helped by their german colleagues, who preserved the honor of a museum worker who is not influenced by political
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european trends. at lurike shmigeltritik, she is an expert on the province, and she just managed to find out the first owner of the icon, this is ludwig vol, yes, the fact that he served in the army north group in novgorod during the war, she was just able to establish it, is no longer left at all there would be no doubt that the icon was... was taken from novgorod during the occupation of the city. church of the assumption on volotovo field from the 14th century, the masterpiece was destroyed during the war and restored in the 21st century. the miraculously found icon of the crucifixion comes from here from the assumption church on volotovo field. u the germans had art critics who decided which things were more valuable and which should be taken to germany as trophies. they wrote letters on stolen icons from the novgorod museum.
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people. will receive a salary and pension, taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired. the process of resuming indexing should proceed smoothly and as conveniently as possible for people, without any additional statements on their part. will continue to increase rod. from 2025, it will be linked to the median salary received by the majority of employed citizens. and will amount to almost half of this figure, families living in small towns will be able to receive a preferential mortgage at 6% per annum, regardless of the age of the children. the main thing is that at least one child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan. when building their own home, such conditions for families will apply in all russian regions.
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over 1.8 billion rubles will be allocated for free medicines, medical products and medical nutrition for privileged categories of citizens. veterans receive such social support chernobyl victims, people with disabilities, including children with disabilities. in total , almost 58 billion rubles are allocated for these purposes in the federal budget in 2024. noted the importance of maintaining such support, stressed that saving the people and strengthening people's health is a long-term priority for us. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on national projects on means of production and automation and infrastructure for life. they will allow solving a number of systemic problems in terms of developing technological and economic potential countries.


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