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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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about 400 people regularly attend classes, in the summer there are traditionally more students, the street dance floor can accommodate everyone , in the cold months the studio is huddled in a small pavilion. we have classes almost every day, they are dedicated to teaching dance, a variety of dance, both ballroom and social dance. so, in class we mainly teach some basic figures, and since i’ve been teaching here for several years now, and they’ve been practicing, we’ve already even got a formation.
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field, because couples are dancing, in circles, in together, they must treat each other with respect and know how not to harm the other couple. such events help not only to feel the unique atmosphere of the southern holiday without leaving the city, but also to get the necessary dance practice, honing your skills. people who come and create this general aroma, and secondly, this is a dj who feels this aroma. supports him, yes, well, the general mood, and can control it, because it is the dj who plays the music in this case, yes, and he can kill melonga or make it a masterpiece, and this club latin studio has been known to muscovites since 2007. recently, open lessons for everyone have been held in muzion park, preparation level is not important, the main thing is not to forget about comfortable clothes. and a good
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mood, salsa, bashata, there is also kissomba from africa, students, they are different, from different countries, your beautiful country, from moscow, there is someone newer, there are a lot of foreigners, italian, for example, there is spanish, african too walks, dance - body language and you can learn to speak it at any age, and you... moscow will provide you with an abundance of styles, genres, and teachers. magnet - the price is what you need. mayonnaise sloboda, 1499. the best contribution to sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. comfort at low prices on the yandex market. little things to big
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gdr fuel unlocks engine potential and those who strive to be the first. tested under racing conditions. tdr: be the first. in mvid. they are standing in the apartment, someone is going on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket, just grow with us, tadam, you don’t eat mayonnaise, now i eat it, because i love to cook, i created a new mayonnaise, pure, without sugar , without vinegar
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the courtyards are well-worn, we talked to the children, they are already, as scary as it is to say, they are used to these sounds, they distinguish the type of shells, they know what to do when it thunders, what needs to be done, they need to win, that’s the first thing they need - of course, we need victory, that’s what our state is doing now, our military is on the front line, what is uniting the whole...
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quite serious, the government of ukraine, well me, a person who has been involved in child protection issues for many years, i began to take children out of syria, we were engaged in the form of...
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by splitting the church, they knocked out from under the feet the foundation of the ukrainian people, so
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that they could easily be deployed their counter self-destructs. well, now we have taken a number of very serious measures, this is a presidential decree on supporting children who suffered as a result of the actions of the kiev regime, payments have already begun, hundreds of children from families have received this assistance, we are now together with our parliamentary commission developed a set of measures that... victims, and, of course, among them there are disabled children who now need
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constant support, psychological work, special training courses for specialists were opened in belgorod, in the near future we plan to open and launch serious work in lugansk people's republic, to train specialists who will work with children, well, with the family as a whole, now the state is trying to set up its tools for prompt assistance to these families, but... all the settings are is realized through the heart, that is, the person who happens to be nearby helps, here no help is superfluous. anna yuryevna, you have already talked about these crimes that shocked you very much, could you tell us about this, what kind of crime it is? the export of children for pedophiles, this is child transplantation, according to preliminary data, more than 200 children were taken to european countries and... it is not clear where they are, according to preliminary data, about 13 states
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where they may be, have already appeared periodically in the media, v confirming our words, here are these diagrams, which indicate that children were transported across the polish border for pedophiles in the uk in other countries, what to say about odessa transplantology, but how could this not be, when the verkhovna rada adopted laws step by step. who create the conditions for this, they themselves, by their own laws , first allowed foreign transplantation companies to operate there, then they, therefore, expanded the possibilities for organ transplantation, that is, they narrowed, let’s say, these are the legal instruments that this is regulated, that is, permission from relatives and so on, who at least somehow kept this issue in the legal field, they simply expanded their boundaries, untied their hands, but then i was literally simply
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outraged by this step when they introduced tax breaks for transplants companies. this groan, as they say, is called their song, this is called a free people, the president speaks about this at foreign conferences, while people are dying in his country under the influence of those laws that he approves there. let's move on to our country, i know that you participated in the st. petersburg economic forum, where, in particular , the problems that hinder the development of the russian economy were discussed, in particular , deputy prime minister dmitry chernoshenko said that one of the main threats is the demographic hole. according to him, this is already evident from the decline in school graduates entering universities. tell me, as legislators, as mothers of many children, how can we solve this problem? what is there to do? well, first of all, i’m very pleased with the production itself the question is, we finally realized that if we don’t have children, we will live worse, not
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vice versa, all possible agreements, just like that, this cause-and-effect relationship, this is the most important thing that must be laid down. but in all the decisions that are made today, the more children are born, the more resources there are in the country for all areas of development, science, and personnel, of course the economy, well, from a simple point of view, i am this example, as they say, it is always on the surface for me, i i come to the store, how many things will i buy, yes i have five boys and two girls, but every time i come they ask me the question, here are all these five sizes for you, which one do you like, i tell me everything?
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and this is not easy, and requires the adjustment of decisions not only at the federal level, but in each region, here i would quote the words of the president, which few people noticed, he said at the conclusion of his introduction at the plenary session, about harmony? so here is an interesting word, it is not political, not economic, it is used at an economic forum, and suddenly it flies as one of the most important, such as valuable ones. so decisions, while we are making decisions regarding the well-being of the family, in no case should we forget about the value sphere, here is harmony, here we need harmony , raising children in the spirit of traditional values, and what is needed for this, we need examples, this is the simplest thing, how we raised the church and the world today in the program, and i can’t help but give examples of the lives of the saints, as we raised them before in schools, and
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this is quite early in our revolutionary russia, using examples of the lives of the saints. there were images there were actions that arranged and gave children an answer on how to act in a specific life situation, here there should be images that we want our families to follow, so from september 1 there will be lessons on family happiness, family science, i hope that this time and clearly select the methodological material that will be, and experience is the moral basis of family life, an excellent course that... regions of russia are already implementing this course one way or another, this is also a very important topic, it is important that when making decisions we we took into account that families with children will use our solutions, and it should be convenient for them, the park should be convenient, and access to the children's clinic with a stroller
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should be convenient, flying on an airplane should also be convenient for a large family and going on vacation should also be to be comfortable, by the way, we have values, this won’t make them bigger, but what should we do, how can we preserve and increase them? you need, firstly, to tell the truth, and secondly, not to lie to yourself, but values ​​are such a subtle sphere that
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you can’t teach it according to a manual; it can be contagious. we need to make discoveries here, today the paths that we are looking for have already been trodden, we need to look at those that actually lead to victory, up is always hard, down is easier.
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they are aimed at the sphere of values, well, we are responsible to those guys who are at the front today, this is not a conversation about lofty matters, this is a question of our country, the security of our country, its borders, moral boundaries, and here, as at the front, we need weapons, we need soldiers, we need fighting units, steadfast, faithful to these principles that will not betray or give up, but let’s talk about the main value of our fatherland and our people, this, of course, believe in god, in a week we have a big holiday, the day of the holy trinity, on trinity it is planned to finally
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hand over the icon of st. andrew rubleva, the holy trinity, it was located for a year in the cathedral of christ the savior, and before that for about 100 years in the tretyakov galley until the moment when vladimir putin signed a document to finally transfer this shrine to the church, yes, what do you think, this correct solution? undoubtedly i happened to be in those days when the icon was just brought to the cathedral of christ the savior, of course, you feel a special thrill, and this is a very symbolic step, icons should be in churches, they were painted so that prayer would go on nearby, this is not an exhibition of paintings, this no, they were not written for aesthetic pleasure, they were written for prayer. therefore, they should be where all the icons should be, churches are being restored, shrines are being returned, i dare to hope that these values ​​will take root more and more deeply today, if
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you speak at the front, look how many of our military personnel are being baptized, once again i visited our liberated regions, we met with priests, and he says that such faith, our fathers say: our moral battle, and of course, we will certainly overcome the difficulties that exist today. in one of our programs, archbishop sava tutunov said
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that these events are precisely the completion of the difficult trials of the 20th century that our state endured. but what do you think these events are? you know, such events are turning points, as they say.
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on the eve of september 1, i went to the shopping center, i didn’t even find a backpack with the russian flag, let alone something more serious. and the more
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serious ones are our serious suvorovs, these are our writers, this is our composer, this is our art, this is a huge layer of our figures of the past, even if they didn’t have time to talk about the present, but nevertheless, images of foreign characters quite densely occupy the shelves of our stores , we have launched a corresponding project, we are collecting images of russia’s victory and menprom will offer theirs... to enterprises for implementation now the first batch of notebooks tank alyosha is our legendary crew, after a meeting with the president, this decision was just made, they were immediately chosen, they are on the covers of notebooks today, i want to tell you that the first edition was sold out immediately, the second was sold out immediately, i haven’t even reached the shelves yet, because having learned that such notebooks were being produced, they were bought, as
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they say, from the release of the machine. now they are already on sale, but the fact is that this is only a drop in the work that lies ahead of us. anna yurievna, thank you very much for this wonderful conversation. thank you.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. look, look, in the application or on the website, who is after you? no one, i decided to hide behind my children, a family song competition, let’s get burned, let’s get wet. disobedients,
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this is russia 24. and we continue to talk about the main thing for today. in the zaporozhye region , the russian military liberated the village of zagornoye. fighters from the vostok group of troops took control of another settlement. the enemy lost more than a hundred fighters. about it reported to the ministry of defense. a subdivision of the vostok grouping of troops liberated the village of zagornoye, zaporozhye region, and occupied more advantageous positions. the manpower and equipment of the fifty- eighth motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, the 123rd
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teroboron brigade and the fifteenth brigade were defeated. guards in populated areas.


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