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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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novices, this is russia 24, and we continue to talk about... the main thing for today in the zaporozhye region , the russian military liberated the village of zagornoye. fighters from the vostok group of troops took control of another settlement. the enemy lost more than a hundred fighters. this was reported to the ministry of defense. a subdivision of the vostok grouping of troops liberated the village of zagornoye, zaporozhye region, and occupied more advantageous positions. the personnel and equipment of the fifty- eighth motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces, 123rd brigade were defeated taroborona and the fifteenth brigade of the national guard in areas of populated areas. novoselovka,
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zaporozhye region, urozhaynaya and vladimirovka of the donetsk people's republic. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, a 155mm ac90 bravehart self-propelled artillery mount and a 155mm fh-70 howitzer made in great britain, as well as two bukavel ad electronic warfare stations. and another tragic news this week: today he died under carbon dioxide. our colleague, photojournalist, nikita tsitsage, an enemy drone attacked the journalist while he was reporting, everyone involved in his death will be identified, the investigative committee promised. let me remind you that on thursday in gorlovka , an ntv film crew from the armed forces of ukraine came under fire and was targeted, purposefully, from their wounds, the television company cameraman valery kozhin died, correspondent alexey ivliev died, and lost an arm. vladimir putin's peace initiative has been drawn up. taking into account the realities on earth, it
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will be carefully considered in the west, these are the words of the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov, but the participants of the conference in switzerland were unable to agree on any peace plan, since they tried to do this in the absence of russia. elizeta kharamtsova will talk about the results of the meeting. if the swiss conference has a more or less clear result, it is a change in the rhetoric of a person with an expired shelf life, who forbade himself to enter into dialogue with. did not rule out that moscow would be represented at the next similar event, and although according to the constitution in ukraine , only the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk now has the authority to negotiate and sign documents; the russian president does not reject the opportunity to negotiate with those whom the country’s legitimate authorities appoint responsible for the dialogue. dmitry peskov told the author and host of the moscow, kremlin putin program, pavel zarubin, about this. the president's press secretary emphasized those who organized the meeting.
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on all other issues, a very complex system, develop this system of guarantees in order to ensure compliance agreements, but nevertheless, if the kiev regime somehow shows sobriety, then this will have to be done, the bubble that the ukrainian authorities tried to inflate from the swiss event burst, without even approaching the expected volume, on sunday morning, a few hours before at the end of the conference, us vice president harris and chancellor ferge scholz left bergenstock, remaining on... representatives
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of the collective west continued to pour out aximarons, as dutch prime minister rute called russia’s absence from the forum absolutely the right decision. the head of the italian government, miloni, speaking about the peace proposals of the russian president, said that peace is not capitulation, and thereby refused to recognize the sad situation of the ukrainian armed forces at the front. however, there was still some meaningfulness at the forum and it came entirely from countries friendly to russia at the last moment, who decided to give at least some chance to the event. on sunday. the representative of the united arab emirates said that russia should also have participated in such a summit. the president of ecuador called adequately assess the importance of the dialogue between moscow and kiev. the day before, the head of turkish diplomacy spoke about the same thing. in my opinion, there is a serious risk of escalation of the conflict. therefore, the announced conditions of russia, it seems to me, are an important step and a glimmer of hope. the theme was continued by another influential player. saudi arabia insists that negotiations are impossible without russia and must be taken into account. we
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encourage peaceful negotiations rather than escalation, we also propose a solution that can lead to peace so that there is no loss, here we need both sides, the world community. to seize the initiative and voice peace proposals before the start of the swiss conference , they note the decision of the russian president deprived the event of at least some meaning. i don’t know what they hope to achieve without russia. russia does not want to negotiate with zelensky, since he is not the legitimate president of ukraine and does not have one at all.
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india, brazil, and the united arab emirates. countries in which about 15% of the world's population live agreed with the points set out in the document, but western media they are juggling numbers in an attempt to prove that a step towards peace has been taken. the number of countries represented is quite impressive, a little less than half the world, if only.
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it’s unclear who would want to waste time on another round of meaningless gatherings, and moscow, despite the rapid refusal of kiev and its puppet masters to discuss russia’s peace initiatives, nevertheless does not rule out that people with the banking sector still realize the importance of dialogue, as noted by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, a politician who values ​​his homeland, would think about vladimir putin’s initiative about the world. from this khramtsova ekaterina shamaeva, news. an operation took place in the pre-trial detention center in rostov-on-don today. upon the release of the hostages early in the morning, it became known that six prisoners managed to get out of the cell, two employees were captured, including the head of the operational department of the rostov central military directorate , telegram channels published video footage, judging by which the criminals had mobile phones, knives, sharpening symbols prohibited
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in russia igil. they demanded to be provided with weapons, transport and the opportunity to leave. it was reported that among the invaders there were those convicted under the article on terrorism. shortly before noon, the security forces launched an assault in the operation, including the participation of the national guard, in the end they declared that the criminals had been eliminated, the hostages were freed and were not injured. now there is a short advertisement, immediately after watch a special report about the work of doctors in moscow, and in the second half of the hour watch a special report by anton borisov, shipbuilding made in russia. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented rich taste in one glass. try. real ice cream russian cold, great, incredible taste. this is a simple loan only at sopcombank. hit:
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to get to the hospital, there is a rule in the capital of the so-called golden hour, this is the time that is cut off from the moment of disaster in the body, sometimes this is the time when you need to save a serious patient, it can be lost. therefore, we have adopted a new standard for emergency care, this includes new logistics, new diagnostic equipment, new operating rooms, and, most importantly, fast and high-quality care for patients. having launched it in the base four hospitals, in the flagship centers, we understand that it really gives a different quality of work, so it was decided that this
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standard should be extended to all multidisciplinary hospitals that accept emergency patients. this whole system is designed to provide assistance as quickly as possible. a closed cycle has been created, providing emergency care on the basis of one hospital, all the most modern diagnostic treatment technologies are concentrated. no one has ever provided this help so quickly anywhere before. for the main 97 conditions that most often cause people to be hospitalized, we we worked out a complete diagnostic algorithm, a clear sequence of actions for each medical worker, be it a doctor or a nurse, and immediately formed the principle of triage. in general, triage is a french word, literally translated as sorting, green, yellow, red.
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can wait, he needs help, but not in and the green patient is the patient who is in an extremely urgent state. there is a special program that we operate in moscow, in all hospitals where we can.
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condition it may be red, then he will immediately be sent to the anti-shock ward, this opens up more possibilities for us, maneuvers for work and for diagnosis, this is as convenient as possible, which we lacked before, if i see that a severe combined injury is going there, i assume that i will need a surgeon, neurosurgeon, traumatologist, i need to order blood components so that all this is available and we begin to provide assistance to the patient even before the moment of his actual... admission to our hospital, the path of the red patient is as short as possible, there is a car at the checkpoint ambulances pass unhindered, there is no need to quickly explain that you need to turn right, you need to turn left, all navigation is floor-based, airborne, we open the doors of the anti-shock department, behind this door these patients are first met by a resuscitator, his goal is to stabilize
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vital functions patient, a cardiologist is present in our shock ward around the clock. neurologist, the faster we bring a person out of a critical condition, the higher his chances of both life and full recovery. a phase ultrasound protocol is being done, a ponft is immediately performed, that is, a computed tomography examination of the whole body. we have mobile ultrasound equipment for anti-shock that travels from patient to patient, an x-ray unit that is ours alone, which we use for our patients. more difficult diagnostics, it is also step-by-step. availability, we all interact with neurologists, resuscitation specialists, transport services, strokes that are not yet visible on computed tomography are sent to us for mri, we immediately carry out studies and describe patients, examinations last on average from 11 to 15 minutes , depending on the patient’s condition; all diagnostic capacities
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of the hospital are concentrated here. patients are in serious condition and difficult to move. there is a floating table, a stand only at the beginning of the table, it allows the table to move up and down, a special x-ray stand that can also move in automatic mode, it’s enough to simply position the patient and take a picture, the image is fed to the sensor and immediately moves to the radiologist’s table, we hold patient, until we figure out his condition, he can spend hours with me, if he has a complex diagnosis, he can end up in the operating room in 2-3 minutes, behind me is:
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another important area is customer service, we tried to work here, we have psychologists and social coordinators working here. hospitalization itself, especially emergency hospitalization, is stressful not only for the patient, but... for relatives, for relatives of accompanying persons, we have created comfortable conditions, a large hall with 30 seats, where there are screens, he sees a relative, at what stage his patient is, and he sees that he is now undergoing an ultrasound, an ecg is being done with him, some kind of manipulation is now being done with him, there is
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a meeting room, a conversation between a doctor and a loved one - this conversation is not always simple, there must be... some kind of atmosphere, the second flow is gravity, which is from the outpatient network and patients come on their own, that is, these are the patients who have become bad, but they decided for themselves to get to us, patients of the yellow and green streams, their beginning is the same, only the patient is admitted to the hospital, a nurse approaches him, they even have medications, no, they record key indicators, blood pressure, pulse.
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the triage nurse reads the patient’s indicators and enters them into the tablet, the tablet thus tells the patient’s further path, the patient is severe, of moderate severity, he should not stand in line, he should be immediately placed on a bed. in the yellow zone, they are on beds, there is an apparatus ultrasound examination, so as not to take the patient to the ultrasound room, there is an electrocardiograph with remote transmission of information, we have introduced the doctor-to- patient principle. in which patients are in one place, they are visited by doctors on the contrary, the main participant in this process is the patient, everything should revolve around him.
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this one trolley replaces the entire procedural dressing room; on the metion table there are all the materials we need for drawing blood and for placing ivs. biomaterial necessary for the nurse sends the test using a pneumatic pump, an awesome assistant for the nurse, there... fills all these test tubes literally in 10-15 minutes we have a ready-made analysis. a table with an ecg, we approach the patient, apply electrodes, chest, leg and hand, and then the ecg writes a code, the doctor at imas has a deciphered ecg along with the tape, this all happens literally within 5 minutes. sometimes we need to perform examinations using heavy equipment, in which case the patient will be transported from the yellow zone. literally a few meters already, well, for example, multislice computed tomography, in one revolution of the tube, which passes there for a few seconds, we get 128 sections at once, the maximum set
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of diagnostic information needed, for example, here is an aneurysm of the inforrenal aorta, this allows surgeons to see what volume of surgery does the patient need, right next to the bed, for example, during a round for an examination, you can open the tablet, open a specific patient and see all the studies that we did for him, the full history...
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i came, got into the category of emergency support for my health, due to chemotherapy, my platelets dropped, they treat
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people very well, they delve into, accompany, provide, they are really great, there is a solid green corridor, you are in the green zone of the flagship center, here they will guide you all necessary diagnostic studies will be determined by the diagnostician. you are in the hands of professionals, thank you very much to the teams of doctors and nurses who supported the initiative, participated in the development of this standard and are actively implementing it today are being implemented for the benefit of patients, for the benefit of muscovites, congratulations again, i hope that you will be more comfortable working, providing assistance to people, so a lot of life depends on this, all moscow clinics will go back to work. a new standard of urgent care, the entire floor was basically rebuilt here, because before there were examination rooms
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for specialists. the office system was completely gone, they made us halls, made a relaxation area for visitors, the equipment that was installed in our hospital, everything was expert class, i think that in some european clinics this is not the case, what is here in the thirteenth hospital, i really hope that the introduction of this new standard will allow every muscovite to receive the same high level of medical care, regardless of which city hospital. it will hit the spot, ranging from comfort to speed, action, reaction and treatment. the approach that is being implemented here is very desirable to implement, because it really saves lives. you feel some kind of delight, pride that this works. people in white coats are a calling.
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