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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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in the app or on the website, we ran away from the orphanage five times, six times, go to one place, even bad people are corrected there, naughty people. this is russia-24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. in the zaporozhye region , the russian military liberated the village of zagornoye. fighters from the vostok group of troops took control of another settlement. the enemy lost more than a hundred fighters. this was reported to the ministry of defense. a unit of the vostok group of troops liberated the village of zagornaya, zaporozhye region occupied more advantageous positions. manpower and equipment were defeated.
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zaporozhye region, urozhaynaya and vladimirovka of the donetsk people's republic. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 135 military personnel, an armored combat vehicle, four vehicles, a 155mm as90 bravehard self-propelled artillery mount and a 155mm fh-70 howitzer made in great britain, as well as two bukovel ad electronic warfare stations. the murder of tsitsagi is another serious crime of the bandera regime. maria zakharova stated this. official the representative of meath demanded that international organizations, primarily the director general of unesco, condemn this cold-blooded crime. today he died near ugledaro. our colleague, photojournalist news. nikita tsitsagi. an enemy drone attacked a journalist while he was reporting. everyone involved in his death will be identified, the investigative committee was promised. but i would like to remind you that also...
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from the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk, the president of russia does not reject the opportunity to negotiate with those whom the legitimate authorities of the country will appoint responsible for the dialogue. dmitry peskov told the author and host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin, about this. the president's press secretary emphasized: those who organized the meeting in bürgenstock are disinterested in the world while russia has outlined the path to a final stop to the conflict, which is based on the realities that are now emerging on the ground. papers are the fruit of very complex expert negotiations, this is a balance of interests and, of course, taking into account the realities on earth, and this will be the case this time too, but trust these agreements in the future it’s possible, we already have a rich system of guarantees, these are guarantees in the field of security and guarantees on all other issues, a very complex system to develop this system of guarantees in order to ensure the implementation of agreements, but nevertheless, if the kiev regime... how if he shows sobriety,
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then this will have to be done. the bubble that the ukrainian authorities tried to inflate from the swiss event burst without even approaching the expected volume. on sunday morning, a few hours before the end of the conference, they left bergenstock us vice president haris and chancellor ferge scholz. the representatives of the collective west who remained at the forum continued to pour in aksyumarny. thus, dutch prime minister ruete called russia’s absence from the forum an absolutely correct decision. head of the italian government. milani, speaking about the peace proposals of the russian president, said that peace is not capitulation and thereby refused to recognize the sad situation in the armed forces of ukraine at the front. however, there was still some meaningfulness at the forum and it was entirely in russia-friendly countries in the last moment, who decided to give at least some chance to the event. on sunday, a representative of the united arab emirates said that russia should also have participated in such a summit. the president of ecuador called for an adequate assessment of the importance of the dialogue between moscow and kiev. the day before.
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the head of turkish diplomacy said the same thing. in my opinion, there is a serious risk of escalation of the conflict, so the announced conditions of russia, it seems to me, are an important step and a glimmer of hope. he continued the topic. another influential player, saudi arabia insists negotiations are impossible without russia and must take into account its proposals. we encourage peaceful negotiations rather than escalation. we also provide a solution that can lead to peace so that there is no loss. both sides are needed here. the world community should encourage any peaceful steps, even if compromises need to be made, so russia's participation is necessary. and analysts who rely on facts, not politics. russia, russia does not want to negotiate with i don’t know what they hope to achieve without zelensky, since he is not legal president of ukraine and does not have
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any legal status at all. i think president putin spoke clearly, concisely, convincingly and did it at the right time. yes, in kiev they doubt the legitimacy of those who represent the country at the international level. thus, one of the deputies of the verkhovna rada was outraged by the fact that in addition to zelensky, the head of the president’s office, yarmak, who has long been called the true ruler of ukraine, also took part in the general photographing ceremony in bürgenstock. from the conference, kiev expected the signing of a document that could would have become an important argument in his policy, but it was not possible to reach an agreement even with those who came to switzerland. only 80 out of 92 countries signed the final communication. among them were not saudi arabia, india, brazil, south africa and the united states. countries in which about 15% of the world's population live agreed with the points set out in the document, but western media are juggling numbers in an attempt to prove that a step towards peace has been taken. the number of countries represented is quite impressive. that's a little less than half the world
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if we take the countries that are members of the un. they were really looking forward to china's participation, but china decided not to participate, according to the ukrainians, and dissuaded other countries. in front of china, to which zelensky insulted the forum the day before. once the president of ukraine tried to justify himself at the final press conference, saying that we respect beijing very much, but he still could not restrain himself and demanded respect in return. in the kamenik, which has nothing to do with kiev’s previous demands, there was a phrase that may imply the involvement of russia in negotiations on a new peace conferences. but who wants to waste time on another round of meaningless gatherings is unclear. and moscow, despite the rapid refusal of kiev and its puppet masters to discuss russia’s peace initiatives, nevertheless.
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telegram channels published video footage, judging by which the criminals had mobile phones, knives, sharpening symbols of the egil banned in russia. they demanded to be provided with weapons, transport and the opportunity to leave. it was reported that among the invaders there were those convicted under the article on terrorism. shortly before noon, security forces launched an assault on the operation also involved members of the national guard. as a result, afsin stated that the criminals were eliminated, the hostages were freed and were not injured. the military sports festival of the russian guard was held in moscow today, it was dedicated to the centenary of the derzhinsky division, the event was opened by a parade, special forces soldiers, members of the north military district, olympic champions and young army soldiers took part in the procession. in total, the festival brought together about 20 thousand muscovites and
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guests of the capital. congratulated the personnel and veterans of the division on their centenary anniversary colonel general alexey vorobyov. already 100 years old. zderzhina soldiers stand guard over our capital, protect law and order during major public events, and ensure the safety of muscovites and guests of the capital. let me once again congratulate you on the centenary anniversary of the separate order of suvorov, zhukov, lenin and the october revolution, the red banner operational division named after felix edmundovich zerzhinsky. on the day of the medical worker, deputy minister of defense yunusbeg evkurov awarded the doctors of the military hospital in kostroma, where svo soldiers are undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. he congratulated the military doctors on their professional holiday, but a little earlier yevkurov attended the
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graduation ceremony for officers of the military academy of radiation chemical and biological defense named after marshal timoshenko. on behalf of the minister of defense of the russian federation, colleagues and minister. on my own behalf, i congratulate you and your loved ones on this significant day, i wish the young officers courage, will and, of course, military valor. you're welcome, comrade lieutenants, good luck to you in everything. this year , military personnel from 14 countries of the world graduated from the university; the removal of the russian national flag and the academy’s battle banner opened the ceremony. another beautiful graduation tradition: the officer’s ball, it took place on the academy’s parade ground. a participant in the project, my mentor, the women's movement of united russia from 19 regions presented the best social projects.
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hours, the rope was cut only after many attempts, about how
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the sea giant was rescued and where it is now, a report by oleg posobin, here it is, these are the screams activists who saved the whale caught in the fishermen's net, there, there, hold it, carefully, oh well, the humpback whale stanislav now moves serenely on the surface of the barintse sea, he gives out fountains and performs songs without entanglements. activists on boats went out to the open sea every day for a week. so, on a rubber boat, they first tried to catch up with the whale, and then reach a small fragment of a fishing net that was tightening the mammal’s dorsal fin. when the rescuers approached stanislav within arm's reach, he would dive and then resurface hundreds of meters or a kilometer away, as if playing a game of cat and mouse. i only managed to take it out when... i was delighted with this pole when i saw a few hairs of the remaining rope on it, that is, this was
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a signal that the rope was completely cut, because only when it reached the end could it leave three or four at the very end hairs, i realized that it had happened, i had not experienced anything like this for a very long time, because it was such a delight, a sea giant was found in the north of the kola peninsula back on june 3, wounds from a rope were visible on the skin of the mammal, and its mouth was tied with a piece of fishing net; we see fountains in the distance. we decided to look at the humpback whales, they walk beautifully, we came closer, as if we were walking next to the whales, and then we saw that one had a rope on, everything was spinning, spinning, salvation. a headquarters was formed in the vicinity of tereberke; at the beginning of the week , sakhalin specialists flew to the murmon region; they have extensive experience in rescuing marine mammals, but they had to work with a humpback whale in first time. he is invisible. it pops up for one or two seconds to inhale and exhale and you should be in this
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place at that moment. the whale behaved like an ordinary whale; of course, annoying boats irritate him. such a rescue of a whale in our country was the first time for specialists. this is an invaluable experience. recently, teriberka has become a real mecca for fishermen. with the coming of the season. every morning, from here, many hundreds of people go out to the open sea, their gear breaks, and people throw plastic into the sea. and hunchbacked the whale is just one of many thousands of inhabitants of the deep sea for whom this garbage has become a mortal risk. the whale was saved, thanks to the help of the state and entrepreneurs who supported the activists . specialists from the ministry of emergency situations and employees of rosprirodnadzor were present next to the volunteers. today, together with you, we performed a unique operation, first performed in russia, and freed the whale from the nets in which it was entangled. obviously, the invaluable experience will be used to help others. lyco-feeders, as for stanislav himself, then according to according to forecasts, in the next month it will remain in
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the north of the peninsula, will fatten up, then this whale, together with its relatives, will go to the southern countries. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. after the end of the fourth day of competition, the russian team leads the overall medal standings at the brix games in kazan. our athletes have already won 11 gold medals, report on new achievements of russian reports. kazan is flying, russian athletes, high-altitude climbers, inspired by the brix games, are breaking personal records at the stadium in the capital of tatarstan, the happiest athlete of the day is polina porfenenko.
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you feel like you’re part of this - i’ll say this, olympic movement, this, that you’re part of something bigger, the stadium was alive with the men’s hurdle sprint waiting for gold sergei shubenkov, world champion, changed his image, but is still far from his ideal form, artyom makarenko was ahead of him in kazan. well, this is not my thing, of course, i don’t really want to take second place, especially to lose to our guys, this has never happened. this season is such an exception, well unfortunately, yes, it has a minus sign, but again i hope to change this situation, i won’t leave it like this, it’s just that seven countries participated in the badminton tournament, but only russians participated in all five finals. badminton is perhaps the summer sport in russia, but who among us has not tried it at the dacha or on the beach, but here in kazan
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, real masters gathered at the brix games and full stands came to admire them. the interest is such that... the organizers are installing additional seats, such a huge number of fans in the stands, and it’s great to dispel this stereotype, so that badminton is a beach country game, but you can come here to the gym to watch the professional ones there at such high speeds, and i think that gradually this will only develop and make our sport only better and better. the first week of the brix games is behind us, games in which there are records, a place for fair competition and the true values ​​of sport. the competition will end on june 23 with the tatar holiday.
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in small towns will be able to get a preferential mortgage at 6% per annum, regardless of the age of the children, the main thing is that at least one
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child is a minor at the time of applying for the loan; when building their own house, such conditions for... families will apply in all russian regions. over 1.8 billion rubles will be allocated for free medicines, medical products and medical nutrition for privileged categories of citizens. veterans, chernobyl victims, and people with disabilities, including children with disabilities, receive such social support. in total, in 2024, for these purposes in the federal...
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means of production and automation and infrastructure for life, they will allow solving a number of systemic problems in terms of developing the technological and economic potential of the country, as well as in the social sphere. the development program for the machine tool industry and robotics, which includes a list. support for industries will expand to a national project; this decision will help russia by 2030 become one of the 25 leading countries in the world in robotization of production. it is necessary to increase the production of domestic specialized equipment, expand the line of products and train personnel so that the process of renewal and improvement can proceed largely due to internal capabilities, and russian companies produce products with much greater localization, in demand both within the country and abroad, and if necessary, they can quickly replace those foreign suppliers who left our
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market. the government is working on the formation of a new national project infrastructure for life. it will include the integrated development of human settlements, and as well as measures for housing and road construction, creating more comfortable living conditions. for citizens, modernization of housing and communal services, provision of modern public transport. what will your summer be like? let's see it at the megamarket now? everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, a car compressor for 899 rubles. for back and joint pain nice active - active formula for accelerated penetration of pain and inflammation nice active pain to reduce its
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a bright future is getting closer, if you believe western climatologists and environmentalists, then yes, the share of renewable energy sources in the global energy balance in 2023 reached 30%, data published by the independent analytical center amber, and then, like magpies , large media began to be taken away. indeed, the numbers are impressive, the dream of all green people is coming true before our eyes, renewable energy is proving its worth. here is another news in the usa: the entire state of california has been completely self-sufficient in energy for almost 2 months thanks to renewable energy sources. sources. the world is moving by leaps and bounds towards carbon neutrality. the renewables revolution is unstoppable. the renewable energy revolution is in full swing, and the transition away from hydrocarbons in the energy sector is inevitable. our task is to make the green
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transition as quickly as possible in order to maintain global growth. has been serving humanity for a century and a half, but, for example, an article by the respected reuters agency does not contain a single mention of hydroelectric power plants. according to the world energy survey market, the share of renewable energy sources in global generation reached 3.3%, compared to 29.4% in 2022. growth is mainly driven by solar and wind generation. but the green agenda is a truly hot topic, and you don't necessarily need to be a
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conspiracy theory apologist. to understand, there are forces in the world that use it to achieve their goals. state players, transnational corporations, are pushing their interests using the green agenda. development and sale of clean technologies, all this huge profits. well, on the other hand, of course, no one has canceled the relevance of the problem of decarbonization, primarily by reducing the carbon component in electricity production. well, today we’ll talk about green energy, how actively it is developing now. will it be able to compete with the traditional method of generating electricity in the future? this is a question of science, i’m pavel toropov, our guest is evgenia gosho, associate professor of the department of industrial thermal energy systems of the national research university mii and doctor of technical sciences. evgeniy gennadievich, good afternoon, good afternoon. well, first of all, let’s talk about this information bomb, even, probably, in
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some sense, 30%. means the contribution of renewable sources, well, somehow there is still a feeling that this is a purely journalistic story, i somehow hardly believe in it, or it really is so, or they really shifted the emphasis, forgot about hydropower and came up with some kind of then, it seems to me, they forgot something else here, because realistically, if we take, as you said, the complete fuel and energy balance, that is , cars, transport, air conditioning, electrical equipment, heat, which heats a significant part of the world, yes, then a share... maybe even nuclear power plants according to by and large, the full balance of nuclear power plants does not even reach 10%, making a full balance is so difficult, because you need to take into account a gigantic number of factors, up to a plus, and how do we take into account the amount, which means firewood, which, for example, is in mongolia or
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buryat or africa. people heat so they can live.


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