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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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a treasure trove of renewable sources, well, somehow it still feels like this is a purely journalistic story, i somehow hardly believe in it, or it really is so, or they really shifted the emphasis, forgot about hydropower and came up with some kind of... then , it seems to me, they forgot about something else here, because in reality, if we take, as you said, the complete fuel and energy balance, that is, cars, transport, air conditioning, and electricity, the heat that heats a significant part of the world, yes, then viy’s share, 7-8%, here 6,7,8%, here viy’s real share, yes, well, with ges, it will probably be larger, maybe 16, so further stretch the rest, maybe even nuclear power plants, by and large, in the full balance of nuclear power plants they don’t even reach 10%. a complete balance, the matter is so complicated, because you need to take into account a gigantic number of factors, plus, and how do we take into account the amount of firewood that, for example, in mongolia or buryat or africa, people heat in order to live?
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ben or gobon, but because the muscular strength of horses, camels and so on is not taken into account, but all these things, so all this thing - it’s always, well, it’s always like an informational occasion, of course, it’s great to present it in one way or another, well, for every country the energy balance is not an easy thing, now even analyzing and comparing, say, moscow with other cities, we’ve now spent several months, and we have still discovered gaps that we cannot figure out, but what is how much in tokyo? tokyo... consumes
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four times more than moscow, or three, or two, all these borders are quite complicated, and berlin, and london , well, it turned out, firstly, that moscow really consumes energy, despite the fact that it is cold, less electric, consumes less, yes, accordingly, for example, we consume moscow about 50 billion kv, and the emirates consume 130 billion kv, it’s hot, water and the rest there, and these figures are all very complex in terms of... balance is such a difficult thing, but nevertheless, it turns out that somewhere around 2/3 of energy, if i understand correctly, electricity production is still based on the combustion of hydrocarbons, no matter how cool, it really works out in this regard, that russia is no better, no worse than others, that is , we roughly fit into the average planetary picture, if you correct me now, of course, but nevertheless, 2/3 is burning coal, and coal is in first place on the planet, and then gas , oil and so on, that is...
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these are indeed emissions of greenhouse gases due to this, they are again very high, energy production gives the first place here, and as for our country, its carbon intensity , its carbon intensity is quite low in this on in this indicator, we find that according to this indicator, we are almost on a par with denmark, on a par with denmark, yes, denmark is cao plus yuva for a second, and not even moscow, due to the fact that 40% of the electricity supply. we have a carbon-free, if we use this term, this is gs 43%, plus the remaining 60, there is the most gas there, most of all there is a giant method of energy efficiency invented by our grandfathers, relatives, ancestors, this is district heating, the generation of heat, electricity in a joint cycle with a gigantic efficiency of 67, 75 to 80%. this is all saves fuel very much, that's why we have electricity. its energy intensity and its
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carbon intensity are the best in the world, in terms of heat it’s a little more complicated, but we just need a lot of heat, for example, the thermal power of moscow, it is equal to the power of the four scandinavian capitals of all, yes, copenhagen, helsinki and stockholm, plus 10 other largest cities canada, calgary, ottawa, venepec, montreal, and so on, that is, moscow in its thermal power is equal to all these 12 cities, wow. even a little more yes, accordingly, therefore, of course, you can compare with calgary, with ottawa, of course, but still yes, montreal, which means, accordingly, it is 1.5-2 million people, and there, but at the same time, there is still a gigantic electricity consumption, now we are already responsible for these figures, since we did this comparison, that’s what’s interesting, pavel, look, because when i mentioned the heat of power plants, which simultaneously generate heat, electricity with an efficiency of 80%, and. .. saving fuel in this
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combined cycle we can say, listen, after all, we save so much heat in moscow, and saving it is a quarter of the heat consumed in general, that’s a quarter. we can consider the population of moscow a carbon-free living carbon-free city, well, of course, we save this quarter, and this quarter is actually berlin for a minute, or oslo, stockholm, helsinki and copenhagen combined, that is, moscow saves this only in this way a gigantic amount of fuel, just think, 3.5 billion cubic meters, wow, then listen, maybe then to say that if we have them there in moscow, of course there are renewable sources. minigas are working there a little, biotes is working, there is a little something in the sun, of course there is something else too, but they are about a percent, so then increase them, but they will give another 2-3-4, and district heating, which here on large ted from moscow, this is a saving due to
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the fact that heat and electricity are generated together gives 24-28% of the effect, here is the difference 4 24 yes how to work, how to be for such a large city in... how realistic is it principle, if talk about global energy, reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, or is it still just such hype, some kind of fairy tales, it’s impossible, no, it’s real, but it’s just people who talk about it, they they didn’t read, hajuna middle, who
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wrote it here, but they didn’t read a lot of oriental fairy tales, because in reality, it’s either the donkey or the world, but at this time, so yes, that means, why talk about it, talk . about some things that we cannot even imagine now, because the world can change, as we see in the current situation in six months or two, but the situation can change catastrophically in terms of access even to resources, yes, there are resources, and then once some conflicts occur, these resources are impossible get it, for example, or something else is happening, such as the detonation of the northern stream, well, who could have even thought of this two years ago, so they took it and did it, it’s easy. it seemed easy, so we are talking about what is - well, kind of energetic modernization, transformation, transition, this is the transition we are talking about, what is a transition for us, this is a transition from one state to another, previously energy transitions were associated with something, increased energy density, muscle strength, yeah,
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water mills, breeze, yes the same thing, these were here, then we move on, which means that, accordingly, steam, coal, coal and steam appeared, then the next active oil, gas and nuclear power plant, finally here. chic, new, good, twinned with the finnish hares, but its efficiency is 30%. the remaining 30 are warm, she can’t give voronezh far away, she gives 6% to the new voronezh, and the rest goes to the delight of carp and other fish that get fat and end up on the table of nuclear scientists,
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they take it home, this is such a gorgeous fish, in all, in all major developments our heating ponds are warm and cool and produce fish, this is how heat works, and accordingly. here we have a concept and the efficiency sharply doubles by 2-2 times. is this an energy transition? yes, this is an energy transition. and that’s why we say: listen, well, there are three stages of energy transition that our country: glro, in 10 years we became a different country in terms of energy, then a completely different imperceptible way, the so-called energy production cycles, faculty of geography of moscow state university, yes, professor baransky, kolosovsky, yes, turned into fuel, into tpk, territorial production complexes, sayans .
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probably, in principle, we can say that it will be different, this is the degree of this otherness, excuse me, the degree of this hybridity is not a very good word, yes, here... the second transition - energy production cycles and tpk and the third the transition is industrial and municipal heating, we also saved millions of tons of standard fuel in this, millions, tens of millions, these are the three stages of the energy transition that transferred our energy sector to a different state, which made it possible, made it possible to build 1.5 billion housing in 20 years, 1.5 billion housing in 20 years, and develop the east, develop all this, the energy industry has given a leap to growth, and this is the energy transition, right?
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those areas that have traditionally been windy, for example, are no longer, well, let's just say, they certainly don't stop, they don't become shtelevye, but cease to be windy from the point of view of effective energy production and vice versa, let’s say, we forced a field of wind turbines, and the wind is different in 10-15 years, the same goes for solar panels, some area may become more cloudy or vice versa , there is this aspect here too, it’s quite important, but what do you think, evgeniy gennadievich, where from? then this is, i would even say, not pumping, but hysteria in the media towards this green agenda, towards the fact that no,
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yes, indeed, all of our energy it will be renewable, this is the future, behind this, this is what we need to achieve, we all, we all must definitely go to this bright future, your opinion, expert, there are many different reasons, and as if there is more here, probably not our purely energy view, yes, here there are things that are more related to the components of promoting your equipment there yes... now, if we now go to the websites of germany, we will see that today
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at about 8 am the power of solar systems is directly visible, it is visible , it rises online, reaches the gigantic figure of 40-45 gv, 40-45 gv, this is crazy, they are pushing it to belgium, there to poland, there is something else there, but at 7:00 in the evening it becomes zero, yes, that is, accordingly, it is gigantic, okay, that is there is a surplus that exists, therefore, i no longer ask the question, but how... will the bon metro work, if there is a hospital there, if it has become zero, that’s the question, yes, but how, it will be cloudy, yes , yes, there is a surplus, the first is hydrogen, using the surplus to get hydrogen, okay, understandable, the second is getting rid of from the russian totalitarian gas, also there , yes, it is being solved in a radical way, and the third development of technology, which can then be sold and there, here’s something, here are three tasks that, whether there is energy efficiency or something else, no, not seen, not heard, not heard. about something else, and the consequences are such that for this to happen, you need to increase the power of solar panel wind turbines
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in the european union by 36 times, yes, that’s something, this needs to occupy from 15 to 20 to 19% of a number of countries, you need to evaporate the water for this, hydrogen is water, you need to evaporate the loire for a second, if such a river is the adam or half of the elbe or a third of the danube, and you need to make windmills somewhere so many panels and in addition to... that means, respectively, silicon and for glass, you also need to get rareziom somewhere yes, and then somehow dispose of this thing, and this thing is also gigantic, and we calculated the capacity of nuclear power plant, gr and vsss from the material, and there , too, everything is not in favor of this matter, yes, that is, in general, generally speaking, in these consequences they are all quite , well, much more than for for that energy, well, besides, also what i already said, if we fill all of france or all of holland with wind turbines and the zone of active cyclonic activity creeps into the north atlantic, then again, even
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if there is 10% wind there, it energy will become less, then i think this is also nothing good, that is, this too may be a failed project, yes, here more of course i’m not really an expert here, appealing more to your experience, evil tongues say that large wind farms also change the climate a picture from the point of wind flows, this underlying surface, this mixing , respectively.
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it’s normal if it’s 15, you have to think, if 40 is already oh-oh-oh, you need to change the network topology to look at accumulation, okay, let’s go lower, we have, therefore, such devices in large... business centers there yes, that means i brought you a book just to tell you about it , it’s so cool, it means you like phanagoria phanagorian wine, you’ve probably tried it , but phanagoria phanagoria built it on its own one of its production facilities is just for the production of wine, it has solar panels on the roof, that is, not only does the sun work with the grapes, we get
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a drink, the sun also turns out to be working here, a gorgeous thing, and there are many such cases. you say yes, promotion of equipment, some interests of something, then here in the second in the third part, then this is simply in some cases out of trouble, here are 150 examples, all calculated with an economic effect, therefore what is this association of green kilowatts of people who do all this manually, so we put everything together from them, we did it all, yes it will be very interesting, and there’s one last
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point that i wanted to briefly discuss, after all, it’s still recycling, we are all these panels and wind turbines. yes, all these things come out, well, everything fails, nothing lasts forever, but at least as for the panels, i know for sure from working on expeditions and also from everyday life that they are somehow quite, not at all durable , and recycling, if we talk about green trace, then it doesn’t look very nice here either, it’s not very nice, it’s not easy to recycle, there are examples when the dutch, where there are a lot of windmills, or the germans make them from cut-up ones...
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an engineer goes there on excursions to study, but it’s gone 15 years old and i ended up in mazda, which means that expo 220 was in the emirates and in dubai, well, i think i’ll get there here mazda.
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16-17 billion dollars, that is, every year a billion dollars were built in, and let’s now extrapolate this situation to the thirtieth, fiftieth year, that’s exactly then...
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no, and there is no need, in general, really, to idolize this green energy, renewable, this is a useful thing, but an addition to the traditional, probably to the traditional method of energy production, on questions of science, today answered doctor of technical sciences evgeniy gosho, evgeniy gennadievich, thank you very much again, thank you, thank you. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest.
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waits as before, it won’t happen anymore, this is the news of the week and i’m dmitry kiselev, good evening, look now, here it is, that very key one page of the istanbul agreements with kiev, with the handwritten initials and surname of the main ukrainian negotiator, david arakhami.


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