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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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it's not so scary if you have instructions. puts forward a peace plan and warns that things will no longer be the same as before. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. here it is, that same key page of the istanbul agreements with kiev, with the handwritten initials and surname of the main ukrainian negotiator, david arakhami.
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our editorial office has this profiled document. how our frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear submarine kazan were greeted in cuba. it’s very beautiful, it’s nice that the ships arrived on a visit to our country. we do not want to see russian ships where they are now is unthinkable. and were they clearly visible from the coast of american florida? reportage.
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the beginning of the election campaign in iran. despite almost forty-five years of sanctions, the iranian market is as vibrant as ever. our vitaly kormazin is already here, and his first report on the life of the ancient country. we are located at an altitude of approximately 5.00 m. it is believed that the very center of tibet is here. mysterious tibet. what secrets does the ancient lhasa palace keep? what the local monks said grigory vdovin. what is the thousand-year-old secret of local fabrics? russia is putting forward a fundamental peace plan both for ukraine and for all of eurasia. eurasia is the largest continent on the planet, home to 5.5 billion people, more than 70% of the world's population. thus, putin offers peace. virtually
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the entire planet on new principles, putin’s plan is very original, if you like, personal, although it is understandably put forward by all of russia, but personal and author’s all the same because it feels like the president sketched it out, i wrote it myself. it not only traces a characteristic, recognizable intonation, but deepens and details the entire logic of rejection of the predatory violence of the west. which putin has revealed in the international arena in recent decades, at first alone. so, now everything has been formulated in a solid message to the world, which the russian president delivered on friday, addressing the leadership of the meade. the immediate goal is to outline the conditions for the cessation of hostilities on the fronts of the northern military district, in general, to propose a new... architecture
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security in eurasia, while putin called the actions of the west impudent and noted the collapse of the euro-atlantic security system, which simply does not exist today. we are talking about formulating, in the foreseeable future , an outline of equal and indivisible security, mutually beneficial, equal cooperation and development on the eurasian continent. what needs to be done for this? and on what principles? first, it is necessary to establish a dialogue with all potential participants in such a future security system. and for starters i ask you to work out the necessary issues with states that are open to constructive interaction with russia. that is, putin not only proclaims principles, but also gives direct instructions to our diplomats. further, speaking about principles, putin develops his idea and turns to europe and that...
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who already takes them into account and even wants to talk? we shoot down british and french missiles, burn leopards, that ’s the whole relationship, here putin extends his hand and tells it like it is. the danger to europe does not come from russia.
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the main threat for europeans is the critical , ever-increasing, almost total dependence on the united states, military and political. relations with russia, and most importantly, we are ready for this. as the third principle, putin calls for intensifying dialogue between the multilateral organizations already existing in eurasia: the union state, csto, eac, cis, sco, and
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fourth, it is time to discuss a new system of guarantees of collective security within eurasia without the participation of external forces. that is, the american military... bases away from the mainland, why this occupation? well fifth, we ready to work on a common, broad agenda. fifth, an important part of the eurasian system of security and development should certainly be issues of economics, social well-being, integration and mutually beneficial cooperation. solving such common problems as overcoming poverty, inequality, climate, ecology. russia and china, as the core of security in eurasia, are already together here. during a recent visit to the people's
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republic of china, we discussed this issue with the president of the people's republic of china and noted that the russian proposal does not contradict, on the contrary, complements. and is fully consistent with the basic principles of china's global security initiative. very good. thus, russia has an evergreen project that reflects our ideas about beauty in the vastness of eurasia. and putin fits into this structure our specific peace initiative on the conditions for the cessation of hostilities in ukraine. but in contrast to the fundamental initiatives on eurasia. these proposals need urgent consideration. they have a short shelf life because they are made under specific conditions. positions at the fronts. since the situation there is fluid, our initiative may expire. that is, in a sense, we
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are dealing with a perishable product, but for now it is fresh and bright. here are our terms for instant termination. so these conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. second, refusal to join nato. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision, begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, our side will immediately, literally at the same
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minute, order a ceasefire to begin negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately. naturally, we guarantee it at the same time. obstructed and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations, in fact, this is already peace, peace as the absence military operations, but putin goes further, russia needs it. not a suspension of fire, but a final end to the conflict. that's the goal. today we are making another concrete, real peace proposal. if in kiev in the western capitals they also refuse it, as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. obviously, the realities on the ground along the line of combat contact will continue to change. in favor of the kiev regime, and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different.
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let me emphasize the main thing: the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary reconciliation or ceasefire, as the west wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, and prepare it for a new offensive. i repeat, we are not talking about freezing the conflict, but about its final completion.
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i believe that russia offers an option that will make it possible to actually end the war in
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ukraine, that is, we call for turning the tragic page of history, and , albeit difficult gradually, step by step, but to begin to restore relations of trust and good neighborliness between russia and ukraine, and in europe in general. russia has always wanted and now wants peace, the proposal is serious... than in other republics, from roads, gas pipelines of nuclear power plants to industry, metallurgy, chemical aerospace, after leaving the ussr, ukraine proclaimed a neutral nuclear-free status, good again, we will continue to be friends, russia continues economic cooperation. the west
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is seducing kiev with maidans and promises, the orange revolution and a soft coup through the unconstitutional third round of presidential elections elections in 2005, then more, a bloody riot and usurpation of power in...
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order, to vacate administrative buildings, to ensure that the street calms down. all this was supposed to create conditions for life in the country to return to normal , to the constitutional and legal field. and in general, we agreed to work together for the sake of a stable, peaceful, normal developing ukraine. we kept our word completely.
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the then president of ukraine yanukovych, who actually did not plan to use the army.
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as part of a special military operation, that it is an aggressor, therefore, including attacks on its territory using western weapons systems, ukraine is supposedly defending itself and can do this. once again, i want to emphasize that russia did not start the war, it is the kiev regime, i repeat, after the inhabitants of part of ukraine, in accordance with international law, declared their independence, began hostilities
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and continues them, this is aggression, if we admit it. this is sincere, everyone else, both the kiev regime, and france, and germany, later admitted, that they supported the peace agreement, hoping to shamelessly gain time to resume the war. at the same time, the united states and nato were developing the territory of ukraine, realizing that russia would definitely not give up ukraine to them peacefully. in december 21
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, russia offered the west in writing equal security and refusal to admit ukraine to nato. this proposal was almost immediately rejected. russia has no choice but to announce the beginning of the northern military district on february 24, 2020. they quickly approached kiev and again offered peace through negotiations. our units were indeed in kiev and
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the military departments; the security bloc had different proposals on options for our possible further actions. parties for the security of russia and , oddly enough, as a result, it was actually possible to reach agreements that, in principle , suited both moscow and kiev. these agreements were put on paper and initialed in istanbul by the head of the ukrainian negotiating delegation, which means that the kiev authorities were satisfied with such a solution to the issue.
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putin keeps returning to istanbul agreements. before the speech of the russian president in mida, the text of this agreement was not published anywhere and remained secret, although russia sent it to our then partners in berlin and paris. but i have at my disposal exactly the same text that, as putin said, was agreed upon, initialed, that is, pre-signed by the ukrainian side, look at its volume, dozens of pages, each article is detailed, here is the key page, initials and handwritten on it surname of the head of the ukrainian delegation, mr.... david arakhamia is traditionally marked in this way, sometimes even simply with the initials of the initialed document. the negotiator does not have
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the right to put his signature on the agreement; this is the prerogative of the head of state, but this is a preliminary sign of consent. it is clear that now the situation at the front has changed a lot, hence the conditions for further agreements are different, but then it was like that. it was possible to find complex solutions, they are complex, but they were found, namely, it was meant that a ukrainian law would be adopted banning nazi ideology, any of its
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manifestations, everything is written there, in addition, ukraine, in exchange for international security guarantees, would limit the size of its armed forces, undertake an obligation not to enter into military alliances, not to allow foreign military bases, not to deploy them and contingents.
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we were assured that it was necessary to create the necessary conditions to complete the political negotiation process, to complete this process, and that it was impossible for one of the parties to sign such agreements, as our western colleagues said, with a pistol vizka, well, agreed to this, but immediately the next day after the withdrawal of russian troops from kiev, the ukrainian leadership suspended its participation in the negotiation... process, staging a well-known provocation in bucha and abandoned the prepared version of the agreement. i think it’s clear today why
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this dirty provocation was needed, to somehow explain the rejection of the results that were achieved during the negotiations; the path to peace was again rejected. then the british prime minister of those times, boris, played a fatal role johnson that he came to kyiv with a cartoon. with a long light green tie and literally forbade zelensky from any agreements with russia, because later, we have to fight, now the west will help, the negotiating positions for ukraine will become much better, scam. johnson is no more, just like the lost world is no longer there. and here is another attempt at a peace agreement in russia and another option for a compromise for which. russia was ready to go, putin talks about the arrival of the then israeli prime minister navtali bennett to russia. now i would like to be in
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this audience, maybe. one more episode make public, i also haven’t spoken about this publicly before, but some of those present know about it, after the russian army occupied part of the kherson zaporozhye region, many western politicians offered their mediation in the peaceful end of the conflict, one of them was on a working visit to moscow is march 5, 22, march 5, and we accepted his mediation efforts, especially since during the conversation he referred to having secured the support of the leaders of germany and france, as well as high-ranking us representatives. during during the conversation, our foreign guest inquired about a curious episode, he said: “if you are helping donbass, then why are russian troops in the south of ukraine, including the cherson and zaporozhye
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regions.” the answer was that on our part this was the decision of the russian general staff to plan the operation, and today i will add that the plan was to bypass part of the fortified areas that the ukrainian authorities built in the donbass over 8 years, and primarily for liberation of mariupol, then from a foreign colleague a clarification followed, well, a professional person should ask, will our russian troops remain in the kherson and zaporozhye regions? and what will happen to these regions after achieving the goals of the svo? to this he replied that in general i do not rule out the preservation of ukrainian sovereignty over these territories, however, provided that russia has a strong land connection with crimea, that is, kiev must guarantee the so -called easement, russia’s right of access to the crimean peninsula through the kherson and zaporozhye region. this
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the most important political decision, and of course, naturally, in the final version, it would not be made individually, only after consultation with the security council, with other structures, of course, after discussion with citizens, the public of our country and, above all, with the residents of the kherson and zaporozhye regions, in ultimately, we did this, asked the people themselves for their opinions and carried it out.
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the negotiating partner said that in the future he was going to go to kiev to continue the conversation, now with colleagues in the ukrainian capital, we they welcomed this as a general attempt to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, because every day of hostilities meant new casualties, but in ukraine, as we later learned, the services of a western mediator were not accepted; on the contrary, as we became... aware, they blamed his is that he takes pro-russian positions, well, in a rather harsh form, i must say, but these are already details, now, as i already said, the state of affairs has changed radically, it happens, missed opportunities are lost forever, now a new russian peace is on the table plan, as we have already said, the product is perishable, since the situation is developing quickly and is not in
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favor of bandera. regime, the russian proposal is still fresh and should not be neglected, because this proposal, with all its harshness , may seem like cotton candy compared to the next one. well, we have news from the fronts, from our military officers, alexander sladkov and andrei grigoriev. podovdeevka is burning again with american bombs, one was hit by a krasnopol guided missile, the second was destroyed by two.


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