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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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will tear the russian economy to shreds in a few months, that was in the twenty-second year. the current us sanctions against the moscow exchange and the suspension of trading in dollars on this platform have not led to anything fatal, but have only become a symbol of the american currency having less and less influence on anything. alexander khristenko, tatyana koroleva, kirill vyachin, lead the week. personnel decision of the president, vladimir putin signed a decree appointing boris titov as a special representative for... with international organizations to achieve sustainable development goals, this is the news of the week, further in the program, reports from the front line by evgeniy podubnye about stubborn battles near kharkov. how is the peace conference on ukraine at a swiss resort, quite meaningless without russia, like our frigate admiral gorshkov. was the nuclear submarine
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kazan met in cuba and were they clearly visible from the coast of american florida? remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you can’t make money on honey, that’s the same. a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen, because you ’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open an account for business in alfabank, alfabank, the best bank for business, where are you, you are at the post, and i’m looking for you, don’t disconnect, there are so many people, the connection may be interrupted, here’s a quick mastupolis for the signal. there is something more convenient than
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civilization and plenty of space for photos jetur, designed for travel. moskvich 6 is a bright, dynamic sedan in a practical liftback body; a vertical multimedia touch screen with carplay support will help you control the car’s systems with comfort. moskvich 6 is comfort for everyday business trips. the enemy continues to transfer the most modern western-made weapons systems to the kharkov direction and is losing them, our troops. they are engaged in heavy fighting in
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the kharkov direction; our military correspondent evgeniy podubnye is monitoring the fighting on the spot. russian troops continue to destroy enemy personnel and equipment in the kharkov direction , the formation of the kiev regime is suffering daily serious losses. entire units are rendered incapacitated by as a result of the successful combat work of our troops. on enemy forces.
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uses less effective systems , while the fighters note that the opponent of the suppression of drones managed to preserve
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the rap of the enemy directly, during the study they found out that he does not have such a strong rap, what he showed and...
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on friday, immediately after the landmark performance in foreign ministry, the president went to solnechnogorsk, near moscow. at the senesh management workshop, vladimir putin met with veterans of the northern military district and participants in the educational program time of heroes, about how special operation heroes become highly qualified managers, how they see their future and what polina yarmalaeva talked about with the president. from private to major general in full dress with the brilliance of military awards. on lake senizh, participants in a special military operation and personnel programs are heroes, and of course, everyone is a hero here. if not for people like these operations, then for whom? it is clear that our
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country is large, and there are many people, and there are a lot of talented people, but among everyone who is there, among talented, there are also those who do not regret their lives. health and serve the homeland in the most dangerous conditions from dugouts in the classroom time of heroes , the president's personnel program, out of 21 thousand applications , 83 were chosen, only the best of the best, hero of russia, military doctor svetyash went through all the hot spots of the special operation, including gastomel. one day they brought us a wounded man, we didn’t know who he was, where he came from? more than half of his face was missing and he couldn't breathe. his leg was injured, but there was absolutely no time for that, we fought for his life. i learned that this soldier covered his commander and comrade. this is not an isolated case, which you just talked about, when
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a soldier covered his commander with himself, but there are many cases when comrades simply cover everything. i think this is typical. not all nations that find themselves in a situation like ours, not everywhere there are people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their neighbor. i am very glad that this fighter of ours remained alive and, not only alive, i hope that his health is normal. life works out. nikolai sokolov has three orders of courage and a gold hero star on his chest. how about the rest of your life? would you like to get involved with the armed forces or do you see yourself somewhere in civilian life? this will definitely be a civil service, after all, i took the oath. why am i asking, this concerns everyone, it’s just that now each of you can decide whether he wants to remain in
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military service or devote himself to serving the fatherland in civilian life, this choice is yours, i will do as you... decide for yourself, the president quotes the philosopher ilyin: as for the goals of life, this is a complex question, there are many different formulas. and one of them is this: you must live for what you can die for. colonel gosporyan, in turn, recalls the words of vladimir putin. special military operation zone, kherson direction. and we hear your speech. and you say, i’m lak, i’m chechen, i’m ossetian, i had enough strength to complete the assigned tasks, but i’ve gained even more.
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this is absolutely normal, it’s just when you ’re fighting there, when the bullets are whistling, well, when life we consider you members of our big family, and under threat, which means, well, who thinks about it, and we think about it every minute, because the future of russia depends on you, and the future of the heroes begins right here. now oreshkin, sobyanin, lekhachev, manturov, medvedev, lavrov are sharing their experience and knowledge. part of the first module of the educational program was spent on an expedition to the north pole. and when we went to sea, you know, the flyer can be compared to russia. this is how russia goes through this ice, breaking everything in its path, this is how and this icebreaker simply breaks, and it is driven by people. i never thought that at 49 years old i would be a student. i have one goal - to serve. to his homeland - to serve his people, to continue the work of his son. the heroes
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tell the president about their military exploits, about how education works here during the “time of heroes” program. vladimir putin is shown new halls, classrooms, and a library. there is a residential building, there is an educational building, every day here begins with mandatory exercises, classes start at 9:00 in the morning and continue until late in the evening, only weekends, family days. and bye there is a meeting with a private of the volunteer detachment. bars 6 konstantin yashin from orenburg is driven by his wife and three daughters. the middle daughter was the most worried when i went back to northern military district from vacation. we are expecting two more this year. later, konstantin will meet his girls with flowers. margarita vika and sonya in t-shirts with the inscription "daddy's little leopard". this is from the name of my father's squad. leopard. but now i was looking at the speedometer; we had driven 2.0 km. but it seems to me that we are all heroes, each in our own way. and... all together, because if it weren’t for us together, there wouldn’t be these beautiful
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kids, there wouldn’t be, in principle, the concept of family and heroism, beautiful and rich, our homeland, guys, for a long time i though pages, and any of its persecutions, the word mother is the concept of mother, at least among all nations russia is a sacred word, well, it is like that among many nations, but with us it’s for sure. and why? but because even when we forget something, and we forget everything a lot and quickly, from childhood few people remember when anyone was 3, 4, 5 years old, remember what happened, almost no one remembers, i i remember there how my mother put me in a corner, how my ear hurt, i was 3 years old, you know, but there were some vivid impressions, well, that’s it, a person doesn’t remember anything in particular, but my love for remains, why because that... on a conscious level we carry throughout our lives the unconditional love
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of a mother for her children, and this is an important function, but now i also want to say a very important thing, the masculine principle in raising children is extremely important: on the weekend on the banks of the senizh, a picnic outdoors, adults play volleyball, children draw, they sculpt from clay, but on monday there are no concessions. the fighters will return to class, and although the first part of the program has not yet been completed, the president is already making a career offer. evgeny pervyshov volunteered for the northern military district, being a deputy of the state duma, and previously was the mayor of krasnodar. have you been the mayor of krasnodar? i will have a proposal for you. now i just don’t want to talk publicly, the camera is still working, but i’ll find out something there, i... i wasn’t joking, there are, there are some ideas. the heroes have two more weeks of school ahead
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june, the next educational module will be held in the fall, but there will hardly be a vacation, many were planning to return to the front, the president adjusted these plans. i think that we need to continue this training and this internship here, you will have time to return to the troops, you are military people and... and you will tell your guys, your colleagues: this is an order from the supreme commander, we need to continue training here, and then we will decide , who, who will stay? in military service, who will return to the troops, who wants, who doesn’t want, will come to some other types activities, but you need to complete this preparation, well, go through it fully, don’t stop halfway, because what is now is only half the road, but you need to complete it as a whole, and you choose
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the one that is most suitable for you.. . vector of development in the future. polina ermalaeva, jaana streblyanskaya, anton musyakyan, mikhail verenkov, yulia brileva and andrey netreba. news of the week. on russia day in the kremlin , the president traditionally presented gold medals to heroes of labor and state awards for 2023 . read more about the awards ceremony and other presidential events. weeks in the telegram channel zaruben in the moscow kremlin-putin program immediately after the news of the week. snippet right now. every movement is perfected and everything is thought out long before the ceremony.
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this is because the awards are on a tray, and the tray is tilted at the most important moment. arhangelsk region. and everything is in its place. putin described how he prepares for the ceremonies by studying the biographies of the laureates. when you start reading all this, it all looks like some kind of adventure literature. it is impossible to tear yourself away from reading what how they did it, what they came to and what people like our today’s award recipients achieved. this is my husband, these are his grandchildren. and they very rarely see him. maybe they didn’t get enough attention in this life, but they know for sure that somewhere at work they have a husband, dad and grandfather, the head of the legendary sivmash, where they build nuclear submarines, how busy are you now, 100 %, a little more, at 101, by the way, the fact that we rarely see each other is good,
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we don’t have time, sometimes yes, i agree with you, sometimes we’ll let you attack again. you there they launched such work, it was difficult to promote, now there is no stopping, they talk with great love about the work to which they devoted their whole lives, there is nothing more beautiful than the rich wheat field of kuban, only nuclear supply speaks, i will tell you what is beautiful is when the heart begins to beat, yes that's for sure, young sculptors working hand in hand and experiencing hand in hand. each of those awarded that day was always surrounded by people who believed in the future of russia; when you get acquainted with the results of your work, this is faith is growing many times stronger, where do you have so much strength to do this for so many years with shining eyes, children help, children
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both, i suspect, i, as a father of many children, want to... tell you that i fulfilled the demographic plan, you know, i wanted, i wanted to say that one of the awardees said that he had already completed the task, but it seems to me that today’s award ceremony is only a stage in the overall work, so everyone has a lot of work to do, and everyone is being sent, the president congratulates the laureates with champagne, seeing that one from the recipients did not have a glass at that moment, they brought, they brought, a couple of glasses. congratulations to mikhail kovalchuk and his colleagues, who continued the traditions of world-famous soviet nuclear scientists. in fact, the foundations have been laid for a fundamentally new green closed- cycle nuclear energy industry. we were able to do this only because we relied on the deep, very extensive experience
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of domestic science, i want to remind you that takomak is the underlying russian word, like a satellite, and we will... defeat everyone, as we have always won. thank you very much, once again. in in switzerland, at the elite mountain resort of bürgenstock, the so-called peace conference on ukraine finally took place, quite meaningless without russia and ended in shambles. zelensky looked ridiculous, obsessively rubbing himself in front of the cameras in his strange outfit. expired impostor , no. burdened by legitimacy in their status. the meeting was practically ignored by the countries of the world majority. un chief guteres refused to go to switzerland. so what did they talk about in switzerland, head. our european bureau, mikhail antonov. switzerland - bürgenstock resort hotel on the high shore of lake lucerne. an excellent holiday destination for wealthy people and not
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very suitable for global political decisions. not according to the conditions of the event, but according to its concept. what was conceived in the west as a peace summit, in fact, resulted in a meeting of us allies with a certain number of observers. the mountain gave birth to a mouse. switzerland has given up political neutrality. undermining respect for international law harms not only russia, but everyone in the long run. if we we want to direct the process in a peaceful direction, russia must also be involved in it at a certain point in time. this is obvious to everyone. the absence of russia was in fact the number one condition for organizing the conference. the swiss foreign minister admitted this directly. the point of the whole action was to demonstrate the forest-flags, in a collective photo, in the center of which on both sides.
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distortion of facts, there is no other way, but this conference itself is supposedly global, something went wrong with it from the very beginning. dates of the event were postponed five times, the countries of asia and
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the global south were not eager to subscribe to the so-called zelensky peace formulas. as a result, of her ten points , the seven most delusional ones were crossed out. what remains are food and nuclear security, as well as prisoner exchange. for the sake of mass participation, they even decided to come to terms with the need to listen. something that does not fit into their current coordinate system. this summit could have been more effective if a second country, russia, had been present in the hall. it is very important that the international community encouraged any possible steps towards resolving the conflict, even if this required some compromises. therefore , russia's participation in the summit is also necessary. of the 92 national delegations, only 57, that is, the united states. their henchmen were represented at the level of the first second persons, and these persons tried their best to neutralize the effect of calls to listen to russia. russia is the aggressor,
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the ukrainian people are victims, french president macron and spanish prime minister sanchez convinced. the world community must be with ukraine, he urged. in world war ii russia attacked finland and took 10% of the country's territory, along with his grandfather's land, finnish president stup revealed the roots of his own rusafu. and fall apart, how can i persuade her to do this? it is true that peace in ukraine cannot be achieved without russia's participation, but let us not
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forget that at this moment russia continues to relentlessly wage its brutal war. we all know that russia can end this war today or at any other moment, as soon as it stops its offensive and withdraws its troops from ukraine. on today russia has refused to heed our collective call for peace based on international law.
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it was frank: america pushed ukraine into war because it was in its strategic interests. hence, putin’s peace proposals were largely addressed to the hesitant participants of the event in switzerland, those who came yielding to pressure and persuasion for reasons of diplomacy. everyone big and small will have to accept reality as it is. without taking into account russia's position, all talk about peace turns into talk about war. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky failed to win over a number of key countries in the global south after a two-day summit in switzerland, casting a shadow over his attempt to win wider support. armenia, bahrain, brazil, the united arab emirates, india, indonesia, saudi arabia and south africa refused to sign the final documents of the conference. in terms of population, these countries are twice as large as those that did sign it.
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but out of some kind of fright. means that they refused to do this scenario, perhaps someday in the west they will throw all sorts of nonsense out of their heads, but this is unlikely to happen with these politicians, it’s just that many have very little time left, thursday, friday this week, the g7 summit, appuglia, the heel of the italian boot, like miloni explained that in order to be closer to the global south, the hostess of the summit greeted guests in an oversized pink outfit, which in
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the press was compared to... hangovers, however, from the point of view of political stability, miloni in this company was the least deserving of ridicule. six lame ducks and miloni. meet the g7 leaders of the class of 2024. this g7 summit is more like a last supper than a show of western power. the g7 summit will probably be a gathering of the weakest politicians in many years, with the exception of milo, not all the leaders of the g7 summit are quite weak. trudeau is unlikely to win the next election. biden faces a difficult election race, scholz is weakened, macron is weakened, sunok is a walking dead man, kishida also has serious problems within the country. politico forgot to mention charles michel and vonderlein, senior eu officials, who are also in limbo after the elections to the european parliament, however, in any state they sincerely hate each other. zelensky was hanging around somewhere behind the stage at that moment; he had business with biden. he and the us president were going
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to conclude a guarantee agreement. ukraine defends itself now and deters future aggression at any time in the future. the united states is going to help give ukraine the ability to do both without sending american troops. fight in ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition, expanding intelligence exchanges, and continuing to train brave ukrainian soldiers at bases in europe and the united states. following the summit , the seven are trying to increase pressure on the russian economy by tightening control over the sanctions regime and introducing
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a secondary one. sanctions against countries that dare to work with russia. the usa caved in europe. from july 1, the eu will impose tariffs on chinese electric cars of up to 38% of their cost. direct connection to china's policy in the russian direction, brussels i tried to avoid it, but obviously, anti-russian sanctions and the trade war with china are phenomena of the same order. these are attempts to maintain elusive economic dominance. but the dollar's monopoly is ending. launch the printing press for... the g7, which collectively showed putin that we can’t, he can’t . we took three important steps at the summit to wait us out, firstly, it was just signed.


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