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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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a second before the doors swing open. young sculptors working hand in hand and experiencing hand in hand. and what does it feel like for the parents in the audience when they hear their son’s name? the state prize of the russian federation was awarded to andreyevich gorodtsov. have you seen how worried they are about you? i guessed, were you looking with your eyes? i tried to see, but i didn’t have glasses, so i didn’t see, but i know perfectly well what it was like, he went to art school, they said he was very good at sculpting, who is by profession, so i say, you didn’t try his dissuaded, supported as much as we could, we did not think about this, of course, each of those awarded that day was always surrounded by people who believed in the future.
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i wanted - i wanted to say that one of the awardees said that he had already completed the task, but it seems to me that today’s award ceremony is only a stage in the overall work, so everyone needs to work, and be guided by everyone, now i see that hold your hand, how sweet, it’s a habit, their success, their reward, the success of those closest to you, look, what a beauty, mom, what are you talking about, no, of course, what?
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let's see, thank you, and the journalists also looked at the scarf, who decided to give the president the laureate of the state prize in the field of human rights activities, our women's gift from the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland, katyusha, who knows how to wait, who knows how to believe, who personifies the russian woman, bright, strong, the real one, when all the recipients solemnly passed through these doors, they immediately closed on the back side, the soldiers of the presidential regiment had a few seconds to exhale, about an hour later, this hall again becomes the center of events, the president congratulates the laureates with champagne, seeing that one of the recipients does not have a glass at that moment, congratulations to mikhail kovalchuk and his colleagues who continued the traditions for...
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research still shows, i regret to say, the majority of high school students who they want to be, bloggers, bloggers, viktor antonovich, bloggers they want to be, a blogger, a creative producer, god knows who, well, you know, this is all a matter of today, the day before yesterday it was even worse, it is still unknown who, that is, it is known who wanted to be, but interest in... science in
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higher education is growing, we know this, these trends, these trends need to be supported. the big defect is the lack of some rigidity. in the book, old khattabych, volka khastylkov, at the end of june , took an exam in geography in the fifth grade, did not pass, was sent for a re-examination, now there is no such rigidity, children calmly move from class to class, which entails such looseness, which then . moving on, so to speak, to later everyone becomes bloggers, yes, well, you know, blogger, we have students, that means they are there, why should i study, i will be a blogger, i say, fool, there, who is interested in you with your blogging, well, that means, and he will tell you, i am interesting to a huge audience, what audience, no, you understand, well, at this moment you can speak different languages, so for this we teach children the theory of probability, so that they understand how to become successful bloggers and start living well for them. this is a very
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rare event, you said that both children and families must come to terms with what it takes to state, somehow this sounds harsh, as if it turns out that we want the best, but it will turn out as always. you remembered about old man khatabych, as you know, the people who were in the barber shop, and laughing at volka, whom you remembered, he turned them into sheep, he punished them for bad behavior, but volka himself, he would like to do better , he began to grow a beard and mustache, the boy did not know what to do with it, he wanted the best, the old man made it so that the child did not know how to live further, the story of old man khatabych was discussed at the council on science, but... it really seems more and more like magic, russia now has its own hadron collider, the head of the chinese presidential protocol, the president's press secretary peskov, everyone
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is looking at the collider with interest, while the rest of the film crews are walking around this long collider , we will show more than others... what’s inside, but we can just show, tell about it, well, it’s very difficult, some kind of time machine, yes, that is, we want to understand how things happened in the early universe, how the universe was formed, well that is, not the universe, but matter, and here are the scientists of the air cascade laser, who created the spin optics laboratory, in which we study polyritonics, once again we study polyritonics for my ear is not prepared , sorry, yes, but there is. he perceives everything so simply, and what an ear the presidential translator has, he simultaneously translated what became possible thanks to the support of the russian scientific foundation. what do scientists from abroad hear here? we’re in russian, well, we didn’t understand much, how do you still manage to translate,
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indeed, all this is not at all simple; colleagues provided preparation materials that had to be studied quite carefully. well, of course, that’s what they say in english-speaking countries: rocket science is just that. minom newton, nuclear physics, is a very complex field, but we are trying to comply, but many scientists have returned to the russian-speaking environment, she worked for a long time in singapore, and now in chelyabinsk. it’s very hot in singapore; you feel much more comfortable in the urals, right? yes, i already felt it, -30, this is probably such a peak, well, it happens more strongly in the urals, i myself know from the urals, in general, frosts, sometimes you also want frosts, it sounds like mega grant, mega grant, mega grand - how much is that? and a megagrant is 15 million per year, increasing the amount of funding to 100 million per year is, of course, very significant money, but such grants are unlikely to be enough for everyone who is capable of breakthrough ideas, so that everyone gathered here understands that we
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understand that this is not enough, and we will strive to increase these volumes, they so captivated by their work that even the periodic table is on the tie, subjects of the russian federation. at the council on science , rosatom asked for financial assistance. putin responded by clarifying how many nuclear power units are currently being built abroad? 46, it turns out, right? here are 46 blocks. what do i mean by the fact that we are building, say, abroad, yes, the main financing is russian. well, 70% and what the total cost is, well, at current prices it will be somewhere around 24-25 billion 24-25 billion dollars entirely at the expense of russia, this is managed by rosatom, alexey evgenievich
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well done, he manages tens of billions of dollars; they think that this is not enough, well done. this is not a question for me, well done in the sense that this allows you to really develop technology, please, what else? alexey, well, excuse me for the simplicity of the expression, people were stunned by these numbers, you know, everyone froze, they didn’t know what to ask, now, the scale of rusatom may definitely interest specialists in those western countries where nuclear energy is being curtailed due to the current situation, simply stopped , closing nuclear power plants, well, a lot of stuff.
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as he always does, he put it in his pocket, and a few minutes later they brought another note. and only putin will know about its contents. also in the pocket acting at this moment, but much soon became clear, the president looked at his watch, i have an international call in 5 minutes, but we still have 5 minutes, more questions, more answers, but exactly for 5 minutes, and often this is how it happens that right now there are some negotiations on the go, well , it’s on the go or not on the go, it was planned, it’s just that the schedule has shifted, that’s why the end of this meeting coincided with the telephone, well, as a rule, it works out. with my colleagues, agree on a shift there for about five minutes. as it turned out later, there was a conversation
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with the acting leader of iran in the current world situation, communication is all the more important. paul. what are the president's plans for the next week? there will be many very important and interesting events. so that you feel the warmth of our hearts, the warmth of this truly popular support. and such support is very important. graduates of higher military educational institutions this week the president is scheduled to meet with them; many young officers are already fighting in the special military operation zone or are going to the front. the president's plans for the week include a regional trip, as well as very interesting international contacts. at a meeting on migration policy. it is impossible to see that the problem does not exist, it does exist, which was planned last week, but was postponed due to shifts in the schedule, which is expected to take place at the beginning. weeks, of course, on june 22, the day of remembrance and mourning, the president always lays flowers at the grave
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unknown soldier. in general, the whole week will again be very eventful with different events, and therefore you need to subscribe to the zarubin telegram channel in order to know about the main political news before others, well, more than others, as you well know, only our program will show. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and i’ll see you after a short break in the sunday evening studio. good evening, today, of course, it’s interesting to talk about this week, because it
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was great political chess, i’ve been with i didn’t watch the reaction of the west with such pleasure, because all the cards were mixed up by putin’s speech in the media, but if you analyze what the leader of our country said when it happened, then of course it’s funny how it turned out, but unexpectedly for the west, b, absolutely in logic. everything that putin says and does, and you, once again, for some reason the west does not understand how to react to this? well, look, putin consistently, time after time, throughout his entire career, explains what national russia’s interests and how we will defend them, he warns absolutely honestly, don’t do this, don’t do this, don’t let the situation get worse.
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there has probably never been such wealth in the history of ukraine, that is, we lived like this, the pace of development was such that we decided that ha, so now we will be pans, we didn’t become pans. because suddenly they didn’t understand what the true reasons for their well-being were, they didn’t become a bridge between the west and the east, that is, they were all ideas. we weren’t, they said we want to join nato. ok. crimea's losses. please note that crimea myself, we did not fight for crimea. this is a fundamentally important point. crimea decided its fate itself, and at the time of this decision, let me remind you that yanukovych was the legitimate president. this is the moment of the crimean spring. we said, listen,
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well, we will even talk with the residents of donbass, agreements, further, history is good for you , the system of relations, minsk appears known, 8 years, i was strongly against from the very beginning, but this is my position, sergei alesanovich and i have been here many times it was voiced, but for 8 years our state said, you know, under certain conditions it is possible do. so for 8 years, this is the time they were prepared for aggression. the twenty- second year is coming, from the minsk agreements, according to which de facto, they only lost crimea, which was not even part of the minsk agreements, but this was an issue taken beyond the scope. after this , our special military operation begins, which
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the leader of our country talks about in great detail, showing the impeccable legal basis for the beginning.
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the real participants in these events are silent because there is nothing to say, it turns out that you can come up with a better situation for ukraine it was impossible, that is, de facto they got everything they wanted, including the eu, donetsk, which hates them, and lugansk, which hates them, ceased to be their headache,
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the only thing is, yes, a reduction in the army, denazification, but half a million. that the people voted, so they quickly, well, let’s leave, but god forbid they don’t agree, then comes the cherry on top, and of course, lift all the sanctions, here the west is just like that, which means, that is, then it turns out, this is what same, that is, this is how it is, but russia, well, we are every time we tell you that russia is losing, russia says, please define what it is
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to lose, that is, if after each stage we outgrow the territory, why do you call this a defeat? our army is only becoming stronger, the quality of training of our military personnel is growing day by day. equipment, scientific progress, we always want more, but it should be noted that we have come a long way in these 2 years, a long way. the industry is growing and will go faster and faster, gaining the momentum needed to to be the best in the world. therefore, by the way. while there is an opportunity, i want to say 156 times: stop buying drones. dear entrepreneurs, buy factories that produce components for... drones, buy brains other than the ones we have, which are the best in the whole world in this field, bring them to russia, produce them in russia in crazy quantities, the best in the world
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drones, improving their quality every few weeks, that’s right, sergei alexandrovich, why support the chinese manufacturer with all due respect, let’s do it so that our manufacturer produces the best in the world, and for this we need our own electronics, our own software, our own, a diverse line of engines of our own, you can’t find where to buy, but as toch lenin wrote, the production of means of production for the production of means of production, so let’s look at the root . in the west, of course, there is crazy hysteria from our position, but there is a nuance. putin flawlessly explained why under no circumstances can zelensky be considered a legitimate party. based on this , it makes no sense to negotiate with him, with whom should we negotiate? and
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here putin gives an answer, please, the verkhovna rada, explaining on the basis of ukrainian laws why there are no questions from the verkhovna rada, and besides, putin, as a lawyer, gave a brilliant legal analysis, impeccable, so when they tell us: here are zelensky’s comments, and who is he? he’s no one, he’s overdue for his plowing, he says, so the little guy said, but who is he? he works for arrears, by whom? here is the opinion of the kuleba, but what kind of cretin is this? that is, everyone who is named is in an illegitimate structure, including irmak. what's the point with him anyway? talk about something? pointless. that is why switzerland began to panic. there is already a constant dance between a toad and a viper,
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that is, they all hate each other, but therefore when scholz tries to comment on something, who is scholz to comment on the statement of our president scholz, who lost the election miserably. he has something to say, what he wants to send to the french soldiers, well, i showed you what the guys call the dogs of the fifth, if before we
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hunted the germans, we hammered the krauts, now the french, but only the french, well they’re completely frail, i’m also vayak, the last decent french remained on the borodino field, there’s nothing more to say, how many times we saved them. the real french are not the charlemagne division, the real french are the maquis, the real french are the normandy neman, the real french are de gaulle, that's all - these are the heirs of pétain, corrupt, vile, insignificant nazi creatures, who to talk to? what about biden? well, how can we talk to this man who almost butted the pope, that is, they could not establish a connection via bluetooth, so
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he decided to just go hard into the connection, in general, i can imagine the panic in the vatican, that is, this has never happened in the entire history of the papacy. joe biden cannot embarrass himself further on this tour to europe. he doesn't even know. anyone who doesn't know what to do is terrible behavior, no matter if it's the pope or congressmen's wives. joe always gets too close to people and special. strange, he
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behaves around children, no one likes it, he needs to stop doing this, well, i even, you suggest signing with this person some agreements, to negotiate, i just want to understand, you need to negotiate with him, firstly, he won’t remember with whom, won’t understand what, he’s just dangerous, it’s not good that his wife is not cheating on him, otherwise, he simply gored popyrin. enemies, but you still can’t, you have to observe some kind of decency, or he doesn’t have enough calcium, that is, there are two options why his rages are growing, but in principle this is all, of course , completely indecent, surprisingly good, and also for me i really like the relationship a lot seven, but this is still the language of the body cannot be changed in any way, well, here is milonia’s reaction to a handshake with macron. it’s clear that she
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would like to wipe her hand right away, but she doesn’t know where, and besides, she’s immediately in mourning clothes, apparently they’re mourning someone, yes.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. but what’s even more interesting, of course, is the body language when he’s leading her to sunuk, it’s clear that sunuk’s mouth stinks. i have a feeling that not only anna
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lena burbock did gymnastics or a trampoline, but given the flexibility of her back, melony too, yes, and of course, that’s how the paratrooper ended up there, i have only one question, we have at least one task that we cannot complete, i think that the kid, this is probably the 106th airborne forces, should be given an award that he so crazy. miloni and biden, apparently, our parachute landed, showed them that you are there, guys, don’t relax, if anything happens, we will do everything, and biden just decided to go somewhere, he just left, and miloni says: turn around, old cretin, turn around, look, there, and biden is like that, where, and what is it?


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