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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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and now let's talk about alexander's sports at the european football championship , the first round continues, tell us about yesterday's results. tatyana, good morning, yesterday the england team entered the fight, they won a minimal victory over serbia. so, at the european football championship the day before , six more teams entered the fight, one of the favorites of the tournament in germany, the england team, played the opening match against the serbian team. the serbs
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played a decent match, but all attempts to win back were unsuccessful. the england team, in turn, from defeating the opponent was also far away. 1:0 minimal victory for garath southgate's team. in other matches yesterday, the netherlands won a strong-willed victory over the polish team. the winning goal was scored at the end of the match in the 83rd minute, in the english-serbian group c the teams of slovenia and denmark had their first draw at the european championship 1:1. the task was completed by christian eriksson, who suffered clinical cardiac arrest at the last european championship. russian lyudmila samsonova won the wta-250 series tournament in hertegen-bosch, netherlands. for samsonov this is the fifth title in his career. the day before, in the final, the native of olenigorsk met with the former fourth racket of the world, a representative of canada.
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my colleague stas redekultsev works on hundreds of sets of medals in kazan. kazan is flying, russian high-altitude athletes, inspired by the brix games, are breaking personal records at the stadium in the capital of tatarstan. the happiest athlete of the day is polina porfinenko. she improved her personal best twice, took the grandmaster's mark of 195 cm, but that was only bronze. i performed at children of asia once upon a time, this is the second start, and i generally these are others.
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now we are in such oblivion, in disgrace, one might say, this is really a very cool event, very well organized, when we are even with other species. sports, no matter what country, even, i’ll say this, the olympic movement, this, that you are part of something like this with yours, you feel like you’re part of this bigger thing, the stadium was alive with the men’s hurdle sprint waiting for the gold of sergei shubenkov, champion world, changed his image, but is still far from his ideal form, in kazan he was ahead of him artyom makarenko, well, this is not my thing, of course, i don’t really want to take second place, especially in... losing to our guys, this has never happened, this season is such an exception, well, unfortunately, yes, it is with a minus sign , but again, i hope to change this situation, i won’t leave it like this; it’s just that seven countries participated in the badminton tournament, but
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only russians participated in all five finals. badminton is perhaps the summer sport in russia, but who among us has not tried it at the dacha or on the beach, but here in kazan at the brix games other real masters have gathered. the full stands came to admire, the interest is such that the organizers are installing additional seats, such a huge number of fans in the stands, and it’s great to dispel this stereotype that badminton is a beach country game, so you can come here to the hall to watch professional at such high speeds, and how i think that gradually this will only develop and make our sport only better and better, behind the first week of the brix games, games in which there are records, place fair fight and the true values ​​of sports for...
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i naturally had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes , intelligence and counterintelligence are fighting among themselves, but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of the state’s policy, heavy rain fell on moscow again, it was brought by a cyclone from the black sea, and as weather forecasters promise, rain is expected all week... but at the same time, it will be warm, but by the end of the week the weather will gradually begin to improve. and evgeniy tishkavets will tell you more about the weather in the capital and other regions. moscow is preparing for another natural disaster. over the past week, the european part of the country has been tormented by thunderstorm fronts. and the new will begin with
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the same thing. how much rain will fall on central russia today and what other regions will be covered by downpours when the weather on the russian plain finally calms down. hysterical. time for weather news on channel russia 24. i, evgeniy tishkavets, leading specialist of the center phobas. hello, the european part of the country will remain at the mercy of thunderstorm cyclones this week. the last one was extremely difficult from a weather point of view, or hysterical, as they sometimes say. the russian plain was tormented by atmospheric fronts. thunderstorms and showers were extremely powerful, but localized. it was almost impossible to predict who would be flooded at what moment. on weekends, for example, no luck. southern regions of our country. the footage shows novorossiysk. in most cases, the city is included in weather reports due to hurricane winds, but this time it was not the main one cause of problems. during saturday day and sunday night, almost half of
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the monthly precipitation fell here. although some residents tried not to notice the consequences of the disaster, they were quite serious. the streets went under water, and tornadoes began to appear on the sea. in the video, one of them passes a few meters from a large cargo ship, and the icing on the cake was hail literally the size of a chicken egg, hailstones are lying everywhere, the largest one, probably this hailstone, also hit other regions of southern russia, heavy rains occurred in rostov-on-don; workers at one of the construction sites managed to film the edge of livnya approaching the city. i’ll add that bad weather also swept across the east of european russia over the weekend, from the kama region to the middle volga and southern urals, there were local hail showers, on sunday the epicenter of the storm shifted even further east to zaura, that’s what was happening in
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kurgan, there was also intense rainfall here, but the main source of problems was the wind; according to local weather stations, its gusts reached 17-20 m/second. weather in the western half of russia is still determined by active cyclones, one that flooded moscow several times last week is now moving into siberia, its power. is still high, so it will rain heavily in the tomsk, novosibirsk, omsk regions in kusbas. tomsk, for example, is expecting a prolonged downpour. just today , the amount of moisture that has fallen can reach 20 mm, which is the third-month norm. tomorrow the precipitation will continue and even intensify, according to forecasts. as for european russia, the weather here is will also remain difficult. the reason for this is the cyclone, which caused a city massacre in novorossiysk over the weekend. now under pressure. during the anticyclone, it moved north to mid- latitudes. today
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, the central and western regions of the country will bear the brunt of the disaster. and including the capital, as in the case of tomsk, in moscow it will rain without stopping for several days. today about 16 mm of precipitation will fall, but despite this, the temperature will remain above normal -25. in general, the next cyclone will have little effect on the temperature regime. in the center of the north of the country today it will become only slightly cooler due to... unfortunately, in the south , due to the departure of another whirlwind , the heat will even increase. in some places it will be above 30-35° during the day. the power of cyclones in the atmosphere will remain unshakable until about thursday, but as i already mentioned, an anticyclone is gradually beginning to make its way into our country from the southwest, and in the second half of the week it will be able to displace the cloudy fields of the vortex into the white sea and will form an atmospheric block over european russia. the bad fronts won't be able to do it anymore. make your way into the region and the period of thunderstorms will finally end. it will continue to thunder in moscow
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today and tomorrow, although the rains will weaken on tuesday. on wednesday the disaster will give residents of the capital a short respite, but on thursday it will strike again. there are heavy rains in the city again. on friday the sky will clear of clouds again, but this time for a long time. that's all i have. goodbye. we have 1,500 branches, over 7 million customers and financial solutions to suit you. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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sberbusiness. egoist means. i already have it from him. heartburn, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i have heartburn from your food, it’s easier with this, heartburn from food, take it, it extinguishes, it fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, it’s active from the first minutes, it extinguishes heartburn, it extinguishes , this is a simple credit, only at sotcombankets, high. not just a loan, a hit. the latest models of electronic warfare drones were presented in the nizhny novgorod region. designers and manufacturers of more than 250 enterprises of volunteer associations from
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all over the country. they provide drones to our fighters in the area of ​​special military operations. detection systems, suppression systems, application systems, that is, the fighter must see the enemy and destroy him without risking his life, this is kind of the point of all this, not to lose people. and the russian team teams perret won the blast premier 2024 tournament, which took place in london.
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our esports athletes beat the international team navi. systems of the sun, the deep ones were destroyed shelters, observation posts, ammunition depots, as well as artillery pieces and personnel. american military man gordon black pleaded not guilty to threatening to kill his girlfriend, but black partially confessed to the theft, noting that there was no intent. the kiev regime is trying to make up for
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losses in its army by sending those convicted of serious crimes to okupas. journalists from the washington post found out that in the ranks of... the bsu there are already more than 2,750 people who are serving sentences for murder, armed robbery and drug trafficking, bring and the opinion of the military, who do not believe in the success of such mobilization, fear that such recruits will simply desert. nato members are actively discussing bringing nuclear warheads into combat readiness, the general secretary of the alliance announced this. stoltenberg noted that this would be a direct demonstration of strength, and gave his forecast in the near future.
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switzerland, serbia, north macedonia, as well as bosnia and herzegovina. it is surprising to see the share of russian gas in the european market. increases after all we've been through, after all the effort to reduce risk in the energy supply sector. according to the newspaper, the picture was changed due to work failures. one of the major lng export facilities in texas was also affected by russia increasing its flow through turkey ahead of scheduled maintenance in june. at the beginning of june
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, restaurants in st. petersburg increased sales at the third hotel by almost one and a half times. the news is reported with reference to this check index. experts note that this jump is associated with the st. petersburg international economic forum. in particular. the check for accommodation in hotels and holiday homes increased by 12% and exceeded 23,500 rubles. in addition, during the forum, city guests actively used the services of a travel agent, their turnover increased by more than a quarter, the average bill by 16%. let me remind you that this year more than 20 thousand people from 139 countries took part in the forum events. over a thousand agreements were signed for a total of about six. ukraine is moving to strict power outage schedules, which will remain in effect until the end of july, it was reported ukrenergo. the biggest interruptions are expected from
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11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; this is due to the repair of nuclear power units against the backdrop of the critical state of the country’s entire energy system. kiev plans to restore it at the expense of the west, so the united states promised to allocate a little more than $800 million for this purpose, but taking into account. headquarters damaged and lack of necessary equipment, this amount will not be enough, experts are sure. it is even more impossible to change the situation in a short time before winter. in ukraine, often completely separate power units were destroyed hydroelectric power stations, at thermal power stations, so if you look at a national scale, then this amount is no longer so large. plus, the united states is unlikely to allocate this money directly to ukraine right away. tranche, because he understands that this money can simply be stolen, but even if it is gradual financing, some of the money will still go to corruption, let’s say.
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that's all for now, more news in the next part. the city of tynda in the amur region is preparing for the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. in honor of this, courtyards, roads, house facades were renovated, and sports, cultural and social facilities were overhauled. such large-scale transformations have never happened here in modern history. and my colleague victoria sutenko has all the details. workers brush dust off the fresh concrete at bam stadium,
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a sports facility that is the face of the northern capital, which was disfigured by floods two years ago. we are now pioneers in many areas, and in such volumes of work, that is, these are high-level materials applied both for sports facilities and, accordingly, for recreational areas that exist here. it will accommodate nine sports. for passing the gto, playing football, volleyball, basketball, long jump, as well as outdoor strength training equipment, a playground, and treadmills. the stadium will appear before the residents in a size almost twice as large as it was before. we hope that this bam stadium will allow us to host the spartakiad of the cities of the amur region in 2025. tyndinsky is also preparing to welcome guests in an updated form. palace of culture rus. the overhaul that began in march has already been completed. than half. work is simultaneously going on in the lobby of the first and second floors, as well as in the auditorium, designed for almost 400 people. we bought a burgundy-colored chair, and our
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stage clothes are also new. the city park of tynda bogulnik is also flourishing. already at the entrance , vacationers are greeted by a new arch. on the territory there are fresh lawns, paths made of paving slabs, asphalt, soft crumbs, modern lanterns, trash cans, and benches. bogulnik is a venue for mass celebrations for everything main holidays, and therefore. let's go. an unprecedented road campaign has been launched in the capital of bam. sections of nine city streets are subject to repair. the transformation of social, sports, cultural institutions in tenda is part of
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large-scale preparations. city ​​to celebrate the grand anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline, to which the northern capital of the amur region owes its existence. in honor of bam's anniversary, the labor feats of the builders were immortalized on the facades of tynty houses. last year, the end walls of nine-story buildings were decorated murals. the subjects of the giant paintings are dedicated to the strength, hard work and courage of the builders. public and private funds from railway workers made it possible to implement these and other transformations. and in the twenty-third, twenty-second year. this year we allocated funds for repairs to a network of budgetary institutions, social institutions, these are kindergartens, primarily schools, thematic classes, of course, we have not had such funds and such a volume of work for a very long time, this is very pleasant. most of the facilities will be completed by the anniversary bama, so that the builders who will come to the holiday from different parts of the country and former soviet republics can again see their native tynda in all its glory. this is the development of the city.
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will not stop, the modern master plan, approved by the president, opens up new prospects for the northern capital of the region, in plans for the creation of gas boiler houses, the development of a ski resort, transport and logistics centers along the baikal-amur mainline and other promising projects so that the city can once again prosper. victoria satenko, leonid kasavan, conduct amur region.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. it is impossible to come to an agreement with the zelensky regime, this is the opinion expressed by our presidential representative prion. vasily nebendya emphasized that moscow has repeatedly confirmed its readiness for peaceful negotiations, but kiev has prohibited negotiations with russia at the legislative level. today is exactly 10 years since the death of correspondent igor kornyulyuk and sound engineer anton volushin in donbass. they came under mortar fire from lugansk. the group was filming.


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