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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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our correspondent ksenia klimina visited the su-34. seconds and the su-34 quickly rises into the sky, so that those on the ground take their breath away. it's pouring rain outside, but for them almost any weather is flying, the teachers are cutting through, the testers are demonstrating figures in the sky. in the cockpit, the pilot and navigator are shoulder to shoulder in novosibirsk. steep turns in the sky, final flight tests before sending aircraft to the front lines, the program includes testing of equipment systems, engines, and flying at maximum speeds and maximum altitudes. the pilots arrived, they by age, my children are already, of course, you worry about them, what will happen, so you try very hard to, well... convey everything
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you can, everything you can, as best as possible, they are happy, and this is the biggest reward for us , the car showed itself perfectly, everything that was planned, everything was accomplished, there were no comments on the work of my part, any aircraft is a living creature, it was created by people, these are the ones who create the legendary car, sergei has been at the plant for 40 years, officially a mechanic-assembler, for young comrades in the workshop the mentor is long, so in short, because... it’s not a rivet according to the drawing, take another one, there are little tricks that no one will explain to them, that is, this also only comes with more experience, i also came to the factory, i didn’t know how to do anything, i didn’t know, young after the army, well , i started working and learned, but now i’m passing on my experience, tatyana is a controller, she responsibly measures every bolt of parts, makes sure that there are no defects, that we are doing something for
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our country, there are a lot of things from us controllers depends, we must, let's say, so as not to there were no defects, we look at the drawing, check the rivets to make sure everything is according to the drawings, so that there are no gaps between the rivets and bolts, or the protrusion of the bolts goes out. the novosibirsk aviation plant named after chikalov, one of the enterprises of the united aircraft corporation rostec, carries out a full cycle of production of dryers here, parts are made in one workshop in another. at the same time, they are repairing and modernizing combat vehicles. this is what the middle part of the fuselage looks like from the inside. almost 80% of the aircraft's fuel is stored here. the design is quite complex, several hundred corpses, through which kerosene gets into the engines with the help of pumps. to fulfill the state defense order , the company works in two 12-hour shifts. they even built mezzanines in the workshops to increase production space. the plane is releasing. we are currently equipped with
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modern on-board navigation and communication systems, the weapon control system allows the use of the entire range of modern missile and bomb weapons, when using additional attachments in a container in its execution, the aircraft performs the function of a reconnaissance aircraft. the main indicators of the plant’s work : airplanes in the sky, the next batch of new su-34 front-line bombers, were transferred to the russian ministry of defense. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander gganov, elena goleeva. news. novosibirsk today is 10 years since the death of vgtrk journalists, correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin in donbass. the film crew was preparing a report about how the militias were removing refugees near lugansk. at this time, the ssu opened fire on them with mines. anton voloshin died on the spot, igor kornelyuk was seriously wounded during the explosion. he was taken to lugansk hospital. where he recovered from
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his wounds, the president awarded the journalists with the order of courage posthumously, then this murder was tried by the un and other international human rights organizations. in the lugansk people's republic , a memorial sign was erected at the site of the death of journalists, and a requiem rally is taking place there today. we will find out the details from my colleague nikolai dolgachev, he will join us. nikolai, greetings, how are the memorials going? events. alexander, hello, indeed june 17 is one of the brightest tragic stories both in russian journalism and for the lugansk people's republic. then, in 1414, ukrainian formations launched a vile mortar attack on civilians and journalists; igor korneryuk and anton voloshin died under metalist’s attack. from where, in essence, this is a strategic route, from where the enemy intended to attack lugansk. a cross, well, all these years
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there was a memorial here, the cross was wooden, now it’s a more powerful structure, everyone is attached to it they bring flowers every day, there are no big events or rallies being held, after all , it’s quite close now relative to the front, even if it’s 100 km, but this month already in lugansk, since there were missile strikes, it’s clear that there are big events here is not carried out, nevertheless they remember about... about our guys and we remember now the branch of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company, which operates in the lugansk republic, works, among other things, based on the principles that our friends, our colleagues showed us, at the place of their death friends came this morning,
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relatives, colleagues, close people laid flowers, let's listen to what they said today: there are people who come out of such terrible situations without a scratch, i think they just... yes, of course, now our colleagues working at the front, are also based, including on the principles that igor korenyuk and anton voloshin showed us. unfortunately, over the past years we have had other losses, but here they are, they were the first and very, very
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painful, of course, then, now their memory is preserved in the lugansk republic in including in the villages of metallist, a school named after igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, there is a museum of military officers. on russian media representatives, the day before it became known about the death of photojournalist nikita. a hostile drone attacked a journalist near ugledar, near the village of nikolsk, where he was filming a photo report. mit official representative maria zakharova called the murder of the military commander another serious
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crime in kiev. earlier, an ntv film crew came under fire in gorlovka. the cameraman, valery kozhin, died from the received temple, andrei ivliev’s correspondent, who worked with him was saved, but... lost his arm. the investigative committee stated that those involved in the death of journalists will be identified and punished. in ukraine, the screws of mobilization are being tightened more and more. from mid- july, summonses will begin to arrive by mail, and it will be considered received, even if it could not be actually issued to the addressee. due to the general mobilization in rural farms , there is a shortage of personnel. only a fifth of the staff remained. kiev authorities are discussing the provision of armor for agricultural workers. spheres: military commissars are rowing to the front of all men indiscriminately, emergency doctors, builders and even actors, and those who arrived from abroad to register for military service may now not go back. now let's start with a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics
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going to throw out the trash already or not? so, pay attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win. to me. uses the opportunities that he still has to shell our cities, mainly donetsk, petrovsky, kirovsky, partially kuibyshevsky district, gorlovka and a number of other settlements in the wave direction. in the latest
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news, the kiev regime has rejected putin's proposal for peace negotiations. how expected was this and do you think there will be any meaningful reaction from the west? alexandra, here it is worth considering this issue from a historical perspective. we see that russia is like no other, no matter how many countries there are. guarantors of various kinds of agreements or some other peaceful aspirations, no matter how many conditional points are offered, this is our country, our president always voices absolutely transparent and clear mechanisms for peace to be established. unfortunately, we also note that this world, it seems that in addition to our country and a number of sensible countries that are either ours.
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to have the opportunity to preserve at least the remnants of one’s statehood, unfortunately, this is so, ah, does this mean that no steps need to be taken in order to preserve ae... and lives, well, no, of course, here too russia is moving with very measured steps, that is, he is doing everything possible to prevent and ensure that diplomatic efforts still prevail in the framework of resolving the conflict, alas, again russia is not heard, and well, they are not heard conditionally, i would say,
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because almost everyone reacted to varying degrees, but western countries one way or another... commented on this message, it’s very important, i think the message is those, these are the starting positions that were named, they are absolutely logical, well, absolutely logical, but how will the situation develop further, i i think this will be decided without a public, probably some kind of plane, because the negotiation process is always very difficult, it is always very shaky, especially when there are... countries like these, like a number of western countries, which, on the contrary, add fuel into the fire, and they, they have points of benefit, why is it beneficial for this conflict to continue further, but ah, what we see, we see that on the front line, our unit, the armed forces of the russian federation, continue to fulfill their assigned tasks supreme commander, line
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the front is moving away, and this, of course , brings a-e
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they are preparing for this and are ready for this, i propose to move on to economic topics, just the other day , a crushing and screening plant was launched at one of the quarries, this is the significance for the region and are there any plans for future exports, perhaps to other territories? and alexander, in fact, every enterprise opened, every enterprise launched on the territory of the republic is important for us, because this is already filling the budget, it’s still economic recovery, but as for this particular enterprise, this quarry, which has a very serious history, historical background, and a very high quality product, high quality granite, crushed stone, and what can we say, and it was one of
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then the best in quality won everything, and there, and by all indicators, the 80 olympics won , and many objects were built in moscow, using precisely the products from this quarry, and after the soviet union it fell into almost decline, now and during special military operation, this enterprise was restored, modernized, new jobs are created, and the products are of high quality, have their own laboratory, which now allows them to undergo... all the necessary, all the necessary certification, and these products will be used not only for used not only for roads , but in construction, and for the production of concrete and other mixtures, well, i ’ll tell you that this crushed stone will also be used for the construction of the railway, accordingly we understand with taking into account the scale of construction, taking into account the scale
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of restoration, of course, the products of this quarry will... will be in great demand, and applications from neighboring regions, of course, already exist, and this is not only a new, newly reunited entity, but these are also other nearby regions, but it will be possible to fully use these products for supply to other regions when full communication is restored, connected to this quarry, and here, taking into account the fact that this is a full cycle, well, of course, this is all beneficial for the republic, it is beneficial and for... well, in general, this is a very correct collaboration, when the state helps, and the investor is really focused on development. about 30-40 billion rubles will be spent on the restoration and... and modernization of energy facilities in new regions of the country this year, what are the dpr's plans in this aspect? alexandra, we are well
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aware that the enemy has a special aspiration for infrastructure, including energy infrastructure, so of course, during the period of the fourteenth year, ours suffered very seriously energy system, now within the framework of the social... economic development program it is planned until 2030 as part of a special infrastructure project, of course, the plans are very serious, very serious restoration work, of course we need to keep and we need to purchase everything necessary for an emergency emergency supply was always present, well, because you can expect anything from the enemy, after all, electricity supply for citizens.
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there are more than 13 thousand teenagers, this is only due to the regions of the chiefs, and as for other programs, of course, the ministry of education, that is, those quotas for federal, federal institutions, meaning artek shift and eaglet, bullfinches and a number of other objects, what can we say, university shifts, that is, all these are all the indicators that counted.
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also pays attention to this, this is our future, these are our children. thank you, denis vladimirovich, i will remind you that the head of the dpr denis pushirin was in direct contact with the studio. and to other topics. the us waged an online campaign to discredit the chinese vaccine against coronavirus. this is stated in a reuters investigation. the world's leading news agency confirmed this information for the first time. the company was created by the pentagon in 2020. to undermine confidence in anti-covid drugs from china. the fakes were published on the internet and covered the regions of southeast and central asia and the middle east. the pentagon was especially upset in
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the philippines, where internet users threatened not only the chinese vaccine with danger, but also any help from the prc. us presidential administration from comments refused. the pentagon indirectly confirmed that such a company existed. this is stated in the investigation. in the article. russia is also recognized, which the pentagon also considered as an inconvenient competitor. let me remind you that our country was the first in the world to register the sputnik v vaccine against coronavirus, but difficulties arose with its registration in the european union countries. this is how the russian direct investment fund commented on the reuters material. we have recorded more than 300 information attacks on the sputnik vaccine, clearly a coordinated, active campaign against disinformation to... interfere with vaccination in russia and prevent the sputnik vaccine from entering foreign markets. this campaign was carried out from the first day and included not only fake news
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from fake accounts, but also active ones. the use of western media, western experts, to prevent people from being vaccinated. we were able, together with scientists , to focus on publishing the results of the sputnik vaccine in more than fifty leading journals that proved the safety, effectiveness of our vaccine, and also that the results of the work the use of the vaccine in countries such as hungary, argentina, and the united arab emirates showed the best. the results of hundreds of thousands of people who used the vaccine, it was these joint efforts that allowed the sputnik vaccine to become extremely effective, save tens of millions of lives, and become the most exported drug in the entire history of russia.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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in moscow 9:29 and further briefly about the main thing. the ministry of defense handed over a new batch of front-line soldiers su-34 bombers. the aircraft are equipped with modern navigation and communications systems; their task is to carry out precise missile and bomb strikes against enemy ground air targets. in the near future, the vehicles will join the russian squadron in the special operation zone. in ukraine, mobilization rules are being tightened. from mid-july, summonses will begin to arrive by mail, and the document will be considered received, even if it could not actually be issued to the addressee. and due to general mobilization in various sectors of the economy
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, ukraine has a shortage of personnel. they take you to the front emergency doctors, construction workers and actors. in chelyabinsk, a workshop for the production of electric buses is being extinguished; the fire engulfed 350 m2 of the building. 25 people went out on their own, no one was injured. now the open burning has already been contained; 24 specialists and six pieces of equipment are working on site. the weather in the capital region has deteriorated sharply. in moscow and the region, a third of the monthly norm fell over the past 24 hours. today, weather forecasters are also predicting thunderstorms and hail, increased winds. a yellow alert level has been declared for the next 2 days. vladimir putin congratulated command, personnel and veterans of the derzhinsky operational division. today is exactly 100 years since its formation. the president noted that army soldiers in...


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