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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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to actually give the addressee away, due to general mobilization in various sectors of the economy in ukraine, there is a shortage of personnel at the front , doctors are being taken to the front soon, help is being taken to builders and actors. in chelyabinsk , a trolleybus production workshop is being extinguished; the fire engulfed 350 km of the building. 25 people went out on their own, no one was injured. now open burning has already been controlled; 24 specialists and six pieces of equipment are working on site. the weather in the capital region has deteriorated sharply. in moscow and the region , a third of the monthly rainfall fell over the past 24 hours. today forecasters also promise thunderstorms, hail and increased winds. a yellow alert level has been declared for the next 2 days. vladimir putin congratulated the command, personnel and veterans of the derzhinsky operational division. today is exactly 100 years since its formation. the president noted that army soldiers in... all the years have shown courage and
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heroism in fulfilling their military duty, and today soldiers and officers of the unit are fighting terrorism, guarding public order and, of course, heroically defend their homeland during a special military operation. on other topics: power outage schedules in ukraine will become more stringent, ukrenergo warned. the already difficult situation in the energy sector is worsened by repairs of nuclear power units and the return of heat. alexandra nazarova has all the details, she is joining me. sasha, good morning. tell us if you plan to somehow restore the energy system. sash, good morning, they will now focus on small power plants. this week the situation in the energy sector ukraine's system will worsen, given the critical loss of power, the return of heat will have a particularly negative impact on the planned repairs of five nuclear power units, ukrenergo said. now it is bringing
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power units at several of its nuclear power plants out for scheduled repairs at once. it probably expects that it is better to do this now, because it will only get worse, because in july, in august, if hot, dry weather sets in, then, firstly, , this will lead to an increase in electricity consumption within the country, that is, people do not refuse from air conditioners, for example, no matter how much they are asked to save electricity, plus hydroelectric power stations will produce even less. they plan to solve the situation in the traditional way for ukrainians by cutting off electricity, and until the end of july the schedule will be strict. the longest breaks are expected from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., ukrenergo emphasized. moreover, residential consumers will no longer be able to avoid this; they are going to be disconnected from the lines that supply critical infrastructure. starting june 24, it will receive absolute priority, and the limits for other consumers will be determined by...
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in ukraine there is now quite a lot of damage in the energy system, mainly the fuel energy industry has suffered, that is, these are power plants that run on gas and coal, and in fact all of them have been hit, and many of them have been completely withdrawn from operation, hydroelectric power stations suffered to a slightly lesser extent, but there, for example, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in ukraine, not progress-2, is not working, it has clearly been taken out of operation for maybe even years, according to the financial times from the beginning of the twenty-second in 2018, the ukrainian energy system lost about 35 gw of power, more than nine in recent weeks; about 80% of thermal generation and a third of hydro generation were destroyed; they are trying to compensate by importing from europe. now he is breaking all records. for example, on saturday more than 35,000 megawatt/hour were supplied. mostly from neighboring countries. moldova. romania, poland, hungary,
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slovakia have to spend money on this , money that ukraine previously earned from selling surplus electricity, and secondly, this also cannot continue for a long time, because in the cold season, in all these countries there may also be a shortage of electricity and, accordingly , they simply will not have excess generation, extra gigawatts in order to transfer them or sell them to ukraine, also in kiev they are counting on financial support. the united states promised to allocate a little more than $800 million to restore the energy infrastructure, but given the scale of the damage and the lack of necessary equipment, this amount will not be enough, experts are sure. it is even more impossible to change the situation in a short time before winter. during this period, the lights will be on for approximately 2 hours and then turned off for six or even 7 hours. chances for recovery. there are practically
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none for the reason that today there really is no repair capacity, no replacement capacity, it is impossible to restore the current... generation, the only chance that ukraine will survive the winter normally with its energy sector is if somehow ukraine restores relations with republic of belarus and russian federation, will begin to receive electricity from russian generating companies through russian energy networks. ukrenergo admitted that they would not be able to restore all damaged power plants by winter. moreover, some power units have been lost forever. the company plans to focus on the development of small-scale generation, that is , the construction of small power plants, but hundreds of them will be needed. sasha, this will again require foreign funding. thank you, sasha, it was alexandra nazarova with
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a story about the situation in the energy sector of ukraine. now let's turn to a short advertisement, then the weather forecast. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account in alfabank, alfabank , the best bank for business, what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for the next trip, the avito trip will all go as booked, with cashback bonuses, selfish, that means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we will extinguish, but i have heartburn from your ides, this is easier, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes,
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the effects of heavy rains are also coming from other regions. we’ll find out all the details from anna volkova. she joins me. anna, good morning. tell us about equally powerful cataclysms, as it were. after heavy rains travel to two villages is limited, there are numerous overflows on the roads, and boat crossings have been organized for local residents. the regional government clarified that settlements are provided with food and essential goods. so, today blagoveshchensk fell, the capital of the amur region experienced an anomalous downpour on monday night, 55 mm of rain fell on the city in less than 10 hours, and the daily record for siege was broken.
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streets, the reaction of residents was mostly positive, the rain freshened the air, the day before the thermometers in the city rose to +31°. the effect even in the entire morning, the rain effect was experienced by residents of some districts of the capital in the morning, after overnight morning rains, and driving along some streets turned out to be quite difficult, the vdnkh weather station recorded 9 mm of precipitation by 6 am, while in places from the neighboring vladimir region... it poured more than 30 mm of water, there were comparable rains
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the night before in the lipetsk region, but the main weather nuisance in the region was large hail, some areas of the orenburg region also suffered from sunday’s hail, a broken carbonate, probably, like an egg, it probably was, it pierced all these points, this is all, probably pierced, the downpours were accompanied by squalls. in the saratov region, gusts of wind tore off the roofs of a transformer booth; it covered several cars; fortunately, there was no one inside the cars, and there was no one near them at that moment. let's evaluate the synoptic situation, the cyclone brought rain to the south of the far east, now it is moving to the shores of the tatar strait, tomorrow its place will be taken by the crest of the anticyclone. influence on weather in southern siberia exerted by atmospheric fronts and vortices. centered over the northern seas, cyclonic vortices bring rain and thunderstorms of varying
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intensity to the russian plain, but the heaviest rains today are forecast in the south of siberia, here in some places 20 mm of precipitation or more can pour out; by the way, their region was brought at the same time by the cyclone, which at the end of last working week he caused floods in the european part of russia. tomsk, for example, is expecting a prolonged downpour. just today, the amount of moisture that has fallen can reach 20 mm, which is a third of the monthly norm, tomorrow the precipitation will continue and even intensify according to forecasts. shower thunderstorms are forecast for moscow today tomorrow, although on tuesday the rains will not be as heavy. on wednesday, the disaster will give residents of the capital a short respite; on thursday it will strike again, with heavy rains again in the city. on friday the sky will clear of clouds again, but this time... for a long time. what are the predictions? thank you. thank you, anya. it was anna volkova with a story about
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what our forecasts will be for the week and... and to other topics. the city of tynda in the amur region is preparing for its fiftieth anniversary baikal of the amur mainline. in honor of this , courtyards, roads, house facades were renovated, and sports, cultural and social facilities were overhauled. such large-scale transformations have never happened here in modern history. victoria satenko has all the details. workers brush off dust from fresh concrete at bam stadium, a sports facility that is the face of the northern capital, which was disfigured by floods two years ago. we are now pioneers in many areas, and in such volumes of work, that is, these are high-level materials, applied both for sports facilities and, accordingly, for recreational areas that exist here. it will house nine sports zones for passing the gto and games.
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will appear before the residents in an amount almost twice as large as it was before . we hope that this bam stadium will allow us to host the spartakia of the cities of the amur region in 2025. the tynda palace of culture rus is also preparing to welcome guests in an updated form. the overhaul, which began in march, has already been more than half completed. the work of one. are on temporarily in the foyer of the first and second floors, as well as in the auditorium, designed for almost 400 people, we purchased a burgundy- colored chair, our stage clothes are also new, and urban ones are blooming. already at the entrance , vacationers are greeted by a new arch, on the territory there are fresh lawns, paths made of paving slabs, asphalt, soft crumbs, modern lanterns, trash cans, benches, a bogulnik - a place for mass celebrations on all major holidays, and therefore what it should be like, they asked the townspeople themselves. the design project of our park won all-russian competition for the improvement
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of small towns in the form of discussion, in the form of voting, right? and were worked out to suit all the needs of the population, then a design project was drawn up. the tendin residents are happy, there are children's slides and a small town, we have a great time here, we come every evening. an unprecedented road campaign has been launched in the capital of bama, sections of nine city streets are being repaired, and the transformation of social, sports, and cultural institutions in tendy is part of the city’s large-scale preparation for the grand celebration. anniversary the baikal-amur mainline, to which the northern capital of the amur region owes its existence. in honor of bam's anniversary , builders immortalized their labor feats on the facades of tynta houses. last year, the end walls of nine-story buildings were decorated with murals. the subjects of the giant paintings are dedicated to the strength, hard work and courage of the builders. public and private funds from
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railway workers made it possible to implement these and other transformations. and in the twenty-third, twenty-second year they allocated, this year , for ... repairs of the network of budgetary institutions, social institutions, these are kindergartens, first of all, schools, thematic classes, of course, we have not had such funds and such a volume of work for a very long time, this is very pleasant, most of the facilities will be commissioned by the anniversary of bama, so that the builders who will come for the holiday from different parts of the country and former soviet republics, they again saw their native tinda in all its glory, the development of the city will not stop here, the modern... master plan, approved by the president, opens up new prospects for the northern capital of the region. there are plans to create gas boiler houses, develop a ski resort, transport and logistics centers along the baikal-amur mainline and other promising projects so that the city can flourish again. victoria satienko, leonik kasavan, conduct the amur region. and now to
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news marked urgently, the fsb detained the former head of the department of administrative work in the moscow region. he was wanted for 12 years in connection with the theft of 2 billion rubles. an official representative of the russian ministry of internal affairs reported this at the fsb public relations center. irina volk. we’ll return to this topic later, but for now let’s move on to sports news. at the european football championship, the england team beat serbia in the first round. at the brix games in kazan , the track and field tournament ended, and tennis player lyudmila samsonova won the fifth title in her career. all the details. brix games continue in kazan, what is the schedule for today? yes, sash, good morning, today is the most modest day in terms of medals, today at the tournament in kazan only three sets of medals will be awarded, all of them will be awarded in vault. let's start with football, on european championship, the day before six more teams entered the fight, one of the favorites of the tournament in germany, the england team, the opening match
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was played against the serbian team. everything was decided by one goal, it was scored by jute belinge in the thirteenth minute, with his header. bukayo saka completed the serve. the serbian national team did not fall apart after the quick goal from the british. the serbs played a decent match, but all attempts to win back were unsuccessful. the england team, in turn, was also far from defeating the opponent. team of two towards the goal struck only 11 times. this is an anti-record for the european championships since 1980. first, calculate the statistics. 1:0 - minimal victory for southgate's garata team. in other matches yesterday, the netherlands. a strong-willed victory over the polish national team, the winning goal was scored at the end of the match, in the english-serbian group c the teams of slovenia and denmark had their first draw at the european championships 1:1. the task was scored by christian eriksson, who, let me remind you, suffered clinical cardiac arrest at the last european championships. return transition match for the right
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a record 27,000 people attended the first league game between rotter and novosibirsk. following the results of the stack matches, the volgograd rotor returned. to the first league. denis boyarintsev's team defeated novosibirsk with a score of 3:1. the first stacking match between these rivals ended in a 1:1 draw. let me remind you that at the end of the 20-21 season, rother was relegated from the premier league, and at the end of the 21-22 season, he was relegated from the first league to the second. and here's a promotion. russian lyudmila samsonova won the wt250 series tournament in herzogen-bosch, netherlands. for this is samsonova’s fifth title in her career. the day before , in the final, the native of olenigorsk met with the former fourth racket of the world , representative of canada, bianca andreevku , and won a strong-willed victory 4-6-6-3-7-5.
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the high-altitude athletes spent 2.5 on the opponent's court, inspired by the games , brix beat personal records at the stadium in the capital of tatarstan, the happiest athlete of the day, polino parfenenko, improved her personal best twice, took the grandmaster's 195 cm, but that's only bronze. i performed at children of asia once upon a time, here is the second start, and i in general, these are different emotions, not similar to russia, the championship, this is not that, this is everything else, this is a bomb gun. queen of the air without maria lasitskeni in the maria kachanova sector. all three women's height medalists cleared 95 meters, but kachanova completed it before her rivals. the twenty-two-year-old jumper has already established herself
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at this height. in kazan i went higher, but the bar has not yet been reached. the stadium in kazan is really wonderful, i really wanted to jump here, i’m very glad that they changed the surface, of course, everything with flaws is understandable, but done very well. in principle, i hope that we will now have a little rest during the season. and let's break through this plateau and move on. for the most long-suffering athletes in russia, track and field athletes, the brix games are like a breath of fresh air; for many of this generation, this is the first international competition in their lives at the adult level. i will say that this is a breath of fresh air, even for me, because , firstly, i have something to compare with, i have been to many places, in principle, then again, well, how much we are now in oblivion in such a state, in disgrace, one might say, it is real. a very cool event, very well organized, when even with other sports, no matter what country, even with your own, you feel like you’re
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part of this, let’s say, olympic movement, this, that you’re part of something this is more, the stadium lived with the men's hurdle sprint waiting for gold sergei shubenkov, world champion, changed his image, but is still far from his ideal form, in kazan he was ahead of artyom makarenko, well... not my thing, of course, i don’t really want to be second places to occupy, especially with our guys losing, this has never happened, this season is such an exception, well, unfortunately, it has a minus sign, but again i hope to turn this situation around, i won’t just leave it like that, i took part in the badminton tournament seven countries, but only russians in all five finals. badminton is perhaps the most summer sport in russia, but who among us hasn’t tried it at the dacha? or on the beach, but here in kazan , real masters gathered at the brix games and full stands came to admire them. the interest is such that the organizers provide additional
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seats for spectators. there are such a huge number of fans in the stands, and it’s great to dispel this stereotype that badminton is a beach country game, but you can come here to the hall to look at the professional speeds there, and i think that gradually this will only develop and make our sport better and better. the first week is over. brix games, games in which there are records, a place for fair competition and the true values ​​of sport. the competition will end on june 23 with the tatar sabantuy holiday. stas ridikultsev, stanislav petrov, anton senchenko and umar tuskaev, news from kazan. in ukraine there are complaints about a shortage of agricultural workers. the reason is total mobilization. the tcc employees are taking all the men to the front, there is a shortage of construction workers, and the military commissars have reached the actors. about the progress of ukrainian mobilization by evgeniy petrukha. this is how the lvov military commissars pack for the front, it is possible that the employees of the tsk could have already broken the fingers of a potential soldier, but will
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the medical commission pay attention to this? or here kiev, even the dog seems surprised by such a bestial attitude towards ukrainians, and therefore the boys have to transfer to wheelchairs, for example, this man got home and was suddenly healed, if only the neighbors did not reveal his cunning plan.
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the actors were taken away by the employees of the shopping mall, the drama came to the exhibition the konotop witch. we came to the play "the witch of kanatopa". we were 11 minutes late, but it didn’t matter, we came running out of breath, they told us that the performance was canceled because the shopping center had picked up the artists at the lower gate. but if the tcc actors are already they organize raids, then why be surprised that in ukraine there is no one to build houses, developers are forced to hire migrants from pakistan, nepal, india and african countries, so.
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surrendered their weapons and surrendered, surrendered to the russian army without much thought or regret, because kiev didn’t just abandon its own, it threw them out. evgenia petrukhina, maya alenova, anna povetyeva. news.
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in moscow 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour. the number of countries that approved communication at the so-called conference on ukraine, decreased from 80 to 78. 15 states did not sign the final document, and some major sponsors of kiev left the summit before its completion. as the european press is now writing, the conference revealed
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a split between westerners and non-westerners. dzyarzhavy.


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