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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the morning news broadcast is ending, here are its results. defense minister andrei belousov visited the ground forces control center. he heard reports from the leadership on issues of combat command and control of military units, as well as on the current situation in the special operation zone. commander-in-chief of the ground forces, army general oleg solyukov reported. in ukraine, mobilization rules are being tightened; from mid-july, summonses will begin to arrive by mail, and the document will be considered received, even if it could not actually be issued to the addressee. due to the general mobilization in various sectors of the economy, personnel shortages. emergency doctors, construction workers and actors are taken to the front. a new batch of su-34 front-line bombers has entered service with the russian troops.
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the aircraft are equipped with modern navigation and communications systems; their task is to carry out precise missile and bomb strikes against enemy surface air targets. in the near future , the vehicles will join the russian squadron in the northern military district zone. fsb officers, along with colleagues from the ministry of internal affairs, detained menselkhoz employee oleg donskikh, who was 12 years old. was hiding from investigation. the ex-official is suspected of organizing the theft of 2 billion rubles. he committed the crime together with. now let's take a short break, then the fifth studio program will be on the air, and with that i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, see you and good news, convenient loans are dedicated to our senior loved ones. excellent in klava, in
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in january of this year, a plane with its own prisoners of war in the belgorod area. any use of nuclear energy and nuclear facilities must be safe, secure and environmentally friendly. this is also a quote from the document. and let me remind you that, for example, the zaporozhye nuclear power plant regularly, ukraine itself and
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fires. this was discussed at various levels, but those states that also signed this communication obviously did not hear us. karasin called the conference.
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krylov ivan andreevich, who wrote: “and you are friends, no matter how you sit down, but you are not fit to be peacekeepers, because peacekeepers without the participation of russia are doomed to failure by a bare, so to speak, extreme imitation of activity, a manifestation of some kind of emotion, that is, conclusion of some incomprehensible, so to speak, conclusions, this is
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putin, saying that the question is obvious to us, he spoke in detail using international legal vocabulary, documents, and facts of contacts that took place, but it all came down to four positions: the first is
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the neutrality of the nuclear-free status of ukraine, which should be mandatory, delimitation and denomination, which is written, in fact, as the basis for a special military operation and, finally, ensuring guaranteed rights and freedoms of the russian-speaking population of russian-speaking citizens, plus... to this , recognition remains an unconditional and mandatory condition new territorial realities, that is, the status of crimea and sevastopol, the donetsk and lugansk republics, the kherson and zaporozhye regions, as subjects of the russian federation, these are the foundations on which we are ready to meet, negotiate - in any formats, bilateral, multilateral, but so that the conversation is serious, understandable for...
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look, the specific proposals that were made from moscow by vladimir putin on friday, on the eve of the opening of this so -called summit in switzerland, were essentially not heard, because everything we hear on the other hand, it is that we cannot speak in the language of ultimatums, that we will definitely speak, but sometime later, when russia, but obviously, the subtext is that it will suffer the very strategic defeat that the countries of nato and the global the west as a whole, at the same time... let's say, in the western press, the assessments of the summit that took place in switzerland are very ambiguous,
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despite the attempt to put on a generally good face for an obviously bad game. let's say a correspondent for the france-24 tv channel talks about that kiev could not convince even the ukrainians themselves of the success of the peace summit in switzerland; the head of zelensky’s office, andriy ermak, is blamed for its failure. ukrainians, and commenting on this material on the france-24 website and in general, commenting on various things. summit news on social networks is also very skeptical. it is obvious that this summit will not put an end to hostilities, and it was not planned as a meeting that could do this. besides the media exhaust that you mentioned, besides the beautiful picture and photograph against the backdrop of the alps, why was this summit necessary at all? eh, anastasia, i agree with you, i would just say and add the following to this. the fact that on the eve of the start of this so-called conference
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, president putin made a detailed address to us, actually turned the discussion at this conference into comments and analysis of what our president said the day before, this was heard in almost all speeches, it sounded differently, some reacted rudely to this, others tried to analyze and...
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it is still very clear with whom to negotiate, i would really like to hope for this, though not since the president has also repeatedly emphasized that today vladimir zelensky, the so-called president of ukraine, is no longer the legitimate head of state, at least according to the constitution of ukraine - this is so, but the verkhovna rada, which probably , during the period of martial law could perform the functions of leading the state, apparently, she is not ready to take on this responsibility, at least from kiev.
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zelensky, not all of kiev, his guard, they the following: we understand well that they no longer belong to themselves, they are a toy in the hands of others, they listen to the instructions of their curators in washington, london, brussels, and we will have to come to an agreement... of course, with a large number of participants in this protracted crisis in ukraine, we are ready for this, the president said this directly, but to rely only on one person in kiev, i would like to
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raise one more question that i would like to touch upon in our conversation with you, to really start with that same swiss conference, the head of the romanian foreign ministry declares that peace with russia should be based on the un charter, you won’t believe it, romania remembers international law, the same romania denied visas to the russian delegation to the osce parliamentary assembly, it is obvious that as the organizing country, it must provide all countries share.
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the entire staff was denied visas, we were not allowed to attend these parliamentary assemblies, which took place in europe, in north america, a boorish note from the romanian ministry of foreign affairs, which came to the foreign ministry russia on friday the 14th, it jarred even
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me, i saw all sorts of diplomatic correspondence, but when it is written that none of the... members of the delegation will be issued an entry visa, and none of these members of the delegation will be allowed to enter the territory of romania , i have not seen more boorish expressions for a long time in many decades of my work in the diplomatic field, we will of course draw conclusions from this, apparently it’s time to think about what we should do with the osce parliamentary assembly, we as a country... were one of the co-founders this organization, which at one time was very useful and really contributed to security and cooperation in europe, but now it has turned into some kind of bogeyman, so to speak, of a policy of hatred, rejection, prohibitions and so on, we will think together
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with the state duma about how to react to this, a reaction will follow, i think, in the near future and... in such a strategic future, we count on the fact that we will nevertheless resume the positive, constructive role of parliamentary diplomacy, this should be understood in the west too. thank you thank you very much for being in touch with us today and answering our questions. of course, we continue to broadcast, continue to talk about the situation in ukraine, about the conference in switzerland, which was supposedly aimed at resolving this situation. nikolai azarov, nikolai yanovich are in touch with us, hello! good afternoon, i came across a very interesting material from the cbs television company, and i would like to emphasize once again that this is not what we are saying, this is not some kind of mythical russian propaganda that people love to talk about. in kiev, this is the american television channel cbs, which reports that vladimir zelensky’s rating fell by 30%, and more than half of the population of ukraine stopped trusting
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the parliament, while they were lied to for two years about the successes of the armed forces of ukraine at the front, and in sufficient detail further in the material. is revealed, but its essence is generally clear: trust in the authorities is falling, although in general we have just spoken about the illegitimate, illegitimacy of this government, and it is obvious that the events taking place, including in europe and at the swiss conference, are unlikely to increase the level of trust, since no decision was made, from your point of view, nikolai yanovich, what will this lead to, and we talk a lot about the extent to which ukrainians will have patience, but apparently, even though they have patience... in general, maybe it’s getting smaller, but obviously not enough to say no, it’s not a matter of patience, the point is that a nazi-style punitive system has been created that suppresses... and keeps under control all absolutely protest sentiments, here i am watched closely what happened at this conference in
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switzerland and, to my great regret, i can state that practically no one raised the question of what kind of ukraine they are talking about, what kind of ukraine they are talking about, what kind of strange country this is, where all opposition political parties are generally banned, where all sme.
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in canada they understand very well in which state, the prime minister of canada, i remind you, justin trudeau, shouted a bandera slogan during a photo shoot during a conference on ukraine, in fact, the corresponding video went viral
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social networks, many people are discussing his glory to ukraine, in the context of vladimir zelensky’s visit to the canadian parliament, with the greeting of an elderly nazi there, in general, it all fits into one picture, they understand it quite well, judging by everyone, in canada whom they support and do not disdain at all. we understand his position, and his position has not changed, now from the point of view of support, well, we must judge, not because they proclaimed or spoke there, but about their real
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plans, but real plans, generally speaking, very serious, because we were talking, for example, about providing 50 billion to european, that is, unions, and the allocation of aid has already been decided by the us congress, and biden signed it 61 billion for... japan is there, whoever doesn’t allocate it, that’s also where - that’s 50, according to calculations, which means the ministry of finance. ukraine is somewhere around 200 billion, this colossal amount should be allocated, well , mainly, of course, for the purchase of weapons, and the advantage, of course, is at inflated prices, but nevertheless this is
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a huge amount, that is, anything is possible to tell that someone is tired, not tired, here is real data about , for example, the financing of this regime, they say that this regime continues to receive huge sums.
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the time frame to restore such huge volumes, let’s say, of lost heat generation capacity, is simply impossible, because the equipment is all soviet, absolutely all equipment, so where do you even find it, it must either be designed anew, that is, we are not talking about installing everything, what has been destroyed in the system this year heat generation, so they have now stopped, which they did not do before, so to speak, seriously engage in repairs, scheduled repairs, of nuclear power plants, they are afraid that nuclear power plants will fail, this is connected with the decommissioning of several units for planned repairs, this is connected with of course, these are massive power outages for consumers, that is , it is quite obvious that they will enter the winter with big problems, with very big problems, because the total power, if you estimate now, it is, well, somewhere
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well, no... which, of course, for such a large territory, which means a country like ukraine, yes, this is clearly not enough, that is, they will already enter the winter with big problems, well, this is how things are, and judging by apparently, the west, at least, which is the co-author of these very big problems, is in no hurry, but is in a very hurry to actively finance the war in which people are dying...
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fall, you fled from the orphanage five times, six, he is vazhda, completely wild , guys, forgive me, lord, what did you want from me, a miracle, disobedient, the situation in the zone of the special military operation was discussed today at the control center of the ground forces. he was visited by defense minister andrei belousov. the head of the russian military department heard a report on the organization of combat duty and the work of operational groups to coordinate and control the combat work of units. the minister was informed about how officers are trained to interact with defense industry enterprises. they also talked about the plan for developing the infrastructure of the newly formed saratov higher artillery
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command school. we also discussed the work of russian peacekeeping units and the commandant service, including in new regions of russia. flowers are being brought to the vgtrk building in memory of our colleagues; these are correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin. today is exactly 10 years since their death in donbass. the film crew was preparing a report on how the militias were removing refugees near lugansk. at this time, the ssu opened mortar fire on them. anton voloshin died on the spot... igor kornelyuk was there during the explosion seriously wounded. he was taken to the luhansk hospital, where he died from his wounds. the president awarded the journalists with the order of courage posthumously. then this murder was condemned by the un and other international human rights organizations. the day before it became known about the death of a news photojournalist. nikita tsitsagi. an enemy drone attacked a journalist near ugledar, near the village of nikolskoye, where he was filming a report.
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the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova named. military correspondent, another one.


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