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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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correspondent igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin. flowers are carried to the vktrk building at the troyekurovskoye cemetery for a memorial ceremony. there were no results at the so-called peace conference in switzerland, and the diplomats themselves in bern admit there is no connection between the meeting and peace in ukraine. at the same time, svr director naryshkin reminds that if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the following conditions will be stricter. will moscow be heard? and you. if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the next peace conditions will be more complex and harsh for ukraine. the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, stated this in an interview with tas. let me remind you that we are talking about vladimir putin’s proposals for resolving the ukrainian conflict, which he presented at a meeting with the leadership of the foreign ministry on june 14. they provide for recognition of status.
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to the moment when you decided and largely influenced the destinies of people, the destinies of our sons for me, as long as we are alive, as long as vgtrk stands, the guys will always be with us. the film crew was preparing a report about how the militias were removing refugees near lugansk. at that time the ukrainian armed forces opened mortar fire on them. anton voloshin died on the spot. igor kornelyuk was seriously wounded during the explosion. he was taken to the luhansk hospital, where he died from his wounds. the president awarded the journalists posthumous orders of courage. then this murder was condemned by the un and other international human rights organizations. the authorities of the zaporozhye region demanded that yandex update the previously changed names of melitopol streets in the maps application. and now the minister of digital development is in direct contact with us. mass communications
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regional communications grigory prokhvatilov. grigory vladimirovich, hello, well , first of all, i would like to understand whether yandex has already responded to your request, somehow and how can such work be carried out in what time frame? good afternoon, our appeal was sent to the yandex company not so long ago, on june 13, at the moment there has been no response, however, we very much count on fruitful interaction in this regard and... we are really looking forward to a response from our colleagues , on the contrary, we are open to jointly enter the correct names as soon as possible streets. in general, we are talking only about yandex, what is the situation with other services? this precedent took place within the framework of an appeal from a citizen who appealed to the governor of the zaporozhye region, and really revealed this fact - the inappropriate name of the street . in general
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, there is no policy of a separate attitude towards any service, if we identify it in the future in other services, we will similarly, on the terms of cooperation, send this information to other services, yeah, but in general the matter of renaming concerns only melitopol or are we also talking about other settlements? i would like to draw your attention to the fact that the process. renaming streets is a very delicate process that requires not so much a quick decision as consent, yes, among the population, including, indeed, back in may of twenty-two, the street named after dmitry dontsov was renamed pavel sudaplatov street, this was carried out by order of the head military-civil administration evgeniy vitalievich baletsky a.
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subsequently in the urban district of melitopol also renamed more than 50 streets, now the newly created local government bodies are vested... vested with powers in accordance with federal law, gradually taking into account the opinion of the resident, continue this work, first of all, it should be noted that since 2014 , the so-called decommunization, when the names of heroes associated with the soviet past were simply changed, and sometimes they were changed to the names of heroes to... nationalists, in their opinion, heroes, in the case of dmitry dontsov street this is exactly the case it turned out, and we drew the attention of the yandex company precisely to this, because in this case we are talking about the theorist of ukrainian
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nationalism, which is unacceptable in the region of the russian federation. well, as far as i understand, the renaming process is far away, judging by your words, far from it. completion yet and how much work remains to be done? i repeat, a very important thesis, there is absolutely no need to do this super quickly, here it is very important to take measured steps taking into account the real historical past, taking into account the opinion of local governments and the opinions of residents of the zaporozhye region, so yes this process. it is not completed and it will continue for a certain amount of time, but thank you very much, let me remind you that the minister of digital development, mass communication and communications from the zaporozhye region, grigory prokhvatilov, was in direct contact with us, well, now a short advertisement, then there is even more news,
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policy behind the signal, there is something more convenient than a pole, a smart network so that the connection is not interrupted, beeline’s smart network, with it you remain connected even where there are a lot of people - the safest operator, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can 20, i was thinking about opening a deposit in one bank, it turns out that you can open a deposit in different banks at once, for money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%, financial services, financial. market from the moscow exchange: what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with an erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidaza - against prostatitis.
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june 28 parade of planets. get ready for an expedition to the arctic. on the 28th i have nuggets. what about the twenty -fourth? on the twenty-fourth - chicken burger. delicious calendar. in delicious and period every day a new favorite product at a super price only in the application delicious and period polaris equipment with discounts of up to 70%. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. contract military personnel receive regional support measures:
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combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state. everything is fair here! serve under contract! well, here is the urgent news that is arriving at these minutes: more than 120 people in moscow have sought medical help with symptoms of batuulism. 55 is located in serious condition, of which 30 are in intensive care. this was announced by the deputy mayor of the capital anastasia rakova. here are the numbers that the information agency is currently citing. in total , 121 people sought medical help, these are the patients who felt symptoms of poisoning, adds rakova. i will also quote from her words: the city’s health department and medical organizations are completely under control. situation in connection with citizens’ appeals, and i’ll also add that 55 people
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are in serious condition, 30 are in intensive care, thanks to the timely seeking medical help, all measures were taken by doctors, there is no threat to the lives of patients, added anastasia rakova. the situation in the special operation zone was discussed today at the ground forces control center, and defense minister andrei belouk visited it. the head of the russian military department heard a report on the organization of combat duty and the work of operational groups to coordinate and control the combat work of units. the minister was informed about how officer cadres are being trained, there was talk about interaction with defense industry enterprises, they said also about the infrastructure development plan for the newly formed saratov higher artillery command school, they also discussed the work of russian peacekeeping units and commandant service, including in new... russia. the fsb published a video of the detention of former employee
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of the ministry of agriculture oleg donskikh. these shots were filmed in the moscow region. donskikh was wanted for 12 years in the case of theft of more than 2 billion rubles. the ex-official was arrested by court order. during interrogation, he stated that he lives in the moscow region for 15 years now and doesn’t know why he was detained. during the preliminary investigation , it was established that in 2007 and 2008. the attacker and his accomplices, through legal entities controlled by them, stole loans issued by the joint-stock company. in addition, they embezzled funds received from the joint-stock company for the construction of a silo distillery and a dairy farm. the total damage amounted to more than 2 billion rubles. with the beginning of the northern military district, thousands of small medium-sized businesses across the country volunteered to help the front. together with volunteers, they not only supplied to the front line. everything they need, but sometimes they come up with unique high-tech products and put them into production in record time.
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about how they help the front. special report by evgeny kulikov. the smell of iodine and dim lighting. the machines here operate around the clock. with the start of a special military operation, businessman alexander shcheglov realized that he could not remain on the sidelines. at the front, i urgently needed first aid kits and dressings. we saw such products in nato first aid kits we realized that they are much better, much more modern and technologically advanced than the products that are now used in our country. and we decided for ourselves to make full production on the territory of our country.
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the speed of its application depends on the quality of the bandage, which is especially important when enemy drones are flying overhead; every second can cost the life of a soldier and a military medic. i specifically found those ints that... they are now using it on the line of contact, look, threads are coming out of them, sticking out, how easily it breaks, you just take it, you bandage yourself , your hands are shaking. and he took it torn, let's show our bandages, look, and they stretch, and are easy to apply, and accordingly, when you even put them on, and the limb will work, they are ready to produce up to 6 million such bandages a month here, if only there was an order from the army , and despite any sanctions, we
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would be able to completely cover the needs of our front, our... the drone lost contact with its operator and landed in a field. anti-drone guns were tested in syria, but orders for products began to arrive only a few years later. in those days
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, no one seemed particularly interested in this. well, in 2022, people came and asked, can you do something? do something similar that can neutralize the uav. the gun consists of three parts. the first part is the antenna block, which directs a beam of energy, yes, interference, the second block is interference generators, these are boards with microcircuits, which, accordingly, when turned on, transmit radiation to the antenna, and accordingly the battery that powers all these generators. when developing the gun , the shortcomings of similar products were taken into account. our engineers were able to achieve the minimum. extraction at maximum efficiency of the product, in order to cause as little harm as possible to the operator, ordinary standard products that have filled the russian market, they work at high power, it is assumed that a person can become disabled in a few months. the enemy was afraid of domestic development. we were included in the us sanctions lists, before that we
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were only on the ukrainian sanctions lists, who finds out, everyone congratulates us. zelenograd guns have already been proven. with the start of a special military operation , a company near moscow producing household chemicals volunteered to help the front. we developed our own product called a dry shower, modified it according to the wishes of the fighters, and then came to the ideal option, which, in our opinion, is many times superior to the analogue it uses. a dry shower allows a soldier to wash himself in a matter of minutes right in the trench. the paper-thin product consists of washcloths soaked in special shampoo, water and two towels. take a stick with water, open it, pour water into the bag, close the bag, mix it all inside, open the bag, take out a sponge with a soapy
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solution and apply it to the dirty areas of the body. next, we use the towel included in the kit to remove excess foam. your hands and body are clean and dry. as the manufacturers assure, the composition of the product, unlike western analogues, is hypoallergenic, and the water is completely drinkable. what they brought to us from nato, yes, various aggressive chemicals are used, some people have irritation skin, someone has, well, different side effects, so to speak. despite large orders from the armed forces, dry shower manufacturers regularly supply tens of thousands of products to the front. absolutely free, well , every month we produce about 1,200 units, according to the contract, we always have a reserve in order to transfer it as humanitarian aid, so we received a supply of plastic for the guys today. sergey grigoriev , a former military man, has been involved in 3d printing for many years, since the beginning of special military operations realized that his hobby could help the front. the soldiers were faced with the fact that
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the same wogs with printed shanks flew into their trenches and... asked for help, in 2 years they established the production of not only shanks for ammunition, but also several dozen different devices for soldiers, loading machines stores, cases for flashlights, cases for medicines, probes for detecting mines and much more. the movement, which the craftsmen called the front, spread throughout the entire territory of russia and also went beyond its borders. eat there are several people who are located outside of russia, for example, a wonderful guy in lithuania, there are a couple of designers in the uk. which help us put our models in order. in 2 years of work, the craftsmen were able to establish the production of more than eighty different devices that were so necessary for the front.
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everyone says, you just can’t imagine how you help, the craftsmen’s product was appreciated on the other side of the front, now the ukrainian special services are trying in every possible way to disrupt the work established by the volunteers, planting things there they look like grenades, threatening notes, even mailboxes, but these are done by those who are actually afraid that russia will win. sergei grigoriev and a group of volunteers are counting on orders from the armed forces. hopes that he will soon be able to supply even more products to the front,
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white friday with cashback discounts, dazzlingly profitable. refrigerator inbesit snow. for only 30.999. envidio eldorado, the leading expert in white technology. pure water - a holy source, fills life with joyful moments. i have already ordered an anti-credit card rosbankrot for valderes on the yandex market, you are thinking about which university to enroll in, you can plunge headlong into studying in the far east, make a dizzying rise, create a future in it clusters, take your place among the giants of industries, work in team and spend time with friends, your all kinds of study opportunities in the far east 2030.rf, hello, this is l1, my principle is
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to give your best both in sports and in music, even if everything doesn’t go according to plan, flashup will charge you with energy to move on, flashup energy will always recharge, pairs roman burger and roman burger with chicken at a bargain price, in italian borjomi, this is a symbol of hospitality and soul. barjomi helps you enjoy your favorite
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dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. every month, maintenance notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. what do we bring from travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. now economic news, briefly. the central bank revoked the license of avtogradbank; it ranked 28th in the ranking of the largest. according
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to the regulator, a credit institution. violated the laws and regulations of the bank of russia. we are talking about money laundering and terrorist financing. avtograd bank received registration from the central bank in the ninety-first year. its central office is located in naberezhnye chelny. growing in russia popularity of used cars. more than half a million of these cars were sold in may. autostat reports this. among the reasons for the increase are falling prices. the average cost of cars has decreased for the third month in a row. now it's at the million level. rub. lada remains the leader of the secondary market, accounting for a quarter of all sales, second place with a share of 10% is occupied by japanese toyota, followed by koreans, kia and hyundai, and japanese nissan closes the top 5. moscow exchange announced a discrete auction for shares of medical group, the owner clinic mother and child. trading was suspended due to a sharp increase in quotes by almost 30%. the rush demand is associated with the imminent dividend
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cut-off on june 20. the expected return on shares is more than 13%. by the way, today was the first day of trading for the company on the moscow exchange after re-registration in russian jurisdiction. before that, she was registered in cyprus. and international creditors refused to write off 60% of kiev’s debts, the ministry of finance of ukraine reported. the restructuring was supposed to affect bonds worth $20 billion. according to ukrainian authorities, a broad gesture from bondholders would help. army, previously the countries managed to agree on the suspension of debt payments; if negotiations reach a dead end, the country will not be able to receive financing from the imf. it was economic news, briefly.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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well, now some footage from the presidential press service, thank you. for the opportunity to report on the life of the moscow region in our programs, we are traditionally growing and today i wanted to introduce you to the materials and the results our activities, primarily in march, and before that there were gubernatorial elections, a very high level of trust, a very high turnout of residents, we understand this, as you said in...


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