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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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and the diplomats themselves in bern admit that there is no connection between the meeting and peace in ukraine, while svr director naryshkin reminds that if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the following conditions will be tougher. will moscow be heard? the state duma has begun considering amendments to the budget for this year, as well as changes to tax legislation, which have already been voiced at a meeting of the relevant committee, we are waiting for direct inclusion. and in india there is a passenger train. collided with a commodity, there were dead and wounded, what is now at the site of the accident? the problem of defrauded shareholders the moscow region has been resolved - said the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov during a meeting with russian president vladimir putin, he noted that now the task of the regional authorities is to continue to build social infrastructure, engage in landscaping , they talked about supporting the participants of the north military district. special attention.
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we provide a whole block of activities with families and support for kindergartens, vouchers, various things that cannot be written down in decrees or orders, and as for the modernization of housing and communal services, namely heat supply, water supply, then we have a separate large program, the purpose of which is to...
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thank you to say that we will be ready to open in july. andreevich, there are always a lot of questions, one of them is, of course, the possibility of visits to the polyclinic level, it is necessary, of course, to increase the possibility of visits, this is probably the most important thing for citizens of the level, and it is 100%. accessibility, the biggest request is for primary care, so we are renovating and building clinics, if the west refuses russia’s new peace proposals, the following peace conditions will be more complex and harsh for ukraine, the director of the foreign intelligence service, sergei naryshkin, said in an interview with tas. let me remind you that we are talking about vladimir putin’s proposals for resolving the ukrainian conflict, which he spoke about at a meeting with the leadership of the foreign ministry on june 14. they provide for the recognition of the status of crimea, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, the zaporozhye and kherson regions as regions of russia, as well as the consolidation of the non-aligned nuclear-free status of ukraine, its...
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well, kiev, kiev in the current situation, they themselves they have driven themselves into such, into a situation where there is not even an opportunity to look at the situation sensibly, to look sensibly at what is happening at the front, and in order to be able to preserve at least the remnants of their statehood. well, zelensky’s attempts to expand support for ukraine failed in switzerland, bloomberg writes about this, it notes that kiev failed to win over to its side.
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usa kamala haris is the first to pack her bags, followed by scholz. the prime minister of japan set a record, he tried it at the summit only 2 hours, well, then things and ukraine are in them. somehow it doesn’t come in, kiev sums up the results and is perplexed. tell me, please, which country is irmak the leader of? at general photo summits, according to the protocol , only top officials are present, or in ukraine in person . despite the huge budgets invested in convincing us of the success of the swiss photo summit, it is a failure. for eu leaders, ukraine is just a pr campaign that is now working against them. tired of helping in the with the germans, seeing their politicians,
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no, this trick is what it is, it is rather designed for the american political elite, let's pretend that we support ukraine; frankly, i'm not sure that ukraine in the form in which we know it will exist in a year. it won’t, everything that kiev needs now, before it’s too late, will be agreed upon with moscow, experts say. moscow is relying on diplomacy in the ukrainian conflict and is presenting a concrete action plan to finally end the crisis, but ukraine is acting recklessly because kiev is not thinking with its own head, as we
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understand it. flirting with someone steeped in corruption ukraine, washington is pushing the needle to the limit, more and more people are doubting biden’s ability to lead, he freezes like an old computer, they joke. comedians: embarrassment after embarrassment, and it’s not funny anymore. but what i like most about biden is that in any speech he immediately turns into a robot vacuum cleaner. but inciting conflicts in the world for the united states, the military is sure, is a habit, and most importantly, a benefit. we don't want this cold war to get hot. cold is a new adjective to describe war, which appeared only after the invention of nuclear weapons. but the loud support of the west turns out to be a bluff. german journalists visited a secret facility where rheinmetal allegedly opened a new plant. the structure turned out to be a simple hangar in western ukraine. it will carry out simple repairs and maintenance of tanks; full assembly
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cannot be done in such conditions, reporters state. but this patching up of holes will no longer help ukraine, even the ukrainian armed forces admit. deliveries of old weapons, total mobilization, whatever one may say, the outcome is the same. how long will we be here? how many are we we’ll be here for a year, two, three, depending on your luck, it turns out that there is mobilization, there is no demobilization, this is a one-way road. maryadilka, news. the main goal of the conference on ukraine in switzerland was the issue of continued financing of the kiev regime by western countries. this point of view was expressed by former ukrainian prime minister nikolai. and the allocation of assistance has already been decided by the us congress and biden signed it 61 billion on g7 was determined, which means the position
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on providing ukraine with a loan , the collateral for which will be russian assets 50 billion, well, let’s sum up 160. this is only for this year, now let’s note that this total amount of 160 does not include various grant money that is allocated by all sorts of norway, japan, whoever doesn’t allocate it, this is also where -50, according to calculations, which means the ministry of finance, ukraine, somewhere around 200 billion, this is a colossal amount that should be allocated, well, mainly of course for the purchase of weapons and mainly of course at inflated prices, but nevertheless it is huge. that is, you can say whatever you want, that someone is tired, not fatigue, here is real data about, so, for example, the financing of this regime, they say that this regime continues to receive huge amounts of finance, which is why
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it actually exists, because if there were no these injections, then there would be no pressure, today we remember our colleagues, correspondent igor. exactly 10 years ago , on june 17, 2014, they died as a result of an attack near lugansk; today they are bringing flowers to the vgtrk building to honor them at the troekkurovskoe cemetery. family, friends, and relatives gathered in memory colleagues. i often review the chronicle of that day, and the feeling of pain, resentment, bitterness, it, of course, does not go away over time, and each of us, those who make difficult, difficult decisions, of course, returns to this day, to the moment when you solved it...
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our colleagues in the lugansk people's republic are remembered today, including students of the school named after igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, where there is a museum of military officers. read more about commemorative events in moscow. situation, and many, i would even say that
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probably the best, are no longer with us, i hope that all this will definitely end, but from memory, from ours, it will not go anywhere, this, this is 100%, we guys will always remember, anton voloshin was 26 years old, igor kornelik was 37, then 10 years ago it was for him first last business trip. front, they saved dozens, maybe hundreds of lives of ordinary peaceful people, they tell the
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truth that happened then, a heavy stone cross was installed at the site of their death near lugansk, on the tenth anniversary of the tragedy, it is like a symbol, the years go by, it doesn’t get any easier, today they are bringing flowers here, exactly 10 years ago ukrainian militants attacked our colleagues and civilians who were trying to leave the danger zone, the front line was literally... very close, now, during a special military operation, the enemy has been driven back more than 100 meters from here km, this is already a rear area. igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin were caring and sincere, that’s how we remember them. the guys could not stay in the country when the fire broke out in donbass. young and smiling, let's go tell the truth about military operations. the place where our colleagues died is a strategically important route. in june 2014 , ukrainian formations were here. they shot at
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the village of metallist, hitting journalists. the shelling was not accidental; it was discovered during the investigation that a ukrainian spotter was working and aimed at civilians. that morning, it seemed, they managed to agree not to shoot so that unarmed people could leave the village of metalist for lugansk. our guys came to talk to the refugees. at 11:30, when people started walking, a ukrainian mortar started working. this footage was taken by the group's cameraman viktor denisov, he is the only one who survived. sound engineer anton voloshin died on the spot. correspondent igor kornelyuk was taken to the hospital, but they could not save him. the truth is the most important thing, therefore, of course, professor journalists are to get this truth, sometimes at the cost of their lives, unfortunately. thank you very much to everyone, everyone, everyone for carrying on the memory of our guys so carefully for 10 years. the school of the village of metalist is named after igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin, here is the military corruption museum, personal belongings,
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photographs, certificates, on one of stands in the museum, the text of the messages that anton voloshin’s mother sent to him after the news of the tragedy, she didn’t believe it, and we, his colleagues, didn’t believe it either, this was the first such loss in the journalistic corps working in the donbass, then there were more, but they were the ones were the first, they are our reference point, igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin were awarded.
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in russia only those who respect our language, traditions and culture can. already from january 1 of this year, in order to submit an application for participation in the state program, a compatriot must confirm his knowledge of the russian language a level sufficient for communication orally and in writing, in a language environment. as of may 1, more than 2,500 interviews have been conducted. knowledge of russian language.
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the head coach of the russian men's handball team has changed. today, after a meeting of the supreme council of the russian handball federation, it was officially announced that the yugoslav. our colleague danilo makhalin joins us with details from the russian olympic committee. so, danilo, hello, did this come as a surprise to the press and fans at all? yes, greetings from the olympic committee. for the most part, this was, of course, unexpected, but following the results of a meeting of the supreme council of the russian handball federation. they said that such a moment, of course, had been worked on for more than one day, the departure of velmir petkovich was being prepared, he was replaced by lev voronin, honored master of sports in handball, olympic champion and a man who has held the post of general director for a long time handball federation russia, here he has added another
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position, this is another new challenge for him, in terms of answering, speaking at a press conference... his vision, and i think that he is one of the best specialists, so i take all his advice i'll definitely listen. well, our handball federation thanks for the work of the yugoslav and german specialist, velimir petkovic, who worked in our men's national team
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for 4 years, during which time he achieved access to the world championship, the european championship, where he finished on the one hand, if look at the ninth and fourteenth places, but on the other hand, he came at a time when we were not particularly qualified for the world european championships, so after previous failures, it was good people, and also from the news following the meeting of the supreme council of the russian federation - this is
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the determination of the most valuable players based on the results of the already completed men's and women's championships in russian handball, they were elena mikhalichenko and daniil shishkarev, both representatives of the moscow csk, after all, cska took first place in the men's and women's championship last season. the studio's word:
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the system, amendments to the budget code are extremely important due to the fact that essentially this is the implementation of a direct order from the president to write off 2/3 of budget loans and debt on budget loans from the regions. when making amendments, the ministry of finance clarified the forecast of macroeconomic indicators for this year; gdp growth is planned at 2.8%, including taking into account.
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economic growth, it has already been said, we hope that we will be able to maintain positive, positive dynamics. the first question that today we were considering introducing amendments to the current budget, the main goal is to ensure the implementation of the president’s instructions from the address to the federal assembly, since the necessary financial resources for this must be found this year. this includes such instructions as increasing payments to teachers in small towns, developing high-speed internet throughout
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the country, and proposals to extend family mortgages after july 1. 66 billion - this is funds allocated to fulfill the tasks of creating within the framework of special family conditions, mortgages on which the third child and subsequent children were born during the period from january 1. the second most important package of documents concerns changes to tax legislation; they were developed taking into account the public demand for... social justice, including a progressive personal income tax scale. the main idea is that the higher the income, the higher the tax rate should be. in this case, the changes will affect
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only. the logic was that people with higher incomes can pay more, and people who are more in need of state support can receive additional deductions and, therefore, a refund of personal income tax. progression has been suggested. the main thing is that 97% of people will not feel the change in progression, since the first change in the tax rate will affect people with a monthly income of more than 2,000 rubles. the bill also involves changing the income tax for the company, the tax on the extraction of minerals, iron ore, coal, diamonds, gold, it is worth adding that...
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on the verge of using technology artificial intelligence for manipulating public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course, ukraine is very active, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could to be me, i’ll tell you about this now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes,
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intelligence and counterintelligence are fighting among themselves. but in the end, the result of everything is determined by the quality of politics and the state; in our country, if sports, then with records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions. we value our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition.
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strict power outage schedules will remain in effect in ukraine until the end of july, despite record supplies from europe. with the onset of cold weather, the situation may worsen, ukrenergo reported. anna lazareva joins me now. so, anna, what are the reasons for such forecasts? restore
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it is almost impossible for the ukrainian energy supply system to switch to such volumes before winter. austerity mode. the amount of damage is extensive, power plants and substations are operating at their limit. lights are being turned off more and more often for longer periods of time. some consumers are already without electricity for 7 hours a day. this week the situation in the energy system will continue to deteriorate, the return of heat will affect the planned repairs of five. power units, ukrenergo said. ukraine is now bringing power units at several nuclear power plants out for scheduled repairs at its stations, it probably calculates that it is better to do this now, because it will only get worse, because in july, in august, if hot, dry weather sets in, then, firstly, this will lead to an increase in electricity consumption.


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