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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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we watch the episodes on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective story, our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. the most important reshuffles in the structure of the russian ministry of defense, the new first deputy leonit gornin will take care of finances, the deputy minister for social issues, 12 deputies in total, details of the presidential decree, which has already entered into force. nato is preparing to bring nuclear weapons to a state of combat readiness, at least such efforts are underway discussions, according to bek. how far is it from discussions to orders? the moscow region
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is actively helping the families of the special operation participants and is also involved in the restoration of new regions. these and other topics were discussed in the kremlin. vladimir putin had a meeting with andrei vorobyov. how are the problems of the moscow region, for example, the shortage of doctors, being solved? construction of hotels. the development of routes and infrastructure, the holiday season and the development of the tourism industry were discussed today at a meeting chaired by mikhail mishustin, how it is precisely russian tourism that must be transformed, what is being called and what is being called among the main tasks? bathulism in moscow, more than 120 people sought medical help after developing symptoms, 55 of them are in serious condition, all of them were poisoned by ready-made food, product turnover.
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some companies have been suspended, who supplied the low-quality goods and what actions the authorities will take. in moscow, the sultry heat has been replaced by rain, and we expect colder weather by the end of the week. what is happening to the weather in other regions? forecast from meteorologists our channel. these are the facts again on the channel. russia 24, the main thing right now, well, for appointments in the russian ministry of defense , vladimir putin appointed leonid garnin, first deputy minister of defense, anna tseveleva, pavel frodkov and oleg sovelev as deputy ministers. according to the decree of the head of state, published on the official internet portal of legal information, savelyev will also serve as chief of staff of the ministry of defense. well, let's take a closer look at the new figures in the ministry of defense, leonid gornin since 2012 worked for a year. in the ministry of finance until
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2018 and as a deputy minister, after the first deputy minister. over the years, gornin called, headed the finance department of tax policy of the novosibirsk region, he himself is from there, and also held the positions of acting minister of finance of tax policy of the region, minister of finance of the region, and first deputy governor. as first deputy minister of defense, gornin will oversee the entire range of financial issues.
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for property management, land resources, construction of facilities for the needs of the ministry of defense, previously held the position of first deputy manager of presidential affairs, in 1998 she graduated from the moscow suvorov military school, in 2003 from the academy of the fsb of russia with a degree in jurisprudence, in 2005 from the faculty of world economics of the diplomatic academy of the russian ministry of foreign affairs with a degree in world economics. oleg savelyev was appointed deputy minister of defense, chief of staff of the minister, before that sovelyev was...
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the ministry of defense, the northern and southern groupings of troops improved the situation along the front line. during the day, the enemy lost about 1,800 militants, air defense systems shot down 12 ukrainian drones and were destroyed. several arsenals with ammunition. meeting in ukraine in switzerland ended without any clear results. most world publications write about this today. everyone notes that it is strange to discuss issues of resolving the crisis without inviting russia to negotiations. more details from elizaveta khramtsova. trying to sum up the results of the summit, which did not lead to any result, the western press did not even focus on the text of the final communication. on who signed it or did not sign it. in particular, turkey, serbia and hungary agreed with the provisions of the document. however, moscow reacted calmly to this, because it is much more important that ankara made a statement at a meeting in switzerland, vladimir putin’s peace proposal is a glimmer of hope. we will, of course, take into
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account the position that these countries have taken, this is important to us, and we will continue to explain our reasoning to them. many of them, and it was widespread. also recorded, and if we talk in general about the effectiveness of this meeting, then of course it tends to zero. moscow's influence was felt even here in bürgenstock, bbc journalists share their impressions. on the same topic, the publication politika writes that the specter of russia is hanging over the conference, and that it will eventually have to be dealt with. this was heard in almost all speeches, it sounded different, some reacted rudely to it, others tried. analyze and take some more constructive position, but one way or another,
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president putin’s words hit the mark, hit the target. the biggest blow for those who expected a diplomatic breakthrough from the swiss conference was the complete failure in working with countries of the global south, primarily the absence of china. the reid agency draws attention to the fact that even the fact that they themselves were removed from the draft document did not help to convince a number of players to sign the final kamenikke. controversial issues and how to find a way forward is unclear. even the french lemont admitted that there was no progress at the conference, and the publication called the final declaration timid. at the same time, notes the new york times, forum participants disagreed on how to interact with russia in the future, given that the settlement process will be affected by the situation on the ground. almost no one raised the question of what kind of ukraine they are going for, what kind of ukraine they are talking about, what kind of strange country this is, where they are generally prohibited. all political parties are opposition, where all media are banned, opposition, where in general
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people can simply be killed for not holding certain views. and even people who sympathize with russia, unnoticed, began to ask the same questions. the deputy head of bilt, paul oronzheimer, who recently returned from independence, gave his colleagues an hour-long interview about how people in ukraine are afraid of mobilization, zelensky is losing support, yarmak’s influence is strengthening, all this against the backdrop of the cancellation of critical elections.
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there is no point in growing nuclear arsenals, he said that the world should not forget that
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nato is a nuclear alliance, it is worth making a reservation here, this is said by the person who previously promoted nato as a peaceful and defensive unification, this is how stoltenberg explains their current actions, that supposedly they have to stay on alert, because this is the only way they will be able to resist russia, china, north korea, which also have nuclear weapons. the secretary general of the alliance added that the united states is modernizing its own. gravity bombs for the nuclear warheads they have deployed in europe, and european allies are upgrading aircraft dedicated to nato's nuclear mission. according to dmitry peskov, however, all these statements are nothing more than escalating tension. i would like to remind you here that when president putin speaks about this issue of military nuclear affairs, he is answering someone else’s questions, questions journalists, including foreign journalists, your colleagues. by the way, this was the last time in st. petersburg, answering a question about the representativeness of reuters, he does not talk about this on
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his own initiative, and he is very attentive to this, what mr. stoltenberg said clearly does not fit into the context of that the same declaration that was adopted on the eve, which was not signed by everyone, which also, if i’m not mistaken, speaks of the inadmissibility of such rhetoric, this is nothing more than another escalation tension. the topic of building up a nuclear arsenal has not been so high on the agenda for a long time. the stockholm international peace research institute published its annual report, which states that nine states have nuclear weapons. let me remind you that these are russia, the usa, china, france, great britain, india, pakistan, israel and north korea. in 2023, they continued to modernize their arsenals, while the number of operationally deployed nuclear weapons increased. so, what is the picture emerging? in count of deployed warheads, the united states is leading this year. 1770. next comes
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russia, with just under 1,710 warheads at the ready. great britain has 100. france has 280 warheads deployed. and what’s most interesting is that china has put nuclear warheads on alert for the first time. as for nuclear weapons in storage, russia is already in first place here - 2,670 warheads. the united states currently has 1,938 warheads in storage . next comes china, the prc currently has 476 warheads in storage, and the uk has 105. and france closes the list, where.
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said that its armed forces can fight not only with nuclear weapons, they can fight in the field of conventional weapons, in ukraine we clearly see this. according to estimates from the same stockholm institute, russia and the united states together continue to possess almost 90% of all nuclear weapons in the world. at the same time, the authors of the report note that over the past 2 years , transparency regarding the nuclear forces of both states has decreased. first of all, this is due to the fact that first russia, and then the states. suspended their participation in bilateral treaty on strategic offensive weapons. however, both the united states and russia are pursuing large-scale programs to modernize and replace their nuclear warheads and nuclear weapons delivery vehicles. however, as we have already noted, all attention is now directed to china. it is in the process of significant modernization, expanding its nuclear arsenal. over
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the past year, the country has increased its nuclear arsenal to 500 warheads. it is expected that china's nuclear stockpile. stoltenberg fears that china's improved nuclear posture will have consequences. the moscow region not only supports the families of the participants in the special operation, but...
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the region of the donetsk region, we, together with federal projects, are implementing all the most important things, schools, kindergartens, everything that is important for life, it’s nice that a large number of people return there, to meeting with the heads of these districts and the governor, we also discussed this. the governor assesses the situation in the regional economy as, quote, “very good.”
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industrial parks are 87% occupied. this means for the implementation of new projects. need to to build more, and work has already begun, the problem of defrauded shareholders has been completely solved , there were 117,000 of them in the region, a separate program is aimed at modernizing housing and communal services, networks and boiler houses must be updated within 5 years, and in the winter, you remember, we helped with a number of issues related to heat supply, and today i also brought a letter, which i consider important to discuss with you, but as for modernization, a.e. housing and communal services, namely heat supply, water supply, otherwise we have a separate large program, the purpose of which is to radically modernize networks and boiler houses over 5 years. and this will affect about 60% of the population, that is, this is a large program of both the regional budget and concessions, mainly gazprom and the federal program also
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helps us here, payments, payments, of course, yes, another task is the development of social infrastructure, a children's hospital is almost completed , 28 profiles, 14 hospital departments, 420 beds, our own clinical diagnostic center, opening is scheduled for july, and here at this table you supported another large clinic that we began to build in balashikha, this is the eastern direction, with a thousand beds, we should commission it at the end of the twenty-seventh, the beginning of the twenty-eighth year, you said about some large healthcare facilities, andreevich, there are always a lot of questions, one of them is, of course, the outpatient department, the possibility of visits, of course it is necessary. the biggest request is for primary care, which is why
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we are renovating and building clinics. many regions today face the problem of a shortage of doctors. to solve this problem, the moscow region introduced incentive payments, especially in the primary link, which, as the president emphasized, is especially important, because the population of the region is growing, and only over the past year it has become more numerous. the holiday season and the development of the tourism industry were discussed at a meeting chaired by mikhail mishustin. the participants highlighted the main directions of transformation of russian tourism. well, of course, we are talking about the construction of hotels, the development of routes and infrastructure. our colleague maria filipova will tell you all the details. russian resorts will open more hotel rooms. for holidaymakers in general domestic tourism this year may exceed the 2023 level in terms of the number of trips. last year, russians traveled around the country more than 80 million times;
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this year, according to forecasts, there will be more than 90 million trips. in the next 6 years, domestic tourism should grow even more noticeably. the president set a goal to increase the annual number of trips to 140 million by 2030. to achieve the goal , the government emphasizes the need to expand and improve infrastructure. including the equipment of cable cars and for those who produce them, measures are provided support. the purchase of a number of goods and equipment for state and municipal needs is carried out according to a special list. this allows companies to receive an advance of at least 80% of the contract price. now manufacturers of passenger and cargo cable cars will have this opportunity. this measure will help organizations that produce similar products increase the volume of working capital faster. increase their capacity, and in general will have a positive impact on their financial and economic condition. tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the russian economy. today it
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contributes almost 3% to total gdp, with a rate that is projected to exceed 5% in the cladesphere by 2030. the main thing is to have somewhere to go, where to stay, and also have all the opportunities to spend time comfortably. do the answers to these questions shape actions to develop the tourism industry? now the government. with regions and businesses, we concentrated efforts and resources on three priorities, this is, first of all , increasing the number of rooms, expanding existing points of attraction, creating new and infrastructure development, the indicator of the share of tourism in the country’s gdp has shown constant growth since the twentieth year, we already see it now at 2.8%. the program for the construction of new hotel rooms has been expanded. this year, more than 9 billion rubles are allocated for construction for the regions. already today, thanks to... the actions of the previous year , 5,000 rooms are ready, by the end of 2024 18,000 will be put into operation. today, vacationers actively use early booking and buy tours on average
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1-3 months in advance. among the routes krasnodar region, where 64% of all bookings are made. also in the top 10 destinations for the summer of 2024 are river cruises in russia, this is dagestan, this is the kaliningrad region, kazan, the altai republic. altai territory, of course, is in the midst of summer holidays for children; numerous tour routes have been organized for them, including historical and patriotic ones to places of military glory. another important area in tourism development is working with personnel. the industry requires more specialists, which means enhanced training in educational institutions. today , about 7.0 budget places are provided for admission to the main tourism specialties; in secondary education institutions - 68,000. wherein. the tourism sector, mikhail mishustin emphasizes, involves interaction with related industries, so for a comfortable holiday it is necessary to develop roads, landscaping and services in
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general. well, it’s summer, the admissions process is in full swing, many are deciding how and where they can study, and most importantly, not only is it getting better interaction, where russian students, schoolchildren and future students can go, and in which country they can even study, but, for example, graduate schools of russian and belarusian universities should be available for admission to citizens of both countries, the speaker of the state duma stated this, chairman of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia vyacheslav volodin. today in minsk he held a meeting of meetings, one of the topics of the meeting was the formation of a common scientific educational space within the union state. i wonder if there will be in belarus to take, for example, the unified state exam? unified state examination, yes, yes, what other ones would be really interesting, considering that belarusians know the russian language very well. our sopkor in minsk, anastasia sokhovskaya, will tell you what other issues were discussed, and what statements were made. from space to
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bio nanotechnology reports on. in the government hour on the topic of science and education, about dozens of joint programs, the strategy of technological development of the union state until the year thirty-fifth, vyacheslav volodin suggests starting with tactics, effective student exchange should be the goal, and university enrollment targeted. we need postgraduate studies at our universities to be available to students from russia and belarus. it is important for us that we have a target set that allows us to complete our staff. with personnel for both enterprises of one country and another country. there are now almost 200 belarusian graduate students in russia. the budget quota has been doubled to 1,300 places. minister of science and higher education valery folkov announces a new form of support for future specialists. belarusian applicants will be able to enter russian universities with the help of educational grants. and we react very flexibly. if we need to increase the quota for postgraduate studies this year, we will do it very quickly. provide opportunities
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to increase budget places for income.
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the recommendations also include the development of general programs to promote family values ​​and, of course, the protection of historical truth. before the start of the meeting, parliamentarians laid flowers at the victory monument in the center of the belarusian capital. this session takes place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the german fascist invaders and of course, many joint projects are associated with this important date; our countries have no differences in their views on the past, and the creation of a single scientific and educational space is the formation of a common future.
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