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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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well, wait, after all , the terrorist azov militants themselves put an extremist rainbow flag on their avatar, here they are strongly against lesbians wearing their chevrons, and why? many of them are beginning to think about what to do when russia. holds victory, and of course, for many of them, this is , first of all, a personal plan of salvation, to move to the west, but here they may face the problem that they will be personally on the entry ban list in order to gain a positive message about such a story , they participate in such dubious organizations at events, and you need to remember that quite recently it was they who boycotted such events. in general, the main thing is that everyone
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posed for the camera and expressed their point of view, and even if it does not coincide with the personal one, for that year in washington, because if it were not for politics, what freedom would there be for the military commissars during the demonstration action in kiev? anastasia ivanova and the fight between toads and vipers. within 24 hours, russian aviation, artillery, missile troops and drone operators hit the 110th cluster area equipment and manpower of the armed forces of ukraine. this data is provided by the ministry of defense, specifying that among the targets were two ammunition depots, an enemy command observation post and a drone control center, and the losses of enemy personnel in various areas of the special operation exceeded 1,700 people in just one day. details in the material by stanislav bernowald. sowing the third way out. fire, the crew
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of the t-72 tank of a motorized rifle formation of a group of forces, the center, with fire from a closed position, is dismantling a strong point of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction. shot high-explosive fragmentation ammunition on target at a distance of 8 km. next, another shooting is carried out along an overhead trajectory with constant fire adjustments by the uav operator conducting aerial reconnaissance in the target area. the objective control data is confirmed by the target. working in conditions where opponents use fpv drones, our guys have to constantly monitor the airspace around the tank, both in place and on the move. while we were moving, a scout most likely noticed us, and then launched. the drone was flying straight at us, but my the driver-mechanic saw it before me, maneuvered it, turned to the right, and the drone just didn’t even touch us, didn’t touch it and just buried itself in the ground and exploded. and this is how our
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crews of multifunctional supersonic fighter-bombers work with the u-34 of the russian aerospace forces. airplanes strike at enemy strongholds and personnel in the zone of responsibility of the west group of troops. fat-500 with a universal planning and adjustment module thanks to this weapon , precise strikes are delivered from a safe distance from the line. having received confirmation from intelligence when the targets are destroyed, the bombers return safely to the departure airfield. crews of the tos-1a heavy flamethrower systems, sanitary units of the tula airborne forces unit, perform missions in the area of ​​a special military operation under cover of darkness. rkhbz and airborne forces specialists deliver crushing blows to the position with 220mm thermobaric shells.
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meanwhile, units of the north group of forces inflicted defeat on manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of volchans glubokaya osenelnikova and liptsy, kharkov region. the successes of our troops are being celebrated in the western direction. there, our guys defeated the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of sheykovka, senkovka, pesky rodkovskaya, druzhelyubovka of the kharkov region and nevskaya - this is the lugansk people's republic. and units of the southern group of troops defeated the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of settlements in katerynivka. alexandra
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shultina and gornyak. in just one day, the armed forces of ukraine lost about 1,700 people wounded and killed, two armored personnel carriers, three pickup trucks, two m777 galubi, a d-20 galubi, etc. immediately replaced four deputy heads of this department, who are responsible for financial issues, the social and housing sector, property and construction management, as well as for the work of the ministerial apparatus. natalya solovyova will tell you who occupied responsible positions and what tasks were set by the president in this regard. personnel changes with the arrival of the new head of the ministry of defense andrei belousov were expected; first of all, they were likely in the financial, economic and social block of the department. in fact, these predictions came true. leonid gornin, who previously held the post of first deputy minister
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of finance of russia and was responsible for budget policy in the field of state military and law enforcement services, as well as state defense procurement, was appointed to the post of first deputy minister of defense. now he will oversee financial support. russian army. leonid gornin is a native of novosibirsk. he has several higher educations. in ninety- seven, he began working in the apparatus of the control audit directorate of the ministry of finance of russia for the novosibirsk region. he occupied position of controller-auditor. in 2010, gornin became head of the regional ministry of finance for tax policy. after 2 years, he moved to moscow, where he took a position as the minister of finance of russia. in 2018, he became the first deputy minister of finance of russia. pavel forotkov. will take the position of deputy minister of defense, he will oversee the management of property, land resources, as well as the construction of facilities for the needs of the department. he was born in moscow in the eighty- first year, graduated from the suvorov military school of the academy of the fsb of russia with a degree in jurisprudence, in 2005 the faculty of world
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economics of the diplomatic academy of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia with a degree in world economics. from the age of 12 he held the position of deputy, head of the federal property management agency, and in 2015 he moved into management. presidential affairs, where he first served as deputy director of affairs, and then as first deputy. another deputy head of the military department, anna tseveleva. she will take on the issue of organizing social and housing support for military personnel, and this is one of main priorities for the renewing ministry of defense, previously identified by andrei belousov. anna tsivileva's task is to bring processes to a new quality level. the work front is familiar to her from her experience in creating and managing a fund. fatherland anna tseveleva from ivanovo graduated from the peoples' friendship university of russia with a degree in healthcare organization and public health and the state university of management with a degree in organizational management. in 208 she headed the council for issues of trusteeship in the social sphere
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of the kemerovo region, and a year later she became a member of the russian government council on issues of trusteeship in the social sphere , then became chairman of the defenders foundation. and oleg savelev, he will also take the position of deputy head of the defense department, but, according to the decree of the head of state, he will also serve as chief of staff of the ministry of defense. until the twenty-fourth year, sovelev was an auditor of the accounts chamber. he was born in leningrad in sixty-five, graduated from the radiophysics department of the leningrad polytechnic institute, then worked as a freelance adviser to the head of the ministry of economic development of russia, and was involved in federal target programs. from 2008 to 2014, he served as deputy minister of economic development, entered the top hundred of the presidential reserve of managerial personnel, from 2014 he served as russian minister for crimean affairs, then for 3 years he worked as deputy chief of staff of the government, from 2018
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he headed the apparatus of the accounts chamber, and year later became an auditor of the accounts chamber. there have been changes in the structure of the ministry of defense, now the head of the department will have 12.
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for example, poles. the swiss conference on ukraine turned out to be a complete fiasco. this assessment of the so-called peace summit was given today in the russian media. as stated by the official representative of the department, maria zakharova, in kiev they tried to present the gathering as a global event, but half of the invitees refused to engage in political tourism. in switzerland, by the way, they are already talking about a second such event, moreover, as stated, it should not take place in europe. well, why didn’t european politicians manage to add points to themselves with help from kiev?
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diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba is already making plans for a new conference, discussing the participation of russian representatives in it. at the same time, the future of this ukrainian format of negotiations remains vague. as reaters notes, no country has officially proposed holding another such meeting. agent seknato stoltenberg is already threatening further escalation before flying to the united states. to meet with biden, he told reporters that the time has come to transfer the alliance's nuclear arsenal.
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european football championship. the situation is unprecedented, our generation is capable of influencing it. the radicals were on the verge of power. “i don’t want to represent a country that does not correspond to our values,” answered the eminent football player, mp from the national union, sebastian shinu, he called on mbappe to be restrained. of our voters are supporters of the french national team, i also like mbapé as a player, but i don’t need anything political from him lessons. he is entitled to his opinion, but i do not expect people who are so far from political reality, who are literally on the sidelines, to give the french any lessons. the national rally is now two weeks before early parliamentary elections, officially the most popular political force in france behind marine lepine's party. 35% are ready to vote, while emmanuel macron’s coalition can only count on 19% of the vote. even
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before the start of the elections, the revival party capitulates, the presidential coalition will not nominate its candidates in sixty constituencies, fearing disastrous results there, and the current president’s participation in the inconclusive summit in switzerland clearly did not add to macron’s political strength popularity among voters. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, european news bureau. the american media have found out that the democratic party has already spent $50 million on election advertising, the essence of which is not so much in recommendations to vote for biden, but in calls not to vote. voice donald trump, but, however, the expensive trade of the main opponent has not yet brought the desired result to the current administration, because according to polls, the electorate is turning away from democrats even in traditionally liberal pennsylvania, and the swing state of iowa is already ready to elect a republican, a report by our staff correspondent in the usa dmitry melnikov. the event of the month for biden, for which he exchanged participation in
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the conference on ukraine, was this evening at the peacock theater in los angeles, where barack watched. and barack obama, who realized it too late i have to take biden by the hand, patting him on the shoulder, and lead him off the stage. explaining biden's confusion is his team's daily task. now white house deputy press secretary andrew bates is blaming spiteful critics for
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bias. this was not a hangover from the president, but a demonstration of confident leadership. by pretending that a president who... looked around the cheering crowd for a few seconds is somehow wrong, they admit that they cannot accept a leader who promotes economic growth and reduces violent crime. youngest on 3 years old, celebrating his 78th birthday, convicted but not broken, trump is leading his election rally across america in michigan. the traditionally democratic great lakes state could be a deciding vote in november. at a local church, trump meets with blacks from
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detroit. trump criticizes biden for the green agenda within the united states for the administration’s helplessness on the external contour. according to trump, biden is respected today only in kiev, which is irrevocably hooked on the needle of american financing. i think that zelensky may be the greatest huckster of all politicians who ever lived. every time he comes to our country, he leaves with $60 billion. so far it’s a warning, but more and more often trump is calling for it. his supporters are preparing to defend the results of the upcoming elections; the republican candidate does not explain how this could happen, but he is not going to give up victory. radical left democrats rigged the 2020 presidential election, and we won't let them do the same in 2024. meanwhile, less than two weeks remain until the main political show
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of the season, the biden-trump election debate. 90 minutes standing on the podium with two breaks for advertising, recordings and cheat sheets. are allowed, but there are no teleprompters; the first round of debates on june 27 may become the last test for biden. if he continues to behave in the same way as at the g-7 summit, then i think we will have a new candidate for election from the democratic party. it is unknown what the democrats are counting on when letting biden debate with trump, whether it is pharmacology that will allow him survive for an hour and a half live, or for good luck, thanks... places on the podium and the order of performance of candidates are determined by lot, that is, tossing a coin. everything else is in the hands of biden and trump themselves. americans will have to see the presidential candidates unvarnished in their natural state. dmitry
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melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. waged a secret campaign to discredit china's anti-covid measures, hundreds of bots on social networks criticized chinese western journalists found out that the pentagon was conducting tests, vaccine masks, and was also purposefully working against the russian satellite. with details anna voronina. while the whole world was fighting the pandemic, the states were fighting the russian and chinese ones. the us and contractors used anonymous social media accounts to spread what became
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an anti-vaccine message. as part of twitter's internal investigation, researchers used ip addresses and browser data to identify more than 150 fake accounts that were managed from tampa by us central command and its contractors. the philippines chose disinformation bombs because of its anti-american rhetoric under duterte and china's growing influence in the muslim region. rumors spread across the networks about the use of pork gelatin in the chinese vaccine and about its ineffectiveness. the result is not only the refusal of residents to get vaccinated from china, but also the reluctance to get vaccinated in principle. of 114 million citizens , only 2 million decided to protect themselves from covid, but the health pentagon citizens of another country cared little. we haven't looked at it from a perspective. public health, we thought about how we could denigrate china. having processed the filipino audience, the pentagon spread to other countries, spreading disinformation in the middle east, southeast and
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central asia, including targeting russian-speaking audiences. then the russian vaccine sputnik v was attacked. the russian direct investment fund then recorded over 300 attacks, just to disrupt the vaccination program and prevent the satellite from being used. external markets. russia responded to the fake with confirmed research data. we were able, together with scientists, to focus on publishing the results of the sputnik vaccine in more than 50 leading journals that proved the safety and effectiveness of our vaccine, as well as the fact that the results of the activity and use of the vaccine in countries such as hungary, argentina, the united arab the emirates showed the best results, hundreds of thousands of people who used the vaccine, it was this joint effort allowed...
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information was released through the western media that hackers associated with russia allegedly tried to steal data on the development of a vaccine from the usa, great britain and canada, and the formula for sputnik v itself was stolen from astrazeneca, the same one that the company eventually removed from sale due to complications. in the form of thrombosis, no such problems arose with the russian vaccine, which was supplied to 71 countries. to date, officially published reviews about the safety and effectiveness of this drug will put it in first place, even in those countries where the circulation of not only sputnik v, but also other drugs was simultaneously permitted, these are astrazenesa, and moderna, and, accordingly, and fizer it came to the point that from the territory of italy the border of san marin, as we understand it, to me it was difficult to cross, yes, and they were vaccinated with sputnik v
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already on the territory of san marin. however, the harm from the american vaccine and disinformation from the pentagon is only a side effect of washington’s race to maintain its hegemony. for the usa, this question was, firstly, geopolitical, yes, because, well, as it were, the more countries bought russian. chinese vaccines, the closer their relationship would be, and with moscow and beijing, accordingly, this could create some problems for the american presence in certain markets, not to mention, of course, lobbying the interests of big pharma, which is, although it is not directly related to the pentagon, i fully admit that some unofficial connections may also be present there. however, what else can you expect from the authorities of a country that has deceived the world scale with a test tube at a meeting of the un security council to justify their invasion. so the journalists conclude: the pentagon will continue its work on disinformation only to undermine the positions of china and russia. anna voronina, olga alvukhina,
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lead. russian and belarusian deputies were not given visas to participate in the osce parliamentary assembly for fear of hearing the truth. this opinion was expressed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin, commenting on the scandalous decision of the romanian authorities. he emphasized that they were unprepared for real dialogue. the situation with the osce was discussed in minsk at a parliamentary session. meeting of the union of belarus and russia, what real cooperation looks like in the report by anastasia sokhovskaya. from space to bio-nanotechnologies, reports at the government hour on the topic of science and education, about dozens of joint programs, the strategy of technological development of the union state until the year thirty-fifth, vyacheslav volodin suggests starting with tactics: effective exchange of students should be the goal, enrollment in universities should be the target. we need postgraduate courses at our universities to be available to students from... belarus, it is important for us that our target recruitment allows us to be
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staffed, as... bryansk, smolensk, pskov are located in the adjacent territories, right, colleagues? border arteks vyacheslav volodin proposes to create youth camps for schoolchildren in neighboring regions and include them in the budget of the union state. seminars for teachers could also be held there. this is a question for the minister of education sergei krovtsov. there are plans for an association of colleges of the two countries. russia will share its digital experience. the “my school” system will become available to belarusians. and we decided that within the framework
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of the union state it would be free of charge. everything, but we need to do everything possible to ensure that the teacher communicates directly with the parent, with the student, and not in chats, this happens, a platform for scientific breakthroughs, at the proposal of the secretary of state of the union state, parliamentarians supported the creation of a network university of high technologies in minsk, this research, including in the field of defense and integrated security, also in recommendations... development of general programs for propaganda of family values ​​and, of course, defense of historical truth. before the start of the meeting, parliamentarians laid flowers at the victory monument in the center of the belarusian capital. this session is taking place on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders, and of course, many joint projects related to this important date, our countries have no differences in their views on the past, on the creation of a single scientific and educational space, this is the formation of a common future. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander
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