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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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subscribe, also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our episode is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. a sudden blow, a masterly retreat, another blow. this is how a special forces unit operates in the ukrainian rear. why are these pros not afraid of either drones or artillery? nato took up the nuclear club after peaceful proposals from moscow. alliance secretary general jens stoltenberg threatens to put warheads on alert. how many of them does the west have and is it good?
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made from body bags, and that the ukrainian armed forces have nothing better than the technology of the last century, terrorist kasparov, foreign agent khodorkovsky, they are gathering an army of haters of russia, they will issue passports to pro-ukrainian russophobes, who are they planning?
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edge, in the rear of the kyiv regime. we are talking, as is already clear, about army special forces; its task force apparently successfully completed a certain task, managing to catch the enemy in was taken aback, and then made a stop in a forest plantation, waiting for the right moment to retreat to her own. however, after a few seconds the guys had to improvise, since the approximate area of ​​their location, it seems, had become known to the ukrainian formation. here in front of us, lie down, there is amazing cold-bloodedness and restraint on your face, because the fighters had some moments at their disposal to change position and find cover from an enemy projectile flying towards them, and most importantly, after one blow, the enemy himself did not calm down and made a lot more efforts for hunt for russian specialists, but never achieved success, anton potkovenko will confirm. they
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seriously annoyed the ukrainian armed forces, since they used both drones and artillery to prevent the special forces of the north group of troops from leaving after a successfully completed combat mission, but nothing can take our soldiers. the enemy used not only reconnaissance drones, but also attack drones. hear the piercing howl of the screws, which makes your teeth ache. our fighters move, please note, not even in dashes, but short transitions, as soon as the drone’s temple is heard, they freeze under a tree, the foliage hides it from the enemy’s eyes. in the forest, such a feature is that when you move, they see you, when you stop, especially if you are in camouflage, they no longer see you, especially there... viewing
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is done through optics on these drones that are buzzing above their heads , and the optics, as a rule, are not of very high quality, they quietly entered there, as they say, on soft paws, so they should also calmly leave, they ran , stood up, lay down, that is, everything is controlled, guys are prepared, i had such a situation, a dog chased me for about a minute and a half, i ran like this, and she flew after me, when... drones are sometimes called dogs at the front, not only birds, but also dogs, because that they are prowling, looking for and adjusting the fire of guns and mortars, they hit our group seriously, but hardly with precision, because try to track these pros among the birches, they either run, then walk, then rush to the ground, then sit down, knowing that the arrival will be nearby and we need to wait out the blow.
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what a calm voiceover, that's it cold-blooded, but they are dry. they didn’t spare shells, ours thoroughly finished them off. the specialists were with ghouls, this russian drone is not afraid of enemy electronic interception, it is ideal for targeted strikes on the enemy’s military infrastructure, including in the rear. the tower with video cameras and antennas left a wet spot. in a modern war, sabotage actions behind enemy lines on our part are the guarantee and basis of victory. and the more sabotage groups work against enemy infrastructure facilities, weapons depots, communications, the easier it is for other guys to fight on all sectors of the front. the tasks of the guys from special forces units are often not advertised as particularly important, while one operation can
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change the situation on an entire section of the front. destroys some objects that are difficult to fire from artillery there; they conduct reconnaissance. area, they go out there, let’s say, a parking lot has been discovered here, it seems like enemy armored vehicles, and there are dummies standing there, why are you wasting ammunition or vice versa, he goes out and finds out, these are definitely armored vehicles, they can go on a search, the actions are aimed at capturing the language, they can go behind enemy lines and join the wired communication system there, they listen carefully to what the enemy is saying, careful, skillful, experienced warriors, after their raid the enemy, as a rule... is oriented in panic and no matter how much he shoots after him, the spokes will still return to strike again. well, there’s also news from the kharkov direction: up to 300 ukrainian armed forces militants were killed there within 24 hours, the fighters of our northern group, in turn, improved the situation the leading edge. in addition, more than 400
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enemy personnel were eliminated by military personnel from the western group, and the central unit, meanwhile, occupied more advantageous positions in the avdeevsky sector, where the kiev regime lost another one. report by pavel prokopenko: we communicate very well with her, for example, little sweet, come on, don’t let us down normally, we’ll do everything. with the getsint s gun you really need to find a common language, the weapon and its crew are a single impact mechanism. there are high-explosive fragmentation shells in the cellar. the sun is shining, no dust or dirt, the shooting accuracy can be determined by the slightest grain of sand, prepare the cartridge case well, that is, clean, neat, so that there is nothing there, there is nothing in the barrel itself, that is, clean the wedge, from the magazine to the gun the loader makes about 40 trips per
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day, such work, if we were not there, the infantry would not have been able to cope without us, no assault, they would not have happened without us, as they say, artillery is the gods of war and... and we correspond to this sight 509 level 0 421 high-explosive fragmentation charge charge full gun commander writes down coordinates in a notebook more reliably than all phones; everything else now fires at a maximum range of almost 30 km and this is daily constant work; the goal is the enemy's weapons depot; accuracy from the first shot is how our tank gunners always work. he prevented our motorized rifle troops from getting forward, the first shots were fired at him, the artillerymen of the center grouping of troops are moving the front away from avdievka, at first they fired on small sights, with reduced charges, now they have switched to full and bigger scopes, what does this mean?
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means that they are leaving, we are pushing them away, at the artillerymen’s positions the kettle has been boiling at home for a long time, just in time, the fruits have begun in the neighboring garden, we can’t help but share little joys, summer work, cherries, juicy, ripe, delicious, rare moments rest until the new command for battle. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, lead: donetsk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. this is nothing more than another escalation tension. that's it, short and clear. dmitry peskov today commented on the statement of jens stoltenberg, who a little earlier decided to speculate about. nuclear potential of nato, and moreover, seriously admitted that the latter could be put on alert, according to the secretary general of the north atlantic bloc, this is due to the allegedly provocative behavior of russia, china and north korea, they say, a world where moscow, beijing and phinyan have appropriate weapons,
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is not safe enough, which means the alliance should be reminded about his capabilities, but the truth is that the logic is not very clear, because as peskov rightly noted, vladimir putin never... starts a conversation about weapons of mass destruction on his own initiative and raises such topics only when answering questions from journalists, therefore, to an outright provocation or even an unambiguous threat are much more similar. the leader literally 10 days ago said that there is no need to use nuclear weapons, and
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in general this quote, perhaps in exceptional cases, but stoltenberg did not seem to hear, nato must, he said, send a direct message to its adversaries. these are essentially the results of the so-called peace summit in switzerland and the meeting of leaders of the family group countries in italy, escalation and confrontation, instead of discussing the terms of the truce in ukraine, which the russian president spoke about during his speech. the usa, britain and france, and even paris does not provide its arsenal to its allies, but
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if you count by the number of warheads, virtually everything is concentrated in the hands of washington, although russia has more warheads, but how many can the alliance really put into a state of readiness, london has only 40 warheads, the british telegraph itself has calculated that the us has less than half of its reserves, so the key issue here is not quantity, but quality, but stoltenberg is bashfully silent about it, first of all he states about ' and that's what's important: this the states deploy nuclear weapons in europe, about 150 bombs each
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with a yield of 18 megatons at six military air bases. germany, belgium, the netherlands, turkey, two bases in italy. this dislocation was discovered five years ago, allegedly by accident, in a report on nuclear deterrence, containment, of course, of russia. well, these are the secrets stoltenberg has now spilled. quote: in the face of an increased threat from moscow, the united states is their european counterpart. the allies are modernizing their nuclear arsenal, these are the same bombs in europe and the planes that will carry them just to the east. it is western countries that have always been the initiators of the nuclear arms race. in particular, the united states practically destroyed the nuclear deterrent system that was created during the period of détente, sequentially, withdrawing from one after another of all the most important, significant agreements, it is precisely in the doctrine of the united states,
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unlike russia, that the preventive use of nuclear weapons is possible at any moment convenient for the united states, and washington flaunts this in every possible way, regularly launching minuteman-3 intercontinental ballistic missiles. the last one was at the beginning of this month, before testing, but the only difference is that the missile was not equipped with a combat charge. london cannot cope without us nuclear forces. military experts for the united kingdom, the nato secretary general flatters the british, he makes a quote: he places a special stake in his nuclear threats to russia, but clearly does not calculate all the consequences. but the english press itself recently wrote: only 6 minutes are enough to wipe foggy albion off the face of the earth. the armat missile system with nuclear warheads, which nato fearfully calls satan, is capable of this. washington and new york are also in its affected area. well, russian torpedoes with nuclear ammunition. poseidon could cause a devastating tsunami off the british coast. the anglo-saxons risk simply drowning in
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the waves that provoke their own rage. the collective west cannot cope with russia by any means of destroying our country, not destroying the economy, not inflicting military defeat. the attempt to imagine that russia is in some kind of isolation completely failed, just as, by the way, the last series of sanctions failed. what's in this case? only this kind of threat remains, russia is ready to respond to western threats, here is footage of exercises as part of the increase readiness of our non-strategic nuclear forces, the complexes are involved there. and a hypersonic dagger, which is installed on domestic fighters, so nato’s hawkish rhetoric towards moscow is not a demonstration of military strength, but rather of its political impotence. within 24 hours , russian aviation, artillery, missile troops and drone operators hit the 110th area where military equipment and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces were concentrated. this data is provided by the ministry of defense,
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specifying that among the targets were two ammunition depots of the enemy command and observation station drone control point and center. well, in... areas of the special operation in just one day they exceeded 1,700 people, details in the material by stanislav bernvaldai exit, the crew of a tank of enemy personnel on various t-72 motorized rifle formations of a group of troops, the center is dismantling a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction with fire from a closed position. a shot of high-explosive fragmentation ammunition at a target at a distance of 8 km another shooting is carried out along an overhead trajectory with constant fire adjustment by the operator of a uav conducting aerial reconnaissance in the area finding the goal. objective control data confirms the target was hit. working in conditions where opponents use fpv drones, our guys have to constantly monitor the airspace around the tank, both in place and on the move. while we were moving,
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a scout most likely noticed us, after which he launched the fipvedron. he was flying straight at us, but my mechanic. russian aerospace forces, aircraft strike at enemy strongholds and manpower in the zone of responsibility of the west group of forces. fad-500 with a universal planning module and adjustments, thanks to these weapons , precise strikes are carried out from a safe distance from the line of combat contact, having received confirmation from intelligence that the targets have been destroyed, the bombers return safely to the departure airfield. crews
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of heavy flamethrower systems tos-1a, sontsepeg of the tula formation of airborne troops under cover. nights they perform tasks in the zone of a special military operation. rkhbz and airborne forces specialists deliver crushing blows with 220mm thermobaric shells to ukrainian armed forces positions in the solidar area, burning out their buried shelters, observation and strongholds, ammunition caches and artillery positions. inflicting defeat as a complete package, i think, doesn’t think anything after that, because the impact comes, like, uh. high-temperature field, so high pressure, when a projectile ruptures, excess pressure is created, which penetrates literally into every crack, and then high temperature enters. meanwhile, units of the sever grouping of forces inflicted defeat on manpower and equipment in the areas of settlements volchansk, glubokaya, senelnikovo and liptsy, kharkov region. the successes of our troops are noted in
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the western direction, where our guys defeated the formation of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of sheykovka settlements. sinkovka, pesky rodkovskaya, druzhelyubovka of the kharkov region and nevskaya are the lugansk people's republic. and a unit of the southern group of troops defeated the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of katerynivka, alexandra, shultino and gornyak. in just one day, the armed forces of ukraine lost about 1,700 people wounded and killed, two armored personnel carriers, three pickup trucks, two m777 howitzers, a d-20 and d-30 howitzer. two enemy ammunition depots were also destroyed. stanislav bernwald, news. tied to a huge black bag, firstly, a bottle of water, and secondly, strange structures in the form of a polygon made of materials like foil, which gives it shine, at least when the sun is shining in the sky, all this is a curious trophy obtained by our by the military at one of the special operation sites, well, here is the eloquent reaction of the soldiers themselves, who
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, presumably, have not yet encountered anything like this, so they shot down such a fuck. tied to a bottle of ukropovskaya prozora, obolon company, slightly spoiled, was on such a hefty explosive package, explosive package, garbage bag, but on the one hand, almost everyone who more or less closely follows the news of the zone without difficulty recognizes the homemade balloon assembled by ukrainian militants literally out of garbage, because the military personnel have not... repeatedly launched such devices towards russian positions, but at the same time they were previously loaded mainly with explosives, using them as a primitive analogue drones, there is nothing like... apparently not noticed, so it’s time to find out what the enemy wanted to achieve, in fact, evgeniy teshkovets found out. the
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closer the collapse of the kiev regime is, the more primitive the military technology in the ssu is. ukrvayak are again trying to conduct 21st century warfare with the help of natural garbage. another enemy balloon is being inspected by the russian military, a ball presumably from a bag for dead brothers-in-arms, a load for... balance and some kind of device as a payload, at first glance, something futuristic on the second and third primitive decoy for air defense. during the vietnam war, the us air force dropped corner chaffs so that the air defense system would be distracted by these corner chaffs and take their hostage targets and destroy them, thereby using up their missile ammunition. and calculating the locations of missile systems. so, several quadrangles, apparently made of fiberglass, are connected to each other and covered with foil. each side of this figure
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is a corner reflector. in technology, this is the name for a device made of plates folded at right angles; no matter how light or any other radiation falls on it, it will always be reflected back towards the source. the purpose of corner reflectors is to be. noticeable, even in the dark, it seems to the observer that they are shining brightly, this is the basis of the principles of operation, for example, reflectors or reflective elements on clothing, corner reflectors, they come in several types, including in the form of an octahedron, tetrahedron, for which they are used to reflect radio waves, optical waves, infrared radiation, in general, a variety of types of radiation. are used, on the one hand they are used, if you put them on some buoys, on lighthouses, on boats,
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then you can measure the distance to certain objects by the reflection of these waves. imagine how such a device will shine on powerful air defense radars, taking into account the artificially increased albedo, and the reflectivity of the foil can exceed 90%, an octaider, less than a meter in size, will emit light like... a cruise missile or even an airplane. this is clearly the enemy's plan. force our air defense to respond to the threat and intercept the target, thereby exposing our positions and wasting ammunition. true, the ukrainians did not take into account something. more than half a century has passed since the vietnam conflict and technology has stepped forward. this is an ancient way of using ulak reflectors, dipal reflectors. methods and methods of combating at... radiation stations , station operating modes are established based on dipole reflectors, according to corner reflectors, which carry out selection by speed, by reflective power
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, and so on, there are many ways and methods. it must be said that this is not the first time that such decoys have been used in the northern defense zone; they have already reached our fighters before. this implies, firstly, the assumption that russian air defense systems have probably... received software updates that reduce zero efficiency of reflectors, and secondly, the question is that the vso no longer has anything more modern, and where, for example, are nato missiles, decoy molds, created for the same targets, that reflectors, they have run out or have proven to be ineffective, but what about ordinary drones, to which our air defense systems also have to respond, is it really easier to spend time cutting out geometric shapes than to send a couple towards the enemy... was it or were they in mtr is also unaffordable? the fact that there are a lot of them , there is a lot of evidence of the use of these corner reflectors, which are made in a handicraft way, this suggests
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that, by and large, it means industry, it either gives a high price western industry in order to supply the apu, or people are doing this, that is, the so-called weapons harrows, which actually increase the price of this... type of interference, but not even twice, six times. i will add that even with outdated technologies, the ukrainian armed forces fight like terrorists. this is a photo of one of the broken balls in the owl zone. the payload is a brightly colored plush toy filled with explosives. the armed forces of ukraine planned to kill with its help, obviously not military personnel. no matter what century the weapons of ideological nazis were from, the cruelty of they are always cave-like. but let's get back to the sweets. operation, the enemy again suffered serious losses in the north of the dpr in the zone of responsibility of the southern group of our troops; over the past day, up to 535 people of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as two armored personnel carriers, five howitzers, and a couple of
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large warehouses were destroyed. ammunition, as for the southern donetsk sector, the units of the eastern group working there repelled two enemy counterattacks and continued to build on the success achieved during the liberation of staromaisky, staromaisky. by the way, today spectacular footage of the assault on this settlement appeared, which sergei samokha will show. bro, don’t stop, the mortar is coming, run forward. this footage of advanced assault troops entering staromaiskaya does not save. pace under heavy enemy fire, fighters from primorye need to overcome an open area. and ahead of us is the enemy’s deeply entrenched defense. our soldiers prepared for a successful assault on the fortification for several months; for this operation, a copy of the settlement was built at the training ground. we have it right here it was exactly like a barrel, the same trench, well , all the positions, i mean, there were also houses
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that had to be taken, we mean. we were preparing specifically, specifically for the assault on starmay. as a result, in just one day, the primortsy attack aircraft advanced several kilometers; such success is associated with well-thought-out tactics with new methods. the first is that motor vehicles were used to gain mobility and take advantage of the surprise factor, and this played its role very well. the enemy simply did not have time to react. some assault troops on motorcycles literally. broke into the ukrainian trenches, already in the first wave they managed to capture half of the strategically important settlement in the yuzhnodonetsk direction, then the confrontation began for the northern part of staromayorsky, here the tankers of the vostok group played an important role. the following method of attack was used, like landing on tanks; specifically , four attack aircraft were sitting on my car, who, accordingly , rode with me to the very northern
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outskirts and landed there. on the outskirts of staromayorsky there was a nationalist aidar battalion. the russian flag is already flying over staromayorsky, now new forces will be sent to this direction. now staromaiskaya has been completely cleared of the enemy, but the settlement is under constant fire pressure from the ukrainian armed forces. the task of our attack aircraft is to gain a foothold in the village. the loss of staromaysky for the ukrainian armed forces is a huge
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hole. in defense on a large section of the front. sergey samokh, oleg sokholshchuk, lead. on f-16 fighters, which the west intends to convey to ukraine, nato pilots will fly. this reservation was made by the organization's secretary general jens stoltenberg, speaking in washington. he corrected himself, but immediately called the ukrainian air force nato aviation. the transfer of f-16 aircraft to ukraine will make the future of the nato air force, that is , ukraine, fully compatible. that is, those prepared by nato, as well as all the procedures of our alliance. military experts do not rule out that the secretary general of the alliance made a mistake, blurted out the truth and then came to his senses. experts indicated that to confidently pilot nato fighters, you need to learn at least 3 years, and the ukrainians will be allowed to watch the helm for only a few months, so
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the west will probably fight with the russian pilots.” this loan is just a hit, only everything in combankets, sobkombank is not just a loan, a hit, when you live at x2 speed without sparing your stomach, without patalen duo from more bloating, you are not alone, us duspatalindu.


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