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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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a lot of news, interesting news, serious, big personnel changes in the ministry of defense, the new minister of defense thanked the team that has worked for many years, but now changes are happening, it is necessary to include the ministry of defense with all the needs with...
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fortunately they began to lay it under sergei kozhugetovich, when they paid attention to the needs of military personnel, and now it will be possible to raise this to an even greater height, taking advantage, in particular, of the opportunities that the state now has more, accumulated experience, but the most important thing is to hear from everyone at the front, so there is continuity, there is consistency, new horizons are clear, and what is very important is that the team is being updated in a civilized manner. this
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is fundamental, it seems to me, a point that should always be taken into account, leonid gornin was appointed to the post of first deputy minister of defense, he previously worked as deputy minister of finance, he is also the person who was the first deputy minister of finance, anna tsovileva and pavel frodkov, deputy ministers , oleg soveliev, by presidential decree appointed to the post of deputy minister of defense, chief of staff of the ministry of defense, he is well known. in the crimea, the accounts chamber, and now there will be 12 deputies of defense, and the army, the army should and is the best army in the world, therefore it should fight with the best, most progressive, modern weapons, and the military should know that the country loves them, as vladimir said vladimirovich at meetings with participants in the program time of heroes, we love you and people should know this. understand,
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we will not leave anyone, we will be with you in grief and in joys, wounds, not wounds, you and i, military personnel, must receive dignity, must be provided with all the most modern, necessary social packages. meanwhile, the enemy is gnashing his teeth, i personally have great joy, i was afraid that kalass would suddenly disappear from the political arena. but kaya callas now doesn’t know how to lie further, she said that the evil russians are preventing her appointment to nato, but it turns out that instead of the fool barelli, the fool kallos will come, and the evil russians do not interfere with this, and for us, of course , it’s a great pleasure, because now there will be no illusions of communicating with cretins, that is, they appointed this chronic fool, by the way, it should be noted from the soviet nobility, she was embarrassed to admit it, but her dad was big...
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there is no reason for that, they took it away, they say, no, this is not theft, this is not, this is, investments have reached their limit, this is what it means, here you can translate it into russian, that is, you come to the bank, they tell you: no, you understand, your investments have already reached your limit, so cash
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of course lie, but the money belongs to the bank, because the bank doesn’t like you, janet, how could you live to such an advanced age and be so out of your mind, what are you doing? how's grandpa ? well, i understand when obama grabs biden by the hand and says: grandpa, let’s get out of here, quickly leave, you can’t look at this anymore, leave immediately, leave here! look, obama turned around once, realized that it was hard for him, turned around a second time, was already afraid that someone would throw a basketball to him, found everyone, and baydon froze, they came, and just think about it, yes, they take a person by the hand and lead him away. from the stage, that is the grandfather is self-propelled, but guided, moreover , the grandfather comes to life, he has common sense only when he is offered ice cream, this is where his true character really manifests itself, he loves ice cream, i
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heard that you like ice cream, i love ice cream, i would be glad , that you ever tried my ice cream, i'm the most boring president of america, i'm known for my glasses and... for 34 felonies, found guilty of sexual assault and financial fraud. meanwhile, joe biden is working, reducing health care costs are forcing large corporations to pay their fair share. in this election, you will choose between a convicted criminal who is
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only looking out for his own interests and a president who is fighting for your family. i'm joe biden and i endorse this message.
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that the laws of the territory, what happened, westerners, you lying brutes, what
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happened to you, by the way, don’t tell us anymore about values, this is crying at the wall, how is this possible, please explain to me, a gay pride parade was held in jerusalem right next to the walls of the old one. for it is said in the scripture: a man will not lie with a man as with a woman, both will be put to death, their blood will be on them, if now there are gay parades in the holy land, then i have a question, thereby israel is signing that itself... based on from
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religious texts, and not international law, let me note what you are doing, what are you doing, are you desecrating three auromaist religions in one go? what do you want to say about values? are you asking why we look at you like that? well, the icing on the cake. as i read in the dilitant's notes, the pechersk court today awarded, canceled three goals of the romanian national team, awarded the victory to the ukrainian national team, because there is no other way, the europeans are coming, the romanian fans, despite the position of official romania, are shouting at...
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well, switzerland, i don’t understand why this happened voting, that is, in my opinion, this is a big mistake, the serbian fans do not let us down in german, before the match with england, i think that we need to listen.
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it is important to unite all efforts to protect ukraine, if russia does not agree to the conditions, we will force them to surrender. we need set the terms for this discussion. peace in ukraine does not mean that ukraine should surrender, as putin believes, it will not happen. but here’s what she actually said: defending ukraine means defending a system of rules that unites. the international community protects every nation, if ukraine
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could not count on our support, so it was forced to surrender, today we would not be here to discuss the minimum terms of negotiations, we would only be discussing an invasion of a sovereign state, all of us we can imagine the consequences, dear colleagues, peace does not mean capitulation,
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the owner has given some guarantees of security, but they definitely do not care for their people, this is simply evident in fact, when we talk about escalation today, that escalation is underway in the military, it is happening on all fronts , in the information front, in the economic, financial, this is happening everywhere, again some kind of package of sanctions, again some kind of bad panic, here we have a dollar for 200 rubles bought by a crazy person, they also found it, frankly speaking, there are people like that too, unfortunately, none of my friends,
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i’m really looking forward to the autumn summit of our brix in kazan, at which i still very much hope that a currency will appear in which the dollar will practically be of no use to us, this will be such a significant breakthrough , in my deep opinion, if you want, victory, victory, because then everything will play out completely differently, and after all, today the people of the country are striving for brich, they are coming, someone has already entered the breeze, someone is a candidate, someone... then... he plans to join there, in the states and in the satellites, the world has not come together, this is not the case in essence, and the economic moment, probably today is as key as a military victory on the battlefield, this cannot be avoided. the second point that today, of course, should be noted is the upcoming
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visit of our president to the democratic people's republic of korea, vietnam, they have no luck. so they tell me, well, guys, let’s tell the truth, today the situation that happened in russia happened, yes, these are the countries that they didn’t turn around to ask us, they are ready to cooperate, why did the americans annoy them themselves, it doesn’t seem like much, well , this is probably where we will end up, yes, yes, yes, probably not only me, we are all waiting for such breakthrough results from this visit, i am very grateful to the korean leader. people's democratic republic, we have gathered and we understand why and how, there are no small people here, we must give him his due, everyone is responsible for their word, i know, i was in the seaside, that now interaction with the dprk is immediately developing, uh, on present day to modernize those railway lines, the ports are being modernized, even our children from the primorye region would go on holiday to a pioneer camp in
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the korean people's democratic party. i would be happy to go to that too, i find it interesting, because that's where all this is set up, and i would interview the leader. yes, that is, this moment is so key, therefore the vector of development that is given to our presidents today, namely international relations, it is probably the most correct, and let’s be frank without much squealing, noise and noise, however, yes, they entered there we were entering switzerland, the boss came out in the middle, the whole thing was sorted out in 3 minutes, everyone wrapped up like this, like standing ones, yes, well, that’s how it happened, in fact, today’s appointment of the deputy minister.
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this is all the pain, the key word is pain, that people have accumulated and which, unfortunately, is not being solved, these problems of the system, well, we talked about the people in the units, yes, which should control the fact that these certificates are all bureaucracy, which tied, why? yes, because this is not done locally, it is all done through the centralized system is alushta, there is no booby in the trenches, i assure you, there is none, it will not fit in there in any way, this is why all the delays are happening, today the system itself needs to be changed, that is, the problem is systemic, it is not just like that, the second point is that they gave they... soveleva this is housing provision, that is, a separate topic, but in the twelfth year we did not have a problem with housing for life, in fact, at that time it was closed, and so abruptly for... it was closed that it was not closed during the soviet era could, but unfortunately, today we already have a waiting list for payment of compensation for housing that is 7 years old, today we
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only get it for the seventeenth year, this problem is one of the most serious, because people quit, of course those who have already been fired, those who are in the process of he retired there due to illness, injury, disability there, everything else, and of course, people need to live somewhere, this is perfectly understandable, this is the key point that today, during the introduction... of hostilities, of course, must be decided, these moments, third, well, we here they talked about drones, there they really tried to cheerfully press us on this issue, well, look, the meeting of assistant chief of staff alexei dyumin, and with the minister of defense, and the first question was what, drones, today it’s not just a marker, but feedback. enterprises that produce today, the first, most important task, which, as far as i know, has been set, is the complete, complete 100% localization of all processes so that it can be
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assembled, and according to the nomenclature, that is modular type, that is, the engines should be like this, like this, like this, there could be 3, 4, 8, 10, 12 of them, any payload, speed , everything else, the second point, which is extremely important today, let’s tell the truth, today an unmanned fighter aircraft, it is in full swing and this... he is a permanent member of our defense committee, because
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he knows all the issues related to the defense budget intimately, we literally a week ago met there to discuss some adjustments, that is , he is the one responsible for the ministry of finance supervised, he didn’t give him he simply supervises, he knows these numbers inside out, that’s what needs to be given to any question , an immediate answer, and in numbers, in dates, in time, what, where, when, full understanding, it’s they who determined the money, now her task is more like this here... it’s complicated, that is, what has already been given down to every little detail in order for this business to go well, well, fifth, we probably need today, that’s what we said, decentralization of supplies, remember, yes, after all, to this needs to be done in a small nomenclature, what is especially in demand today, unmanned aerial vehicles, thermal imagers, yes, sights, here's the rap system, and in transbaikalia our guys literally tested trench rap a week ago, they've already played it this way and that, but for 200 closer than 200 m the drone into this fp drone, what? doesn’t fit, that is , it worked, the guys have been sitting for about six months, designing, they succeeded, i say that it worked, they will probably swear at me, but i’ll tell you, yesterday i was at my friend’s, he
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holds a very important position there , well, in the field of defense industry, and he shows me a development that was done on his own initiative and which is in great demand troops moscow, moscow, but what is very important is the fight with the reb, two types, well, let's put it this way. products, one works from one and a half to 3 km, the second there is 600-900 m, but what is very important is a cheap warhead, that is, the second one generally works at 12.7, excellent, but is combined with shooting capabilities, tracking, target acquisition, then yes, it costs a penny, but as object protection and as trench air defense it works perfectly, so you have to take it all into account, well , the first product is of a different caliber, the second product is 12.7, but... easy, simple, efficient, scalable, and solves problems. the most important thing for us now is to completely cover the enterprise, but i’ll tell you more about the reb, i fly often, especially
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towards the east, i don’t fly much from other directions, but well, because you don’t listen to bomber aircraft, if only you would fly in that direction, they would fly to the side, westerner, but nevertheless, if you fly from moscow and you turn on your navitel, i... i beg you, it will show you either somewhere near rostov-yaroslavsky or in the zhiguli mountains, well, definitely not where you are, this time of the st. petersburg forum i decided to run, it turned out i ran away, ran from helsinki, finished in obi, yes, yes, yes, yes, it’s true, that is, the system works if you want, but today it’s necessary there in the trench, to finish this thing off, these are the moments i wanted to highlight today, and it’s interesting that now the enemy is pressing. there the enemy is trying to do whatever he wants, but i contacted our guys in the north, that is, of course, the baltic warriors
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work wonders, that is... they repulse the attack behind the attack, i act resourcefully, intelligently, with an amazing will, well, in general, of course, it should be noted that it is no coincidence that so many units received the rank of guards, that is , absolutely deservedly, absolutely, well , the legendary fifty-eighth, and this is the 14th now 66th transbaikal regiment, then well , that is, they are simply handsome, i’m proud of the guys, i’m just proud, i know almost everyone, and of course, it’s especially pleasant to know when... it’s written in the phone book, there’s a colonel, now you’re looking, hero of russia, major general, major general , yes, it's already done, yes, so well done polyana, i congratulate you on your high appointment from the bottom of my heart, if we have a sport, then with records, if we have a holiday, then a folk one, we love tradition. we honor our
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history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, there are even more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. still my obediences, they are over, not all of them, forgive me, lord, all hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i’m only saving from others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen,
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what did you want from me, what? yes ahlay-mahalay, the demonstrator would know how to put this together in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our demonstrator, pray, black one, it’s also a sin to cheat on the gang, it’s too early to pay, i’ll be in pain from here, if i’m alone, that’s why we’ll sleep quickly, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, here’s a bad guy who ran into him, there’s more who will do this to whom, naughty people, i’ll also tell you.
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i am probably asking about personnel
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changes in the ministry. i won’t say anything special about defense, i’ve said everything, the only thing is that this is a completely obvious line that has been traced for some time now time, this is the formation of a generally new level, a new quality of civil-military relations, that is, this is the integration of the front and rear, this is not a warring army and walking there, well, what is called such a relaxed rear, but this is the integration of all this. and it seems to me that this is very important, this new quality should be understood and the concept should be understood by those who consider themselves to be part of the political class, this is such a signal that a very serious struggle has really begun, a struggle for the future and no such fundamental division, which , by the way, very much the beginning of a special military operation...


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