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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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deleted, he says, with this one statement he nullified the entire, well, i’m roughly quoting the sovereignty of the european union, because think about it, the american ambassador comments on how serbia, under what conditions and rules , will become part of the european union, that is, it is absolutely obvious that the european the union is such an overseas project. i can list for a long time what they will do, they have switched to asymmetric warfare, they are confident that the ukrainian armed forces will not be able, especially in the foreseeable future, to defeat the russian army on... the battlefield, therefore long-range missiles, therefore, terrorist acts, the opening of new fronts, not necessarily such complete opposition ones, they will do all this, of course, but the answer is the same, and what has been happening lately makes me personally happy, after all, my obediences have ended . not all of them, forgive me, lord,
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all my hope is in you, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what you wanted from me, a miracle, ahlay-mahlay, because so that i know how to assemble this in 5 seconds, we’ll figure it out without our own demonstration. pray, black, cheating on your brother is also a sin, it’s time to pay, i’ll water from here if i’m alone, so quickly sleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, he did bad to them, there’s someone else who’ll do it to whom, naughty people, i sat down with you ?
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son, go play with yourself, okay, dim, not dima, but dad, and you said it would be boring, yes, dim, super, dad, not dima, i want to go home, dim, not dima, but dad, also my dad , i have my own son, he still calls him by his name, maybe i’m raising him wrong, naughty ones. the russian fleet in the
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caribbean, in the atlantic, is an asymmetrical response. i think it’s not for nothing that they go to cuba, venezuela, nearby nicaragua, as far as i know, the government of nicaragua. raised the question of the possibility of opening a base on the territory of nicaragua, and even some kind of training center, there were some rumors, it seemed like there was one. dprk vietnam, just great, they are already, to put it mildly, somehow such a term - to choose, they are concerned that the european union will be able to produce only 2.5 million shells next year, as much as russia, as they believe, in the dprk is free, unclaimed according to their calculations. about 5 million shells, this worries them very much, they are already considering what containers are going from the far east to the west, these are the right steps, look at the statements that european politicians have begun to make, they say: we have let in too many russian and belarusian fugitives , there
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are probably a lot of kgb and fsb agents there, yes, that’s all, yes, i don’t know, no, they’re all recruited, suddenly somehow, they’re all our recruits. i finish everything from chechvarkin, chechvarkin, of course, no, no, these are all our agents, everything is there, everyone is already regularly promoted to rank, these, these are just all ours, suddenly at the same time she somehow serves as macron’s wife, this is all known, all ours, at the same time, somehow the safety equipment in some factories began to fail, people constantly smoke in the wrong places, and in some factories fires occur three or four times on the same line, and horror, horror in the czech republic. here at the training ground, apparently the recruited ammunition exploded, i’m still waiting for them to start doing this blame putin, i’m looking at what’s happening in berlin, or where the military factory in berlin was burning, and there were already situations there in wales , scotland and poland, i think that without the houthi submarines, the situation is somehow
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developing this way, that i would still open a sanatorium for the houthis in crimea, and there was once something similar there, it looks like there was a palestinian vacation there, in my opinion.
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not only we, the whole world, don’t need to be afraid of them, it debunks this certain sacred image of the great west, where de goli, adenaurs, drew, almost descendants julius caesar controls all this, and they are trying to put on such a guise for themselves, so caesar would be horrified, yes, but the fact that we show them as they are, in fact, it desacralizes the west, this includes its the end, i agree. alexandrevich, i saw a brilliant investigation into vladimir berbok, voldemar, fair? quite, quite fair, very clear documentary evidence of what we actually knew about grandfather burbock, but in general, a convinced nazi, but
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he is recognized, indeed, he is recognized, absolutely self-recognized, as they say, a nazi, unequivocally, and this was confirmed and... germany talked about this a lot, but these documents, they are just such an absolutely accurate, clear basis for all this that is here there was no invention, no one invented anything, it’s all there, just like i talked about sigmar gabriel, his relatives, i would also like to say that in fact it’s enough to look only at the archives of the german center for political training, there there is a very large list political figures in germany who were members ... of the surrender and after the war occupied certain high positions, well, i will name only two names, chancellor kiesinger or ganz diedrich genscher, a great democrat, representative of the free democratic party, one of the fathers of the unification of germany, who, in
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principle, , if my memory serves me correctly, from the late thirties, right up to the end of the war , he was a member of the ensdap, but there are a lot of names, a lot of the same people who... in principle, determined today's germany, i already talked about ober once oberlander's group, this is a man who, in principle, is guilty of mass crimes,
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dyonets had his own garden, he grew vegetables and fruits there, he calmly worked there, they helped him there, he was given certain things. and he could easily grow fruit there, sometimes hes would come to see him, then he and dönitz would argue, because dönitz believed that hes was behaving too intensely, too like that, pretending to be too great, and he didn’t deserve it, that was all already in that very germany, which we call united germany, they are there, true, they served time there, they didn’t last long, almost all of them were released in the mid-fifties, there was no one left there except getz, they were all already free, but i wanted to at the beginning. after all, about football, vladimir rudolfovich, well , i can’t, as a football player, a football player should just tell chevly’s comments
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about the loss, i’m not happy about the loss of the ukrainian team, this is a game, let the strongest win, but deutcheveli invented absolutely the kind of commentary that is needed repeat, they wrote, well, of course i lost ukrainian team, because almost all the fans were rooting for the romanian team, and this is understandable, because the ukrainian... fans, there were fewer of them, because most of them are at the front, they are fighting, and if they had not fought, then then the ukrainian team would have won, here you show the ukrainian fans who, with such grunts, i apologize, are standing there everywhere, well , today’s proposal, which was made, by the way, from the ranks of one of the coalition parties of the free democrats, goes in this direction, they proposed cancel benefits for men of military age, ukrainians who came... to germany, but they simply counted and shed tears, almost 90%
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of those who arrived are not looking for a job, do not work, but receive only the so-called civil benefit, that is, this benefit is in germany needs to earn a lot of hard work over many years, in order to get it, they came, received these benefits, they live peacefully on them , they continue to prosper with these benefits, but the government , of course, has already said, they don’t consider the budget on sunday, this is just talk. a german reviewing the budget on sunday? i want
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to remind you that stores are not open on sunday in germany, you can only buy your own food only at gas stations in some individual stores, but i still want to return to the conference, yesterday i talked for a long time about my dad, there is something unusual here interesting details, well, the fact is that , of course, the holy see decided to comment on its lack of signature. they circled around under this document for a long time, then they determined that state secretary parolin, who was present at this meeting, did not sign this final document on several...
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objectively, after all, he is still the patriarch of constantinople, well, yes, after all, he is not ukrainian, well, in fact, they are facts, however less, while he has the title of constantinople, well, yes, yes, well, it is considered that he is the patron, but an interesting point, they bring up this point, it is very important to understand it, the holy see did not participate in this conference and did not sign, one by one simple reason, because the pope has repeatedly expressed... that there must be a dialogue, that there must be two sides, in this regard, perhaps the only vatican, the vatican is the only one that does not talk about who should sign and how, but says that here are the two sides, they must meet, they must decide all this among themselves, the vatican initially said that they would not participate in this, well,
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they expressed their desire, i think this is very important, but about the fact that biden tried gore dad, they'll get fucked too. yes they no, they did not comment on the specific information, but you need to understand that the writings that come from the pen of the clerk in the vatican can be understood very clearly, even if something is not written there, the construction of phrases and the names that are called there, they are unambiguous , you can interpret them exactly as i spoke about it yesterday. biden tried, of course, to put pressure on the pope, but here biden miscalculated.
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could have done this thing, but in fact it was a fake, it had a completely different effect on the population on society, because the population that has been fighting for decades against the base in büchel, where these b-6112s are located, these tactical bombs, which
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have now been modernized, this is one awareness that germany can suddenly receive not only... can be carried out, that is if you push this, it means that stoltenberg with this speech sharply turned against himself all those who, in principle, would not want the further militarization of europe, in particular and including nuclear weapons. i think that such stuffing will happen many times more, and not by chance, now they are talking about the fact that
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these b-61-12s are supposedly preparing another special low-profile one. the plane doesn’t know what it is, the military knows it better, which can carry such miniature tactical nuclear charges, these b612 of absolutely low micropower, as they say, but for use on the battlefield so that later you can say, yes, this is not a nuclear weapon, it’s like that, well, jokes, well, 0.7 kilotons or one and a half kilotons is nothing at all, this is a dangerous trend, but i think that... in this regard, if it goes in this direction, then the germans will remember their peaceful demonstrations of '82, '83, and i think, in which schulz participated, in which he not only participated, but... . one of the leaders of these anti-war demonstrations, i wonder what it’s like for this bald guy now to remember how he betrayed the ideas of his youth, i think he’s not ashamed, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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russian resorts will open more hotel rooms for vacationers, generally domestic
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tourism this year can exceed the 2023 level in terms of the number of trips. last year, russians traveled around the country more than 80 million times; this year, according to forecasts, there will be more than 90 million trips. in the next 6 years, domestic tourism should grow even more noticeably. the president set a task. 2030 increase the annual number of trips to 140 million. to achieve the goal , the government emphasizes that it is necessary to expand infrastructure improvements, including the equipment of cable cars, and for those who produce them, support measures. purchases of a number of goods and equipment for state and municipal needs are carried out according to a special list. this allows companies to receive an advance of at least 80% of the contract price. now such an opportunity will appear. for manufacturers of passenger and cargo cable cars, this measure will help organizations that produce similar products increase the volume of working capital and quickly increase their capacity,
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and in general will have a positive impact on their financial and economic condition. tourism is one of the dynamically developing sectors of the russian economy; today it contributes almost 3% to total gdp, with the rate planned for 2030, the contribution of the sector will exceed 5%. the main thing is to have... where to go, where to stay, and also have all the opportunities to spend time comfortably. the answers to these questions shape actions to develop the tourism industry. now the government, regions and businesses have concentrated efforts and resources on three priorities, these are, first of all, increasing the number of rooms, expanding existing outlets attraction, creation of new ones and development of infrastructure. and the indicator of the share of tourism in the country’s gdp has shown constant growth since the twentieth year, we already see it now at 2.8. the program for the construction of new rooms in hotels has been expanded. this year , more than 9 billion rubles are allocated for construction for the regions. already today, thanks to
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the actions of the previous year, 5,000 rooms are ready. by the end of 2024, 18,000 will be put into operation. today, vacationers actively use early booking and buy tours on average 1-3 months in advance. among the leaders routes krasnodar region, there are 64% of all bookings. also in the top 10. destinations for the summer of twenty-four - these are river cruises in russia, this is dagestan, this is the kaliningrad region, kazan , the altai republic, the altai territory, of course, children's summer holidays are in full swing, numerous tour routes are organized for them, including historical and patriotic ones to places of military glory. another important area in the development of tourism is working with boats. the industry requires more specialists, which means enhanced training in educational institutions. today , about 700 budget places are provided for admission to basic tourism specialties, and 68,000 in secondary education institutions. at the same time, the tourism sector, emphasizes mikhail
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mishu. involves interaction with related industries, therefore, for a comfortable stay, it is necessary to develop roads, landscaping and maintenance in general.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country; russian digital solutions should be taken to new heights. there is a prospect.
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even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what the numbers help, you are not comparable to the original in your questions, what is the overall situation with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product like.
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russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership, this. vladimir putin emphasized. on the eve of his state visit to this country , the president published an article in the nadong sin newspaper. shared perspectives. he emphasized that moscow highly appreciates the support of the dprk in conducting a special operation, as well as solidarity on key issues, readiness defend common priorities at the un. he noted that bhenyan resolutely opposes the west’s desire to prevent the establishment of a world order based on justice.


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