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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership, vladimir putin emphasized. on the eve of his state visit to this country , the president published an article in the nadong sin newspaper and shared his prospects. he emphasized that moscow highly values ​​the dprk’s support for the special operation, as well as solidarity on key issues and readiness to defend common priorities at the un. he noted that pyongyang resolutely opposes the west’s desire to prevent the establishment of a world order based on justice. putin also indicated that the united states openly states that its goal is to inflict. russia failed,
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stressed that the dprk, despite us provocations, defends its interests just as effectively, and moscow has always supported and will support the people of the republic in confronting a dangerous enemy. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the mtr, zelensky’s formations lost about 1800 more.
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impact mechanism, high-explosive fragmentation shells in the cellar, the sun shines, no dust or dirt, the accuracy of shooting can be determined by the slightest speck of sand. prepare well the cartridge case, that is, clean, tidy, so that there was nothing there, there was nothing in the barrel itself either, that is, to clean the wedge, from the magazine to the gun the loader makes about 40 trips a day, such work. without us, the infantry would not have been able to cope without us, no assaults, they would not have happened without us, as they say, artillery is the god of war, and we correspond to this, sight 509, level 0, 421, high-explosive fragmentation, charge a full charge, commander the gun writes down the coordinates in a notepad, more reliable than all phones, everything else, now shoots at a maximum range of almost 30 km, and this is daily... constant work.
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the target is an enemy weapons warehouse. accuracy from the first shot. this is how our artillerymen always work. they worked on the tank; it prevented our motorized rifle troops from getting forward; they hit it with the first shot. artillerymen from the center grouping of troops are pushing the front away from avdeevka. at first we shot at small sights with reduced charges, but now we have switched to full charges and larger sights. what does this mean? means what they are. they're moving out, we're moving them out push it out. at the artillery positions , everything has been boiling at home for a long time. the teapot produced fruits in the neighboring garden right on time. it’s impossible not to share the little joys of summer work. sweet cherries, juicy, ripe, delicious. rare moments of rest before the new command for battle. pavel prokopenko, sergey truskov, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko. vesti, donetsk people's republic, avdeevskoe direction. the ukrainians came up with it.
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if in large companies the troops mobilized, on average up to 20% of employees were exclusive. trans-keaan puppeteers insist on increasing the pace of mobilization to reduce the conscription age, it is possible that right up to 18 years of age, arguing that war is a matter for young people, so now they are catching boys, going out like that, that’s it, mobilization, there is
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no way for mobilization, it’s a one-way road, that’s what he called the actions kiev authorities of the mobilized 117th defense brigade, increasingly vsushniki on video ask how much zelensky is ready to sacrifice to ukrainians for the sake of western handouts? the sons of deputies are children, they are tired of the war, they have suffered, poor, unfortunate, deputies in general immunity, i want to go, i don’t want to, i won’t go, i don’t know how to fight, you think everyone here knows how, you think there are such wars here, reinforcements at the front are expected not only from forced volunteers, prisoners are waiting on the front line. it is known that the prisoners in the units will be less than a quarter of the total personnel, and as the washington post writes, ukraine is releasing criminals to fight. more than 2,750 men have been released from ukrainian prisons since parliament passed a law in may allowing some convicts, including convicts, to join the army.
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drug trafficking, phone theft and committing armed assaults and murders, as well as other serious crimes. in the first wave, according to the minister of justice denis malyuysk. the transfer of f-16 aircraft to ukraine will make the future of the nato air force, that is, ukraine, fully compatible with nato. nato aircraft, nato pilots, that is, nato trained, as well as all the procedures of our alliance. military
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experts do not rule out that the secretary general of the alliance made a slip of the tongue, but let it slip and then came to his senses. experts indicated that for confident piloting. nato fighters need to be trained for at least 3 years, and ukrainians will be allowed to sit at the controls for only a few months, so western pilots, for example, poles, will probably fight with russian pilots. vladimir putin congratulated cyril ramophosa by telephone on his re-election as president of south africa. the leaders expressed hope to continue working to strengthen the strategic partnership between russia and the south african republic. a congratulatory telegram was also sent to cyril romafosia. vladimir putin approved a number personnel changes in the leadership of the ministry of defense, immediately replaced four deputy heads of the department, who are responsible for financial issues, the social and housing sector, property and construction management, as well as for the work of the ministerial apparatus.
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natalya solovyova knows who took these positions and what tasks were set by the president. personnel changes with the arrival of the new head of the name defense andrei beloosov were expected and, first of all, they were probably more financial and economic. and the social block of the department, in fact, these forecasts came true. leonid gornin, who previously held the post of first deputy minister of finance of russia and was responsible for budget policy in the field of state military and law enforcement services, as well as state defense procurement, was appointed to the post of first deputy minister of defense. now he will oversee the financial support of the russian army. leonid gornin is a native of novosibirsk, he has several higher educations. in ninety- seven he began working in the control office. audit department of the ministry of finance of russia for the novosibirsk region. he occupied position of controller-auditor. in 2010, gornin became the head of the regional ministry of finance , tax policy, and 2 years later he moved to moscow, where he took up the position of the minister of finance of russia; in 2018 he became the first
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deputy minister of finance of russia. pavel forotkov will take the position of deputy minister of defense. he will oversee property management, land management, and construction. facilities for the needs of the department. he was born in moscow in the eighty- first year, graduated from the suvorov military school of the academy of the fsb of russia, majoring in jurisprudence. in 2005, faculty of world economics, diplomatic. anna tseveleva to bring processes to a new qualitative level, the scope of work
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is well known to her from experience, creating the management of the defenders of the fatherland fund. anna tseveleva from ivanovo, a psychiatrist by profession, graduated from the peoples' friendship university of russia with a degree in healthcare organization and public health and the state university of management with a degree in organizational management. in 2018 headed the council on guardianship issues in the social sphere of the kemerovo region. and a year later she became a member of the council of the russian government on issues of trusteeship in the social sphere, then became the chairman of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. and oleg sovelev, he will also take the position of deputy head of the defense department, but according to the decree of the head of state, he will also serve as chief of staff of the ministry of defense. until the twenty-fourth year, sovelev was an auditor of the accounts chamber. he was born in leningrad in sixty-five, graduated. radiophysics faculty of the leningrad polytechnic institute, then worked as a freelance adviser to the head of the ministry of economic
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development of russia, was involved in federal target programs, from 2008 to 2014 he served as deputy minister of economic development, entered the first hundred of the presidential reserve of managerial personnel, and from 2014 served as russian minister for crimean affairs , then for 3 years he worked as deputy head of the government apparatus, since 2018... the counting apparatus chamber, and a year later became an auditor of the accounts chamber. there have been changes in the structure of the ministry of defense, now the head of the department will have 12 deputies, including the first two, there were 11, and of course, there were resignations, four, respectively, ruslan tsalikov, pavel popov, nikolai pankov and tatyana shevtsova were relieved of their posts . the minister of defense has already held a meeting with them and thanked them for their work. in nizhny novgorod , four people were taken to the hospital with suspicion ...
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of stolen beans from one of our suppliers, have already removed the dish from sale , have begun checking the entire supply chain and production, and have also temporarily stopped the operation of the application in order to additionally check all products, even those that do not cause concern. the most important thing for us is your safety and health, we will keep you informed and try to return as soon as possible. lobio salad, which was sold by the kitchen in the area, became one of the reasons for the mass poisoning of muscovites. igor and his wife ordered delivery to adam. the next day my wife felt better. badly they called an ambulance, now she is in intensive care, she was dizzy, she could not raise
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her arms, you look into her eyes, they were cloudy, well, in general, that is, they seemed to be looking askance, toxicosis of all organs inside, it was her liver, her spleen, they said, now they are checking and connected to this machine, she cannot breathe on her own, another victim, vera, is also in intensive care on a ventilator, severe dizziness has begun. and saw double, had a severe headache. for 2 days we could not determine what it was, and then on the second day she began to feel suffocated, it was simply impossible to breathe because the respiratory system was paralyzed. severe muscle pain , dizziness, weakness, vomiting, dry skin, mucous membranes, blurred vision. such symptoms appeared in those who ate another salad, only with tuna, beans and an apple from...
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poisoning with suspected butuulism. the moscow department of rospotrebnadzor, together with the department of health, identified the main products that could serve as a source of food poisoning. epidemiological investigation, distribution of substandard products suspended. now the kitchen in the area is checking the entire supply and production chain; such vending machines with ready-made food,
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which are installed in moscow business center offices, are now empty. one of the manufacturer's offices. people who live in this area say that the company has been operating in this particular place for about 2 years, there is no sign with the name of the organization, the door is closed, and the employees do not intend to communicate with journalists. investigators have already checked the offices and warehouses of salad producers and seized documents, equipment and products, which, according to the investigative committee , the company employees tried to get rid of, but the security forces managed to seize the finished dishes for inspection. the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements.
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and the governments of the european union have not reached an agreement on the reappointment of ursula von derleen to the post of president of the european commission. this was announced by the head of the european council, charles michel , after an informal dinner of eu leaders. that's what he said. quote: there is no agreement. note that the leaders listened to fondelein, but she was not convinced. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov , flew to chelyabinsk to assess the capabilities of russian manufacturers of fire fighting equipment. i met with the regional leadership and visited several enterprises, including the ural automobile plant in mias. the minister was shown an arctic bus and road train, fire trucks and tank trucks. the region also produces fire pumps and all-terrain vehicles. a test drive was organized for alexander kurenkov, and nina’s injuries were also treated there. and in the morman
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region, a red-listed humpback whale was rescued, who got caught in fishing nets. the unique operation in the barents sea lasted several days. maria valieva has all the details. there is, there is, hold, hold, carefully. come on, it took only 2 seconds for the rescuers to cut the rope from the red-listed humpback whale. and they did it. the operation was completed successfully. now the animal swims across the expanses of the barin sea, and nothing threatens its life. we didn’t even believe at first that it happened, it all happened so quickly that we spent quite a bit later for a long time, about an hour and a half there , in order to confirm that we had found our client, who also pops up, he ran far away into the sea, and to confirm that
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unraveling had indeed occurred. the captain of a tourist ship was the first to notice the whale on the evening of june 2, in addition to the remains of fishing nets. specialists from rosprirodnadzor, the ministry of natural resources
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of the murmansk region, the ministry of emergency situations and activists from the far eastern public organization council for marine mammals immediately went to help the sea giant. used drones to explore 120 km of coastal territories. on june 11, it became known that keith was alive and in need of help. the first attempts to swim to him were unsuccessful due to strong waves, gusty winds, thick fog and the cunning of stanislav himself. this is what the whale was named during the rescue operation. the approach to this particular entanglement was like any other entanglement; it was very individual. we had to experience it in different ways - stanislav was clearly at ease with the different technologies of the boat with the rescuers. in order to somehow break away from the people pursuing him, he even called to help from other whales, they tried to close it. unique behavior, yes, indeed, we noticed that whales
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protect each other, why they did this, what their behavior is based on is still unknown, scientists are analyzing this now, and then there will be some conclusions about this. the rescuers spent 2 weeks at sea for 14 hours each; they managed to cut the rope with the main line only on the fifth attempt. in the murmansk region, by decree of the governor, he plans to create a center for the protection of whales, on the basis of which an operational response group will operate, ready immediately go to the aid of the injured animal. maria valieva, valeria sapegina and ivan kuznetsov, news. at the moscow theater of nations there is a new reading of turgenev's famous novel "fathers and sons". sofia sergieva was one of the first to appreciate the performance. i think
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my window, i want to die, a pinch of grunge soviet rock from cult films of the perestroika era, based on a text known to everyone from childhood. at the end of the season, the theater of nations presented a new reading of turgenev's most famous novel, fathers and sons. son is a nihilist, who, god forgive me, is a nihilist, in general no principles, he says that it is necessary, he says to break everything, and then build it again, but we will not build, because we must only break, break and break. the director of the play, semyon serzin, aka bazarov, moved the generational conflict into the era of perestroika; his characters live in a provincial town next to the railway, a metaphor for an unstable world that is about to change. the system of relations in society was different, different and... to reconstruct it would be strange, so i wanted to find some time, but for me, well, as for i understand the person who was born during perestroika, all the same, that i grew up from there, and i
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tried to identify some parallels, that’s probably why it was possible to do it about today, love, zhenya, nihilism does not exclude love, odentsova's sister also does not look like the typical turgenev girls, katya in a daring way of screaming...
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the stands at the diving pool in the water sports palace are full. on a ten-meter platform, the most desperate athletes igor brix are diving. before the start of the competition athletes cover themselves with shaving cream, but no one intends to shave. shaving cream usually just removes all the dirt and the grouping becomes really dense. during the week of competition, the brix games accustomed spectators to the fact that medals flow in an endless stream. but today. sets of awards are awarded in only one discipline: diving . at the brix games, jumpers perform on moral and volitional grounds, at the end of the season and immediately after the russian championship, which ended 4 days
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ago. hard physically and mentally, it’s not so easy and simple to go through the second competition in a row, and naturally we were a little tired, but as we can see, we pleased the audience, we pleased ourselves, the fight spurred each other on, turned us on, and i’m incredibly grateful to all my rivals and nikita schleicher in including for good, beautiful competition, bronze medalist of the tokyo olympics alexander and european champion. came together in a dizzying struggle under the ceiling, the most complex combinations, ideal entries into the water, the audience tries not to breathe, it’s worth it the tension of the judges, among them the legendary two-time olympic champion dmitry sautin, some attempts are assessed with a maximum score of 10, and the games themselves are highly rated. we've been waiting for this for a long time, yes, just more people, and a bigger country would of course be much more interesting, but god forbid that international competitions take place anyway, because they really missed them, of course, they are this
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year. we went to china, here’s the training camp, yes, we met there with some chinese proguns, yes, but it’s clear that no, not with the first team, yes, that is, not not with the first team, there is not with the leaders, so this is how it turns out to be such a first international start, it is here, while bonder and schleicher are fighting for the gold of the games until dizziness, the venezuelan jumper, jesus gonzalez , listens to music and dances between attempts, in kazan he has been studying and training for the last six months and thanks to the russian school of jumping at the games, brix made it to the jump. and also danced to bronze, all the jumpers are so focused, they only think about jumping, it seems that you need to be concentrated to show the best result, but i don’t think so, i just i relax, turn on the music and don’t think about the competition, i’m so distracted, and i think about the jump while standing on the platform. alexander became the best on the ten-meter platform, nikita shleicher took silver, elizaveta kuzina became the two-time champion of the games, today she won
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on... the support of the stands helped a lot today, this is the first time in my career, so it was very energizing, that’s what concerns championship at the brix games, then well , it seems to me that this is like a mini-story, that ’s what the first games and two golds, well, that’s great, in the morning there is a competition in the evening too, but this time it’s a dance competition, and here the reward is the audience award, that is, smiles. and from all over the world and applause from colleagues. throwing giant pancakes, board games, fun in the fresh air in the universiade village, where the participants of the games live every evening, a celebration of international friendship and youth. athletes exchange cultural traditions, warmly congratulate each other on victories and get acquainted with the traditions of russia and tatarstan. an athlete will always understand an athlete, even if they don’t speak each other’s language. they know that when no one bothers you or tells you who to be friends with, it’s easy to find a common language.
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we value family, strong relationships, we admire how the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. still my
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obediences, they are over, they are all alone, forgive me, lord, but you have all the hope, completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, former disobedients, it doesn’t happen, what you wanted from me , miracle, ahlai-mahlai, but maybe he knew how to assemble this in 5 seconds, without we’ll sort out our demon, pray, black, throw your brother a crap too, it’s time to pay, i’ll pour from here, what if you’re alone, therefore, quickly slept, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, i didn’t do anything bad to the children, there’s someone else who ’ll do it to anyone , naughty ones.


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