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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the truth begins with you, the russian ministry of emergency situations.
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the intelligence service of the united states of america is on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the help of the americans, of course, ukraine is very active. you can’t come up with anything new, it’s new in technology, naturally i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence counterintelligence fights among themselves, but in the end the result of everything is determined by the quality of our state policy. if it’s a sport, then with
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records, if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value strong family relationships, we admire how... the country is flourishing, there are still more achievements ahead of us, fall in love with the country more at the exhibition russia.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. you are watching the parliamentary hour, we continue, deputies are working on the project. into the procedure
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conducting the unified state exam. the issue was discussed at a meeting of the education committee. earlier , state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin instructed to monitor the situation at unified state examination points around the clock after a number of incidents in the regions where eleventh-graders complained about unnecessary searches before the exam. such measures are unacceptable, stressed the head of the relevant committee olga kazakova. deputies are now studying in detail the legal framework regulating the unified state examination. must be protected and...
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the committee plans to propose changes submit before the end of the spring session, the document will be submitted for public discussion. another topic under parliamentary control. deputies are monitoring the implementation of the federal project improving the volga within the framework of the national project ecology. in some regions the situation is deplorable. we continue to work within the framework of parliamentary control on the implementation of the federal project for the improvement of the volga. according to information from the russian ministry of construction, 106 wastewater disposal facilities have been built, along with the fetproekt’s indicator for reducing contaminated wastewater by three times to the end.
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the idea was correct, the president set the task, the improvement of the volga river, 60 million people live on the banks, and we saw the pain of these people, this is lyskovo, nizhny novgorod region, where 250 million
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will put a barrier to cyber fraud, in addition, this summer will enter into the law is in force, it provides for a two-day cooling period for transfers of dubious accounts, as my colleague alexander shavirin will tell you how the state duma is working on our financial protection. in 2023, according to the central bank , scammers stole from the accounts of russians without small 16 billion rubles , a tenth more than... in the twenty-second. one of the possible reasons, according to the regulator, is a more targeted and prepared approach to the victim. the methods of telephone scammers are becoming more and more sophisticated. bank security officers, who had previously been posed as swindlers, now put on shoulder straps and accuse the russians of treason. fraudsters
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use dozens of schemes. most often they say that ukrainians allegedly gained access to your account and are about to transfer all the money to help the armed forces of ukraine. and in order not to lose funds, needed urgently. state duma, no matter how much we talk , we will definitely fall for some of our deputies, victims of scammers , fake channels, letters from friends, this is a question for us, we need to talk. i saw news online about how scammers act, it seemed that forewarned is forearmed, but the scammers took her by surprise. when the girl’s mother was vacationing in crimea last summer, an alarming but very
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plausible message came to her phone: on the day she flies by, no messages, next day, she writes to me, hello daughter there, that an emergency situation has occurred. there was such a text that you need to transfer 50,000 rubles to this number, because something happened here, i tried to call the number from which the message from my mother came, they did not answer the phone, or the subscriber was unavailable, the very next day it turned out that everything is fine with my mother, but the 50 thousand rubles that fell into the hands of the scammers were never returned. the worst thing here is that it is extremely difficult to protect the human rights of those who have become victims of criminals, says lawyer konstantin yashchuk. transferring funds to... protecting and helping with this is extremely difficult, well, almost impossible, that is, this is due to the fact that money usually goes abroad, that is, no one will look for it on the right bank of the dnieper, well, let's put it this way. the state duma has put a barrier
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to scammers; in july a law will come into force, according to which banks will have to freeze transfers to dubious accounts for 2 days, so a person will have time to think about whether to send funds. if the bank sees that this transaction matches the characteristics of the transaction, performed by the client not voluntarily, then he can suspend the execution of this operation for 2 days. that is, to allow the client to come to his senses and think whether he really needs this operation or whether it was a scam. social engineering methods, so beloved by scammers, will no longer work, and, according to the new standards, if the client’s money was transferred without his knowledge, the bank will have to answer. if the money was transferred in an illegal way, for example, the card or data from the card was stolen, then the bank must return it within 30 days the man is full of money. in february, the state duma adopted another law to combat fraud, a self-ban on loans.
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often, attackers deceive victims into applying for a loan and immediately transferring funds to their accounts. starting from march next year, russians will be able to establish a ban on entering into loans, which can be withdrawn through government services or by personally contacting the mfc. parliamentarians are confident that such a financial protection instrument will be in demand. we believe that it is possible and not necessary. pays for banking services, it is important that he had the opportunity to withdraw or transfer this money without any financial obstacles,
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each bank established some kind of commission, many of the commissions were quite large, about the transfer, respectively, if a citizen, for example, received his salary into one account, and it was more convenient for him to spend it from some other bank, let’s say a regional payment, then he transferred from there from one bank to another and paid a commission for it, citizens simply lost their money, this law is the last step towards the abolition of salaries for... previously, the state duma established responsibility the employer for imposing a specific bank to transfer wages. the labor code states that an employee can independently choose which credit institution is more convenient for him to receive money from. this right is now protected by law. accordingly, banks fight for clients’ money, and thus offer the most favorable conditions to employees of certain enterprises. this. in total, last year parliamentarians adopted
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more than a dozen laws in the field of financial protection of citizens and a new bill on which russians will be given the opportunity to appoint proxies to confirm transfers from their accounts will strengthen protection. the trustee is expected to confirm or reject the transaction within 12 hours of receiving notification from the bank. we are talking about transactions using distance. projects aimed at protecting sovereignty. if they are finally adopted,
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organizations that are established by government agencies of foreign countries will be able to be recognized as undesirable in russia, and for participation in their activities will introduce responsibility. the chairman of the committee on security and anti-corruption, vasily piskarev, spoke in more detail about the initiative in an interview with our program. we have adopted a package relating only to foreign, so-called government organizations... to non-governmental organizations, we already have appropriate amendments, they work when these organizations create security problems here in our country, when they encroach on sovereignty, on territorial integrity, interfere in the electoral processes, then we have a basis, a law, a mechanism for recognizing such organizations as undesirable with all the ensuing organizational and legal consequences, they are expelled from the country, so to speak, if in general...
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the segment is working with foreign non-governmental organizations, and which undermine the sovereignty and security of our country, but i am now talking specifically about those organizations that are established by government bodies of foreign countries, this is a different level, this is not to say, not they were established by public, so to speak, formations, namely by state
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bodies, government bodies of foreign countries, that is, if public formations were somehow possible and now possible. yes, yes, we have a breakthrough, yes, it is they who have now raised their heads and began to conduct similar, even more, one might say, harsh activities against our country, they are here in the country, in our country, they function because they have there is an opportunity to get away from such, say, control over their work, since they are considered outside our law, and what kind of organizations, their names, activities, i head a commission, a duma commission to investigate facts of foreign interference in our internal affairs, and we are already working first with the work of our duma, i mean this convocation, and we just found this activity, we do the math, we found organizations, we receive a lot of information from different sources, we found organizations, and they are well-known, that carry out subversive
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activities against us on the territory of our country, they are considered state-owned, so eg british council, uk. they, uh, were formed 90 years ago, and according to the documents, what are their tasks there, this is in the field of developing cooperation in the field of culture, art, education, you know, such good goals, good tasks, but in fact this is just a cover, we we will react within the framework of the law, guilty, go to prison, yes, not guilty, that’s it, keep working, we have an organization, foreign non-governments that are conducting socially useful projects, so we only welcome, more than 24 thousands of children suffered from the crimes of kiev, horrifying figures were named by state duma vice speaker anna kuznetsova at the final meeting
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of the parliamentary commission to investigate the crimes of the kiev regime against minors, the result of a year-long work. this is a report with official data and 64 generated proposals. among them are legislative initiatives that are devoted , among other things, to social rehabilitation and support for child victims. here, dear colleagues, some of the measures have already been implemented, including with the participation initiatives of our commission. together with the doctors, we saw how the injured children needed help, how they needed comprehensive rehabilitation, medical and psychological assistance. we tried to provide every possible assistance and launched a psychologist support program in the belgorod region. but we need to develop this work as much as possible, as well as build legislative barriers that protect our children. the investigative committee also opened 15 criminal cases on the facts of mining of peaceful neighborhoods. due to a mine explosion, 11 children were killed and 22 children were injured. according to the parliamentary commission, since the beginning of 2022, several cases
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of child abductions have been recorded in lugansk, donetsk, artyomovsk, melitopol, kherson, and berdyansk. other cities and villages. the commission also received information about facts of forced evacuation of children from cities controlled by the kiev regime. non-governmental organizations of several foreign countries are involved in the removal of children from ukraine abroad, anna kuznetsova clarified. according to the parliamentarian, these children may be in thirteen countries around the world. wherein law enforcement agencies of foreign countries find children on their territory who were considered allegedly abducted by russia. for example, in germany they found 160. june 19. the events of the russian spring were recalled in the state duma this week. about the significance of the historical decision about how crimea and sevastopol have changed in yana dobrovolskaya’s report from the 10th anniversary exhibition in her native
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havana. historical footage, which is already 10 years old, the moment of signing the agreement on the return of crimea and sevastopol to russia, the stands of the exhibition dedicated to the anniversary reunification, key stages of regional development, chronology of events of the russian spring. deputies from crimea and sevastopol spoke at the opening ceremony of the exhibition - this is an example of what people can do to live better, noted the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev. he said, just recently, that crimea is not only strategic. an important territory, it is not only our history, our traditions, the pride of russia. crimea is, first of all , people, sevastopol residents, crimeans, they are our
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pride, they brought faith after decades to their fatherland, they never separated themselves from russia. this is what allowed crimea to return to our common family. one of the organizers of the exhibition is the vice speaker of the state duma. parliamentarians on the issues of integration of crimea and sevastopol into a single legal space , kuznetsova noted the great contribution of the country. over 10 years, about 120 federal laws have been adopted. the economic growth rate of crimea and sevastopol is three times faster than the national rate; the population of these regions increased by 5%. this work actually became the matrix on which today work with the disconnected regions is being strung together, because it is precisely on the model of the legislation of crimea and sevastopol, the work that was then about ...
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the president, our soldiers and warriors, so crimea and sevastopol showed in their history what true statehood is, if the bastard is great cut a window in the north to europe, then catherine potemkin laid the foundations of a powerful state, which everyone in this world began to reckon with. governor of sevastopol mikhail razvazhaev expressed gratitude for the opportunity holding this exhibition within the walls of the state duma. the main goal, of course. i would like to say thank you to all those people who participated directly in the events, who previously supported and preserved
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the russian peace in sevastopol in crimea, thanks to whom it later turned out to be so bloodless and in one breath to hold a referendum and make a fateful decision. the crimean spring became the culmination of the confrontation between crimea and ukraine, says the chairman of the state council of the republic of crimea. alexey chabburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and that's all i have. you watched the program "parliamentary hour". see you in a week.
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you see how rapidly it is changing, the future of millions of people is under threat, they want to cancel your language, your culture, and tear your homeland into pieces, how to find a foothold and... stand for what is dear to you, become a force that will restore justice, become a support countries, protect your future, and the future of your
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children, they will not forgive if you stay on the sidelines, serve under a contract.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. it is clear to everyone that russia. not a country
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of gas stations, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what he is our product.
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russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership. this was emphasized by vladimir putin on the eve of his state visit to this country. the president published an article in the nadong sinmun newspaper. he emphasized: moscow is highly appreciates the support of the dprk on the eve of a special military operation, as well as solidarity on key issues: readiness to defend common priorities at the un. he noted that phinyan resolutely opposes the west's desire to prevent the establishment of a world order based on justice.


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