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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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social operation, as well as solidarity on key issues, readiness to defend common priorities at the un. according to him , phinyan resolutely opposes the west's desire to prevent the establishment of a world order based on justice. vladimir putin also noted that the united states does not even hide that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on russia and are doing everything to spark a conflict in ukraine, which they themselves provoked. however, according to the president, attempts to isolate russia... have already failed, and the dprk, despite everything washington's provocations, defends its interests just as effectively. putin also noted that pyongyang remained a staunch like-minded person and supporter of russia. vladimir putin congratulated cyril romaphosa by telephone on his re-election as president of the republic of uzbekistan. according to the kremlin press service, the leaders expressed hope to continue working to strengthen the strategic partnership between russia and the south african republic.
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a congratulatory telegram was also sent to romafosi. and now the situation is in the special operation zone. anti-aircraft gunners of the group of forces intercepted the center destroyed ukrainian armed forces missiles in the avdiivka direction. enemy missiles were moving towards the guarded facility. the crew of the tor m2 anti-aircraft missile system received a command to... destroy them. the targets were hit at a safe distance from our positions. but the positions of our troops in the donetsk and lugansk republics are covered by zdennichki of the central military district. armor crews shoot down enemy drones and nato missiles. fpv drone engineers are working on the same section of the front. they destroy tanks and vehicles. from the line of combat contact. report by alexey varanov. a clear, cloudless sky
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only adds to the work; in such good weather, positions have to be changed more often than usual. the pan anti-aircraft missile and gun complex, which protects units and equipment of the central military district from air attacks, is moved to the next place of combat duty, the highly maneuverable shell missile is characterized by a small decrease in speed during the course.
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the pv crew of the central military district is stationed in one of the forest belts on ovdeevsky direction. it takes a matter of minutes to prepare a kamikaze drone for takeoff, and now the equipped vehicle is sent beyond the line of combat contact. and this is footage from a drone camera. no more time passed from the moment of takeoff to the final stage of work.
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lines of combat contact around the clock, their attack drones operate deep behind enemy lines. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev. vesti, donetsk and lugansk people's republics line of combat contact. so, the president of russia vladimir putin arrived in yakutia on a working trip. this is the latest message from the land news agency. so in the region, the president
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will be told about achievements in the it sphere of the defense industry, he will meet with specialists working in the far east, as well as those who study at a higher school of music, the head of the plans. state meeting with the head of yakutia aisen nikolaev. the head of state’s big far eastern trip will begin with a visit to yakutia; in the evening he will go on a visit to the dprk, and the next day to vietnam. now let's move on to economics news, the rules for calculating the cost of living have changed in russia; now it will be set depending on the median income. we’ll find out what effect this will have from alexander nazarov, she ’s joining me, sash, good morning, tell me how it’s shown. in russia , the cost of living was increased next year, a corresponding decree was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. during a meeting with vice-premiers, he emphasized that strict implementation of social obligations
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is necessary to achieve development goals countries that were established by president vladimir putin. by a may decree, the president approved one of the national development goals, conservation. population, health promotion, people's well-being and family support. to carry out this work, it is important to strictly fulfill social obligations. in russia as a whole, the cost of living per person next year will exceed 17,700 rubles. compared to the current year, an increase of more than 2.0. for the working-age population , the cost of living will be above 19,300, for children above 17,200, and for...
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it should also be noted that in fact the cost of living has increased by much more than inflation. we see that the increase in the cost of living was about 15%, 14.8%. at the same time, the calculation procedure has changed. if previously a specific amount was established by the law on the federal budget, now it will be calculated based on the median income. so the next year’s figure is set at.
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the so-called median income, therefore, in general, the assessment and calculation of the cost of living based on the median income. this is more correct the median income, which is lower, makes it possible to more clearly determine, well, let’s say, the financial condition of citizens of the russian federation. the cost of living will be used to assess the standard of living in the country when drawing up the main financial document, as well as when preparing significant social programs and assistance measures, the prime minister noted. at the same time, subjects, as before, will need to set their own minimum.
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starting next year , the minimum wage will be linked to the median salary. it will be 48% of this figure. vladimir putin announced this at the st. petersburg international economic forum. thus, rod will exceed 22 rubles per month, that is, it will add about 15%. the ratio to the median salary will increase. goal for the thirtieth year. raise the minimum wage to at least 35 thousand rubles per month, and of course, it will have to remain above the subsistence level. sasha, as a result, benefits will grow along with salaries. thank you, sasha, it was
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alexandra nazarova with a story about how russia will calculate a living wage. and to other topics. the number of patients with suspected batulism in russia increased to 149. 121 people with signs of poisoning contacted doctors in moscow, and 14 cases were reported in nizhny novgorod and kazan. for most, the diagnosis has already been confirmed by laboratory tests. more than half the condition. several victims are connected to ventilators; all the sick people ordered food from a local kitchen company, tuna salads and lobio. the service has been suspended throughout the country. investigators are checking. criminal cases have been initiated under the provision of services that do not meet the safety and health requirements of consumers. in the rostov region, they are extinguishing a fire on ne. after an attack by ukrainian armed forces drones. tanks with a volume of more than 3,000 cubic meters caught fire there. this
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was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. almost 200 emergency situations ministry specialists and more than 40 pieces of equipment, including a fire train, were involved in extinguishing the fire. there is no threat of fire migrating to other objects, however, there are no casualties. laboratory rospotrebnadzor monitors the air condition. now let's move on to a short advertisement. and then. hello, tishkina at the dacha, we are relaxing to the fullest,
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calendar returns to delicious destinations! we give 100% cashback every friday at payment with alfabank cards! these are the ivanovs - an average russian family! in a year they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if they sorted the waste, this could result in: 21 backpacks! for a son or 11 sneakers for a daughter, 73 t-shirts for dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things a new life. the world media continues to discuss the so-called peace summit on ukraine that took place in switzerland. his goals were not achieved, writes bloomberg. the blame for everything, experts believe, is kiev’s blind faith in american sponsors, who have already
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according to them, they are looking for a replacement for zelensky. maria skorodilka has all the details. this is not a war film, but a familiar reality. residents of bavarian towns in the lower false are tired of being indignant. the american nato military, whose base is located nearby, goes beyond the boundaries of a normal neighborhood. tank rally at speed right along the roads, noise, dust, roar of engines, a little more, american soldiers will begin to take prisoner some of the locals. it seems that the war has already come, the germans complain. the street is blocked. and the soldiers arrange again tank repair right on the road. ostensible militarism, despite the fact that germany will not be able to defend itself if something happens. the knds arms holdings said that the country has approximately 300 battle tanks left in service. the germans openly laugh at the authorities. water, gas station has become more expensive, land, rent has become more expensive, fire, döner for 7.5 euros.
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long ago, these four nations lived in peace, but everything has changed. ukraine is a black hole, experts say. the russians are offering the opportunity to end this war through negotiations. they did it for years. the americans and british kept the ukrainians from doing this. i'm not even sure how much ukrainians really want this under the leadership of this maniacal, confused zelensky. but what it does is put ukraine in the west in a position where
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the outcome will be much worse than what they could get now. peace plan proposed by russia to nato. they harshly rejected it, and at the same time openly signed that it would be alliance soldiers who would fight in the f-16 in ukraine. the us military presence in europe remains important for security and stability of the european continent. as for the supply of f16, this means the creation in the future of the nato air force, excuse me, the ukrainian air force, which will interact with the alliance. at expensive swiss summits, zelensky. stands next to the rich, but will never be equal to them , newspapers write, and there is and has never been a connection between the peace conference in bürgenstock and peace in ukraine, europeans write on social networks. his summit in switzerland was a resounding fiasco. surrender is near. ukraine will lose odessa, perhaps kharkov too, and zelensky will end up in prison or lie
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low somewhere, making a miserable escape so that he is not arrested by his own people for treason. zelensky only opens his mouth, but the americans speak for him. commenting on the past summit , the west literally had a lump in its throat. i feel bad, sorry, just a second. however, any country that does not agree with american policy in the world is immediately accused of violating human rights by washington and imposes sanctions, tehran notes. now copenhagen is already looking for ways to limit the movement of tankers from oil from russia, newspapers write, citing the words. minister of defense of denmark, but sanctions do not scare everyone, certainly not russia. for example, businessman and famous philanthropist alechar usmanov has already filed a lawsuit against ubs europe bank. the reason is an unfounded notification of allegedly money laundering, which the bank sent to the financial regulator, essentially artificially, creating a pretext for politically motivated investigations against the entrepreneur. and this despite the fact that before opening the account, ubs conducted a full
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audit of usmanov’s assets for six months, which did not reveal no violations. his lawyer spoke about this. the bank has only 6 weeks to explain itself, after which the court will set a date for a preliminary hearing. maria skorodilka, news. credit sbercards are beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, service and notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash. no commission polaris equipment with discounts up to 70%. pairs roman burger and roman burger. at a good price, delicious in italian and the point to your business you need acceleration, use instant
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gliskur, an exceptional moisturizer. i ate something wrong, what should i do? in case of poisoning entermin. a new generation of enterrasorbent removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. what do you think? cool, but save up a cumulative vtb bet for the subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together everything will work out. try more this summer. free delivery from delicious spot. in yandex food. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, the summer will be active. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, play today children's clothing with cashback up to 60%. travel with alphabank. choose where to fly using the alpha travel service. and you get a superkick for air tickets up to thirty. buy at a profit at the bank app or on the alpha travel website, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable! eu leaders
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have been unable to agree on key positions following the european parliament elections. estonian prime minister kaja kallas, the current head, is vying for the position of head of european diplomacy. european commission ursula fonder hopes to win approval for a second term. all the details are in the material of the head of the european news bureau , anastasia popova. to agree on the names of those who should lead the eu, they planned a quick working dinner, scheduled it exactly between two football matches: first belgium, then france. but the informal portfolio distribution summit, as the event was called on the sidelines, dragged on until midnight. the main four candidates could leave instead of the head of the european council.
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i will talk with my colleagues about the current situation in the international arena. we need to be very careful in choosing who will represent the european union and the european commission. we need someone who can resolve an extremely tense situation. now the situation. the race favorite , on the contrary, is doing everything to escalate the situation ukrainian front. in addition, he promises to create the post of european commissioner for defense and synchronize the military policies of 27 countries. rumor has it that the chair could be given to the polish head of the ministry of foreign affairs, sekorski, but he has so far denied it. to win her race, fondelaien tried to buy italy's vote. before the meeting, she postponed the publication of a report on problems with freedom of speech in the country. miloni was silent at dinner. the european people's party, instead of listening to the voices of voters, ended up joining forces with the socialists and liberals,
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today they made a deal to... share the top positions in the eu. we should not be naive, they will continue to support migration and funnel even more arms money into the war between russia and ukraine. as per tradition, we met with orban and spoke separately. dutch prime minister mark rutte tried to coordinate with him his potential appointment to the post of nato secretary general. current secretary general stoltenberg said that the time has come to think about putting the alliance’s nuclear weapons on alert due to the threat russia and china. cited interesting figures. this year, nato countries increased military spending by 18%. 2/3 of the funds of european countries go to new orders of weapons from american companies. over the past couple of years , $140 billion has been spent on this. he also promised that nato would provide several hundred officers to provide logistics for the supply of all these weapons to ukraine. and in the end, i got confused about who is actually fighting against russia.
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fighter aircraft supplies. 16 will mean the creation in the future of a nato air force, excuse me, a ukrainian air force, which will interact with nato, with nato aircraft and pilots, or rather trained nato pilots. the time has not yet come to join the alliance, stoltenberg said. the white house has clarified the new admission criteria. first, ukraine must defeat russia on the battlefield, and only then the states will think so. anastasia popova, lia bernadsky aleftina sorokina. vesti, brussels, belgium. russia and the dprk are actively developing a multifaceted partnership, vladimir putin stated. on the eve of his state visit to this country, the president published an article in the newspaper nadonsin. the russian head of state emphasized that moscow highly values ​​the support of the dprk in conducting a special operation, as well as solidarity on key issues, and readiness to defend common priorities at the un. according to him, pyongyang
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is determined. opposes the west’s desire to prevent the establishment of a world order based on justice. vladimir putin also noted that the united states does not even hide that their goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on russia; they will do everything to spark a conflict in ukraine, which they themselves provoked. however, according to the president, attempts to isolate russia have already failed, and the dprk, despite all washington’s provocations, is just as effectively defending its interests. putin also noted that pyongyang remained a convinced like-minded person and supporter of russia.
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