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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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republic and with the development of the largest cluster in the far east to support creative industries. and today the russian leader is expected in pinyang. in anticipation of the visit, the north korean capital was transformed on the streets with hundreds of portraits of putin and the tricolor. and the local newspaper published an article by the president of russia. let's look at the main points. about 150 people were hospitalized with symptoms of batulism after being poisoned by food and delivery services. 14 cases were identified in nizhny novgorod and kazan. we will find out all the details from our correspondent in region. 40 ships, support vessels for about twenty airplanes and helicopters. the pacific fleet is entering a large-scale exercise that will last 10 days. what and how will they work out? what caused the terrible accident in the ryazan region. a minibus and a passenger car collided with two trucks. died. eight people,
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15 injured, we are monitoring incoming information. and now a broadcast from yakutsk. dear friends, colleagues, i am very glad to see you all. as i understand it, people gathered here who moved to the far eastern region, or have been living here for a long time, but also those who moved and... started working here, i want to note this, and this is such pleasant information for me, and for everyone, and for the country, and for you, migration there has been an recent influx of young people into this region, which is generally pleasant; it probably reflects the result of our joint efforts to develop the far eastern regions.
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i listened to you and your questions, suggestions, most importantly, mainly suggestions, and your impression of what and how it is here what's happening, your grades, please, let 's start, here, yes, here is alexey olegovich, yes, let's start, unfortunately, i'm not one of the young specialists, but i'm working in the far east under yours.
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provides those moving to the far east, specialists of in-demand professions, with compensation for moving expenses; the level of compensation, thanks to your decision in the far east, is 4 and a half times higher than the national average. every year about 1,000 specialists come to the far east under this program. present here in the hall several participants in this program. the resettlement program for compatriots has been going on since 2006.
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from the market, the operator of the russian federation house program has already purchased 6,500 apartments in houses under construction, the first houses have already been commissioned, including here in yakutsk, also in primorye in chukotka, the first residents have already received the keys. by the end of this year, all 10,000 apartments will be purchased;
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next year this fund will be provided to in-demand employees of enterprises, social workers and participants in a special military operation.
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this year the third cohort, 80 people per one place, cadets undergo training based on deep immersion in the work of all levels of government, municipal, regional, federal, solving real problems of people, the principle of targeted distribution applies: after completing a year of training, graduates move to work in the regions of the far east for 2 years. now the third stream is already underway, we studied in just three streams and...
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a century, over these 10 years a lot has changed in the world, priorities have changed, new goals and objectives have appeared, what kind of development do you see in the future of the far east, taking into account all these changes? thank you. well, first of all, i want to congratulate you on this choice, the choice is good, correct, indeed, for russia, the development of the far east is a priority for the entire 21st century without any. attraction - and today the far eastern region is already demonstrating very good growth rates, we have something you can’t look at at what indicator you can’t take uh he uh he is several times many times
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- better than the national average, well, for example, we have volume volume, we’re probably talking about this let's say. because this is a problem, electricity consumption has increased significantly, and the volume transportation has increased significantly, there is 1.8, 1.2, and production, for example, of gold. we always talk about this in recent years, all this is rumored, the development of the eastern
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railway range, this is transipam, there are other very interesting, interesting projects, this is access to the sea of ​​okhotsk, there is already a private company there, i’m just with the participants in this project i met in moscow literally 3 days ago, they are finishing their work, they also have a proposal for... interesting areas of activity and they are very promising and high-tech in
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including, our shipbuilding cluster is actively developing, but everything that has been done so far has been done, overall, a lot, but even more needs to be done, as we just discussed with the management of the united shipbuilding corporation. what and where to build, after all, they have a need to create new enterprises, they nevertheless came to the conclusion that the next enterprise, just as it was created near vladivostok, we will still create another one in the far east, that is, the direction of development is very -very a lot, of course, in order to attract the right people of the right level here.
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because after receiving higher education i worked for 5 years in the hard-to-reach arctic regions of our
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republic, there i was faced with a real shortage of not only highly specialized specialists, but managers in general, and therefore i decided to take advantage of this program, and as a result, i was left to work in my region , and the arctic is rich, and where did you work in hard-to-reach places, i’m just wondering where you got to, no, it turns out that as soon as i graduated from the khabarovsk state academy of economics and law, i went to work in the obisky district, in the most inaccessible village, the village of kirgana, and worked there for almost a year, then i was lured to the momsky district, and it neighbors the obisky district, and there i continued my work, then moved to the city of igutsk, and the goal was to rise a little, well, up the hierarchy, in order to bring even more benefits to the arctic. well, can i continue my question. the arctic is rich not only in natural resources, but also people, talented,
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unique, sincerely devoted to their land, and while working on the project, we were convinced of this; as part of our training, we worked with a project related to the development of the northern sea route of industry in the arctic, and it is no secret that the successful implementation such large megaprojects will be associated with the availability of qualified personnel locally, in order to further stimulate ambitious... guys from all over the country, is it possible to extend the activities of the murabiv amursky program to the territory arctic zone of the russian federation. in my opinion, in the future, the alumni community that is already here. is beginning to take shape and would help further develop these territories. thank you. yes, how is this, this is a very correct, correct question, and it is, of course, clear that you have already worked in remote areas, and it is clearer to you what needs to be done in terms of personnel, the program
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that you mentioned is working for it somewhere, now i'm afraid to make a mistake. we are allocating about 340 million in order to continue it the way you suggest, we need add somewhere else 200 somewhere 240-250 million, we will think and i think we will find this money, this is correct, the right question, because we need to implement all the plans that i just talked about when answering to the first question, of course we need specialists, we can’t go anywhere without them, this is... “if we don’t do this, then this will be a real limiter for the implementation of all our plans, and besides what i said, there is also a well-known plan , for example, the development of 22 and there are 25 urban agglomerations, we find the money, allocate it, who will do it, of course, we can’t do without it, we
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will find these funds and expand the program that you mentioned, thank you very much. hello, my name is maria zaichenko, i’m from samara, but just a month ago, i moved to the city of birabidzhan, in the jewish autonomous region, i’m also a graduate of the muravyov-amursky program, after the program i went to develop education, well, actually , it’s very important for me how content, as well as the conditions in which the children are engaged, and i started my acquaintance with the region with... the fact that i go to schools, meet colleagues, see what classrooms are being taught in. as part of the national education project , many cool modern schools have been built throughout the country, but such small regions, as a jewish autonomous region, we are faced with some difficulties, because the money for the national project is allocated according to
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enlarged standards, it turns out that this is the missing part... in reality, construction is more expensive, and the region must cover this difference, for regions like ours, this it is very difficult to do, and perhaps, as part of the development of new national projects, it is possible to somehow reconsider the approach to determining the amount of funds allocated by the region, it is possible, possible and necessary, but this is a common problem for the far east, everything is more expensive, so it is clear that this is not fits into the general standards, this... obviously, in the new national project youth of russia, of course, this will also need to be taken into account, and as for construction, now, well, the government understands this perfectly well, the standards currently being developed are like this, we will proceed from average the cost of already constructed buildings, structures,
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institutions, and based on... the real cost of already constructed objects , the cost of those that are planned will be calculated. thank you, yeah, i think that this is the most correct approach, but of course it will be necessary to make allowances for inflation there and for the current increase in prices, prices and tariffs. please please. hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, nikolay bachkov, republic of sakha, yakutia, i am also a graduate of the first. stream of the muravyov amursky program. 3 years ago i entered state civil service, thanks to the program and its completion, well, let’s say, i was able to advance in my career. previously worked for about 10 years in the electric power industry. the program cadets and i visited almost all regions of the far east as part of our training. we met with
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regional government teams and worked through it. problematic issues of various nature, met with representatives of large businesses, visited a lot of, so to speak, already newly opened facilities as part of the implementation of new projects, and one of significant questions and problems that business poses today, and the issue of the electric power industry, you have already touched on it today, and this is the fairly high cost of electricity in the far east, well , that’s what is now going high... high rates of consumption, in the future we expect a shortage of capacity, so - we understand, of course, there is a shortage now, it is already in many regions, and well, in the future... i believe it will increase, yes, we understand, of course, that production and transmission of electricity in the far east via for objective reasons, it is more expensive than in the central part of russia, these are huge
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territories, the length of lines that need to be properly maintained, this is quite, so to speak, a relatively low volume of consumption, well , again, everything is relative to the central part, so vladimir vladimirovich, what do you think, after all, in this... that production is developing, and the transport infrastructure is developing, those requiring - requiring more energy and
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industrial enterprises are developing, because are constantly building, we have provided funding for more than... 8 trillion rubles within the framework of development programs for the far east and more than 4 trillion have already been disbursed, work is underway, and this requires, of course, more energy, but today, taking into account the shortage of energy capacity generating ones, of course, it is simply impossible to bring them into the market, let’s say in 2022. it was planned, it was planned to increase tariffs in accordance with inflation, and the target inflation was 4%, it turned out to be much higher, 12
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in my opinion, the same as in the twenty-second year it was, accordingly, tariffs in the far east increased almost twice as much as the national average, there was an 11, 23 percent increase, in my opinion, so it’s just like that. it is impossible to give it to the market, but the government understands this and plans a smooth introduction, smooth launch into the market as new generating capacities are created, this is the first, second, these generating capacities will need to be created primarily in energy-deficient regions , because not all regions ...
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in general, the plans that are laid out for development energy sector of the far east, they are absolutely feasible together with our large companies, for example, by the way, connecting the eastern and western gas production centers is of great importance for the future of the energy sector of the far east, all this is included in the plans and...
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in the trans-baikal territory literally 2 months ago, dear vladimir vladimirovich, today construction is underway in the far east on everything ; you haven’t been here in winter yet, no, of course, you need to survive the winter, see how you adapt to these temperature conditions, well, i will definitely cope, we will help, please, please, excuse me, vladimirovich, today on... in the far east, construction is being carried out in all directions, these are large infrastructure projects, such as ports, these are roads and railways, this is the implementation
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of master plans for public improvement. territories, and, of course, this is housing construction, but what we are faced with is the soviet legacy, that is , panel houses and structures with large energy losses, and if we talk about new construction and renovation programs, this is of course difficult precisely from an economic point of view, the use of materials with increased energy efficiency, this certainly contributes to an increase in... utility costs for consumers, what do you think about the proposal, after all, standardize the program for increasing energy efficiency in housing in within the framework of existing programs and new national projects, develop some specific tools, because the use of modern materials and technologies will contribute saving energy resources, which means it will allow you to reduce costs for... electricity and
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heat supply, well, of course, well, of course, standardization should always be done this way, well, almost always, almost always, but there is only one question here, it’s obvious, it’s related to in order for all these materials to be modern, their production should be developed here in the territories, because transporting these materials here is quite expensive right away. immediately there is an increase in construction costs, but i must say that in general in the far east, this this topic is developing, you probably know about the khabarovsk cluster, which is associated with the production of new modern materials, including energy-saving materials, i don’t remember how many exactly, but several
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dozen for sure, several dozen...
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the first method, this is my first time , when i visited the far east, i fell in love, now i’m planning to move from the city of moscow to the city of yuzhsalinsk, i was in the winter, tossed around in the snow, i saw everything, so my colleagues raised the question of what a russian pencil says, and the microphone on which we speak, not russian yet, to unfortunately, engineering schools are at the forefront, they are called upon to solve this issue; in the far east, modern... production is being created, which requires highly qualified specialists. in your message to the federal assembly, you announced that the total number of advanced engineering schools will be increased to 100, but unfortunately, so far only two advanced engineering schools have been launched in the far east: one in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, the other in vladivostok. i have a proposal to develop this direction.


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