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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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two trucks, a gazelle and a car collided, eight died, three teenagers were among the injured, which caused a large-scale accident. russia will achieve good results in information technology, vladimir putin said. the president flew to yakutsk today for the first time in 10 years and began his working trip by inspecting an exhibition in the creative cluster kvartal truda. we will find out the details from my colleague. anastasia efimova, she is joining the broadcast, so anastasia, greetings, what exactly did they tell the president about, what else? statements were made? yes, alexey, hello, more on all this in the next few minutes. the migration influx of young people reflects the result of joint efforts to develop the far east. the president's assessment, voiced today in yakutsk, where the head arrived on a working trip. the first point of the program was a tour of the creative cluster "quarter of labor". the it achievement was presented here. industries, the ecosystem of the video game
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industry, an animation studio, an aircraft engine monitoring system, in general, a clear example of the fact that oil, gas, diamonds - this, of course, is an important part of the region’s economy, but certainly not the only one, we just talked with the head of the republic in a variety of areas, areas of development of yakutia, but all these areas. will be very interesting, useful, promising for all our territories, including, as was just said, for new ones, which are in fact historical russian territories, and we are very glad that we now have the opportunity to support you and create conditions for you to achieve significant, interesting results for the whole country and for each of you. the far eastern region in general.
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specialists, here we need to create conditions for this, we have kept the mortgage at 2%, and we will keep it in this quality, in this form, we will create conditions for attracting specialists, and we are expanding it, by the way, including to participants of the svo . the required level and the required quality
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means - we will create attractive conditions for other specialists, i know they are here, there are also for doctors, teachers, cultural workers, in general we will work on a broad front. what makes the far east attractive is a number of existing programs, both federal ones, say, a zemstvo doctor or a zemstvo teacher, and those aimed specifically at this part of the country within the framework of the initiative. for example, they set a goal to form a team of three hundred of the strongest graduates for the civil service in the region. of course, they are trying to create favorable, competitive, financial conditions, including payments in harsh climatic conditions, the so-called northern allowances, not to take them into account in the proposed progressive personal income tax scale, asked evgeniy yemets, in the recent past a muscovite, and now a resident of chukotka moved to work in anadr.
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according to the calculations of the ministry of finance, the increase in the personal income tax, the tax burden on citizens, will affect no more than 3.2% of taxpayers, because 2.4 million rubles per year is the income of the main part of the citizens of the russian federation, this is the first, second, there are features in the north , these...
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out of brackets, only the basic part should be taken into account for taxation, necessarily i will give this instruction to the government. the regional economy, of course, is an important part of the country’s economy, very important. as part of his tour of the exhibition, the president today got acquainted with the results of the work of the patriotic advanced development territory. what it is? this is part of the region where a special legal regime applies to entrepreneurs. in this case, we are talking about defense projects that are being implemented in the most favorable conditions. last year alone , almost 4,000 drones, sights, all-terrain vehicles, even body armor. by the way. one of the participants in today's meeting is a fighter of a special military operation, awarded the order of courage, originally from the vologda region, but plans to connect his civilian life with the far east. many of those who moved here note that the main thing is to survive the first winter; then it’s easier,
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especially since the climatic conditions are excellent and there are vacancies. i survived the winter, -50, i know what it is, everything is fine, you can live and... i wanted, thanks to this program, to say that we have vacancies and other specialists, please come to us at columa, on this note we can finish, thank you, thank you so much for completing our meeting in such a way, i want to congratulate you all on the choice you made for yourself by moving to different regions of the far east, the far east has enormous development prospects, it is clear that everything takes time, but without the participation of people who are in love with their work, with the territory where they are located, with the people for whom they work, nothing is ever
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done, everything is done thanks to talent and energy, like you, for all the ideas and suggestions expressed. “let’s try not to forget anything, not so much a politeness formula as a task for subordinates to the initiatives and requests of citizens, the head of state traditionally requires extremely attentive attention, yes anastasia, thank you, anastasia efimova, about vladimir putin’s working trip to yakutsk. from yakutia, putin will go to north korea, it has already become known that following the negotiations in phinyang , an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership with the dprk should be signed. the document has already been approved by the russian president, it is known that he will come to beijing for the first time since 2000 and on the eve of the state visit, the russian leader published an article in the naong sin newspaper. the president emphasized that russia and the dprk are actively developing multifaceted
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partnerships. moscow highly appreciates the support of the dprk in conducting a special operation, as well as solidarity on key issues and readiness to defend common priorities at the un. putin emphasized that the dprk, despite its economic pressure and threats from the us side effectively defends its national interests. pyongyang is fighting for its freedom, sovereignty and values, and moscow has always supported and will continue to support the people of the republic. vladimir putin also expressed confidence that our countries will be able to bring bilateral cooperation to an even higher level, which will lead to the development of trade, economic and humanitarian cooperation. separately, the president noted the increase in tourism and youth sports exchanges and the intensification of ties between the two universities. now short advertising, then more news. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation.
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a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. doctors called the most widespread outbreak of batulism in the last 30 years, which occurred in three russian cities at once; almost one and a half hundred people were poisoned in moscow, nizhny novgorod and kazan. all victims used the ready-to-eat food delivery service. in nizhny novgorod, for example, taxin infected 14 people. and from there our correspondent elena gomanova gets in direct contact with the studio. elena, greetings, well, there were messages that they bought more of that ill-fated salad. hundred nizhegorodtsev, has anyone else turned to doctors for help? yes, that’s right, but so far
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we have data as of the beginning of today, i will actually repeat that 14 people are hospitalized in the nizhny novgorod region, among them one child is a teenager of 17 years old, he is in a children’s infectious diseases hospital, all patients are in different conditions, but many of them, unfortunately, are in serious condition, 12 people are in the intensive care unit and four had to be transferred to icu. i would like to note that indeed... all patients are predominantly young, they are all we used a ready-to-eat food delivery service and the poisoning first occurred due to the salad, which contained its own microorganisms. in general, botulism as a disease has a history of more than one century and occurs annually in different regions, including russia, it has very specific symptoms, unlike many common infections, botulism is not manifested by any... intestinal disorders, that is , temperature is not always among the symptoms, not always, but some
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specific disorders, yes, but most often symptoms such as blurred vision are observed, and what is even more dangerous, respiratory failure, and because butuulism, as a disease , acts primarily on nerve conduction, hence its danger, hence to this day, very severe cases of the disease occur, but as noted doctors, the key... what has been achieved up to this point, that the condition of all patients has stabilized, and this is the main thing, and as for the regional department of rospotrebnadzor, employees have already established the circle of people who purchased this a successful salad, which most likely caused signs of betulism, they called everyone, talked to everyone and warned that if any slightest signs of poisoning occur, it is necessary to immediately contact a medical facility; batulism cannot be treated at home right away. it is necessary to take the appropriate serum, which, by the way, all patients received, it is available in
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sufficient quantities in institutions in our region, i will add, so that there is no general panic, botulism is a disease that is not transmitted from person to person, that is, most often infection occurs through food, but how positive is this salad in this situation, and i’ll add again about the symptoms, that you need to pay attention to them, and most often... they still appear after a few hours of consuming the product and to unfortunately , it is impossible to determine the presence of microorganisms, because they do not have a specific color or smell, and this complicates the work, but all products have already been confiscated, from the point of sale they are undergoing laboratory testing, and condition of our patients in the nizhny novgorod region, i propose to listen right now, in principle, to hear some basic signs, all patients received timely therapy, and the main therapy for pribatuulism
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is anti-botulinum serum, that is, it is an antitoxin that is excreted in the body, which should neutralize . that toxin that exists in the blood and will accordingly reduce clinical manifestations. yes, i’ll add that in connection with this situation , the investigative committee of russia for the nizhny novgorod region has already opened a criminal case case and all relevant checks are carried out. but again, you can contact rospotrebnadzor employees at any time; if you feel unwell , call immediately. soon. alexei. yes, elena, thank you. elena gomanova was with the latest information about those poisoned in nizhny novgorod. the state duma excluded osaga from the list of mandatory documents when registering a vehicle. this document has already been approved by the deputies, and natalya solovyova, who is now joining our broadcast, is monitoring the work of the lower chamber. natalia,
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good afternoon. well, first of all, as for osag, how will all this affect motorists and what other bills are being discussed today at okhotny ryad? yes, alexey, hello, but this means that such a document will no longer be required when registering a vehicle with the state or, for example, when registering during a change of owner, but i would like to remind you that this document must still pass the third reading of soffetta, a signature is required president, now let's see what bills are being discussed here today on the first reading, they are especially interesting; one of these projects has just been adopted by deputies, but the voting was preceded by a rather stormy vote. discussion, this is a bill that concerns the ban on the sale of energy drinks to children, today we talked quite a lot about the dangers of such tonic drinks, they reminded that there are about 10 cups of coffee in one can, some countries have already taken the path of a complete ban on the sale of such drinks, such countries have already six, and the deputies, as sometimes happens, decided to start banning the sale themselves
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energy drinks within the walls of the state duma, but now you will see, this was obviously the last... energy drinks, here i am showing you these drinks, in any case, when the relevant committee discussed the bill, only one deputy admitted that he deliberately tried it, did not sleep until morning, an energy drink is a heart attack in a child, when this was heard, you and i must proceed from the fact that energy drinks were disguised as such... an innocent drink that supposedly brings benefits, well, certainly not harm, in fact it’s the other way around, and heart disease in children at an early age, and other diseases, all this is provoked by energy drinks, another
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bill, which will be heard in the first reading today, is aimed at protecting russians from biological threats, research, and moscow must be prepared for these threats, details today said vice speaker of the lower house of parliament irina yarovaya. as part of the investigation, we established that the united states transported more than 16 thousand different samples from the territory of ukraine alone. we understand that those activities which is being implemented today. with the united states is of a non-humanitarian nature, therefore the decisions that we are making today are aimed at stopping illegal activities, if any, and also preventing their commission. a complex, delicate, but very important topic is a bill that concerns tightening the rules for migrants staying in russia; in particular,
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deputies propose to give powers to the police so that they can expel them for significant offenses. illegal immigrants outside our country, and also introduce some restrictions. they will not be able to get a job, they will be deprived of the right to register at their place of residence, to travel outside the region or municipality, without control from the ministry of internal affairs, they will not be able to get married, they will not be able to drive vehicles and register their vehicles, they will not be able to make transactions , including real estate transactions. will not be able to freely manage bank accounts, open new accounts, the amount that is offered the maximum transfers per month for such persons is ... 30,000 rubles. deputies continue to work on the agenda, but this morning on the willing row began with a pleasant one with the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of gennady zyuganov.
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the speaker of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, came to the opening of the exhibition, of course, this is what he said about the birthday boy: you see, the political system has not only survived, but is also developing, and here we must pay tribute to gennady andreevich. the second faction in the state duma, which participates in life of the country, in strengthening the political system, putting the interests of the state of the people above party interests. such news is readily available to us here; we continue to monitor the work of the deputies. alexei. yes, natalya, thank you, natalya solovyova, about what laws are being discussed in the state duma today. day
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care centers for children with disabilities will open in another 15 russian regions. this was announced by commissioner for children’s rights maria lvova belova at a meeting of the commission of ombudsmen of the participating states cis. according to her, methodological recommendations have been created for opening such centers and training specialists to work in them. our project to create day care centers around the country, these are places where parents can bring their child for temporary accommodation, for a few hours and get the opportunity to have free time, and the child will communicate in society, will be cared for by specialists, we already have 14 such centers open, we have now held a grant competition and are expanding our geography to another 15 regions. intelligence
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the services of the united states of america are on the verge of using artificial intelligence technologies to manipulate public consciousness, with the suggestion of the americans, of course, that it is very ukraine, you can’t come up with anything new, new in technology. naturally, i had no plans to be recruited, i somehow didn’t even suspect that this could happen to me, we’ll tell you about that now, it’s not intelligence services that compete with each other, it’s the state that competes, intelligence and counterintelligence fight each other, but in end after all, the result of everything is determined by the quality of politics and the state, in our case, if it’s sports, then with records. if it’s a national holiday, we love traditions, honor our
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history, value family and strong relationships, and admire how the country is blossoming. even more achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.
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well, now there are new shots from yakutsk. we have long agreed to meet and talk about the development of yakutia right here on your territory. i am glad to welcome you to our yakutia, we are very happy. and you entered the yakut land for the first time 25 years ago, today just now you remembered about it, about visiting the higher school of music, then the future secretary of sarbez, so we
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think. that our good energy, and right now during the esekh holiday, the yakut holiday, ae blessing, solstice, it has helped you and will continue to help you in our difficult, very important work for the benefit of our country. vladimirovich, as i reported to you via videoconference in march, we were already doing well in the first quarter development, we can now report on the results of five months. our industrial growth is 9.7% compared to last year, grp is about 5.6% growth, we are showing very good results in all indicators, we have already produced 80% more coal than in four months of last year, according to gold is also showing a little more growth, diamonds are also showing an increase, oil and gas is stable, in general , our emission attractiveness is also growing, over the past year we have held the record for
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the far east. 739 billion. now i want to say that according to the results of the first quarter we have investments grew by 4.5% at comparable prices, that is, despite all the difficulties, yakutia is developing and the main investments would you note, which industries? and of course , the extractive industries, and they go in all directions, these include investments from large state-owned companies, such as gazprom, for example, rosneft, and private companies, elgol, nor. gold, gold, polymetal, well, in all areas we see significant growth, and of course our main company, all this led to what we have over the past year the budget was executed confidently, we have 269 billion rubles in the consolidated budget of the republic, tax and non-tax revenues, this is absolutely the best indicator of all time, the nineteenth place in the country, the first in the far east, this of course helps us.
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after all, we will already reach growth in this part of sustainability, yes, but in general i say again, we have a significant excess of birth rates over deaths and this allows , along with a positive migration trend, to ensure population growth, we are for natural growth, most of us natural growth, but before we always had a negative migration rate, more people left here than came, now we already have a positive trend, but we are for...
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in order for us to be able to solve this serious problem at the state level, demographic indicators good, yes, we have, we have 25% of families with many children, this is natural, natural increase is +3.5, the expected coefficient is 11.2, the expected continuation of life is 73.55 hundred.


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