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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production and raw materials in general , export, what it is, our product,
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moscow announced electronic competitions for the right to conclude offset contracts with the vladimir and orenburg regions. we are talking about the areas of improvement and road construction. anna lazareva will tell you why the city authorities chose such a tool and what advantages it provides. the essence of the offset contract is that the supplier is obliged to invest, for example, in the construction of a plant or modernization of production capacity, after which it must begin supplying the goods, and the buyer guarantees that he will wait for this moment, and then will purchase this product for a long time. the essence of a contract of this kind is that it is very long-term, because for now, investments need to be implemented, while production to increase output, and...
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actually, due to this one contract , it is possible not to recoup the investment, but to a large extent still compensate for the costs already incurred on - expanding the scaling of production, therefore contracts of this kind work well in conditions only when there is a long-term confident there is a buyer in oneself, well, for example , moscow. now this tool is increasingly being used within the framework of interregional cooperation, for example, moscow has announced electronic... competitions for the right to conclude two offset contracts in the areas of improvement and road construction with the orenburg and vladimir regions. under the terms of the latter, the investor must establish in the region the production of a stabilizing additive that makes the road surface stronger. moscow, in turn, guarantees the purchase of about 800 tons of these products annually for 10 years. the contract with the orenburg region will solve the problem of supplying tulips. rub. the fifth
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package of sanctions included the supply of tulips; in fact, this does not allow us we are now supplying the planting material that we previously purchased abroad. in many ways, this made it possible to conclude a binding contract with the orenburg region, with the localization of production on the territory of orenburg. and which, due to its climatic conditions , allows us to grow high-quality planting material and continue to delight our citizens with fresh, fresh flowers. since 2017, the capital has concluded 19 offset contracts for the supply of essential products, medicines, medical devices, food products for dairy kitchens, landscaping elements. the volume of purchases will amount to over 349 billion rubles. and the region will receive more than 6,500 jobs. we have.
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improve the electric vehicle industry as we create the key element of electric vehicles, the lithium battery, under this offset contract. according to the contract, investors have already completed the construction and modernization of production facilities and have begun to supply products. the city receives drugs for the treatment of oncological, cardiac, cardiovascular and other diseases, as well as products for dairy dispensaries points. today, more than 70% of russian offsets , or 19 contracts out of twenty-five, are in moscow, including the country’s first interregional offset contract with the republic of karelia. according to him. in 3
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years, the investor will create an enterprise for the production of crushed stone for the repair and construction of capital roads, and moscow will purchase more than 13 million tons of crushed stone for a total amount of over 10 years.
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the perfection of taste, credit savings card. beneficial in any situation, the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever, get a credit card and withdraw cash without commission, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she surfs the internet all the time.
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ntv cameraman valery kozhin, took place at the television center on academician korolev street. his colleagues came to the civil memorial service, tv channel employees, military officers, leaders of the largest. federal media, representatives of the ministry of defense and the presidential administration, as for valery, we met with him in good, well, conditionally good terms...
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because he was a real warrior and he fought the way he knew it best, through
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the lens , and showing what is happening to us and everyone is generally a grief. valery kozhin was 46 years old; he came to ntv in 2006, first as a sound engineer, technician, then as a television cameraman. started working in donbass with 2014. for 10 years, viewers saw the war through his eyes, then there was syria. for his colleagues who worked with him in the combat zone, he will forever remain a true professional. it is very difficult to say that he was, that he is now gone, but for me valerka became , first of all, the brightest person who, it seems, did not know how to be sad, he always smiled, even the most difficult moments, even when there was no time for smiling , he or there was a defensive reaction and he was just a very... lively, cheerful person, well, about what he was a professional in his field,
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it’s not even worth mentioning here, because valera really lived by work, valera worked in order to live, and he gave his all, he went through a lot, ended his journey in the war, he spent months on the most difficult business trips, was awarded medal for courage, medals of the order of merit for the fatherland of the first second degree, medal of the ministry of defense for participation in the operation in syria. yesterday we remembered the guys who died 10 years ago, igor korneryuk, anton moloshnik, when they died, i was in surrounded by slavyansk, remember, they started to get photographs to remember who was there, and lyokha and valera were there, and i look at the photographs, we are sitting in the basement, in my opinion, it was a family home, which... everyone is tense the whole dark basement has one bright spot in
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the photo, that’s valerie’s smile. at the funeral , by decision of the relatives, the closest ntv operators, valery kozhina, were present. the sixth meeting of the heads of prosecutorial services of the brix states is taking place in st. petersburg. big business planned program, we will find out all the details from our correspondent dmitry akimov. joins the broadcast. dmitry, greetings. so, how is the work of prosecutors organized within the framework of brix and, most importantly, what has already been done? yes, alexey, hello, well, really, this whole meeting lasts for two days. today is the first day, these are bilateral meetings, tomorrow there will be a main meeting, which will start at 10:00 am. here, in the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg, representatives of eight different countries have already gathered, these are the countries of brick, among them china, united arab emirates, republic.
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arab emirates, now i propose to listen to what the prosecutor general said at this meeting in the open part, of course, let’s listen, not even two months have passed since our last meeting with you in moscow, such purity of contacts aims for intensive development of interaction in accordance with the vector
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given to us by the presidents of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. united by the president of the united arab emirates, his highness, sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahain. this primarily applies to expanding our cooperation at various international platforms, primarily such as the un and brix. well, this is a rather indicative moment that literally 2 months have passed since the last meeting, and already some agreements are beginning to be implemented, so both countries are moving along the path. towards the implementation of the agreements reached in april, including the creation of a working group to combat crime and protect the rights of citizens, between competent authorities of our countries, such work continues, but tomorrow all participants in this meeting will gather at a round table, here in the constantine palace, the main theme of this meeting, this meeting is stated
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as modern digital solutions to protect the law, the experience of the prosecutorial services of the brix countries. and it is stated that the implementation of modern digital solutions in law enforcement activities of their use will be considered, as well as the role of new technologies, including artificial intelligence in ensuring the rule of law and combating crime. we will follow all important statements, today this is not the last bilateral meeting, so we will definitely tell you about everything in the next live broadcasts. alexey, i give you the floor. yes, dmitry, we will definitely follow you directly from st. petersburg. where the sixth meeting of the heads of prosecutorial services of the brix states is taking place, dmitry akimov was there. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help in apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's make the head work.
3:48 pm
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testing on volunteers is currently underway, and the results are promising so far. braziin has no effect on carbohydrate metabolism in the body and does not increase blood glucose levels. it would seem a worthy alternative to sugar, the consumption of which among russians has increased significantly. how much do we eat? if, for example, in the 19th century one person ate an average of 2-3 kg of sugar per year, then in the last century the amount increased to 20 kg. now, according to consumer data. supervision, this is already 39 kg, more than 100 g per day. according to the ministry of health, type 2 diabetes has been diagnosed in more than 4,700 thousand residents of our country,
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and the number of patients increases by 6% every year. every year the number of people diagnosed with obesity increases by half a million. this is a common problem in the world, in russia and in russia in particular, because we still have such a culture of eating cakes and gorging ourselves. with cakes and so on, everyone has some degree of excess weight, and some tendency to continue to gain this weight, if you do not give up such eating habits, and do not change them and transfer them to some more healthy eating, then sooner or later we will all face problems associated with overweight, yes, digestive disorders, the appearance of type 2 diabetes, until now scientists have not been able to find an ideal sweetener; all sweet alternatives, both natural and chemical, have their drawbacks. popular fructose promotes weight gain, stevia, which,
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contrary to popular belief, is not prohibited in russia, has an unpleasant aftertaste, some are potentially harmful, for example, erythritis, according to research by american doctors, can provoke blood clots and even heart attacks, and quite often dangerous they open only over time, bright... absolutely safe, and then the international agency for research on cancer said that this is the first studies showed that it is a carcinogen, which can lead to the development of oncology. and sports, firstly, were recognized conditionally there, well, conditionally harmful, or so to speak, yes, because under certain conditions such problems can begin, that is, with enormous concentration, with extremely regular... spartan, too, was for a long time a very safe sweetener and well as if millions of people used it and no one
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could catch any negative effects, but then they found some confluence of conditions that could potentially lead to this, and in general scientists are sure that it is better not to abuse sweeteners, there is a vital need to add sugar you and i don’t, this is already a certain plazh, the more... we stimulate taste buds with a sweet taste, the more the craving for sweets increases, because the sensitivity of taste buds gradually dulls and more sweets are required. with daily consumption of sweeteners, the craving for sweets only increases, which in turn contributes to gradual weight gain; it is sometimes possible to use sweeteners for diabetes. as for sweet proteins, they are considered a priori less dangerous than other types of sugars. three such substances were proposed for mass production: thaumatin, known for a long time, but it is 3.00 times sweeter than sugar, a clear overkill. manylin tastes better, but
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its molecules are too large and unstable. during the tests, braziin showed the best results from a certain point of view, this is expected. after all, people have long been familiar with it; this protein is found in the fruits of the pentadeplandra tree, which grows in western and central africa, and for centuries the inhabitants of the congo and niger basins have used them in their traditional cuisine. let me clarify that we will not have to grow tropical fruits in eurasia. with the help of genetic engineering technologies, specialists can obtain.
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as for me, six months ago i did not know about this until i attended a conference on innovation in dubai. as a food scientist, i am looking for new sugar substitutes and i know that it is a matter of time before people get the word out about a new product and it can be quite difficult to convince people of the results. tests are ongoing, one flaw has already been discovered, the protein cannot withstand heat treatment,
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so for now they plan to use it in the product. for the preparation of which a temperature of no more than 90° is required. these are drinks, waffles, ketchup, jams and candies. a plant for the production of sweeteners will begin to be built already in 2025. well, then the choice is up to the consumer: eat sugar or its sweet alternative.
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this is russia 24 straight. now the main facts of this day in the studio are georgy podgorny and natalya litovskaya, this is what we are going to talk about: vladimir putin is expected in pyongyang in the dprk, everything is ready for the arrival of the russian leader. how are relations between our countries developing, what are the prospects? president putin wrote an article in the leading newspaper of the dprk, what is there? of course i will read it. well, earlier the russian leader...


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