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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the state duma proposed conducting random inspections of catering establishments after mass poisoning of ready-made food; the number of cases of hospitalization with symptoms of botulism continues to grow, with outbreaks. diseases were registered in absolutely different cities, svetlana chmykhalana will tell us more. yes, svetlana, welcome again, what is the data up to this hour, how many victims are there, in which regions? well, 197 cases of poisoning are still known. experts say the current outbreak is the largest in russia in at least the last three decades. so, in moscow , over 120 people with symptoms of botulism sought medical help. more than 50 of them are in hospital. in serious
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condition, 20 people in the moscow region, 12 of them are serious, eight were transferred to ventilators . the regional rospotrebnadzor suspects that there may be more people poisoned. specialists are calling people who might have bought lobby salad with beans. in kazan, the number of cases of suspected butuulism has increased to fourteen. the same number of people hospitalized in nizhny novgorod. among there are a child injured and 12 people are in intensive care. all. the victims consumed products from the same manufacturer; people ordered lobio from a local kitchen and a salad with tuna, beans and apple from a gastroport. the scooter delivery service is already issuing refunds to muscovites who purchased lobio. the delivery service also stopped sales of the company’s products. gastroport began an internal audit. it is noteworthy that the probability of detecting botulism in industrial canned food is almost zero. catering establishments do not...
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signed to carry out an analysis to identify this pathogen, the moscow investigative committee reported that employees of the warehouses where the products were stored tried to get rid of them. in addition, several citizens of uzbekistan illegally registered a salad production company. three people have been detained in connection with the mass poisoning. with the ceo of local kitchen, also known as the neighborhood kitchen, arrested today. after conducting searches in places where products were sold by the rospotrebnadzor departments for in moscow and the moscow region, the activities of these organizations have been suspended. zm
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disease is rare, but potentially fatal. the bacterium lives in the soil, but is able to survive in unfavorable conditions thanks to spores. the ideal environment for bacteria is the absence of oxygen and a temperature above 35°. in such conditions , a strong biological poison is released. in general, the bacteria loves canned food. most often , butulin toxins are found in beans, spinach, mushrooms, beets, and tuna. moreover, if there is only a small amount of spores in the can, then the can will not swell. external.
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in a person, the first symptoms to notice are the inability to focus the gaze, the lack of binocular vision, those people who went to the hospital, they are now, i think, on controlled breathing, on an artificial respiration machine, how long they will be like this depends on how much toxin they received. how does poison affect humans? when ingested, the substance blocks nerve signals that cause muscles to contract. when used correctly, by the way, with the help botlotoxin treats spasms, smoothes out wrinkles, the same botox. however, if the neurotoxin enters the stomach. a person develops severe damage to the nervous system, as it manifests itself: the upper eyelid droops, double vision, the patient has difficulty swallowing any food and water, and paralysis of the respiratory muscles may occur. according to data , vosbotulism is often mistaken for stroke or meningitis. to make an accurate diagnosis,
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laboratory tests are needed, and after diagnosis , antitoxin must be administered as soon as possible. all patients received timely therapy. the main therapy for botulism is anti-botulinum serum, that is , it is an antitoxin that is introduced into the body, which should neutralize the toxin that exists in the blood and accordingly reduce clinical manifestations. prevention in the case of batulism is quite simple: when preserving , thoroughly rinse vegetables during the cooking process, observe the temperature regime, and do not store food without oxygen for a long time. well, as for ordering food, the ready-made food delivery market has been growing at a double-digit rate over the past few years, it is logical that the number of people who do not have the habit of cooking is also increasing, and it would seem that along with this rise in business responsibility should also increase, but it seems that you need to be more careful and careful when between
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the stove and use the tray to select the second one. now economic news, briefly: world central banks are planning to increase gold reserves. against the backdrop of the falling popularity of the dollar, the financial times writes about this with reference to a review by the world gold council. third those surveyed by the central bank will do this within the next year, the rest within 5 years. over the past two years, central banks have replenished their reserves of dracon metal by 100 tons. all this led to an increase in prices. the historical maximum of $2,400 per ounce was recorded in may. the share of national currencies in payments in russia and kazakhstan exceeded 85%. this was stated by deputy prime minister of the republic serik zhumangarin. according to him, sanctions against the moscow exchange did not affect the trade balance of the two countries. kazakhstan mainly supplies machinery, equipment and products from khimprom to russia. in in the opposite direction goes food, metals and minerals. at the end of the year,
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trade turnover reached a record 2.5 rubles. leroa merlin in russia will change its name to liman. the first stores under the new sign will open before the end of the year. and the united states suspended the double taxation agreement with russia. the decision will come into force on august 16, according to the website of the us treasury. this step was a response to the decree signed by vladimir putin in august last year.
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between regions so that there are no lagging behind, well and of course, focus on leaders like dagestan, where the average life expectancy has been recorded for almost 80 years. the national project will include 11 federal ones, work is actively underway on a number of them, but first of all, this is the modernization
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of primary health care, this is where most citizens turn for help, it is extremely important to control how citizens. modern equipment, especially when it comes to medical institutions in rural areas, small towns, and villages. well, now we have message from lentoinformagentv, which arrive at these very minutes, with reference to deputy minister of foreign affairs sergei ribkov. the factor of nuclear deterrence in russia's security system now plays a vital role. it is necessary to clarify some parameters for the situations described in...
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while we move on to other topics, we will return to this news group. deputy prime minister and chief
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of the government staff dmitry grigorenko held a meeting with the leadership of the fas, summed up the work of the antimonopoly service and determined its upcoming tasks. over the previous 4 years , the number of unitary enterprises has decreased by almost half. this was facilitated, among other things, by antimonopoly control. also, among the achievements of the implementation of the state information system anti-cartel, which saves budget funds during municipal procurement. on the key list. the task of simplifying, accelerating the organization of government orders, optimizing industry-wide auctions of government property and digitizing work processes. we see that certain sectors of the economy are very actively moving into the digital sphere are being heavily digitalized, and of course, the antimonopoly service, as a regulator and as a body that carries out, among other things , control functions, must also keep up with this digitalization as quickly and actively as possible. the verkhovna rada of ukraine is already considering three bills on economic protection from mobilization.
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the essence of all initiatives is the same: the opportunity to pay off being sent to the army. meanwhile , reservists under 20 and 25 years of age, including those previously declared unfit for military service, began to receive summons from military registration and enlistment offices. about on how forced mobilization is carried out, margarita semenyuk. they just almost packed me up, these types of cordons of cements, people barely fought them off. tck employees attacked the man. at the railway station, fellow passengers fought off the guy, and the train conductors hid the victim in the carriage. in short, i was still sitting on the train, and the train chief locked me in the attic. the frenzied kiev regime is grinding down its own citizens without even having time to send them to the front line. zelensky, flooding ukraine with the blood of his fellow citizens, holds on afloat, he bit the military commissars off the chain, and incited his own people. tsetskashniks meet the time, grab their weapons. ay, come here! people who don’t want to serve because they’re afraid,
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people who don’t want to serve because they’re afraid of death, they’re afraid of something else, corrupt authorities, children of deputies don’t fight, and just these excuses are excuses , excuses of people who, you know, may not be afraid, they are lost, lost souls, lost citizens of ukraine. military commissars will definitely find all those lost will be directed towards the path of true patriotism. straight to the war, and in order to quickly deliver recruits to the military registration and enlistment office, the military personnel are specially given a ride, albeit on the hood and not by their will, but with the breeze. ban formations are giving odessa a nightmare, a man went out with his eight-year-old daughter for a walk and didn’t go somewhere, but just into the yard, demons drove up, document checks back and forth, well, the guy had been caught before, but that was back in november, then he was taken to the same suvorov commissariat, where he poured out 700 barrels and left.
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your handwriting, first show the note, and after the car lights up. in the vinnytsia region, prices for a slope due to mobilization have doubled. now is the ticket to a peaceful life. costs 20,000 dollars, the tax of the head of the vinnitsa tc prepared packages of documents for ukrainians to leave the country, how many men he helped escape is unknown. but the whole world learns about the exploits of ukrainian women. the french magazine lexpress published an article about female sappers, among them hairdressers, teachers, ballerinas, and chemists. more and more women are participating in
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mine clearance. according to the government, they now make up 30% of the workforce as well. similar dynamics are observed in other professions traditionally associated with men; the male workforce has been depleted by war mobilization and immigration. at the same time, in ukraine they want to introduce a reservation from mobilization for workers with a salary of $900 or more. we are talking about a reservation whose salary is equal to at least twelve subsistence minimums. margarita semenyuk, valeria sapegina, kazbek gogaev. news. now about the weather, showers, which can be called. russians don’t leave salvos regions, the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated today in the volga and south siberian regions. we’ll talk more about this with the leading specialist of the fobs center, vadim zavodchenko. vadim, welcome, i see that the doctors are saying that this is the tropical weather that is expected in moscow, stuffy, hot, rainy, maybe even dangerous for health. according to your information, when the showers stop in the center of russia for how long
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, nastya will stay with the siberians. plain, nature will make the first attempt, although not very successful, to improve the weather tomorrow, over southern siberia, rain clouds will begin to dissipate only from thursday. a thundercloud arrived in ulyanovsk during a moment of suffocating heat. the air in the city warmed up to +31, the rain was accompanied by squalls. according to eyewitnesses, the wind additionally spun the ferris wheel in one of the parks. on the new bridge under.
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the driver barely got out of the car. in the lowlands, cars sank up to the hood. employees of one of the warehouses staged an exciting swim on a septic tank with shovels instead of oars. heavy rains hit some areas again capital, rivers flowed through the streets in the city center during the day. more than 300 mos drain crews continue to monitor the situation. city downpours continue to test the patience of residents. south of siberia. in the krasnoturansky district of the krasnoyarsk territory, an overflowing stream washed away the bridge that connects two parts of the village of nikolaevka. the culvert simply could not remove such a volume of precipitation. as a result, some residents could not immediately return home and waited for the water level to drop.
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but tomorrow in the west and north-west of the russian the crest of the black sea anticyclone will already be located on the plains. so here the precipitation will subside for a while, the east of the region, the urals and the south of siberia will still be covered with fields of rain clouds, and in places in the arctic, in the north of the urals and in the baikal region, showers will be able to bring in just 24 hours more than a third of the monthly volume of moisture, for example, over irkutsk the next portion of thunderclouds will begin to gather tomorrow in the middle of the day, but for now they will not interfere with the sun. warm the air to +26, the most intense precipitation will hit the city late in the evening and the coming night, according to model estimates, up to 10 mm in 3 hours, by thursday morning about 40% of the june moisture norm will fall here, on thursday the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction,
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another atmospheric front will break through to the russian plain, so here residents are again waiting... showers in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds, in siberia, on the contrary, an anticyclone will begin to form, under its influence the rain clouds will begin to dissipate. in krasnoyarsk, light rain is still possible tomorrow, and due to dense clouds the columns thermometers will not rise above +16, but then, thanks to the anticyclone , sunny weather will come to the banks of the yanisey and the air will cool down again little by little. in moscow, on the contrary, tomorrow the probability of precipitation is minimal, the sun will easily warm the air to +26-28, but from thursday the sky above the capital will return. the rain clouds will be drawn in, the showers are predicted to be quite heavy and by the end of the day almost a quarter of the june moisture volume will pour into the metropolis.
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the sixth meeting of heads of state prosecutorial services is taking place in st. petersburg brix. a large business program is planned. we will find out more details from our correspondent dmitry akimov. he joins the facts live. yes, adim, welcome. how is the work of prosecutors organized within the framework of brix? what has already been done? yes, hello, colleagues, well, it’s difficult to say for the entire brix, it is very large, as we know, but, from each of the countries that, at least today, are present here in the constantine palace of st. petersburg, and it is absolutely obvious that contact has been established, fruitful work is underway, today is the first day the work of this meeting of leaders , chaired by the prosecutor general of the russian federation igor krasnov, is taking place, and today is the day of bilateral meetings, igor krasnov is meeting.
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in vladivostok, a meeting of representatives of border prosecutor's offices to discuss the issues of protecting the rights of investors. the next meeting with the attorney general is with the attorney general of the united arab emirates. it is worth saying that the last meeting with igor krasnov took place literally 2 months, less than 2 months ago, during which time it was already serious progressed towards the implementation of the agreements reached in april, including the creation of a working group. on combating crime and protecting the rights of citizens between the competent authorities of our countries. the next meeting was a bilateral one, which took place with the prosecutor general of the islamic
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republic of iran. iran entered the brix only on january 1 of this year, but now clear, stable work has already been established, it was proposed to sign several very important documents, in addition, to continue cooperation in the five-party . v format of the prosecutor's offices of the caspian region and the last bilateral meeting for today took place with the national director of the criminal prosecution service of south africa, the words that igor krasnov said at this meeting, they seemed to sum up the entire very busy day of negotiations, igor krasnov addressed, it seems to me, not even so much to madam bataille, how much to the entire world community, let's listen, the russian prosecutor's office has. a wide range of powers and competencies in various fields, we attach great importance to international legal cooperation, building it on
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the principles of unconditional compliance with international law and equality and mutual respect. unfortunately, not all of our partners share this point of view. a number of western countries selectively apply the relevant norms and interpret them exclusively in their own way. interests, i am confident that the fight against the most dangerous criminal manifestations and threats in the modern world is possible only through joint efforts, including through effective work and organization of our work in international organizations, on international platforms, the activities of which should be based on professional interests, not political ones, it is worth saying that our main day is tomorrow, tomorrow there will be a general meeting of the heads of prosecutorial services, this year it is dedicated to a joint digital solution to protect the law , this is the main topic of tomorrow's
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meeting. colleagues, we give you the floor. yes, dmitry, thank you on the direct link from st. petersburg, where the sixth meeting of heads of state prosecutorial services is taking place brix, there was dmitry akimov. the new regions of the country have enormous potential, both industrial and rural. farms , valentina matvienko stated this at a meeting with the head of the kherson region vladimir saldo, they also discussed how local entrepreneurs are expanding the supply of their products to different regions of our country. fruits, berries, too , there are already sales markets, take crimea to crimea, crimea first of all, but entrepreneurs have already paved the way, you know, entrepreneurs, like and flowers through the asphalt, they, they are already.
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day care centers for children with disabilities will open in another 15 russian regions, commissioner for children’s rights maria lvova belova announced this at a meeting of the commission of ombudsmen of the cis member states. according to her , methodological recommendations have been created for... a few hours, parents can bring their child and get the opportunity of free time, and the child will communicate in society, will be dealt with by specialists, these are places where for temporary placement, we already have 14 such centers open, we have now held a grant competition and are expanding our geography to another 15 regions. the joint
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history of the cis countries is being discussed today in moscow at an international conference. after the collapse of the ussr, in some countries of the post-soviet space history began to be nationalized and facts and established interpretations began to be revised. well, during this forum he plans to develop approaches to research and coverage of general periods of history in educational literature. present independence to a large extent of all these present states was. is connected with the national priorities that they received while being part of the soviet union. and national self-awareness then developed very actively among them. and one of the tasks of our meeting today is to talk about how science should prevail and real, actual facts should prevail. a significant event for the navy in st. petersburg was launched.
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on the water, the multi-purpose corvette is agile, it is a ship with enhanced anti-aircraft missile and anti-ship weapons, it is capable of detecting and destroying enemy submarines. in autonomous mode, it can swim for 15 days. next year they plan to complete all tests on the corvette; in the twenty-sixth , the agile one will join the navy and will increase the potential of the pacific fleet grouping. the word for greetings is sad news from france: the actress anok megrevsha died in the sixties in the melodrama kladalilusha a man and a woman, she was 92 years old, the actress began acting in films very early from the age of 14, in russia she is also known from the cult films of the italian director and screenwriter fedorik fillini sweet life and 8 and a half. for their roles in the film, the man and woman received a bafta award and a golden globe, and was also nominated for an oscar.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website.
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18:00 in moscow, these are the facts, we continue: the far east is demonstrating population growth, this region has enormous development prospects, the authorities will do everything possible to attract the necessary specialists there. this was stated by vladimir putin in yakutsk. the president arrived in the region with work trip. with young specialists, visited the it industry exhibition and the sports arena. anastasia efimova has all the details. they were interested in how things were going, loudly expressed support and, of course, took photos and videos. residents of yakutsk, where vladimir putin arrived today on a working trip, and where the head of state was very much awaited. we gathered right outside the stadium.


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