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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of gas stations; russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights; there are prospects, even more brutal ones. there will be more than exactly what
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the numbers help, you are incomparably original in your questions, but what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is our product? now about the weather, showers, which can be called volleys, do not leave the russian regions; the consequences of heavy rains are being eliminated today in the regions of the volga region and south siberia. more details we’ll talk about this with the leading specialist of the fobos center vadim zavodchenko. yes, vadim, welcome, i see that the doctors are saying that this tropical weather, which is expected in moscow, is stuffy, hot, rainy, maybe even dangerous for health. according to your information, when the rainfalls stop in the center of russia for a long time...
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an suv was hit, the driver had difficulty getting out of the washed-out asphalt, into one of these traps from the passenger compartment, in the lowlands the cars sank up to the hood, employees of one of the warehouses staged an exciting swim on a septic tank with shovels instead of oars, heavy rains again covered certain areas of the capital, rivers flowed through the streets in the city center during the day, more than 300 mos brigades continue to monitor the situation. dostok. thunderstorms continue to test the patience of residents of southern siberia. in the krasnoturansky district of the krasnoyarsk territory, an overflowing stream washed away the bridge that connects two parts of the village of nikolaevka. the culvert simply could not remove such a volume of precipitation. as a result , some residents could not immediately return home and waited for the water level to drop. but tomorrow in the west and northwest. in the russian plain
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, the crest of an anticyclone from the black sea region will already be located, so here the precipitation will subside for a short time, but in the east of the region, the urals and southern siberia will still be covered with fields of rain clouds, and in places in the arctic in the north of the urals and in the baikal region, showers will be able to bring everything in 24 hours , more than a third of the monthly volume of moisture, for example, over irkutsk the next portion of gnawing clouds will begin to... gather tomorrow in the middle of the day, but until they prevent the sun from warming up air up to +26, the most intense precipitation will fall on the city late in the evening and the coming night, according to model estimates, up to 10 mm in 3 hours, by thursday morning about 40% of the june moisture norm will fall here, on thursday the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction, to russian the plain... another
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atmospheric front will break through, so here residents again expect downpours, in some places with thunderstorms and gusty winds, in siberia, on the contrary, anticyclones will begin to form. under its influence the rain clouds will begin to dissipate. in krasnoyarsk, small rains, and due to dense clouds the thermometers will not rise above +16, but then, thanks to the anticyclone, sunny weather will come to the banks of the yanisey and the cooled air will again gradually warm up. in moscow, on the contrary, tomorrow the probability of precipitation is minimal, the sun will easily warm the air to +20. 6:28, but from thursday the sky over the capital will again be covered with rain clouds, the showers are predicted to be quite heavy and by the end of the day almost a quarter of the june volume of moisture will pour into the metropolis. well,
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there are also abnormal weather conditions in germany the holding of the european football championship is in jeopardy, as the stadium in dortmund was flooded and water entered the playing field. there were some incidents. it happened on the podium. conflict between fans of georgia and turkey. the riots continued outside the stadium. so the police were forced to detain some aggressive fans. rospotrebnadzor has identified suppliers and manufacturers of products that caused botulism in a number of regions of russia. the cause of the contamination was beans that were used to make lobby salad. according to the department's data from circulation more than 172 tons of products were seized. the state duma proposed introducing random inspections of catering establishments after mass poisoning of prepared food. the number of hospitalizations with symptoms of batulism continues to rise, with outbreaks reported in several cities. read more, svetlana chmykhala. in moscow
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, over 120 people with symptoms of butuulism sought medical help. more than 50 of them are in serious condition in hospitals. in outskirts of moscow. there may be more, specialists are calling people who could buy lobby salad with beans. in kazan, the number of cases of suspected butulism increased to fourteen, and the same number were hospitalized in nizhny novgorod. among the victims there is a child, 12 people are in intensive care. all victims consumed products from the same manufacturer. people ordered lobio from the kitchen in the area and salad with tuna, beans and apple from the gastroport. the scooter delivery service is already issuing refunds to muscovites who purchased lobio. the delivery service also stopped selling the company's products . gastraport began an internal audit.
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it is noteworthy that the probability of detecting botulism in industrial canned food is almost zero. food service establishments are not required to conduct detection testing. the moscow investigative committee reported that employees of the warehouse where the products were stored tried to get rid of them. in addition, several citizens of uzbekistan illegally registered a salad production company. three people have been detained in connection with the mass poisoning. with those detained today by the general director local kitchen company, also known as the kitchen in the area, by anton lozin, director.
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the bacterium lives in the soil, but is able to survive in unfavorable conditions thanks to its spores. the ideal environment for bacteria is the absence of oxygen and a temperature above 35°. in such conditions, a strong biological poison is released. in general, the bacteria loves canned food. most often, butulin toxins are found in beans, spinach, mushrooms, beets, and tuna. moreover, if there is only a small amount of spores in the can, the can will not swell; it is difficult to determine the danger by appearance. so. bacteria readily reproduce in salted smoked fish, ham, sausages, the word botulism itself comes from the latin butelus, sausage, this toxin is very terrible, a poisonous dose for humans, there are parts per million, there are parts per gram, the toxin damages nerves,
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neuromuscular connections, the most sensitive our nerves are those associated with vision, which is why a person’s first symptoms are these. inability to focus the gaze, lack of binocular vision, those people who went to the hospital, they are now, i think on a controlled dh. on the artificial respiration machine, how long they will depend on how much toxin they have, which means they got how the poison acts on a person, when it enters the body, the substance blocks the nerve signals that cause the muscles to contract, if used correctly, by the way, with the help of boteloxin they treat spasms, smooth out wrinkles, the same botox, however, if the neurotoxin enters the stomach, a person develops a severe lesion. nervous system, how it manifests itself: the upper eyelid droops, double vision,
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it is difficult for the patient to swallow any food and water, and paralysis of the respiratory muscles may occur. according to the who, botulism is often mistaken for a stroke or meningitis, laboratory tests are needed to make an accurate diagnosis, and an antitoxin must be administered as soon as possible after diagnosis. all patients received timely therapy, and the main therapy for butuulism is anti-batulism. prevention in the case of batulism is quite simple; when preserving , thoroughly rinse the vegetables during the cooking process, observe the temperature regime, and do not store products without oxygen for a long time, and as for ordering food, the market for the delivery of ready-made meals has been growing at a double-digit rate for the last few... it is logical that the number of people who do not have the habit
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of cooking is also increasing, and it would seem that along with this rise business should grow and responsibility should grow, but it seems that you need to be more careful and careful when choosing the latter between a stove and a tray. in the next 2 weeks, the assembly of a new russian carriage for the minsk metro will be completed; a total of 28. units by the end of this year. well, to implement the project, engineers used virtual technologies. taras kuchuyanko visited the production site. these new blue-and-white carriages will begin running in the minsk metro before the end of the year. the color was chosen by the customer. he also indicated that the most modern technologies should be inside. the russian metro manufacturer wagonmash won the battle for the contract. he has experience and knowledge. it is his trains that run on the moscow subway. now the final stage of assembling the first train is underway, the handrails and partly a seat, and the work will be completed
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in july, after which the train will be sent for running-in. the minsk carriage is externally similar to the modern moscow one, which was taken as a basis, primarily through passages, an advanced climate control system inside, they will install air disinfectants, they will install usb tailgates for electronic devices, they will install monitors, but there are also many differences. specially adapted and made to order. minsk metro train interior, the driver's cabin has undergone improvements, for us this is not a new market, we have been friends with belarusian metro since its foundation, today there are about 200 cars produced by gon mash, specifically transporting passengers to the minsk metro. the new cars are called minsk-2024; there will be 28 of them, four in each electric train. the design was carried out by an engineer. in all projects we
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use only our own developments , including key components of such complex science-intensive ones as traction electric machines, static converters, microprocessor control systems. before how to build a carriage, the company’s specialists test the solution on a digital copy, how convenient is the location of sensors or buttons for the driver, does he need it? whether it stretches or not, how comfortable the handrails are for passengers, but this is not the only plus. engineers have created a virtual copy of the minsk metro, the cars and cabins that will be installed. the simulator allows you to use vr technologies to train the driver to control the train and view the route. close contacts between countries in the industry include not only the supply new carriages. many components for the plant have been produced by belarusian enterprises for many years, they...
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mom, guess who started a new job today, there are many vacancies on avid. at work you will find not just a job, but your place, if my dream came true, what life would be like, if the dream was washed away, start a wonderful
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auto entry without extra expenses on avito. more than 14 billion rubles were collected by the volunteers of the fund, everything for victory, the funds went to help the soldiers who are in the special military zone operations. the selfless work of the foundation was noted by vladimir putin. the president welcomed the participants of the forum to the exhibition dedicated to the two-year anniversary of the organization. but the interim results of the activities are being summed up today at vdnkh, where ours works. yes, colleagues, i greet you, the award ceremony is now ongoing in the main hall, and everyone at the exhibition at the russia forum in the seventy-fifth pavilion has the opportunity
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to see the achievements of the kulibin club, quadcopters and tracked ones are presented here... forms and systems of electronic warfare, this exhibition was inspected today by presidential aide alexey dyumin. the solutions that our engineers present, we must test them, approve them in the shortest possible time, and, most importantly , make them mass production as quickly as possible, because they allow us to bypass. all countermeasure systems that the enemy is building can perform more effective tasks, and the use of these means that are not in service in various areas, this includes reconnaissance, additional reconnaissance, this means identifying... opponents at any time of the day, this is also an adjustment, this is also combat use,
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i note that today alexey dzyumin will present an award to the creator of drones, which are called a ghoul, so the creation of such a quadcopter requires only 60,000 rubles, but at the same time it can destroy abraoms leopard, already known... tanks, nato equipment, each such tank costs more than 2 million rubles. and, of course, it is worth noting that the popular front award was established on behalf of the president of russia, this is a commemorative badge to encourage volunteers who constantly help participants in a special military operation and their families, and the decision to establish this award was made during the forum in tula,
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they fight for their homeland, its territorial integrity and security, protect the lives of our citizens. as always in history, during the most difficult years of testing, russian multinational society demonstrates cohesion, unity of the army and the people, and loyalty to the values ​​of mutual assistance and solidarity. turning 2 years old myself large-scale.
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this is 14,000 radio stations that have already been sent to the guys, and almost 9,000 sights and manoculars, night sights, more than three thousand generators, 230 atvs, 25,000 body armor, 78,000 first aid kits and several thousand cars, this is what lies behind these numbers. mash, thank you, maria valieva was in direct contact with
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her, she received the bafta and golden globe awards, and was also nominated for an oscar. towards a sports theme. today, on the sixth competitive day of the brix countries 2024 sports games in kazan, 17 sets of medals. athletes compete in chess, diving, basketball combined and freestyle wrestling. our correspondent works in kazan. one hundred, among the kul residents, he makes direct contact. yes, stas, welcome, again, tell us what our result is today? what about medals and achievements? yes, georgy, natalya, greetings, from the martial arts palace in kazan, where real passions are burning, simply blazing on
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the wrestling mats, today gold medals are being played out, freestyle wrestlers and out of nine finals in eight bouts, our athletes and of course , our wrestlers win a scattering of gold awards here, abasgadzhi magomedov in the weight category up... and i also started at 8:00 several times, this is not my first, on the contrary, when sometimes i lose, i somehow struggle
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. sometimes it’s necessary so that the fans also got nervous, their nerves almost rolled, and yesterday they fought two fights for 2 minutes, they weren’t interested, at least they flew here, they should at least fight for the first time in this format of a tournament, performed in the same house, everyone was together, such a preventive measure, like olympus it will be as if the rivals live there too. well, a little earlier in the kazan baskethall the basketball final ended, the biathlon was named at the brixtak games, but this is a well-proven format of basketball that is loved by the audience, 7 minutes the athletes play the console, and 7 minutes in the 2: 2 format they figure out the relationship at the ring on the court , in the finals, the russians...
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met with the belarusian team and entered the cyber section 8:7, but vladislav meleshkin simply shone on the floor today, he scored 12 points in 7 minutes of play and brought victory the russian team 15:23 and a gold medal, well , immediately after the final siren we talked with meleshkin, who became the champion of the games of the future in february here in kazan, and now in june also the winner of the gold medal, igor prix. the first time i went to the games of the future, i was taken as a reinforcement of the league pro team, and to be honest i had no idea how it would all look, how spectacular it would be, but look at literally the first games, i generally fell in love with this format and many of my friends, many even this is more interesting to watch than professional tournaments my t3, so if everything goes according to plan, there will be development, there will be a championship, some club ones will appear...
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at the brix games, a magnificent achievement was established by our springboard jumpers on a three-meter springboard nikita shleicher and evgeniy kuznetsov scored a fantastic total of 446.34 points, this is the best result of the season in the world, the chinese jumpers won gold at the world championships with a smaller amount, such was the day at the brix games, colleagues, busy. yes, stas, thank you very much, distortions on direct communication, stas ridikultsev was with us.
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june 18 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. june 18, 1855, the assault on sevastopol was repulsed. after a 9-month siege and a two-day bombardment, the french and british rushed to storm sevastopol. on malakhov kurgan, the russians met the invaders with murderous fire. the besieged
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defenders of sevastopol held out. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. he walked with an icon in his hands, shells were exploding around him. our market is under heavy enemy fire, unharmed, an icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker is hung in the rear, a story you believe. they position themselves as great warriors and tacticians. but in fact, they are quite
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mediocre waiaks, special forces. artan is the guru of ukraine.


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