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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  June 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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therefore, the question of how exactly the russian federation will explain the failure to comply with the security council resolution is a question for our diplomats, but it definitely needs to be canceled, and why do we need to explain, well, anyway, no, no, it was just recently expressed, but they didn’t mandatory, yes, it was expressed at a high level, which turns out to be true, after blinken said that the security council resolution is advisory in nature? and are not mandatory because you didn’t say it right away, but then there were recommendations, not now, we will continue this fascinating discussion immediately after a short advertisement, thank you, after all, my obediences are over, that’s all. forgive me, lord,
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you have all the hope, you are completely wild guys, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, there are no former disobedients, what did you want from me, a miracle, ahlai-mahlai, the demonstrator would know how it takes 5 seconds to put this together, we’ll figure it out without our own demo, pray. blacks throwing the gang away is also a mistake, it’s time to pay, i’ll hurt from here, if i go alone , quickly sleep, if there’s a chance with you, hold on, i didn’t do anything bad to them, there’s someone else out there who will do it to someone, naughty ones, it’s evening with you.
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the second problem that exists in our relations is energy, i agree with the same sanctions imposed on north korea, north korea is allowed to import 5000 per year
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. the road simply exists, we have land borders, 19 km, now i, now i ’ll come to this question, the railway line, everything is there, its capacity, the capacity is low, yes.
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there are containers and other cargo, but in general so far, this dorajin corridor is not developing, in general, and these are questions for economic diplomacy, well, as i said, the strategic question is also present there, because getting china access to the sea of ​​japan is a headache for both japan and for the united states , the last issue is also very important - this is grain trade and generally providing north korea with food, the russian federation is, of course, the world's largest producer of wheat, but we mainly sell all our wheat... to egypt, turkey, iran. and if we have a lot of wheat and few buyers, then prices fall and the market is unstable, so diversification of supplies is absolutely logical from an economic point of view, but in addition, now
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the russian government, our government, has a great idea for building food hubs in different regions of the planet in order to provide assistance from there and better influence more flexibly... world markets in the field of grain, here is the idea of ​​​​a food hub in north korea or in its vicinity and - a significant expansion of food supplies it of course it should stand. let me remind you that when there was a famine in north korea, well , in 1996, 1999, or until 2000, and according to various estimates half a million people died there, a little more from the russian federation there was no significant help, north korea, unlike japan there, united states, we owe a debt, in general, in this one. sphere, and thus, if these issues are now at least named and resolved, opportunities for a truly strategic partnership between russia and north korea will be created perfect. but i cannot understand why countries such as abkhazia and south ossetia, rich in oil products, cannot conclude an agreement with
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the democratic people's republic of korea and provide them with any amount. yes, they are unlikely to fear international sanctions, being unrecognized? well, ours for now. the country is apparently satisfied with the fact that two tankers meet in the ocean, they don’t pump from one to the other, i don’t know anything about that, i don’t know any tankers, but i believe that our abkhaz comrades can easily decide this problem, they should, they may well, don’t tell me about the tanker, it’s called, don’t tell me about the tanker, but tell me better for the abkhazian north korean friendship, i ask you even to build a small pipeline, a very small pipeline, rent it, of course those? korea, it is even more widespread, diplomatically speaking, then in principle, vladimir vladimirovich’s visit, it shows that we have become easier to relate to the monocentric system of the modern world, which we constantly emphasized, because sanctions
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the security council introduced measures against korea, there have been about 10 resolutions since 2006 on a very clear basis, yes, this was the first nuclear test, so we signed accordingly. the non-proliferation treaty, well, that’s why they introduced it, it was the last working thing, in my opinion korea is subject to the most severe sanctions, although now i doubt that here we are, we are ladies. we most likely, but until recently korea was subject to the most severe sanctions, and until recently the pace of development of the korean people's democratic republic was significantly exceeded the pace of development of south korea, and this is what i want to say, because at first the first sanctions concerned military components for the creation of this equipment, nuclear energy there and the like, immediately then they spread to a complete arms embargo. then they expanded to export from korea, so it is believed that there is nothing there, firstly, there is gold, there
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are rare earth metals, much more, well, coal was banned, the last thing is , of course, a ban on travel north korean workers, and we supported all this, all this, now reviewing it, insofar as our western colleagues, western partners or not our friends, not a friendly state have revised this system, it is possible for us to reconsider. in principle , the trouble is, of course, that it could have been put, but legally, this is a very interesting point, why legally, now, now, i’ll try to figure out this logic, and the only legal sanctions have always been considered sanctions of the security council, but the concept itself sanctions were completely blurred after america, with its satellites, began to impose restrictions against us, which they call sanctions, but which are much tougher in soda, so we...
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the sanctions policy of the united states, which is based on the legislation of the united states, it is not based on is not tied to international law, they have sanctions that they impose there automatically according to the presler glen amendment; whoever supports terrorism, who supports nuclear weapons, and so on, must impose automatically, but i’ll remind you that the same sanctions should have been introduced against india and pakistan and israel,
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something else is important, of course, why is kirby, well, it’s in vain for him to be like that, the guy has to spin, like, in general, he’s fishing in a frying pan, well
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, there are troubles, let the hairdresser quit, he dyes his hair so badly, it’s a disgrace, the troubles began this whole month, which should really have been victorious, but russia should have, not only here, but should have been condemned and presented with an ultimatum, yes we had to give up, october before elections. russian ships appear nearby, russian pennants that come in. 90 yes 90 km, 90 km in total from florida, unpleasant, and what
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can be opposed, i honestly thought that they would still take some aircraft carrier out of norfolk, no, they found helena, which in the next submarine, submarine , which is being written off next year, i don’t feel sorry for her, well, i think that she stood closest to everyone, so she got there, got there, here again there’s trouble, here’s korea, don’t forget that korea is still an ally of the united states states, and an agreed ally, according to the treaty, korea is a trading partner of the united states, trump turned it down.
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biden says yes to everything, and the answer of each of the candidates is 2 minutes; the opposite one turns off the microphone, that is , the microphone is permanently turned off, so biden at this debate was now told that he would spend a few days on vacation there for about a week, he would prepare for this
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debates, they will write a script for him, well, it’s clear there, they will probably show the question number, what... are you answering this, so he can win the debate, this is a really interesting question, of course, but judging by the last two months, let's say, biden still doesn't even support something, something... then it’s getting worse and worse, and many people are already noticing this, they notice it when state leaders talk about it, it’s already coming to the surface, apparently, when they even communicate without cameras, so who would really say something to replace it? well, publicly, one of the leaders said something, they say in a different way, they talk about the fact that he is he, when they say that he is in good shape, this means exactly the opposite, shout a firm handshake, and shout about the fact that there is a snow maiden, and biden will say, i’m tired, i ’m leaving, which, by the way, i didn’t say, he didn’t
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say, they might most likely appear there. snow white in her new image of the last modern united states, although i don’t believe in it, because here you always forget the other one, and who are the gnomes and oh, there are a lot of gnomes there, there will be, there will be, the situation is different, you understand that biden is leaving, fighting transgenders, biden is leaving, you will laugh, but she appears, and again you are dragging kamala everywhere, well , that’s enough, well, it’s impossible, well, it’s the same thing, i just have this the conviction that biden’s current entourage is very afraid of this, they will drag him down, it will be as long as his grandfather can even walk, he
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can’t be pulled any longer, if we have to make it to november 5th, they won’t make it, now the main thing is, well he is in front of everyone. by the end of this year we will face no only with a comrade who is leaving in the united states, but on this side of the atlantic problems also arise, well, what problems, problems, who will lead? this union, who will be the executive director of the european, that is, who will head the european chairman of the european commission, well, they don’t want the woman anymore, hungary doesn’t want it, hungary doesn’t want it, well, because they have already changed there, the dutch they decided, that is, he said , okay , the dutchman will go, it doesn’t matter, we need to remove the fool, so they, they have the twenty-seventh, twenty the eighth summit is official, they should tell us, they shouldn’t tell us all, that
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we had a main opponent in the first place. on stage, two very different visions for america's future, the way only cnn can bring it to you. moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday june 27 to9 live on cnn.
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thailand withdrew its signature and indonesia, so to speak, now we see that thailand is joining brix, indonesia is joining brix, cambodia is joining brix, malaysia also said that malaysia will be joining brix, that is, we can just see before our eyes how it is being formed, how it is actually being assembled on the basis of brix, on the basis of this core, which actually made up india, south africa, china and russia, we see that a huge, huge, very complex conglomerate of countries is being formed, but it’s still quite amorphous, and well, that’s how it should be, we would say, i want to say it would be strange, if right away, so to speak, some and... formalized norms appeared, some appeared, an organization is just emerging, so to speak, when our planet was also formed from various pieces that merged in
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the end created a certain integrity, but this process is going on very quickly, going on very demonstratively, because you understand, this same process is going on quite demonstratively against the united states, as if in countries, as if entering the brix show , on which side they are going to act, because it is absolutely obvious that brix is ​​all in favor... this is also something of an explosion, like a bomb explosion for the entire structure of relations in the east, south-east, and in the world as a whole, because it seems to me that kirby greatly underestimates
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what can happen, that north korean missiles will fly, he said there at one time that duguama, japan, south korea, nothing like that, north korean missiles will fly safely to the united states, they will have, so to speak , an absolute opportunity for a retaliatory strike. well, history is an amazing thing, you know, it can, so to speak, be completely different and completely amazing, that is, moreover, i’m preparing, apparently it will be under...
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very worried, because they’re going practically the most key ministers, deputy prime minister mantarov is coming, novak is going, belarusians are coming, the minister of defense is going, and he’s going with his deputy, the heads of rosatom are going, the heads of russian railways are going, that is, almost the entire elite of the russian government is going, because it’s clear that they’re going it’s not just to say, look at north korea, but it is absolutely clear that very serious issues
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related to our cooperation with the north will be resolved. so that's why i think that the united states really has something to worry about, and i do think that in in the event that this agreement is signed, if our cooperation develops, by the way, i want to say, regarding transport issues, there is not only the railway, there in rajin, by ship and to vladivostok, this is also very so to speak, yes a very effective way, of course there is a single-track road that goes near sourisk. on hasan, but there are other great opportunities there.
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as far as cooperation with china is concerned, again these are the plans of the early nineties, the creation of a large port, so to speak, such an international port in usti tumangan, where we, the north koreans, and the chinese could use it, these are also very promising solutions that can also be returned to it after some time, so...


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